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Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64

Non-conventional solar stills

Part 1. Non-conventional solar stills with charcoal particles as
absorber medium

Mona M. Naima*, Mervat A. Abd El Kawib

Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Tel. +20 (3) 5424029; email:
Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

Received 20 April 2002; accepted 30 April 2002


A solar still in which charcoal functions both as heat absorber medium and as wick has been constructed. The
still presents a 15% improvement in productivity over wick-type stills, is cheap, simple to construct, and in addition
has the advantages of low thermal capacity, lightweight and ease of operation. It is made of plastic outer rectangular
body in which salt water is allowed to percolate through a charcoal bed of particles that extends the length of the
still, and above which a glass plate is made to cover the still at an optimum distance from the charcoal bed. The still
bottom is insulated by a suitable layer of sawdust and the still is mounted on a wooden frame of adjustable inclination.
Factors such as size range of charcoal particles, brine flowrate, and still inclination to the horizontal have been
investigated. It was found that at high flowrates both the coarse particles followed by the intermediate size gave the
best productivities, whereas at moderate flowrates the finest charcoal gave the best result. At low flowrates, the three
sizes gave practically comparable productivities.

Keywords: Desalination; Solar energy; Solar stills; Solar still efficiency; Charcoal wick

1. Introduction a worldwide imbalance between supply and

The population increase, economic develop- demand of fresh water. The task of providing
ment, in addition to global warming are creating adequate supplies of fresh water may indeed
become the most serious problem facing the world
*Corresponding author.
on the onset of this new century. Sources of fresh

Presented at the EuroMed 2002 conference on Desalination Strategies in South Mediterranean Countries:
Cooperation between Mediterranean Countries of Europe and the Southern Rim of the Mediterranean.
Sponsored by the European Desalination Society and Alexandria University Desalination Studies and Technology
Center, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, May 4–6, 2002.

0011-9164/02/$– See front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
56 M.M. Naim, M.A. Abd El Kawi / Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64

water must be found and the most likely sources water column cooled on top, where vapor con-
are the great oceans and seas that can be desali- denses into fresh water. The author also developed
nated by various methods including the utilization a mathematical model to simulate the complex
of solar energy. Most existing desalination plants hydrodynamic phenomena occurring in the water
use fossil fuel as a source of energy. Although a few column during the desalination process.
techniques such as multi-effect evaporation, multi- Hirschmann [1] gave a brief historic description
stage flash distillation, thin film distillation, reverse of solar distillation in Chile and the famous plant
osmosis, and electrodialysis, are energy intensive built by Carlos Wilson in 1872. He considered
and operating cost is high, direct use of solar energy various forms of basin-type and wick-type stills.
represents a promising option for eliminating the Delyannis and Piperoglou [7] discussed the
major operating cost required in each case. design and performance of the Patmos solar dis-
Solar distillation represents a most attractive tillation plant in Greece, where the development
and simple technique among other distillation of the community is hindered because of lack of
processes and is especially suited to small-scale fresh water. The Patmos still was covered with
units at locations where solar energy is considerable. glass, but the original unique large basin for the
Accordingly, it seemed necessary to search for whole still was abandoned. Several individual
solar stills that are easy to construct and that could units formed groups of stills (71 units arranged
provide us with the necessary daily amount of in three groups), and the bottom of the basin was
drinking water, not forgetting the drought that has made of concrete strips, while the lining of the
been prevailing in several areas of Africa for the basin was formed of butyl rubber sheeting.
last two decades. In a study by Mowla and Karimi [8] in Iran, a
Numerous attempts have been made by many solar still was mathematically simulated and the
investigators in order to produce fresh water by rate of production of fresh water from seawater
means of solar energy. The simple solar still of was calculated as a function of different meteo-
the basin type is the oldest method and improve- rological parameters and the solar still specifi-
ments in its design have been made to increase cations. The authors checked the validity of their
its efficiency [1–5]. proposed mathematical model by erecting an
Howe and Tleimat [4] reviewed 20 years of experimental solar still of the inverted V-shaped
work on solar distillation carried out at the Sea- glass cover type in Shiraz (Iran) in which there are
water Conversion Laboratory, University of more than 200 sunny days, since Iran is situated
California. in a region of the world where the solar radiation
Delyannis [3] reviewed the major solar dis- intensity is considerably high. The experimental
tillation plants around the world. In most of these and calculated results were in good agreement.
plants covers made of glass were used and the Gomkale and Datta [9] designed a simple solar
black lining was either asphalt or black butyl still, which produces 5–7 L/d of purified water
rubber. using aluminum components and black poly-
In a study by Bemporad [6], the theoretical ethylene film as the base liner and insulation bed
feasibility scheme was analyzed. The proposed of sand and saw-dust at the bottom, an aluminum
scheme exploits the vapor pressure difference channel for distillate collection and an asbestos
between fluids of different salinities and temp- cement sheet as the bottom supporting plate. The
eratures to produce fresh water from seawater. unit has a double-sloped glass cover placed at an
The scheme basic components are a seawater angle of 20º. The authors stated that over a year
column, an injection pipe heated on top through the unit had an annual average productivity of 2.5
a heat exchanger loop, a withdrawal pipe, a L/m2d, i.e. an efficiency of 28% at Bhavnagar in
vacuum chamber filled with vapor, and a fresh India. The productivity of the still was rather low,
M.M. Naim, M.A. Abd El Kawi / Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64 57

