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2334 Vol. 41, No.

10 / May 15 2016 / Optics Letters Letter

Using an artificial neural network approach

to estimate surface-layer optical turbulence
at Mauna Loa, Hawaii
Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695, USA
*Corresponding author:

Received 4 March 2016; revised 12 April 2016; accepted 20 April 2016; posted 22 April 2016 (Doc. ID 260544); published 11 May 2016

In this Letter, an artificial neural network (ANN) approach Here C 2T (K 2 m23 ) is the second-order structure function
is proposed for the estimation of optical turbulence (C 2n ) in parameter for temperature; z (m) is the height above the
the atmospheric surface layer. Five routinely available ground; (K) is mean potential temperature; g T is a similarity
meteorological variables are used as the inputs. Observed function; and Rig is the gradient Richardson number, a stability
C 2n data near the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii are parameter. Generally, over land, Rig is negative (positive) dur-
utilized for validation. The proposed approach has demon- ing daytime (nighttime):
strated its prowess by capturing the temporal evolution of

C 2n remarkably well. More interestingly, this ANN ap- g
proach is found to outperform a widely used similarity Rig   2 z  2 : (2)
u  v
theory-based conventional formulation for all the prevalent z z
atmospheric conditions (including strongly stratified
conditions). 2016 Optical Society of America Here u (ms1 ) and v (m s1 ) denote the horizontal velocity
components; g (m s2 ) is the gravitational acceleration. For vis-
OCIS codes: (010.0010) Atmospheric and oceanic optics; (010.1330) ible and near-infrared light, C 2T can be easily converted to C 2n
Atmospheric turbulence. using the Gladstones expression C 2n  7.9 105 PT 2 2 C 2T ; (3)

where P (hPa) and T (K) are pressure and temperature,

Accurate estimation of optical turbulence within the atmospheric
surface layer (the layer adjacent to the land/water surface) is of
One of the limitations of the W71 approach and other closely
great significance for both civil and military applications [1,2].
related approaches is that they are only applicable for unstable and
The intensity of optical turbulence is usually characterized by
weakly/moderately stable conditions. In other words, it predicts
the structure parameter of the refractive index, C 2n (m23 ). C 2n
zero optical turbulence when Rig is greater than 0.2 (i.e., a very
values can be reliably measured by various types of research-grade
stable condition). This predictive behavior is not at all in
instruments (e.g., scintillometer and sonic anemometer); however,
agreement with numerous field measurements. For example, later
due to logistical and financial issues, these types of instruments,
in this Letter, we will document that near the Mauna Loa
and associated data, are not widely available. In contrast, mean
Observatory, very stable conditions occur more than 50% of
quantities of meteorological variables (e.g., temperature and wind
the nights, and measured optical turbulence values are far from
speed) are continuously measured by various organizations around
zero during those conditions. Clearly, new-generation predictive
the world with a very high spatiotemporal coverage. Thus, various
approaches are needed that could be operational under all types
empirical relationships have been proposed to estimate C 2n from
of atmospheric stability conditions. In this study, we propose such
these mean quantities. The MoninObukhov similarity theory
an approach based on a data-driven statistical technique, called the
(MOST)-based approaches [3] are the most commonly utilized
artificial neural network (ANN), to reliably estimate C 2n values
methods for C 2n estimation (refer to the review paper [4]). In
within the atmospheric surface layer. ANN techniques have been
the case of the gradient-based MOST approach [58], only mean
known for their capability of modeling nonlinear data systems
wind speed and temperature measurements at two levels are
with complex relationships (e.g., [9]) and it has been widely used
required for the estimation of C 2n . One such formulation was
in engineering, medical, and social science fields, as well as in
proposed by Wyngaard et al. [5] (W71):
atmospheric science (e.g., [10]). The advantages of using an
C 2T ANN approach is that it not only delivers an outstanding predic-
 2  g T Rig : (1)
z 43 tive performance, but it also does not require any a priori
z assumptions.

