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Geothermics (i97o) - SPECIALISSUE 2

U. N. Symposium on the Development and Utilization o~ Geothermal Resources. Pisa I~7o. Vol. 2, Par~

Quantitative interpretation of Chemical Characteristics

of Hydrothermal Systems

ABSTRACT geothermal areas results largely from the t e m p e r a t u r e ,

The paper gives a brief review of chemical reactions and pressure, rock-compoSitional e n v i r o n m e n t in the fields.
equilibria which occur in hydrothermal systems. G e o c h e m i s t r y has progressed to the stage w h e r e through
Experimental work, reacting rocks and water at high tern.
perature, has shown that it is not always necestau-y to postu- analysis and interpretation of surface discharges of
late a magmatic fluid origin for chemicals in natural hot steam a n d w a t e r , m u c h can be d e d u c e d a b o u t tempera-
waters. Only a few elements in watch, such as CI, B, Cs, are
not involved to any great extent in temperature and pressure tures, hydrostatic pressures, gas pressures, rock types
dependent chemical equilibria with rock minerals. T h e e ele- a n d flow processes within the h y d r o t h e r m a l systems.
ments are useful in identifying and following flows of partic- A correlation of w a t e r compositions with their condi-
ular waters within a field.
From knowledge of acid-base equilibria, the pH of hot tions of f o r m a t i o n and storage has obvious implications
water at deep levels can be obtained, and also the variation as far as g e o t h e r m a l p o w e r d e v e l o p m e n t is concerned.
in pH with time during drillhol production. Combined with
metal ion concentrations, the pH enables an interpretation in W h e r e a s at the time of the 1961 U.N. Conference on
terms of water chemistry of mineral alteration a ~ m b l a g ~ , N e w Sources of Energy, s e m i e m p i r i e a l relationships
including the tendency for calcite formation. Phase diagrams, b e t w e e n e n v i r o n m e n t and chemistry of fluids were exa-
using ratios a.Jau, a~a., aodaa., a~/a~-., etc., as parameters
show how mineral assemblages in hydrothermally altered rock mined, discussion is n o w on a m o r e quantitative basis.
change as waters cool and lose carbon dioxide on approaching This p a p e r sttmmariscs some i m p o r t a n t chemical
the surface.
As equilibrium exists l~tween hot water and rock miner- reactions a n d e q u i l i b r i a for which information has be-
als at deep levels, the silica concentrations and Na/K ratios come available. M a n y of the topics have already been
in waters flowing rapidly to the surface give an ~'la-ate discussed in detail elsewhere so that only an outline is
measure of the deep temperature. Also, the pH of deep hot
water is a function of the water salinity, except in areas where given, w i t h reference to some relevant publications.
waters contact sulfur deposits. It is shown that calcium con- Some references s u m m a r i s i n g aspects of N e w Z e a l a n d
centration in thermal waters, for a given temperature, is ap-
proximately proportional to the square of sodium ion con- geothermal chemical w o r k are ELLIS and MAriON
centrations. (1964), ELLIS (1967, 1969), and ELLIS ET AL. (1970).
Estimates of mco2 in underground waters can be made In the last reference the a p p l i c a t i o n of geochemistry
through knowledge of any two of the variables, salinity, cal-
cium concentration, and bicarbonate concentration in surface to geothermal systems is revised, with p a r t i c u l a r referen-
discharges. The concentration of carbon dioxide in deep hot ce to the h o t - w a t e r type of geothermal field (e. g., as
water is the factor determining whether or not waters will
deposit calcite in drillpipes. With increasing tacos, calcium at W a i r a k e i , Salton Sea, Mexicali, Otake).
carbonate replaces minerals such as wairakite and epidote as
the equilibrium calcium phase in the rock.
An outline is given of isotope exchange equilibria which C o m p o s i t i o n s of w a t e r a n d s t e a m
can be used for determining temperatures at depth in a field. T h e compositions of w a t e r and steam are available
Oxygen and sulfur isotope exchange, both between solutes,
and between solutes and minerals, are the most promising from m a n y geothermal areas. T a b l e I gives a compila-
in this .respect. tion of w a t e r compositions from h y d r o t h e r m a l areas in
Base metal sulfide deposits are not limited to hydro-
thermal areas of highly saline waters. Minerals such as galena, several countries. W a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e s for the fields ta-
sphalerite, and chalcopyrite are found at deep levels in the ken as examples range from 100 to 340C, while the
Broadlands geothermal field of dilute chloride waters, while dissolved salts in the waters, expressed as chloride con-
at the surface in the area precipitates of antimony and arsenic
sulfides rich in gold, silver, thallium, and mercury are formed centrations, range from about 30 to 155,000 p p m .
from spring and drillhole waters. T h e compositions shown in the T a b l e show a
correlation between the w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e and the sil-
Introduction ica concentrations (except for the Salton Sea area
In the last 6-8 years there has been an increasing w a t e r analysis) a n d an inverse relationship between
awareness that the composition of n a t u r a l high temper- t e m p e r a t u r e and the ratios N a / K and N a / R b . The
ature waters ( a p p r e c i a b l y over 100C) and steam in calcium and magnesium concentrations are related to
the salinity of the water, but not in a linear manner.
* Chemistry Division, D.S.I.R., Petone, New Zealand. Except for the basaltic Iceland geothermal areas, the

