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Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July - August 2014 academia Tribune 13

Pulp protection in today clinical practice: can be avoided (Bergenholtz

2005). Thus, control of pre-op-
erative and post-operative infec-

what about the role of materials?

tion, is a critical clinical concern
with various VPTT techniques.
a. Pathology of dentin-pulp
complex. Among various clini-
cal variables that have been ac-
By Dimitrios Tziafas, DDS, PhD opment, secondary dentin dur- The reader of the present article remaining dentin thickness less counted as factors playing a role
ing the whole life of pulp tissue, is encourage to study a number than 1 mm, no history of linger- in the outcome of the VPT, most

ital Pulp Protection and and tertiary reactionary dentin of excellent papers reviewing ing or spontaneous pain, nega- important are issues related to
Therapy (VPPT) is the during the pulp-dentin com- experimental and clinical ob- tive percussion and palpation different patho-physiology and
treatment that maintains plex repair. Since odontoblasts servations as well as the level tests and positive pulp vitality healing potential of the dentin-
pulp tissue in a healthy and are post-mitotic cells, they are of evidence in relative clinical test, and ii. Young permanent pulp complex, as in primary, im-
functional state, whenever the not able to proliferate. In case research, which have been pre- teeth after luxation trauma and mature and mature permanent
dentin-pulp complex has been of severe iatrogenic, or physi- sented in the symposium held crown fracture exposing the in- teeth :
compromised by caries, trauma cal trauma, odontoblasts can be on 2007 in Chicago, Illinois, on ner third of the dentin, regard- Dental treatment of primary
or restorative procedures. Pulp replaced by newly differentiated Emerging science in pulp ther- less of the presence of clinical teeth must satisfy different goals
vitality and function is not es- odontoblast-like cells, which can apy: new insights into dilemmas symptoms. than treatment for mature per-
sential for mature tooth survival. repair minor defects of the den- and controversies jointly spon- Indirect pulp capping is a manent teeth, due to the limited
Mature permanent teeth with- tin-pulp complex by producing sored by American Association technique in symptom-free life span of primary teeth and
out a vital pulp can survive for tertiary reparative dentin. The of Endodontists and American teeth with deep carious lesion their possible relationship to the
a long time after a successful predentin relects the activity of Academy of Pediatric Dentistry where a thin zone of carious permanent tooth successor. The
endodontic treatment. However, odontoblast layer and its role is (see Pulp Symposium, Journal of dentin is remained to avoid pulp anatomical structure, patho-
the maintenance of pulp vital- crucial in maintaining the ho- Endodontics, July 2008, Volume exposure. The ultimate goal of physiology, and diagnosis of en-
ity in both mature and develop- meostasis in the pulp environ- 34, Number 7S). It has been well this technique is to complete dodontic diseases are different
ing teeth provides beneits. n ment. The existence of intact recognized that the following caries removal just before the between primary and perma-
immature permanent teeth the pulp periphery seems to be the critical factors are playing a role: pulp exposure, where the poten- nent teeth. However, recent ad-
vital pulp plays a central role most important requirement for tial of pulp healing can effective- vances in primary tooth biology
for continuation of root develop- the long-term survival of dental a.Treatment indications ly protect the pulp and stimulate demonstrated that primary teeth
ment and strengthening of the pulp tissue. As has been well demonstrated tertiary dentin formation. Pres- have also a potential for wound
root canal walls. Furthermore, A network of inlammatory the VPPT is indicated for teeth ence of symptoms of irreversible healing and tertiary dentin for-
with living pulp the capacity of reactions of pulpal cells, micro- with healthy pulp or reversible pulpitis, positive percussion and mation. In light of these observa-
the dentin-pulp complex of ma- circulation and nerves, directly pulpitis. More particularly: palpation tests, or radiographic tions VPPT in primary dentition
ture permanent teeth to repair affect the outcome of the funda- Pulp protection, where a appearance of apical lesion con- has been already re-evaluated
dentin defects and to retain the mental defensive mechanisms material is placed on the pul- sist absolute contra-indications and similar techniques as in per-
damaged complex as a func- in the dental pulp. Whenever pal surface of a dentinal cavity for indirect pulp capping. manent teeth are widely used
tional unit, is maintained (Ber- the basic structure of pulp pe- to act as a barrier between the (American Academy of Pediatric
genholtz 2005). The objective riphery is affected due to exog- permanent restoration and the b.Control of infection Dentistry, 2006).
of VPPT is to minimize revers- enous stimuli, regardless of the sound dentinal base of the cav- It is well-known that the pulpal Similarly, dental treatment
ible inlammatory reactions, to existence of pulpal exposure, a ity, is indicated for a. Carious or wound healing depends largely
allow pulp tissue healing and to typical wound healing process non-carious tooth cavities with on the extent to which infection > Page 14
protect it from exogenous stim- of the pulp tissue takes place.
uli. It is well recognized that the Complete reconstitution of the
damaged dentin-pulp complex pulp peripheral region, by re-
requires protection from ther- pairing the biosynthetic activity
mal conduction, chemical injury of survived odontoblasts and/
from the overlying restorative or replacement of lost odonto-
materials and further bacterial blast with odontoblast-like cells
invasion from dentinal caries might be considered as the op-
or oral bacteria leakage. It must timal end result of the healing
be clariied here that protection process in the dentin-pulp com-
from thermal conduction de- plex. Under pathological condi-
pends mainly on the conductiv- tions in the pulp-dentin complex
ity of the main restoration and a wide spectrum of atypic forms
is beyond the aim of the present of matrices could be formed at
article. In order to assess the the pulp periphery. These atypic
therapeutic validity of the cur- matrices are characterized from
rently used techniques and ma- porosity due to their osteotypic
terials in vital pulp protection, appearance and they are not
the biology of dentin-pulp com- effective in protecting the pulp
plex is briely reviewed. from leaking bacterial threats
and non-destructive external ir-
Biology of dentin-pulp com- ritants. Clinical and experimen-
plex tal data clearly show that the
The pulp and the dentin have presence and quality of the tis-
been widely considered as sue reconstituting pulp periph-
a complex, on the basis that ery in the damaged dentin-pulp
they form an embryological complex is important prognostic
and functional entity. The den- factor for the long-term suc-
tal pulp is a connective tissue cessful outcome of VPPT. The
entirely enclosed by dentin in clinical exploitation of dentino-
the pulp chamber of the tooth. genic potential of pulp tissue to
Dentin is a collagenous miner- reconstitute the structural and
alized tissue characterized by functional speciicity of pulp pe-
the presence of parallel dentinal riphery represents the basis of
tubules, forming a semiperme- modern VPPT (Tziafas 2010).
able substrate which is regu-
lated by the defensive function Clinical variables in vPPT
of the pulp and is effective in Numerous experimental and
protecting the pulp from leaking clinical studies carried out
bacterial threats and chemical over than 6 last decades clearly
irritants. Pulp structure is not showed that the successful out-
uniform, consisting of the pulp come for vital pulp therapy is
periphery and the pulp proper. primarily depended on the type
The peripheral pulp region has of injury, while other variables
two interconnecting structures: related to the status of the dentin-
the odontoblast layer, which is pulp complex and the treatment
a layer of highly differentiated modality have also been inves-
cells (odontoblasts) and a zone tigated. In general and beyond
of biosynthetic product of od- the role of treatment modality
ontoblasts (predentin). Odonto- (techniques and materials), as
blasts are responsible for forma- the most important mechanism
tion of predentin, which further in effective long-term protection
form the mineralized structure of the damaged pulp which will
of dentin. Odontoblasts form pri- be analysed below, other critical
mary dentin during tooth devel- factors have attracted attention.
14 ACADEMIA TRIBUNE Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July- August 2014