0146-9592/16/102334-04 Journal 2016 Optical Society of America

Letter Vol. 41, No. 10 / May 15 2016 / Optics Letters 2335

two parts together are referred to as the historical data), while

four weeks data (July 1 to 29, 2006) are used as the testing
portion. Five variables: 2 m temperature, 2 m relative humidity,
2 m pressure, potential temperature gradient at 15 m, and wind
shear at 15 m are used as the inputs of the ANN architecture.
The gradients of potential temperature and wind speed at 15 m
are calculated using a second-order finite difference approach.
The wind shear is the magnitude of vertical gradients of the
zonal and meridional velocity components. The potential tem-
perature is related to temperature by  T P 0 P0.286 with
P 0  1000 hPa. The hypsometric equation is used to calculate
Fig. 1. MLP ANN architecture. P at 6 m, 15 m, and 25 m based on the measured 2 m pressure.
The optimization of the network weights and the sub-
sequent prediction of C 2n strongly depend on the partitioning
In this Letter, a multilayer perceptron (MLP) ANN archi- of the historical data into training and validation sets. To cir-
tecture [9] has been utilized. An MLP is usually comprised of cumvent this issue, we make use of a Monte Carlo-type ap-
three types of nodes with interconnections. As shown in Fig. 1, proach. Basically, 50% of the historical data are randomly
the lines represent weights and nonlinear transfer functions selected as the training part, and the remaining data are set
that are optimized during the network learning process. The to be the validation part in each realization. Once the network
complex combinations of these weights and nonlinear transfer is optimized, a unique C 2n time series is predicted. We repeat
functions make the approximation of very nonlinear system the partitioning process 100 times, and based on these realiza-
feasible. Modeling the relationship between C 2n and other tions, we obtain an ensemble of C 2n time series.
meteorological variables can be construed as a problem of non- Figure 2 shows the comparison of estimated and measured
linear regression. Therefore, the proposed ANN architecture C 2n (15 m level) at the Mauna Loa Observatory. Overall, the
has only one output node. The input layer contains the nodes ANN approach very nicely captures the timing and the mag-
from various mean meteorological quantities (temperature, rel- nitude of C 2n evolution throughout the entire month of July.
ative humidity, pressure, potential temperature gradient, and Larger uncertainty is found during several of the nights
wind shear). Following the literature (e.g., [11]), in this multi- (e.g., July 1924) with calm wind conditions (u < 2 m s1 ).
input, single-output architecture, only one hidden layer is Interestingly, the 1090 percentile range (the light green
utilized. This hidden layer contains five hidden nodes, which shaded areas) of the ANN prediction also gets enhanced during
are found to be the most optimized for the C 2n estimation those time periods. In other words, the proposed ANN ap-
problem. The widely popular LevenbergMarquardt back pro- proach has the potential to quantify the uncertainty of C 2n pre-
pagation algorithm is used as the training function. A commer- diction. We would like to note that the traditional similarity
cial ANN toolbox from MathWorks is utilized to perform all theory-based approaches do not offer such skill.
the computations. Based on Fig. 2, it is clear that the ANN approach outper-
For various environmental (including meteorological) appli- forms the W71 approach in capturing the temporal evolution
cations, which usually involve noisy measurements, the of C 2n . As alluded to earlier, the W71 approach fails under the
available data set should always be divided strategically for very stable regime. In contrast, the ANN approach works quite
ANN-based regression model development. Conventionally, reliably. Even under weakly/moderately stable conditions, the
these data divisions are termed as: training, validation, and test- performance of the ANN approach is found to be superior to
ing data. The training part is for the network to learn the fea- the W71 approach. For example, during week two (nights of
tures of the data using a specific network architecture with a July 1214) and week four (nights of July 2426), the W71
fixed number of hidden nodes. The validation part is for pre- formulation overestimates the C 2n values significantly for
venting the network from overfitting the data, which will inad- unknown reasons. Interestingly, the ANN approach does not
vertently reduce its generality in prediction. In other words, this portray any such overestimation issue.
portion of the data will make certain that the network fits only During the morning/evening transition time (short periods
the salient features of the signal and not the omnipresent (mea- around the sunrise and sunset) the surface layer is approxi-
surement and/or random) noise. Once the network is mately neutrally stratified (i.e., no buoyancy effects). During
adequately configured (based on training and validation), the these times, the W71 formulation often fails to capture the
testing portion of the data will provide independent assessment magnitude and timing of the expected drop in C 2n values.
of the performance of the network. Seven weeks of C 2n data The ANN approach improves on both these aspects. However,
(June 8 to July 29, 2006) collected during the MLOCN2 there is room for further improvement.
campaign [12] at the Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii are se- In addition to the temporal evolution of C 2n , the ability of
lected for this study. This data set includes 5-min averaged time the ANN approach in capturing the probability distribution of
series of wind speed, temperature, and C 2n measured by sonic the measured C 2n is also evaluated. Figure 3 shows the quantile
anemometers on a meteorological tower at three levels (6 m, quantile plots of the measured and estimated C 2n during July 1
15 m, and 25 m) above the ground, as well as temperature to 29, 2006. The agreement between the observed and the
and pressure at 2 m. The framework for calculating C 2n from ANN-estimated C 2n are quite satisfying, especially when
sonic anemometers can be found in [13]. compared with the corresponding results based on the W71
In this study, 23 days of data from (June 8 to 30, 2006) are formulation. We would like to note that the ANN approach
utilized to provide the training and validation (henceforth these does tend to overestimate the low C 2n values (specifically
2336 Vol. 41, No. 10 / May 15 2016 / Optics Letters Letter