mainly due to heat loss by convection currents in and the solar absorber and an airflow separator
the large air space, and also due to loss of latent plate all covered by a transparent cover.
heat of condensation to the air via the glass cover. The Ohbayashi-Gumi, Ltd. in Japan [16]
Headley [2] described a new design for a tilted invented a still for seawater desalination, which
double-sided solar still with cascade water trays. consists of a clear plastic membrane dome that is
The necessary black surface was achieved by inflated with carbon dioxide in which the con-
coating the cascade with asphalt or black butyl densate is collected at the bottom of the solar
rubber. For insulation fiberboard or fiberglass were heated dome.
used. A device for desalinating seawater was
A conference on various current desalination patented by Boflet [17]. It consisted of a convex
technologies such as membrane processes; ion- reflecting bowl, which focuses sunlight onto
exchange techniques; evaporation process based vertically mounted concentric tubes. The bowl
on solar energy utilization; and other desalination floats on the seawater surface and the lower open
techniques were discussed by Khanna [10]. Other end of the outer tube permits seawater to enter
matters such as physical properties of seawater the space between the tubes where it is evaporated,
and economics of desalination processes and by- permitting the vapor to rise into the upper open
product recovery, etc. were also discussed. end of the inner tube, where it condenses and is
A simple multiple wick solar still made of a removed.
frame of aluminum, a glass cover and a water Speros and Speros [18] patented a single-effect
reservoir made of galvanized iron was designed solar energy distillation apparatus of the tilted or
by Sodha et al. [11]. Foam insulation was supported inclined floor type that absorbs solar energy to
beneath the aluminum bottom by a net of nylon evaporate a liquid more efficiently, which they
ribbon. The authors claimed the present design claimed especially useful for desalination.
to offer several advantages including lightweight A unique solar distillation method has been
and low cost of the still and a significant output. developed by Coffey [19] at ESB Inc. in the USA.
Frick and Von Sommerfeld [12] and Naim [13] He described a solar still in which vertical micro-
studied the effect of thermal insulation and several porous evaporator having a dark outer surface is
other factors on the efficiency of solar stills of housed with, but separated from, a transparent
inclined evaporating cloth. tube. Impure or salt first evaporates either by
The performances of different types of solar mechanical means or by capillary forces from a
stills have been studied by Moustafa et al. [5]. reservoir at the tube base. Sunlight impinging on
They concluded that the wick-type collector the inner dark tube causes water to evaporate
evaporator system is better than the basin type; there-from. The vapor subsequently condenses on
however, the system they proposed suffers from the inner surface of the transparent tube and runs
having controls and correspondingly higher cost. down to a collecting ring at the base. The author
Siegmund [14] invented a solar distillation has found that the accumulated impurities in the
apparatus wherein water evaporates from a fleece water, flow down the porous evaporator so that
in intimate contact with a heat exchanger and is its surface pores do not become clogged. How-
condensed by inflowing seawater. ever, the author has not defined the exact mechanics
Soleau [15] patented a unique two-section still of transport within the self-cleaning microporous
that included a first section that is oriented evaporator. A continuous increase in the salinity
horizontal and a second section, which is oriented of the contained feed water takes place while the
at an angle with the first. The still included the evaporator remains uncontaminated.
source of water, evaporator, pure water collector A compact solar still, which consists of three
58 M.M. Naim, M.A. Abd El Kawi / Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64