c. Remaining dentin materials, acting as dentin re- the role of capping material in
Effective protection from the placement materials, are under reduction of bacterial growth is
chemical and bacterial irritants preclinical and clinical evalua- important. Histological inves-
depends on the following two tion. tigations have demonstrated
parameters (Smith 2002): prevention for bacterial growth
i. The remaining dentin thick- Four criteria seem to be con- in almost 100% of the restora-
ness has been widely recognized cerned to the characterization of tions with glass ionomer-based
as the main factor which deter- an effective pulp protective ma- materials, in caries free teeth of
mines the long-term success of terial (see table): young adults for post-operative
the treatment, in absence of bac- period up to one year. In a few
teria. In general remaining den- Physical properties recent studies the MTA and
tin thickness more than 1 mm is Adherence to dentin, resistance hydroxyapatite-based materials
considering to be a safe limit for to dissolution, setting time, low, showed signiicantly better an-
adequate pulp protection. and dimensional stability repre- tibacterial activity than Ca(OH)2.
ii. Situation and dimensions of sent the most important physi-
the exposed dentinal surface cal properties of an ideal pulp Biocompatibility
in the cavity seem to inluence protective material. The physi- Absence of cytotoxic effects and
the overall dentin permeability cal limitations of Ca(OH)2based biocompatibility of the restora-
through the number of exposed materials, such as the non-ad- tive materials are reasonably
and open dentinal tubules. herence to dentin, dissolution of critical importance to reduce
in tissue luids and degradation the possibility of pulp tissue ir-
d. Operative trauma upon tooth lexure ranked them ritation or degeneration. Various
The operative trauma has been in the last position of the materi- cell culture systems, implanta-
also implicated with pulpal inju- als for using in pulp protection. tion testing models in animals
ry and subsequent pulp healing. Lack of any adherence to dentin or usage tests in animal or hu-
Frictional heat due to uncon- has also been found for the zinc man teeth have been repeatedly
trolled mechanical cavity prepa- oxide-eugenol based materials. evaluated the biocompatibility
ration, over-drying of the ex- On the opposite excellent physi- of materials used as pulp pro-
posed dentin, direct damage to cal and mechanical properties tective bases. Calcium hydrox-
odontoblastic processes in deep have been reported for the res- ide-based materials have been
cavities, and the chemical treat- inous materials. The glass iono- much studied and represent the
ment of the dentinal surface due mers present several important gold standard in the research of
to acid-etching, may be associ- properties, such as an elasticity dental material biocompatibility.
ated with transient pulp dam- similar to dentin, and bonding Conventional glass ionomers are
age and/or increased dentinal to dentin and enamel. However highly biocompatible materials,
sensitivity, which can delay pulp glass ionomers are not resistant while the resin modiied glass
healing, while also development to water and have a slow setting ionomers, the resin composites
irreversible pulpitis cannot be rate. Improved physical proper- and the adhesive systems have
excluded. ties have been obtained with the been shown to be considerably
resin modiied glass ionomers. more cytotoxic, due to the re-
The role of materials - In gen- Newly released calcium silicate- lease of non-polymerized mono-
eral similar materials are widely based dentin substitutes have mers (BISGMA, UDMA, TEG-
used in today clinical practice also showed interesting physico- DMA, HEMA). These monomers
for both sites, pulp protection chemical properties. can cause directly pulp inlam-
in deep sound dentinal cavities, mation in toxic concentrations,
and in active carious dentinal le- Antibacterial activity or dramatic reduction of the de-
sions, despite the facts that the It is widely accepted that the fensive ability of the pulp in sub-
objectives of the two techniques ability of the pulp protective ma- toxic concentrations. However
are clearly different. For many terial to reduce bacterial leakage histological studies in deep cavi-
years the hard setting zinc ox- and to prevent post-operative ties of human teeth are expected
ide eugenol cements have been growth of leaking bacteria and to conirm these issues.
used under amalgam restora- their invasion into dentinal tu-
tions, and the calcium hydrox- bules is the most critical require- Biospeciicity
ide-containing cements have ment to avoid deleterious pulp It is associated with the capabil-
been considered as materials inlammation and necrosis (Ber- ity of material to stimulate re-
of choice for pulp protection in genholtz 2005, Smith, 2002, Tzi- duction of dentin permeability
deep dentinal cavities, especial- afas 2010). Furthermore several (barrier function). Systematic in-
< Page 13 ly in cases of indirect pulp treat- micro-organisms could be iso- vestigations on the ability of the
ment. Conventional glass iono- lated from deep carious lesions use pulp protective materials, in-
of immature permanent teeth primary dentin which strength- mers, as well as resin-modiied and hence, the use of a material cluding the gold standard group
must satisfy different goals than en the root dentinal walls. Thus, glass ionomers have been evalu- with antimicrobial activity un- of calcium hydroxide-based ma-
treatment for mature perma- preservation of pulp vitality is ated during the last two decades, derneath restorations has been terials, to mediate inlammation
nent teeth, due to the central particularly important in the im- while direct application of adhe- highly recommended. Since in the underlying pulp and to
role of the pulp in the physiologi- mature permanent teeth, even sive materials in the base of the bacteria can differentially affect
cal continuation of root develop- with very different treatment in- cavity has also been proposed. the ability of odontoblasts to re-
ment and in further deposition of dications. Recently calcium silicate-based pair the dentine barrier function, > Page 29

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Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July - August 2014 hygiene Tribune 15

Editorial report on the Dental Hygiene Day

at the 9th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry
International Conference
09-10 May 2014 Dubai
By victoria Wilson, extended to 2 days. We were
Dental Hygiene Therapist, Uk honored to have such an ex-
pert in the profession join us

UBAI, UAE: A truly re- on a revision of the essential
markable day for Hy- skills of scaling and instru-
gienists in the MENA, mentation. Hygienists are
over 100 Hygiene delegates trained extensively on scaling
attended the irst Dental Hy- and instrumentation in their
giene Day on Saturday May education, however it is easy
10th, 2014 which was a con- to fall into bad habits. This
tinuation of the 9th CAD/ was an invaluable refresher
CAM & Digital Dentistry Intl course for Hygienists and we
Conference, May 09-10, 2014 hope that Mary will join us in
at the Jumeirah Beach Hotel, the future for more courses.
Dubai, UAE. Hygienists prac- Dr. Rasha Ahmed also deliv-
ticing in the UAE and from ered a very informative hands
other countries in the MENA on continuing course in the
attended the irst of its kind in afternoon on the practical ap-
the Middle East. plication of the management Dental Hygiene Day, supplement to the 9th CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry Intl Conference on
of dentine hypersensitivity. 09-10 May 2014
The timetable included a vari-
ety of relevant topics tailored In the 7 years I have been liv-
speciically to the Hygiene ing and working in the UAE I
profession. have never known for there to
be such an extensive program
The exceptional speakers for the profession on one day
made it worthwhile for any and for so many Hygienists to
hygienist to attend. be in one room at one time.