Fig. 2. Time series of C 2n (15 m) at the Mauna Loa Observatory during July 1 to 29, 2006 (panels ad depict weeks 14, respectively). The red
dots denote the measured C 2n values. The blue crosses are C 2n estimated using the W71 formulation [5]. The black dots are the 50th percentile (p50)
of estimated C 2n . The dark and light green shaded areas represent 2575 and 1090 percentile ranges, respectively. Gray shaded areas indicate the
time periods when Rig is greater than 0.2 (i.e., very stable conditions).

C 2n < 1015 m23 ). This is primarily due to the overestimation Figure 4 shows the scatter plots of measured and estimated
of C 2n values during the morning and evening transition time, C 2n values. Clearly, the estimation from the ANN approach is
as shown in Fig. 2. closer to the 11 (diagonal) line and also less scattered (higher
Letter Vol. 41, No. 10 / May 15 2016 / Optics Letters 2337

Fig. 3. Quantilequantile plots between the measured and estimated (p50) C 2n during July 1 to 29, 2006. Based on the 100 realizations of the
ANN-based C 2n time series, the median values (p50) are calculated and depicted with black circles. The blue circles denote the C 2n estimated using the
W71 formulation [5]. The sign of the potential temperature gradient is utilized as the criterion to split the data into daytime and nighttime. The left,
middle, and the right panels represent daytime (Rig < 0), weakly/moderately stable (0 Rig 0.2) nighttime, and very stable (Rig > 0.2)
nighttime conditions, respectively.

of the ANN approach is reasonable. Of course, the W71 for-

mulation is not applicable for this stability regime.
In conclusion, the proposed ANN approach has demon-
strated its potential to reliably estimate C 2n values in the surface
layer under different stability conditions. However, further
research and validation studies are needed to establish the
generality of this conclusion firmly.

Funding. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)


Acknowledgment. We are grateful to the National

Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) for making the
MLO_CN2 data set publicly available for research. In addition,
the authors would like to thank Ping He and Adam DeMarco
for valuable comments and suggestions.

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