stages one on top of the other and in direct contact, asymptotic (infinite area) gain of around 30.2%.
was designed by Naim [20]. The advantage of the The analysis showed that all of the asymptotic
still is that the latent heat of condensation of the improvement in the yield is attributable to the
top stage is used to generate vapor in the next more efficient evaporation-condensation process
stage, and so on. Consequently the still is of out- in the still with enlarged evaporation area.
standing productivity (1.735 L/m2 h). Naim [24] devised a single-stage solar desali-
Adhikari et al. [21] presented a computer simu- nation spirally-wound module of original design,
lation model for studying the steady state per- that makes use of both the latent heat of con-
formance of a multi-stage stacked tray still. The densation of the formed vapor and the sensible
model is validated by the results of simulated heat of the concentrated solution, in preheating
experiments on a three-stage unit having an the incoming saline water, with the aim of
immersion type electric heater as the heating maximizing the distillate productivity of the
source. The results obtained from the model using apparatus over current solar stills. The effect of
the modified heat and mass transfer relationships saline water flow-rate, insulation beneath and
proposed in their previous study, were found in around the module, and inclination to the hori-
good agreement with the experiments. The authors zontal, which in turn affect the flow-rate in this
also presented results in the paper to appreciate case, were investigated. Maximum distillation
the relative performance of the multi-stage, efficiency attained was 34% in one case, in which
stacked tray solar still with a diffusion type, multi- the productivity was 575 ml/m2h. The still con-
stage solar still. figuration is expected to yield outstanding pro-
Solar desalination of ground water was studied ductivities if further optimized.
by Minasian et al. [22]. Three different designs Naim [25] also proposed a scheme for the
of earth-water stills of single-sloped type, designed moderate scale desalination of seawater, in which
for producing drinking water in remote areas were the latter is to be pumped by wind turbines through
investigated. The stills were installed over an filters to a solar field that consists of large concrete
insulated hole, a hole with insulated base, and a channels with double-plate cover segments of
hole with insulated walls. Multiple linear regression glass and Plexiglas in which the water becomes
equations, relating to ambient air temperature, preheated to about 60ºC then is subjected to multi-
wind speed, and solar radiation, were developed stage flash distillation.
to estimate the productivity of these stills. Their Iwabuchi [26] patented a method for desali-
results also showed that the average wall’s con- nation of brine by distillation using solar energy.
tribution in supplying fresh water is about 56%, The method is carried out by supplying the brine
whereas base contribution is about 31%, and that into an evaporation tank arranged with a re-
the stills gave a much higher output during the circulation pump and a sprinkler, arranging a vinyl
winter months than during the summer months, house on the opening of the tank, and a water-
due to greater condensation since the ambient collection ditch inside the house and a solar heater
temperature is lower in winter than it is during outside the house. The solar water in the tank is
summer time. re-circulated to the heater during daytime to
A solar still with multiple basins, resulting in produce warm water, while at nighttime the water
an enlarged evaporation area, was simulated in the tank is sprayed by the sprinkler for evapo-
computer-wise in order to explore the quantitative ration, to collect water in the ditch.
relationship between evaporation area and the Solar stills represent the best technical solution
distillation yield, by Kwatra [23]. The results to supply remote villages or settlements with fresh
showed a gain of around 19.6% in the yield when water without depending on high technology and
the evaporation area was quadrupled and an expertise. A capillary film distiller called DIFICAP
M.M. Naim, M.A. Abd El Kawi / Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64 59