Prof. Crawford Bain delivered The year 2014 is an excep-

an interesting informative lec- tionally exciting time for the
ture on the maintenance of profession of Dental Hygiene
the dental implant patients, in the MENA. Four months
an extremely relevant topic ago the Dental Tribune Mid-
for all Hygienist in light of the dle East opened the Dental
growing number of implants Hygiene Tribune section dedi-
being placed and the crucial cated entirely to the Dental
role of the Hygienist in the Hygiene profession. More
necessary maintenance. and more dental and medical
professionals are requesting
Dr. Matthieu Gabriele gave a to have a Hygienist on board.
lecture on Oral Hygiene pro- Following on from the Dental
tocols and complications with Hygiene Day we look forward
various ields of dental treat- to more Hygienists days by
ment, a must know-how for CAD/CAM with more hands
every Hygienist. on courses, and lectures tai-
lored to the needs of hygien-
Dr. Rasha Ahmed presented ists professionals
the important topic on dentine
hypersensitivity management. What we all have to keep in
Hygienists face patients com- our mind is that a healthy per-
mon complaints of hypersen- iodontium is the backbone to
sitivity on a daily basis, and all good restorative dentistry
the well presented topic by Dr. and medical treatment not
Rasha was much appreciated in the whole process an es-
by the audience. sential part in over all health
and wellbeing.
Victoria Wilsons Lecture, the
Editor of Hygiene Tribune,
Contact Information
focused on communication
within Dentistry, a topic es-
sential for the delivery of oral Ms. Victoria Wilson, Dental
health education and achiev- Hygiene Therapist, UK
ing long term compliance and Dr Roze & Associates Dental
maintenance of oral health. Clinic
The afternoon consisted of a
hands on course on periodon-
tal instrumentation, with the
renowned Prof. Mary Rose Dental Hygiene Day
Pincelli Boglione from Italy 15 November 2014
and the International Fed-
Jumeirah Beach Hotel Dubai
eration of Dental Hygienists
IFDH. Due to the popularity
and demand the course was
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Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July - August 2014 hygiene Tribune 17

Philips introduces its best brush yet, Sonicare

DiamondClean, helping users achieve brushing
brilliance every time
By Philips to 100% of plaque from hard Sensitive an extra-gentle then simply se-
to reach places and to improve mode for sensitive teeth lected by scrolling

ubai, U.A.E - Phil- gum health in just 2 weeks. It is down using a one
ips is proud to pres- also clinically proven to whiten Highly charged button action.
ent the new Soni- teeth in 1 week ; and its gentle When travel-
care DiamondClean a brush technology actually helps pro- DiamondCleans chrome base ling or on the go,
that takes sonic tooth brushing tect against gum irritation and also features a unique charg- Sonicare Dia-
to its most sophisticated level recession to help reduce sensi- ing glass that can be used for mondClean is de-
and which delivers Sonicares tivity. Now is the perfect time mouth rinsing, but also incor- signed for conve-
best clean yet removing up to to give your teeth the celebrity porates the latest in inductive nience with users
100% more plaque in hard to treatment and switch to Soni- charging technology to charge being able to keep their brush diamond bristle heads have
reach places than a manual care to really experience the the toothbrush as it rests in the fully charged using a revolu- 44% more bristles than Philips
toothbrush. difference. glass making it stylish enough tionary USB travel case that Sonicares standard sized Pro-
to display in the most fashion- can be plugged into almost any Results brush heads, providing
Sonicare DiamondClean The brush is able to deliver forward bathroom. lap top computer and saves the you with both superior plaque
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How much do you care for your hands?

By Beverley Watson RDH,
kings College, london
XP Technology American DuraGradeMax LM steel

ONDON, Uk: It is Specially filtered titanium Hardened steel alloy by
understood that out
nitride/stainless steel alloy thermo-mechanical heat
of many professions
Dental Hygienists are not a coating but infused. treatment, controlled gas
in the high risk category of suf- atmosphere and cryogenic
fering from Repetitive Strain
Rockwell hardness test processing.
Injury RSI or Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome CTS. This article most steel instruments 58-
aims to evaluate ways to re- 60, XP 89, Diamond 100 Figure 7 shows its
duce this strain by using the durability out lasts any
Ultra Sonic Scaler USS as much Figure 1. The repeated activity
as possible and by choosing the
can compress the median Ner ve Strokes 1500 XP 1,500 other instrument including
travelling through the Carpal
most beneicial hand instru- Tunnel. other XP Technology.
ment on the market today to
reduce this risk. Figure 5
Two widely used brands
of Hand instruments are to be
evaluated as a comparison, LM
Figure 3. Examples of treat-
DuraGradeMax and American
ment options for RSI or CTS
Eagle XP Technology. when the strain has become
chronic, and simple exercises
Method: Online research pub- are inef f icient.
FROM THIS Figure 7
Conclusion: After reviewing
the information from both LM 3. Poor posture or activities
and American Eagle instru- Figure 6 that require work in an awk-
ments, It was found that some ward position
parts of the LM information movement and overuse 4. Holding the instrument USS
in Figure 3 was not able to This clearly describes a or hand scalers with the wrist
clearly state what it was trying Figure 2. Examples of stretch- Dental Hygienists average is bent. It is best to keep the
to prove. Yet with electron mi- ing exercises to perform be-
TO THIS working day, the repetition of wrist in line with the arm not
croscope photographs and the tween patients. the same movements. RSI can at an angle compressing the
Rockwell hardness test proves affect different parts of the meridian nerve (Figure 1).
the hardness of the cutting be aware of when choosing body the neck, shoulder, elbow,
edge of American Eagle instru- ergonomic hand instruments Figure 4 wrists and hands. For the pur- Signs and symptoms can vary
ments. for hand scaling, such as the Introduction: RSI Repetitive pose of this article the focus but the most common are: pain,
comparisions LM DuraGrade- Strain Injury or CTS Carpal will be on the wrist and hands. aching or tenderness, stiffness,
Objectives: To determine the Max and American Eagle XP Tunnel SyndromeRepetitive throbbing, tingling or numb-
best ways a Dental Hygienist Technology. The criteria will strain injury (RSI) is a general Four common causes of RSI: ness, weakness and cramp.
can avoid RSI or CTS through- be judged on the handles light- term used to describe the pain 1. Repetitive activities
out their career. This will in- weight quality, the best grip felt in muscles, nerves and 2. Doing a high-intensity activ-
clude exercises and what to and the need for sharpening. tendons caused by repetitive ity for a long time without rest > Page 20
Dentures contain surface pores in
which microorganisms can colonise.1

