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Autism Spectrum Disorder Exceptionality Report


Autism is regarded by the IDEA as a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and
nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age 3.(parentcenterhub)
Autism is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in America.(autismspeaks) Autism is
found more in boys than it is in girls.

Definition and Prevalence

Autism, as defined by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), refers to a

developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication
and social interaction, generally evident before age three, that adversely affects a
child's educational performance. (SpecialEducationGuide)

As of March 27, 2014 the CDC released new data on prevalence of autism in America. It says about 1
in 68 children are identified to have autism. The rate for boys is 1 in 42 and for girls it's 1 in 189.

Classifications and Characteristics

Dr. Ananya Mandal, states that autism is part of five pervasive developmental disorders, characterized
Abnormalities of social interactions and communication
Restricted interests
Highly repetitive behavior

Autistic Disorder- Shown as significant language delays, social and communication challenges, and
unusual behaviors. Could also have trouble with learning and have below average intellegence.

Asperger Syndrome- Milder than Autistic Disdorder. Social challenges and unusual behaviors.
Genreally there are no language problems or intellectual disabilities. Though there can be areas of
language that are affected, such as understanding humor or figures of speech.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder- atypical Autism People with this, will meet some but not all of
Autistic or Aspergers syndrome. May have social and communication challenges

(Cashin-Garbutt, A)

Diagnostic Assessment and Eligibility Criteria

Information from Article 7 concerning assessment indicates that...

For a student with the suspected disability of autism spectrum disorder, the educational
evaluation report must include the results of the multidisciplinary team's assessments,
observations, and collection of information as aligned to the characteristics of autism spectrum
Eligibility for special education as a student with autism spectrum disorder shall be determined
by the student's CCC. This determination shall be based on the multidisciplinary team's
educational evaluation report
(1) An assessment of the following:
(A) Current academic achievement as defined at 511 IAC 7-32-2.
(B) Functional skills or adaptive behavior across various environments from multiple
(C) The student's receptive, expressive, pragmatic, and social communication skills that
must include at least one
(i) An individually administered norm-referenced assessment when appropriate
for the student.
(ii) If adequate information cannot be obtained via an individually administered
norm-referenced assessment, a criterion-referenced assessment that:

(D)Has been designed or may be adapted or modified for use with students who have
autism spectrum disorder
(E) Is administered by a professional or professionals with knowledge of assessment
strategies appropriate for the student

Strategies, Interventions, and Adaptive Materials

these are some strategies accoriding to IU Professor Temple Grandin, Ph.D.

Many autistic children are visual learners. Show them examples using pictures.
Avoid long verbal directions
Many are good at art and computer programming, encourage these talents
Use fixations with teaching, (trains or maps)
Concrete visual methods to teach numbers.

Support Services/Providers

Children with Autisctic Spectrum Disorder need family support which is a comprehensive and
coordinated set of strategies that are designed to ensure that families who are assisting family members
with disabilities have access to person-centered and family-centered resources, supports, services, and
other assistance. (
1. Better for the person with a disability, who remains at home in a natural and supportive
2. It was more cost effective to support families where they lived rather than to rely on
inefficient, large scale and complex congregate settings.

Physical home modifications

Early intervention programs from local schools
After-school programs
Education programs
Behavioral training

Categories of Disabilities Under IDEA. (2012, March). Retrieved September 29, 2016, from

Age, B. (n.d.). Autism Speaks. Retrieved October 02, 2016, from

The Definition of Autism Under IDEA Part C | Special Education Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved September
30, 2016, from

Cashin-Garbutt, A. (2012, November 29). Autism Classification. Retrieved October 02, 2016, from

Indiana State Board of Education. (2014, December). Special education rules (Title 511, Article 7,
Rues 32 47). Retrieved September 29, 2016, from

Indiana University Bloomington. (2002, December). Retrieved October 01, 2016, from

Types of Support Available for Families with Members Living With Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2014).
Retrieved September 30, 2016, from

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