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Annotated Bibliography

Guarino, Salvatore, et al. "Internet-Based Versus Traditional Teaching and Learning

Methods." Clinical Teacher, vol. 11, no. 6, Oct. 2014, pp. 449-453. EBSCOhost,

doi:10.1111/tct.12191. Accessed 7 March 2017.

In this article, author Salvatore Guarino talks about a survey and the results of this

survey. 368 medical students took this survey. Students were asked to express their

opinion on their favorite teaching methods, learning tools, Internet websites and Internet

delivery devices. Although textbooks remain a cornerstone for training, students also

identified Internet websites, multimedia non-online material, and other non-online

computer resources as being useful. The Internet represented an important aid to support

students' learning needs, but textbooks are still their resource of choice.

This article provides me with information of the learning style of some secondary

education students, mainly medical students. The survey, which the article is about talks

about how medical students use the Internet for learning needs, but textbooks are still

their resource of choice.

This article showed me great information on the learning styles of medical students that I

will be using it as a source because it shows me what medical students prefer to use

between the internet or textbooks.

Rupley, William H., et al. "Multi-Touch Tablets, E-Books, and an Emerging Multi-

Coding/Multi-Sensory Theory for Reading Science E-Textbooks: Considering the

Struggling Reader." Journal of Education and Training Studies, vol. 3, no. 4, 01

July 2015, pp. 1-8. EBSCOhost,

direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1067239&site=ehost-live. Accessed 7 March 2017.

In this article, author Rupley, William H. talks about Pavio's Dual-Coding Theory and

Mayer's Multimedia Principal form the foundation for proposing a multi-coding theory

centered around Multi-Touch Tablets and the newest generation of e-textbooks to scaffold

struggling readers in reading and learning from science textbooks.

This article presents a great example of how the coding for tablets and ebook are made.

the article also tells us what is coding and how it works.

I do not think I will be using this source into my essay because I am more concerned

about how textbooks and tablets affect the learning of students and not the coding of the


"Tablets over Textbooks?." Communications of the ACM, vol. 55, no. 3, Mar. 2012, p.17.

EBSCOhost, Accessed 7 March 2017.


The article focuses on the use of electronic teaching aids and tablet computers instead of

paper bound textbooks and comments on a pilot program by the publisher Houghton

Mifflin Harcourt on the use of iPad tablet computers in place of traditional textbooks

This article is an excellent example on how tablets are use as teaching aids for students in

the classroom. It also talks about a pilot program about the use of iPads instead of


The article includes all the information I need to write an unbiased report on my topic

textbooks VS tablets that I will be using it on my essay.

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