Corega cleanser is proven to penetrate the bioilm*

and kill microorganisms within hard-to-reach surface pores.2

Help your patients eat, speak and smile

with conidence with the Corega denture
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SEM images of denture surface. Arenco Tower, Media City, Dubai, U.A.E.
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References: 1. Glass RT et al. J Prosthet Dent. 2010; 103(6): 384-389. For full information about the product, please refer to the product pack.
2. GSK Data on File, Lux R. 2012. For reporting any Adverse Event/Side Effect related to GSK product
Date of preparation: June 2014. please contact us on
Ref: CHSAU/CHPLD/0008/14c
Helps stop bleeding gums

In bleeding on probing trials over 4 weeks, parodontax

demonstrated signiicant effects in reducing bleeding
gums by 22% (p<0.01)

Bleeding on probing increased after 4 weeks of brushing

with the luoride control toothpaste

Reduced bleeding on probing index after 4 weeks with parodontax9*

on probing index after 4 weeks
Change vs baseline in bleeding

reduction in
25.00 bleeding
(p<0.01 vs. baseline)





Baseline 4 weeks Baseline 4 weeks

Fluoride-containing parodontax
control toothpaste

Helps stop bleeding gums

Adapted from Saxer et al 1994. All interdental spaces from 6+ to +6 were tested at baseline and 4 weeks for bleeding on probing on the
right side (buccal) and left side (lingual). Findings were recorded as 0=no bleeding; 1=slight/isolated bleeding; 2=marked bleeding. Mean
scores were determined. N=22.
Baseline values [Mean SD]: Control (luoride-containing toothpaste) group 24.75 (6.34); parodontax group 25.40 (6.80). After 4 weeks:
Control (luoride-containing toothpaste) group 26.00 (9.14); parodontax group 19.80 (7.38). *parodontax vs control p<0.05.
20 hygiene Tribune Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July- August 2014
< Page 17
Prevention: Take regular hand ent sizes, angles, grades course, the American Eagle.
...Ultra Sonic Scaler should be used as much as
breaks to stretch and exercises medium, ine The XP Technology instru-
the muscles, tendons and liga- possible to avoid excessive strain on the transverse Machines: The Hu-Freidy in- ments requires no sharpening
ments. See Figure 2 for some carpal ligament and median nerve. strument sharpener, the LM at all, and will allow more repet-
possible exercises. Rondo- plus electrical disc itive strokes with minimal pres-
Breaks dont only include ciated with teeth cleaning dated was used around a metal inner sharpener sure on the tendons and wrist.
time away from scaling, but also 3000 BCE where tooth picks part then came into production, The Neivert Whittler to name a The LM DuraGradeMax states a
time away from the computer were used in Mesopotamia (ear- a very light completely resin few. hardened steel alloy more dura-
and writing notes. Typing can ly Iraq) according to the M den- handle with a grip for less wear The consistency of the preci- ble than the XP Technology. It is
also compress the nerves in the tistry Time line of Dental Hy- on the muscles and tendons. sion of angulation is unpredicta- advised to send the instruments
Carpal Tunnel. giene, but it was not until 1915 Ultra Sonic Scalers have dra- ble and operator error possible. back to the LM company for fac-
in USA, Conneticut that Alfred matically improved the Dental It is possible to affect the cutting tory sharpening, requiring dou-
Treatment: If it is not possible C. Fones trained 97 Dental Hy- Hygienists ability to remove edge, causing more strain on ble the amount of instruments in
to take long term time out from gienists and the Dental Act set hard deposits from the tooth the ingers hand and wrist. It is order to continue a full working
the activity causing the repeti- regulations stating their duties. surface by either working in human nature to not sharpen schedule, resulting in LM being
tive strain on the small muscle Then in UK 1943 saw the 1st a Magnitoconstictive or Piezo immediately when required. less cost effective . Once the XP
groups, then it is necessary to Dental Hygienists trained in the electric capacity. This reduces Figure 5 shows the different technology tips becomes dulled
take regular short breaks and Womens Auxiliary Army WAAF. the need for excessive forces types of next generation hard- it is feasible to use their Quick
stretch (Figure 2, 3). Instruments: The 1st Dental applied by the hand over an ex- ened steel. tip to replace the tip at less cost
hand instruments were very tended period of time increasing than the full instrument.
A hand splint, the hand is held in thin and heavy with smooth the risk of strain and inlamma- Results: LM handles present to The statistics in Figure 7 do
a relaxed position to take pres- metal handles requiring a very tion of the wrist muscles and be ergonomically superior with not clearly state how the results
sure of the Median nerve run- tight grip. Later a cross hatch tendons resulting in RSI or CTS a wider silicone grip to help keep were determined for LM in-
ning through the Carpal Tunnel was scored into the metal han- (Figure 4). the Carpal Tunnel open, howev- struments, it is not clear what
and as a inal resort surgery. dles for easier grip but were still Sharpening: Numerous articles er they do still contain an inner numbers 9, 7, 5 and 3 represent,
very thin, wider lighter steel state the different methods of part of steel. This runs the entire minutes, hours, Days, Strokes?
A brief history of Hygiene gripped handles were intro- sharpening instruments: length of the handle increasing It is possible however to see in
duced and in the last 10 years Arkenstone different shapes the overall weight compared to photographic evidence 15000
The earliest recorded text asso- a wider ergonomic soft silicone round, lat, long, short. Differ- the completely resin handle of strokes to 1,500 from American
Eagle instruments.
Regarding the hardness of
the Steel alloy of the LM instru-
ments there is no evidence to
support this but the American
Eagle XP instruments have the
Rockwell hardness test to prove
their claim.
Conclusion: In conclusion the
Ultra Sonic Scaler should be
used as much as possible to
avoid excessive strain on the
transverse carpal ligament and
median nerve. It is clear that
some calculus deposits remain
interdentally after Ultra Sonic
Scaling alone. Ultra Sonic Scal-
ing alone is not suficient and
hand instrumentation is neces-
sary in conjunction with Ultra
Sonic Scaling.
The correct choice of hand in-
strument is essential for a Den-
tal hygienists to help avoid RSI.
It seems the American Eagle
FOR: lightweight resin handle with
the XP Technology blade will be
PFM of most beneit long term. Due
ZIRCONIA to its superior stokes carried out
15000 to 1,500 before starting to
For this reason it seems the
American Eagle XP technol-
ogy would be in the instrument
of choice compared to the LM
DuraGradeMax. The American
Eagle XP will ensure less pres-
sure is exerted on the median
nerve, the transverse ligaments
and the carpal tendons reducing
the risk of RSI or CTS.


