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Jabriah Stevens

Professor Kays

English 102

February 12, 2017

Annotated Bib


The effect that divorce has on young children and adolescents, psychologically


Citation: Clarke-Stewart, K. A., Vandell, D. L., McCartney, K., Owen, M. T., & Booth, C.

(2000). Effects of parental separation and divorce on very young children. Journal of Family

Psychology, 14(2), 304-326. doi:10.1037/0893-3200.14.2.304

A. Summary
The national instate of child health and human development study of early child care

analyzed the effects of divorce on children in the first three years. Study shows that

children in 2 parent families perform better than children in a 1- parent family. It was also

shown that parental divorce can have detrimental effects on school-age children and

adolescents. In this book, Stewart discuss the effects martial divorce has on children.

Some effects include children school achievement, self-esteem, and psychological

adjustment. They are seen to have more behavioral problems as well as emotional

distress and academic performances.

B. Critique
While this book covers the effects that divorce has on young children. Studies only cover

up to three years of the divorce rather than longer years. It should include more data on

divorce on children in the long run as well as it should include on what a child might
think a divorce may affect them. Although they have many studies show how a divorce

effects a child, it doesnt include a child point of view just studies that have been

C. Usefulness
This book is very useful, it covers how children are effected, which children are effected

the most and how psychologically effected they are. It covers many research and studies

in which it is a very reliable source and very scholarly. It includes the difference between

children with a married family and a single family.

2. Scholarly/ Journal Article


Gennetian, Lisa A. One or Two Parents? Half or Step Siblings? The Effect of Family Structure

on Young Children's Achievement. Journal of Population Economics, vol. 18, no. 3, 2005, pp.


Do children who live with both biological parents fare better than children in other types of

family structures?

A. Summary
An increasing proportion of children are not spending their entre childhood co-residing

with both of their biological parents. Studies show that children raised in a single family

effects the child well-being such as poverty and finances problems. In additionally,

family structure is effected on children with divorce parents, it influences childrens

behavior and values.

B. Critique
While It gave a detail outline and statistics of how children are effected if they are living

with a single-family, or a with step family. It fails to specifically show how it impacted a

child psychologically when they parent are divorced.

C. Usefulness
It is very useful to show with how it effects a child when they are either living in a single

parent home and step home. It helps shows statistics of how a divorce family has affect a

child financially.

3.News Article/ Opinion Essay

A. Summary
Going through a parent divorce is like a watershed. It is very challenging for a child to go

back and forth between house, seeing the love lost between the parent and a daily absence

of a parent. Dr. Pickhardt talked about how it becomes a massive change and a

challenging new family circumstances to live. It also influences the adolescents

B. Critique
While it talks about how a divorce can be difficult for a child. It lacks the knowledge on

how it psychologically effects adolescents as well as the different effects it has. Also, as

his is not a scholarly source how much do we know is true.

C. Usefulness
It is very useful to compare the effect it has on gender, such as a girl or a boy. It includes

how it impacts the child internally and externally.


A. Summary
Jennifer E Lansford, talked about how parental divorce has effect on children short- term

and long term. She also had evidence to show how external environment had effects on

children behavior such as school behavior and outside behavior. Her focus was to see

how children adjustment to the divorce. They were studies that showed that parental

divorce is high risk for a variety of negative developmental outcomes. Some dictators of

adjustment in the divorce include external environment, internalizing problems, academic

achievement and quality of social relationships problems.

B. Critique
While It focus on the effect of children, it didnt include much about how it affects their

emotions and feelings. Even do if affects them externally we not sure how it effects the

C. Usefulness
It is very useful for the effects it had on children short term and long term. It helps with

understanding how parental divorce impact children psychologically as well. Studies

showed how children have immediately adjustment difficulties right after the divorce.

5. Journal (J-store)


Luepnitz, Deborah A. Which Aspects of Divorce Affect Children? The Family Coordinator,

vol. 28, no. 1, 1979, pp. 7985.

A. Summary
Many adolescents under the age 16 who parents had divorced, show that 83 percent of

reported feeling stress during at least one phase of the divorce, 50 percent experienced

most stress during the martial conflict and twenty-five were most stressed by post-

divorce problems, 8% by transitions problems and 16% said the divorce was not a

major stressor at all.

B. Critique
Although it helps with showing the percentages of the impact it has on children through

the three different stages of the divorce it could have improve on how it psychologically

impacts an adolescent.
C. Usefulness
Its vey useful when trying to break down what part of the three stages it psychologically

impacts the child and if you look at the result. You could tell how a child is very stress

during a divorce. Its also great with

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