waters contain unusually high concentrations of the it was found that elements such as fluoride, chloride
elements lithium, caesium, fluoride, boron and arsenic, and boron were readily dissolved from average rocks.
the elements which in the past often have been taken even before appreciable hydrothermal alteration occur-
to indicate the presence of magmatic fluids in geo- red. Also, appreciable concentrations of rubidium and
thermal waters. caesium appeared in the hot water phase when rhyo-
Table 2 gives the composition of steam from geo- litic volcanic rocks recrystallised to secondary minerals.
thermal drillholes in various parts of the world, includ- Secondly, the experiments emphasised that the concen-
ing both Larderello and The Geysers, where steam trations of major rockforming constituents such as sil-
is tapped by drillholes, and the more frequently occur- ica, alumina, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
ring hot water systems found in areas such as Japan, iron and manganese were limited in solution by par-
Iceland, New Zealand, Mexico, and Central and South ticular mineral-solution equilibria. Minor constituents
America. such as fluoride, carbonate and sulfate were limited
in natural hot waters and experimental solutions by
In the natural steam areas, the steam composition
the solubility of particular sparingly-soluble minerals
is not dependent on the pressure of collection. Howe-
ver, in high temperature water areas, boiling occurs in such as fluorite, calcite and anhydrite. It became ap-
parent from the experiments that a natural hydrother-
either the drill pipes or natural flow channels as wat-
ers rise to the surface. After only a few percent steam real system with a rock/water ratio of the order of
separation from high temperature water, the steam 10-20 could, under static conditions, produce through
phase contains most of the less soluble gases (mainly the reaction of water and rock, solution compositions
CO.~, H~.S, CH,, H.~ and N.~). In the hot water areas typical of the New Zealand Wairakei-Broadlands-Ka-
werau type of system. Elements such as rubidium, li-
the concentration of gases in the steam phase depends
on the percentage of steam and water present in the thium, caesium, boron, and fluoride, often hitherto re-
flow at the pressure of collection. The amount of gas garded as magrnatic contributions to hydrothermal sys-
in the steam varies widely between the different fields tems, could be explained simply through reaction of
and is one of the important factors in planning power water and rock at temperatures very much below those
of rock melting.
development. The Ahuachapan field in El Salvador,
with about 0.005 mole percent gas in the steam, has Isotopic ratios for both hydrogen and oxygen in
the lowest gas so far observed, while drillholes in the water from natural flows and from geothermal drillho-
Ngawha area of New Zealand, and the Monte Amiata les have revealed in many regions that the waters consist
field in Italy (CATALDI 1967), produced a mixture of almost entirely of local meteoric waters which have
been heated at deep levels, where they became char-
gas, steam, and water in comparable proportions. In
all cases carbon dioxide is the predominant gas pres- ged with chemicals. There is geological evidence that
particular hydrothermal systems may have been in exist-
ent, although hydrogen sulfide can reach major pro-
portions in areas where sulfur occurs at deep levels ence for periods of 10~ years (WmTIZ 1957; GRINDLEY
(e. g., in the Tatun geothermal areas, Taiwan). 1965). Many unsolved questions exist regarding the mech-
anism by which a supply of heat and chemicals could
be maintained to enable a flow-through hydrothermal
Origin of elements system to operate continuously for this period of time.
The experimental evidence of ELLIS and MAHON(1964,
Reasons may be sought for the composition of 1967), and water isotope evidence does not rule out
waters and steam in particular geothermal areas. The the possibility of magmatic solutions contributing to
origin of the chemical constituents associated with the ehernical make-up of hydrothermal systems, but
geothermal fluids is a controversial one. ELLIS and points out that it would be almost impossible chemi-
MAriON (1964, 1967) discussed the composition of high cally, to distinguish natural hot waters which do or
temperature waters in volcanic areas, while FACCA and do not have magmatic solution contributions. The iso-
Tor~Ar~i (1964) examined the origin of constituents in topic make-up of particular elements in hydrothermal
natural steam areas. FACCA and TONANX pointed out solutions does, however, have the possibility of distin-
that there was little evidence for a magmatic origin guishing origins.
of the gases carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydro- From a chemical and heat balance of the Waira-
carbons and ammonia in the Larderello steam dischar- kei type of hydrothermal system ELLIS (1966) showed
ges, and simple decomposition reactions in the hot se- that approximately equal volumes of rhyolitic rocks, or
dimentary rocks could account for the gaseous constit- rhyolitic magma, would be required to supply the che-
uents in the steam. The experiments of ELLIS and mical output, or heat output, respectively, of the Wai-
MAHON, reacting various volcanic and sedimentary rakei system for a given period. The problems of ex-
rocks with high temperature water (100C to 600C) tracting heat and chemicals from hot rock. at deep levels
under controlled conditions in pressure vessels gave are both associated with the difficultyof obtaining suf-
useful evidence on thermal water compositions. Firstly, ficient contact between water and rock on a continuing