1. NHS UK choices website May

2. May 2012, RDH Feature, No
more dull instruments, Dianne
Glasscoe Watterman RDH, BS,
3. http://school/sindecuse-mu-
Figure 1: http://en.wikipedia.
Figure 2/3/4: Google images
Figure 5: DG Double Graceys
XP technology next generation/
Figure 6: DG Double Graceys
XP technology next generation.
Figure 7: http://www.lm-dental.
22 cad/cam | digiTal Tribune Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July- August 2014

KaVo CAD/CAM worklow with the new products

ARCTICA AutoScan, KaVo multiCAD Virtual
Articulator and VITA ENAMIC
By kavo entry form. The second step followed by a vestibular scan
consists of the deinition of the allowing the correct position-

ith the production of indication including all param- ing of the jaws by the software
two monolithic poste- eters. In the present case, this Figure 3.
rior crowns, the KaVo concerns the creation of two The next step consists of
CAD/CAM application technol- full crowns to be made of Vita matching the individual jaw
ogy demonstrates a practical ENAMIC Regio 46 and 47. The scans and the vestibular scan
case in which the new CAD/ parameters for the respective by marking three identical
CAM products ARCTICA Auto- practitioner can be referenced points on the respective jaw Figure 1
Scan, KaVo multiCAD Virtual in the KaVo multiCAD soft- and vestibular scan. After-
Articulator and VITA ENAMIC ware. This function guarantees wards, the software calculates
for KaVo ARCTICA play a major consistent quality regardless of the exact position of the upper Figure 4
role. the originator of the order (Fig- and lower jaw scans(Figure 4,
ure 1, 2). 5, 6).
Described below are the fol-
lowing individual steps, which Scanning: 180 seconds Construction of the restora-
consist of: tion in the kavo multiCAD
1. Order preparation This case is scanned with the software: 180 seconds
2. Scanning new fully-automatic ARCTICA
3. CAD construction AutoScan. The scan process In the KaVo multiCAD soft-
4. Preparation for manufacture is very simple as the software ware, the contact relief of the
5. Manufacturing guides the user step by step corresponding jaw is displayed
6. Completion through the scan process. The in the scan software.
individual scans are performed For analytical purposes, it may
Order preparation: 30 seconds completely automatically. First, be displayed in color. The re- Figure 5
the upper jaw is scanned, fol- spective color and intensity Figure 2
First, the practitioner, the pa- lowed by the lower jaw. If nec- indicate the distance to the an-
tient and the respective tech- essary, single stumps may then tagonist.
nician are deined in the order be scanned separately. This is


Expect more of your Figure 6

CAD/CAM solution. Figure 3


one system, many advantages.
Afterwards, the articulator
KaVo PROTAR evo 5B is started
in the KaVo multiCAD software.
The KaVo ARCTICA CAD/CAM system, meets all the technical and The respective patient-speciic
economic requirements for modern dental solutions, that are
presumed in everyday practice and laboratory life. settings of the physical PRO-
Maximum investment protection and future security, due
TAR articulator such as, for ex-
to wide range of applications and extensive material options. ample, the condyle track incli- Figure 7
Outstanding flexibility nation and the Bennett angle,
with maximum integration options. are entered into an entry mask.
Maximum precision for all results, The correct positioning of the
combined with easy handling. models in the virtual articula-
tor (KaVo PROTAR 5B) is done automatically. Based on the
scan of the articulated models
in the ARCTICA AutoScan and
the positioning of the models
by the KaVo Splitcast system,
the correct positioning is au- Figure 8
tomatically transferred to the
CAD software. This positioning
also applies to models that were
inserted into the articulator by
means of a facebow.

After the adjustment of the pa-

tient-speciic parameters, the
motion tracks are simulated
and any interferences are cor- Figure 9
rected by the software (Figure
7, 8, 9). teeth that are automatically po-
sitioned onto the preparations
The illustration shows a lat- and may be loaded into the situ-
erotrusion to the left (Figure ation via a simple mouse click.
10). Furthermore, the library teeth
may subsequently be matched
In the subsequent construction to the individual occlusal relief
process, the movements of the of the chewing surface. The
jaws may be visualized at any user is able to adjust the sug-
time (Figure 11). gestions of the software via a
wizard (step-by-step assistant)
The manufacture of the two at any time during the con-
VITA ENAMIC crowns on 46 struction process. Various tools
and 47 is performed quickly
KaVo Dental GmbH Arjaan Tower 9th Floor Dubai Media City, UAE PO Box 71569 Phone +971 4 433 21 86 Fax +971 4 457 93 73 Email:
and easily by means of library > Page 27
class of

Giomers are a remarkable class of bioesthetic

restorative materials that exhibit the aesthetics,
strength and durability of nano-hybrid resin
composites, further enhanced with the beneit of
luoride and anti-plaque effect pertaining to S-PRG
These unique illers are manufactured through
Shofus patented PRG iller technology that imparts
Beautiil II, Beautiil Flow, Beautiil Injectable
and FL-Bond II with protective luoride beneits and
greater tissue tolerance.


10 Science Park Road, #03-12 The Alpha, Science Park ll, Singapore 117684
Tel: 65-6377 2722 Fax: 65-6377 1121 eMail:
Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July - August 2014 cad/cam | digiTal Tribune 24

Now is the time to consider investing

in your own CBCT System
By Ernesto Jaconelli the accuracy of diagnosis and all modern CBCT systems is that
this in turn makes for faster they provide the Dentist with a Having the choice of either a 2D panoramic or a

his Century has seen the better patient treatment. Each choice of volumes that will be range of 3D FOVs is ideal
introduction of 3D imag- year new systems are becom- right for the area of interest. different FOV depending on the
ing as a readily available ing available such as the new These volumes are known as treatment being considered so
dental diagnostic tool. This CS 8100 3D System form Car- the Field of View (FOV). The it is essential to have a choice of
trend has been inspired by estream Dental. These new CS 8100 3D for example gives FOVs to select from.
the development of both Cone systems are now signiicantly choices from taking a 2D Pan- For a single implant a FOV
Beam Computed Technology smaller, more versatile and oramic to capturing a selection of 5 x 5 mm will be suficient
(CBCT) and PC storage capa- user friendly than their prede- of 3D FOVs of 4 x 4 / 5 x 5 / 8 x 5 and the dose to the patient in
bility making 3D imaging more cessors. The CS 8100 3D has a / 8 x 8 and 8 x 9 mm. As with this case will be similar to that
convenient, easier to use, and resting width of 33cm (110cm all x-rays it is essential to mi- from a 2D panoramic scan.
affordable. when in use) and weighs only nimise the dose to the patient However for the preparation of
To be able to view the area 92Kgm so will it easily into - the larger the FOV the more multiple implants or surgical
of interest in all three dimen- most compact dental clinics. dose to the patient. Each area guides then a single arch FOV
sions signiicantly improves A very important feature of of dental surgery will require a of 8 x 8 / 8 x 9mm FOV would

