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Lesson Plan Format 1

Goal: To prove triangle congruence through SSS (side-side-side).

Objectives: To have students understand SSS and have the ability to prove triangle

congruence using it.

Content: High School mathematics- Geometry

Intended Audience: 10th and 11th grade Geometry students

Prerequisite Knowledge:

1. Congruence

2. Correspondence between shapes

3. Notation

4. Congruence statements

Learning Standards:

1. Straws

2. Yarn

3. Bags

4. Worksheet for homework.


1. Introduction:

a. Have students collect bags that contain straws and yarn.

2. Pre-assessment:

a. Warm up about congruence using previous days notes.

3. Think Aloud:
Lesson Plan Format 2

a. Working with a partner students will talk about if they can create a
new triangle that is not congruent.

4. Instruction for the Activity /Questioning/Discussion:

a. Pull out the straws and yarn from bag.

b. Put yarn through three straws and tie it off thus creating a triangle.

c. The goal is to try and find a triangle that is not congruent to the

original triangle using the remaining pieces of straw.

d. When working encourage students to find a rule applying to the

straws and the congruency of them.

Discussion Question Anticipated Student Answers

Were you able to construct a triangle that No

was not congruent?

Why not? (following previous question) Because all of the sides were the same

Does that mean if two triangles have all the Yea.

sides the same that they will always be


Why? (following previous question) Because the sides are the same.

Because the sides create equal angles.

5. Assignments:

a. Activity during class

b. Worksheet as homework.
Lesson Plan Format 3

6. Adaptations:

IEPs and struggling students

- Student specific based on IEP specifications.

- Have guided notes available at student request.

- Read notes aloud for students struggling with reading.

- Have SmartBoard materials available for students to reference.

- Give extra time for homework when needed.

Types of Learners Supported:

(A few that frequently go together for a comprehension lesson are listed below)

Visual Spatial: Using the straws will allow for visual learners to physically

see the congruence between the triangles.

Auditory: Listening to their classmates while making the discovery as well

as listening to the discussion afterwards..

Interpersonal: Working with groups, talking to friends during work time.


Pre-assessment: Warm up

Formative Assessments: Finishing homework

Summative Assessment:
Quiz over SSS and SAS
Chapter test
Lesson Plan Format 4

Rational: I have students doing this activity because I think itll work well for all learners.
The students are manipulating the triangles and trying to construct a triangle that is
different so they are physically manipulating something which I find is best. This allows for
students to discover side-side-side in triangle congruence, which is a good way for the
students to truly understand what it means to be congruent in terms of the length of sides.
Side Side Side Worksheet and Activity All Rights Reserved
Commercial Use Prohibited

TEACHERS: Feel free to make copies of this worksheet for the sole purpose of use in
your own classroom. ENJOY!!!
Without prior written permission, redistribution in any other form is prohibited.

More worksheets and activities available at
Warm Up
1) What property states that BD BD?

3) Write down at least three criteria that you think must always be true for two triangles
that are congruent?

Model Problems Side Side Side Proofs

Proof A
Given: AB BC , BD is a median of side AC
Prove: ABD CBD

Statement Reasons
Given: HL bisects JK, HJ KL
What other information do you need to be able to prove that these two triangles are

Proof B

Given: WZ WX , WY bisects ZX
Prove: WYZ WYX

Statement Reasons
Proof C

Given: BA AD, BC CD
Prove: ABC ADC

Statement Reason
Proof D

Given: JM bisects KN, KN

bisects JM, JK NM
Prove: JLK MLN

Statement Reason
Think Pair Share
Is it possible to prove that the two triangles on the right are
congruent using the SSS postulate?

Explain your reasoning.

Proof E
Given MN KL, ML OJ, KJ ON.
Prove the triangles are congruent

Proof F

Given XZ is a median WX XY. Prove the triangles are congruent All Rights Reserved
Commercial Use Prohibited

TEACHERS: Feel free to make copies of this worksheet for the sole purpose of use in
your own classroom. ENJOY!!!
Without prior written permission, redistribution in any other form is prohibited.

More worksheets and activities available at

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