(distiller with a film in capillary motion) in which

a very thin layer of tissue with fine mesh, saturated
with water, is maintained in close contact with a
metal plane due to the surface tension, which is
much greater than the gravitational forces was
devised by Bouchekima et al. [27].
Al-Hallaj et al. [28] discussed solar desalination
with humidification-dehumidification cycle in
which air is circulated by nocturnal or forced
convection and was heated and humidified by the
hot water obtained from a flat plate solar collector
or from an electric heater. The latent heat of
condensation was recovered in the condenser to Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the charcoal solar still.
preheat the saline feed water.
The development of solar distillation systems
has demonstrated their suitability for desalination thick above which a plastic sheet is placed such
process when the weather conditions are favorable that it fits exactly all round. At one end of the
and the demand is not too large. This paper sheet a copper channel running breadth-wise
presents a technique assessment of various and functions as feed reservoir for the still. The channel
up to date developments in single- and multi-effect is fed with salt water through a copper pipe. At
solar stills. The development in still configuration, the opposite end of the sheet two similar channels
the problems encountered with units during the one on the top of the other and slightly apart serve
course of operation as well as the impact on the as receivers for distillate and brine blow down
environment were addressed by Fath [29]. through which the liquids are drained through
Optimization of number of effects for higher copper pipes. Charcoal particles of uniform size
yield from an inverted absorber solar still, using are placed uniformly onto the plastic sheet into a
the Runge-Kutta method by Suneja and Tiwari layer 0.02 m thick. 0.03 m above the charcoal bed
[30], in which a multi-basin inverted absorber a glass plate (0.003 m thick) is made to cover the
distiller unit was considered [30]. The effect of whole surface of the plastic box. An adhesive tape
reuse of latent heat from vaporization from res- is then stuck onto the top rim to seal any clearance
pective lower basins on daily yield has been studied between the plastic box and the glass plate so that
for optimization of number of effects. In this paper the box becomes airtight. The still is placed on a
an attempt was made to make use of charcoal wooden base of variable inclination to the horizontal.
particles by allowing them to function both as the A plastic tank (60 L capacity), equipped with a
absorber and wick in a solar still of classic design. tap and painted in black, functions as a brine
reservoir and feeds the still through rubber tubing.
2. Experimental
2.2. Procedure
2.1. Experimental set-up
The still is made to face south. The feed tank
The set-up is a do-it-yourself apparatus. It containing the salt water of 3 g/L concentration
consists of a Perspex rectangular shaped box 1 m is connected to the channel at the top of the still.
long, 0.5 m wide, 0.1 m high. Fig. 1 represents a The charcoal bed is wetted with some salt water
schematic diagram of the still. Sawdust is spread before covering the still with the glass plate. The
evenly on its bottom to form a layer about 0.05 m glass plate is scrubbed with soap and water, and
60 M.M. Naim, M.A. Abd El Kawi / Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64

then rinsed with tap water followed by distilled Table 1

water, then it is placed onto the top rim of the box Results of one experiment for demonstration
and the still sealed with an adhesive tape. The
Time of day Distillate Saltwater Ambient
flowrate of the salt water is adjusted to the desired
received, blowdown, temperature,
value. Two receiving flasks are connected one to ml ml ºC
each channel outlet at the lower end to receive
9:30 AM — — 26.0
the distillate and brine blowdown. The amount 11:00 120 850 26.5
of distilled water and brine blowdown, and ambient 12:30 PM 260 1000 26.7
temperature, are all recorded at regular time inter- 2:00 335 570 26.6
vals. At the end of the experiment, the flowrate is 3:30 310 530 26.3
recorded once more, in order to obtain an average 5:00 175 380 26.0
value for the initial and final values.
Date: 2/6/2001; type of absorber: coarse charcoal (average
2.3. Variables investigated diameter 0.007 m); general weather conditions: windy and
cloudy; average salt water flowrate 50 ml/min.
Three variables were investigated for their
effect on the productivity of the still, namely brine
flowrate, size of charcoal granules and still incli- temperature were all recorded for each experi-
nation to the horizontal. ment.
1. Brine flowrate. The flowrates employed The volume of blow down was recorded in
ranged between 40 and 160 ml/min. order to check the flowrate measured at the
2. Size of charcoal granules. Three sizes viz. beginning and end of the experiment and the
0.0015, 0.005 and 0.007 m were studied. The average value calculated therefrom. The results
granules were crushed, when desired, by hammering as given in Table 1 were then presented graphically
in a mortar. For finer particles the crushed as shown in Fig. 2. Finally the results of all experi-
particles were subjected to further size reduction ments were presented in Table 2. In each case the
by grinding in a ball mill. The particles were distillate was analyzed for chloride ion by Mohr’s
classified manually in case of the large size and method, and was found to be completely free from
by sieving in case of moderate and fine sizes. chloride. Fig. 3 shows the effect of salt water
3. Still inclination. Two slopes were inves- flowrate on the distillate received, with charcoal
tigated, 30 and 17°. All experiments were con- particle size as parameter. The optimum productivity
ducted with a slope of 30°, except one. Two addi- achieved was that in experiment 16, Table 2. On
tional experiments were performed for comparison. calculating the still efficiency from the following
The first included underlining the coarse charcoal equation given by Delyannis [3]:
bed by a layer of jute material, while the second P
included the jute material without charcoal so that Still efficiency, % = × 8913 × 100
the still functioned as wick-type still in this case.
where P is still productivity (gal/ft 2d); R is
insulation received by the still (BTU/ft2d).
3. Results and discussions
The efficiency was found to be 32.3%. The
The results of each experiment were tabulated value of R was obtained from the insolation tables
as in Table 1, which is presented for demonstration. by Kreider and Kreith [31], knowing the date, time
As indicated, the date, time of day, volume of of day and the latitude of Alexandria.
distillate received, type of absorber, saltwater It was realized that at low flowrates (50 ml/min)
blowdown, weather conditions and ambient the finest charcoal resulted in the best productivity
Table 2
Final results of all experiments