The CS 8100 compact size will it

into most Dental Clinics

be selected. Dentist who spe-

cialising in Implants were the
irst to fully appreciate the ben-
eits of 3D imaging such that it
is now unusual to ind one who
does a not have their own CBCT
For Endodontists, the key
diagnostic tool is always their
surgical loupes. But they are
also adopting 3D image to re-
veal more clearly any additional
canals that are present and pos-
sibly missed from a 2D image as
well as their exact position and
apical areas. A sectorial FOV
of 5 x5 mm will provide a very
high deinition image for an
Endodontist to be able to exam-
ine the area in precise detail.
Until now Orthodontists have
mainly been satisied with a
2 D panoramic view. How-
ever having a CBCT system
that switches easily from a 2D
panoramic to 3D image allows
the Orthodontist to select a 3D
view when required. Retention
and angulation for example are
more precisely diagnosed from
an 8 x 5 / 8 x 9 mm FOV.

3D imaging will soon be the

norm for dental diagnostics re-
quiring all dentists to be famil-
iar with the technology and ca-
pable of analysing 3D images.
There has never been a more
appropriate time to consider
having your own CBCT System.
Manufactures are supplying
more in depth training such
as at the Carestream Dental
Training Centre at Ajman Uni-
versity of Science and Tech-
nology, and now that CBCT
systems are available from
40,000, a return on the invest-
ment can be achieved within
two years.

Contact Information

For more information on either

CBCT technology, the new CS
8100 3D or courses at Ajman
University please contact:

or visit www.carestreamdental.
25 cad/cam | digiTal Tribune Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July- August 2014

Simple, planned aesthetic orthodontics for

the General Practitioner
By Dr. Tif Qureshi are not happy they could reject
the treatment before it starts. the laterals advanced by about
Dr. Tif Qureshi shows how 1.75mm exactly.
digital technology has moved A case These setups can be viewed as
progressive smile design on and A 22 year old gentleman did not digital iles in 3D if needed be-
the enormous beneits this will like the appearance of his teeth forehand by the dentist and ad-
have on planning and consent. especially because the two cen- justments can be made if need-
Digital Smile Design is mak- trals was so prominent. He had ed. Once we are happy, the 3D
ing a come back in a very smart considered having porcelain ve- Figure 1 model was printed.
and intelligent form through the neers done just to improve his
use of live video, cameras, and smile in one treatment. He did Consent part two
keynote presentations. not like the appearance of his The 3D model was returned and Figure 3
enamel and also the discrepancy we could view the proposed set-
I commend the users of this in the shape of his front teeth. We up made according to the space-
technique as it is clearly a far showed him the occlusal view of wize instructions
better form of smile design plan- his teeth and he could see that Figure 3: Overjet before
ning than just using plain static the upper anterior is one mildly Figure 4: Overjet reduced and
before and after pictures with misaligned. Indirect veneers proposed on 3D print
someone elses smile stitched would have been fairly aggres- Figure 5: 3D Print Occlusal
into place. sive towards the preparation of
the upper central incisors. By An appointment was made
However in cases where showing examples of other cas- with the patient to sit down and
Figure 4
there are alignment issues, I es where simple alignment had examine the models. At this
would still argue that any pa- dramatically improved the aes- point the patient clearly sees
tient who does not at least go thetic value the patient agreed to any compromises in the poste-
down the pathway of alignment try to align his teeth irst before rior region of his mouth. These
and bleaching, cannot really see having veneers done. were again highlighted but the
Figure 2
their teeth change in a dynamic patient insisted he did not want
way. Consent part one Setup these treated. The over jet was
I have found that patients A full orthodontic examination Using a calibrated Ortho ana- also discussed with the patient
feelings about their smiles was carried out. All orthodontic lyzer software, the teeth are then he could see a reduction but not
change, you may think they options were discussed and the moved according to the space- complete closure, he was happy Figure 5
want one thing but after they see patient understood the beneits wize trace- meaning the decidu- with this.
their smile change a little they of fully comprehensive ortho- ous tooth and other canine were You can see the width differ-
start to appreciate it in a differ- dontics, and was also given a not moved at all. Centrals were ences in the anterior teeth that
ent way. How can someone real- range of short-term techniques retracted by about 3mm and would require adjustment and > Page 26
ly be consented unless they are that he could have chosen. He
given the opportunity to bleach declined comprehensive ortho-
their teeth, perhaps with slight dontics on the basis that he only
alignment and bonding. wanted to deal with his anterior
This case is the perfect ex- He chose to have an Inman
ample and will show how pro- Aligner because of the shorter
gressive smile design also using wear time and the minimal
digital technology can produce cost impact on his overall treat-
beautiful predictable results that ment desires. Our irst goal was
often require far less invasive to evaluate the aesthetics and
treatment. function to decide on landmark
or reference teeth. As part of the
We use digital technology digital planning process- these
in a different way of course and teeth are not moved and ensure
this is all to do with planning and the setup accommodates these
consent. Previously with Inman teeth to ensure the proposed
Aligners, we had to use Kesling curve is not lared out or over
models. These are effectively constricted.
fairly crude stone models which In this case the patient also
take a cut and once repositioned had a retained upper left de-
in wax the aligner is then built ciduous tooth (no canine had
on that model. As soon as the developed). Fortunately this
aligner is itted into an uncor- tooth was in the right position
rected mouth the forces are so it became the reference tooth
there to push the teeth to the and hence no orthodontic force
inal position. The real down- would need to be applied to it.
side of it at the wax creates quite Both upper centrals needed to
large inaccuracies. Also it is very be retracted and both laterals
dificult to see how much adjust- slightly advanced. It was impor-
ments have been made to the tant to visualize a chin up view
teeth to get them to it within the to ensure this is viable for the
curve. This is even more so of a patient from an occlusal and
problem for lared teeth which guidance point of view. All the
have been out of the arch for movements were possible.
many more years. These teeth
tend to be highly triangular and (Figure 1) Occlusal showing
often need more targeted adjust- landmark and desired move-
ment to get them to it within the ments.
arch form. You can visualize the (Figure 2) Showing Spacewize
wits of these teeth, it is almost trace
impossible to accurately know
how much production is re- In the chair the occlusal photo
quired to each. is taken and uploaded into the
spacewize digital calculator.
Of course with digital 3-D The curve is set according to the
printing this has all changed. landmark teeth and required
The difference if you like is night movements. This showed a
and day. We can also use print- crowding result of 3mm which
ed models to show the patients was within the easy limits for In-
the proposed outcome. This man treatment.
is excellent for the consenting Impressions were taken and
process. Untreated patients will were sent to the lab with the
now see any compromises areas spacewize trace
and the inal outcome. If they
Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July - August 2014 cad/cam | digiTal Tribune 26
< Page 25

tooth shaping with PPR (predic- is out of the mouth. Composite bonding was carried
tive proximal reduction). This After a week the patient re- out on the 7,9 and 10. A com-
made it far easier for him to un- turned his teeth had improved in posite veneer was placed on the
derstand the processes required alignment already but with the 11. All these were carried out
to create the space. Finally he improvement in color as well with only roughening and no
could also see the differential made him view his teeth in a dif- prep or bevel. Venus Diamond
wear in his tooth outline that ferent way. composite from Heraeus Kulzer
would be evident after align- At this point he decided not was used. I ind that the Opaque
ment. He clearly understood to have porcelain veneers and shades allow superb blocking
that edge bonding and tooth instead to ask for composite Figure 19
out of light meaning that if lay-
contouring might be required bonding and buildups. He had ered as dentine, it means a long Figure 9
after alignment and bleaching seen examples of this already. bevel is not required to block out
were complete. That is assum- We used some mockup lamma- the join. Enamel shade can then
ing he did not want to continue ble material to show the patient be placed thicker towards the in-
with porcelain veneers. what was possible and he was cisal edge.
thrilled with the results. So an
It was noted that the patient had appointment was booked for 2 A wire retainer was itted and
reviewed and understood the weeks to have this done. the guidance adjusted to ensure
3-D model and what it was pro- there were still balanced excur-
posing. The Inman Aligner was Figure 6: Before Close front view sive contacts on the left side so Figure 10
then built and itted. Figure 7: After alignment and the load was not focused on the
bleaching at 10 weeks deciduous tooth.
Treatment Figure 8: Immediately after Figure 20
Roughening, total etch Opti-
Inter-proximal and Predictive bonding bond solo and Venus low were
proximal reduction were car- used to bond the wire in place.
ried out in a progressive and A clear essix retainer was also
measured manner over 3 visits. given to the patient to wear at
This was done to ensure good night initially then to use occa-
anatomy and to reduce the sionally and to have as a back up
risk of gouging, over stripping if the wire de-bonded. Figure 11
and poor contacts. With Inman
Aligner treatment stripping is Discussion
Figure 6
never carried out in one go. Figure 9: Before front smile view
Figure 10: After Alignment and
Composite anchors were also bleaching at 10 weeks
placed in a timed and sequenced Figure 11: After Edge bonding
manner to ensure the forces Figure 21
and retainer
could be directed at the right Figure 12: Side proile before
time. This allows for rapidly in- Figure 20: Before Full face
Figure 13: Side Proile after Figure 12
creased treatment times. Figure 21: After full face (at 6
Figure 7 Figure 14: Side Smile before
After only nine weeks the pa- month review)
Figure 15: Side Smile After align-
tients anterior teeth had nearly ment and bleaching
aligned. Bleaching trays impres- On viewing the sequenced shots
Figure 16: Side Smile at 6 months
sions were taken at this stage. it is clear to see the changes.
Figure 17: Before occlusal
Super sealed trains are used The patient was delighted
Figure 18: After occlusal at 10
with 6% day white from Phillips. that he had emerged from the
The patient bleaches 35 to 45 treatment with his own teeth
Figure 8 Figure 19: After 6 months with
minutes a day while the aligner looking more attractive rather
retainer Figure 13 than having ceramic porcelain
veneers. As good as ceramic
restorations are, they will al-
ways require further treatment/
maintenance and replacement.
On a 22 year old if alignment,
bleaching and bonding can sat-
isfy the patient that it has to be
better than placing ceramic ve-
Figure 14 neers. The problem with digital
smile design is that the patient is
not really given the opportunity
to see the teeth change slowly
and in situ.
It is ine if whitening, bond-
ing and alignment are part of
those protocols but arguably
patients should not be shown
Figure 15 images of multiple veneers un-
til they can visualize their own
teeth looking better.
You can see how very sub-
tle changes can dramatically
improve the appearance. Even
though the colour is not truly
homogenous and the teeth have
a mottled appearance the most
Figure 16 important thing here is that the
patient was completely delight-
ed with the treatment.
Ultimately a patient being
happy with their own smile has
to far outweigh the parameters
that are set up traditional smile

Figure 17 Final images at the 6 month re-

view are also shown.

Contact Information

Dr Tif Qureshi teaches Inman

Figure 18 Aligner Training
For course info visit:
or email:
Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July - August 2014 news 27
< Page 22

Figure 12

Figure 10

Figure 16
Figure 13

Figure 17

crowns may be displayed in the

KaVo multiCAD module TruS-
mile in a photo-realistic man-
ner (Figure 16, 17).

Figure 14 Preparation for manufacture

in the kavo CSS: 60 seconds
recognize the deviations (color
Figure 11
markings) between the static
The next steps for the comple-
and dynamic structure and the
tion of the dentures are per-
may be used for this purpose, 5B) including the previously adjustment of interferences in
formed in the KaVo CSS soft-
for example free forming, vir- identiied motion tracks. This the chewing relief.
ware, which is a job, material,
tual wax knife, scaling, turning allows for a drastic reduction or The dynamic adjustment
tool and machinery manage-
and shifting of teeth. even the complete omission of may be displayed over the static
ment software by KaVo.
Interferences remaining subsequent follow-up work in Figure 15 one as wire netting. Any in-
First, the manufacturing
after the construction will be the mouth of the patient for the terferences to be expected are
method is deined. This means
displayed by the software and practitioner. Not only does this tration shows the occlusal pat- clearly recognizable (Figure
that the user has the oppor-
automatically removed in con- facilitate time and cost savings, tern after dynamic adjustment 15).
tunity to send the produced,
sideration of both static as well the danger of chipping may be (Figure 14).
as dynamic factors (by means reduced as well (Figure 12, 13). After the dynamic adjustment,
of the virtual KaVo PROTAR Evo The following colour illus- In the image, one can clearly the inalized VITA ENAMIC > Page 28
28 NEWS Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July- August 2014
< Page 27

open STL data of the restora- Production on the kavo ARC-

tion to his ARCTICA engine, his TICA engine: 25 minutes per
Everest engine or to other KaVo crown
milling partners via the free
KaVo Everest portal. The work Now, the blanks are inserted in
to be manufactured and the the block bracket of the ARC-
predeined material to be used TICA engine and afixed with
may be reviewed in a 3D view. a torque wrench with a deined
Figure 18 Figure 21 If necessary, additional modii- tightening torque (Figure 19,
Figure 24 cations such as, for example, a 20, 21).
change of the material may be Afterwards, the tool stack
made. with the tools required for the
Vita ENAMIC - in this case, 4
After the selection of the KaVo different grinding tools with di-
ARCTICA engine as the produc- ameters between 0.6 3.6 mm
Figure 19 Figure 22 tion machine and a VITA EN- - is inserted.
AMIC for KaVo ARCTICA block, These tools were also previ-
which was previously booked ously booked in the KaVo CSS
into the KaVo CSS via RFID software via RFID chip and
technology, the nesting, i.e. the assigned to the glass ceramic
Figure 25 positioning of the restoration in tool stack. The advantage is
the virtual material block, may that the tool service times are
be performed (Figure 18). precisely logged and that the
Figure 20 Figure 23 ARCTICA engine uses a traf-
ic light pattern (green, yellow,
red) to show the user when a
tool should be exchanged. This
also helps to minimize applica-
tion errors.
In case of an automatic
Dental Tribune International tool change in the KaVo ARC-
TICA engine, the tools are once
again inspected with a laser for

The Worlds Largest News and breakage or faulty positioning

once they have been removed
from the stack.