Experiment Date of Type of Average salt water Maximum Duration of Volume of Average hourly Weather
number experiment absorber flow rate, ambient experiment, distillate distillate, conditions*
ml/min temperature, ºC h received, ml ml
1 31/5/2001 Coarse 37.5 28 7 550 78.6 W
2 2/6/2001 Coarse 50 27 7.5 1200 160 W&C
3 4/6/2001 Coarse 65 25.5 7 1190 170 W&C
4 3/6/2001 Coarse 85 27 7.5 1210 161 W&C
5 5/6/2001 Coarse 130 30.5 7 1460 209 W&S
6 9/6/2001 Coarse+Jute 130 27 6 697 116 S
7 10/6/2001 Jute 135 30 6 1068 178 S
8 19/6/2001 Intermediate 50 27.5 7 1015 145 W
9 16/6/2001 Intermediate 65 27.5 7 1265 181 W
10 14/6/2001 Intermediate 85 25 7 1175 168 W
11 13/6/2001 Intermediate 130 28 6 1125 187.5 W&S
12 25/6/2001 Fine 51.8 27 6 1205 200 W&S
13 25/6/2001 Fine 76.6 28.5 6 1360 226.7 S
14 24/6/2001 Fine 83.3 30 7 1157 165.3 W&S
15 23/6/2001 Fine 121.5 27.5 6 615 102 W&S
16 27/6/2001 Fine 176.6 30 6 1585 263.6 S

*In all the experiments, the slope was 30º except experiment number 16 in which the slope was 17º; W, windy; C, cloudy; S, sunny.
M.M. Naim, M.A. Abd El Kawi / Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64
62 M.M. Naim, M.A. Abd El Kawi / Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64

1200 26.8 (about 130 ml/min) the coarse charcoal yielded

the highest productivity followed by the inter-
26.6 mediate then the fine sizes (compare experiments
5, 11 and 15 in Table 2).
The difference in the productivity in case of

Ambient temperature (°C)

800 26.4
Volume received (ml)

the three different sizes was realized to increase

600 26.2
with increasing flowrate, becoming a maximum
at high flowrates. In general, it has been concluded
that at high flowrates both coarse and intermediate
400 26
sizes gave the best productivity, whereas at both
moderate and low flowrates fine charcoal gave
200 25.8
slightly better productivities. The reason for these
findings may be attributed to the fact that the
0 25.6
coarser the charcoal is the more glossy is its
9.5 11 12.5 2 3.5 5
Time of day
surface resulting in light reflection through the
cover with consequent heat loss. This effect is
Fig. 2. Graphical representation of results given in Table 1. pronounced at low flowrates when the particles
are not all completely covered with a water layer,
1600 leading to high losses. On the other hand, at high
flowrates a layer of water covers the particles so
that the long wavelength infrared heat rays, which
1200 are reflected from the particles’ surface, are
absorbed rapidly by the water layer and thus made
Distillate volume (ml)

use of. Moreover, at high flowrates, the finer
800 particles gave poor results probably due to the
fact that water had diffused into the tiny particles
of large surface area with the consequent temp-
400 erature drop between the inside and outside of
Medium the particle resulting in a low rate of heat transfer
200 Fine between the particles and the water, a condition
that is minimum in case of coarse particles.
0 50 100 150 As to the effect of still inclination to the hori-
Saline water flowrate (ml/min) zontal, it was noted that an inclination of 17° led
to a higher productivity (compare experiments 13
Fig. 3. Effect of saline water flowrate on distillate received
with charcoal particle size as parameter. and 16 in Table 2), a result that was expected since
the optimum inclination in the northern hemisphere
of the earth equals the latitude minus 15°, and
(compare experiments 2, 8 and 12 in Table 2) fol- since the latitude of Alexandria is approximately
lowed by the coarse then the intermediate sizes, 32°N, it is obvious why an inclination of 17° to
though the difference is not striking. At higher the horizontal gave the best productivity.
flowrates (85 ml/min) the three sizes led to rather Comparison between experiments 5 and 7 in
comparable productivities though the coarse char- Table 2 reveals the important observation that
coal gave the highest value (compare experiments charcoal led to a better still productivity than when
4, 10 and 14 in Table 2). At still higher flowrates a wick (jute cloth) was used. A 15% improvement
M.M. Naim, M.A. Abd El Kawi / Desalination 153 (2002) 55–64 63

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