Educational Network in Dentistry The processing is started

at the touch of a button on the
touch-screen of the ARCTICA engine or, alternatively, direct-
ly at the PC (Figure 22).

Completion of the vITA EN-

AMIC crowns: 180 seconds

After the succesful produc-

tion of the two restorations on
the KaVo ARCTICA engine, the
VITA ENAMIC crowns may be
separated from the material
block. The ARCTICA engine
may be connected to a KaVo
lab handpiece (ERGOgrip and
POWERgrip) and used to fur-
ther process the works. Prior to
the start of the grinding proce-
dure, there is also an opportu-
nity to reduce the diameter of
the connectors to a minimum
at the end of the production
process, so that the time ex-
pended for the separation of the
restoration becomes negligible.
After the grinding pro-
cedure, the VITA ENAMIC
crowns are polished in a time-
saving manner with the tools
from the VITA ENAMIC pol-
ishing set. An additional sub-
sequent individualization of
the work is possible with the
colours of the VITA ENAMIC
stains kits. In this case, an ad-
ditional individualization was
omitted upon the request of the
patient (Figure 23, 24, 25).
Thanks to the use of the vir-
tual articulator during the con-
struction in the KaVo multiCAD
software and the precise 5-axle
technology of the ARCTICA en-
gine, the work could be insert-
ed directly into the mouth of the
patient and corrections of the
occlusal relief could be waived.
As can be seen, precisely inte-
grated process chains pay off.

Contact Information

For more information, visit:

Or email us:

Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | July - August 2014 orTho Tribune 29
< Page 14
stimulate directly tertiary dentin et al. 2010) and a number of crit- developed materials to provide
formation and intratubular min- ical and systematic reviews dis- long-term pulp protection.
eralization, are entirely lacking cussed their results, it must be
from the literature. A few recent emphasized that they have not References
investigations at the preclinical been evaluated for the complete 1. American Academy of Pediat-
level have shown that applica- range of their effect. Given that ric Dentistry. Clinical guidelines
tion of newly commercialized application of a calcium hydrox- on pulp therapy for primary and
calcium-silicate based materi- ide -based material in combina- young permanent teeth: refer-
als in deep dentinal cavities re- tion with a glass ionomer, seem ence manual 2006-07. Pediatr
sulted in rapid stimulation of the to be the best choice according Dent 2006;28:144-8.
Table: A schematic overview of the pulp protective materials
biosynthetic activity of odonto- to the guidelines of American 2. Bergenholtz G. Advances
performancein clinical and experimental investigations.
blasts and dramatic reduction of Academy of Pediatric Dentistry since the paper by Zander and
dentin permeability. Again, all and the position statements de- Glass (1949) on the pursuit of Nyvad B, Fransson H, Lager A, pulpotomy. Eur J Oral Sci. 2010
these data have to be conirmed livered by the American Asso- healing methods for pulpal ex- Ericson D, Petersson K, Olsson Jun;118(3):290-7.
clinically. ciation of Endodontists, further posures: historical perspectives. J, Santimano EM, Wennstrm 4. Smith AJ. Pulpal responses to
In conclusion, despite the randomized multi-centered Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol A, Winkel P, Gluud C. Treat- caries and dental repair. Caries
fact that numerous scientiic controlled clinical research Oral Radiol Endod. 2005;100 ment of deep caries lesions in Res 2002;36:223-32.
articles studied experimentally is needed to assess irstly the (Suppl 2): 102-108. adults: randomized clinical tri- 5. Tziafas D. Dentinogenic po-
or clinically the pulp protective overall role of capping material 3. Bjrndal L, Reit C, Bruun G, als comparing stepwise vs. di- tential of the dental pulp: facts
materials in experimental or in the VPPT, and then the abil- Markvart M, Kjaeldgaard M, rect complete excavation, and and hypotheses. Endodontic
clinical investigations (Bjorndall ity of today used and/or newly Nsman P, Thordrup M, Dige I, direct pulp capping vs. partial Topics, 2010;17:42-64.

< Page 12

Fig. 6: The marginally accu-
rate crown af ter etching with
hydrof luoric acid gel...

Fig. 7: ... was adhesively ce-
mented and seated. PER CASE
stability and accurate repro-
duction of details. The material
already exhibits a surprisingly
good surface quality after mill-
ing; this simpliies the further
manual processing as well as
saving time. Polishing, stain-
ing and glazing are particularly
quick and simple with the corre-
sponding polishing sets. No ir-
ing cycles, e.g. a glazing iring,
are required. Weve received
only positive feedback from the
patients; this case is no excep-
tion. Along with natural esthet-
ics, the surface of the restora-
tive material feels smooth to the
tongue, which contributes to a
high degree of wearing comfort.

On account of the special ma-

terial concept and its result-
ing physical properties, such
as an elasticity modulus of 30
GPa and a Weibull modulus of
20, etc., VITA ENAMIC is much
less vulnerable to the shear and
compressive forces acting on
the stomatognathic system than
many traditional CAD/CAM ce-
ramics. As a result, it offers a
particular potential for certain
risk groups, such as patients
with parafunctions (teeth grind-
ing and clenching), regardless
of the manufacturers oficial The personalization ofered by Ormco Custom can reduce treatment time on average by
recommendation for use only in
the case of patients with normal
37% with 7 fewer oice visits per case.* With the unrivaled eiciency that Ormco Custom
occlusion. provides, youll have a little more of that priceless you time to hit the back nine. Its your
Last published in: DENTAL world Ormco Custom is just here to help you maximize it.
MAGAZIN 02/2013, Deutscher
rzte-Verlag GmbH, Germany
To learn more about how our portfolio of products can
improve your practice visit:
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For more information, please Copyright 2014 Ormco Corporation. *Weber DJ 2nd, Koroluk LD, Phillips C, et al. Clinical efectiveness and eiciency of
All rights reserved. customized vs. conventional preadjusted bracket systems. J Clin Orthod. 2013

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