TABLE 1. - - Composition o~ thermal

Concentrations in mg/kg for water collected

Approx. Depth pH
Source and Reference temp. (m) (20 )
(0C) Li Na K Rb Cs Mg Ca

Drillhole, Reykjavik
Iceland (~) 100 600 8.6 < 0.1 95 1.5 < 0.02 .< 0.02 0.5
Hole G-3, Hveragerdi,
Iceland (:) 216 650 9.6 0.3 212 27 0.04 < 0.02 0.0 1.5

Pauzhetsk drillholes, 170. 195 300- 400 8.9 Na+K

940 7 119
Kamchatka, U.S.S.R. (-~)
Drillhole 1, Ngawha 230 585 7.4 12.2 950 80 0.8 0.4 Ca + Mg
New Zealand (3) 28
Drillhole 2, Broadlands
New Zealand (s) 260 1030 8.3 11.7 1050 210 2.2 1.7 0.1 2.2
Drillhole 24, Wairakei
New Zealand (s) 250 830 8.3 13.2 1250 210 2.9 2.5 0.04 12
Drillhole 2, Rotokaua
New Zealand (s) 220 880 7.8 10,2 1525 176 -- 50
Hole El03, Tahuangtsui
Tatun, Taiwan (4) 200 I000 3.2 282 54 -- 89 0
Hole I, Matsukawa,
Japan (5) ,,~ 300 945 4.9 264 144 ~ --- 8.7 22.9
Hole 5, Mexicali
Mexico (s) 340 1285 -- 19 5820 1570 ~ -- 8 280
Hole I, I.I.D. Salton Sea
California (r) * 340 1600 4.7 215 50400 17500 135 14 54 28OOO

* Concentrations and pH in deep aquifer.

Total C02; SiOz; etc., is the total COz + HCO3-- + CO3--= expressed as CO2; silica + silicate as SiO2; etc.

TABL~ 2. ~ Comlmaition

Steam "Iotal gas

Source Temp. (arm) fraction in steam
Source depth (oC) in discharge at pressure
(m) abs. at pressure (mole %)

Average drillhole, Larderello 500 220 6 1.00 * 2.0

Average drillhole, The Geysers 150-350 200 7.8 1.00 * 0.3
Hole 3, Matsukawa 1207 300 4.5 0.75 0.5-06
Drillholes, Reykjavik 500 ~ I00 water only
Hole G-3, Hveragerdi 400 216 1 0.20 0.015
Average drillhole, Wairakei 650 26O 1 0.32 0.063
Hole II, Broadlands, N.Z. 760 260 1 l
0.355 0.61
Hole I, Ngawha, N l . 585 228 1 0.33 20
Hole E202, Matsao, Tatun 500 200 1 5.8
Hole 5, Mexicali 1285 340 1 0.44 0.54
Drillholes, Sahon Sea 1500-1800 300-350 16 0.18 0.1-1.0
Hole I, Ahuachapan 1195 230 I 0.23 0.005
Hole 7, Otake, Japan 350 230 3.o 0.215 0.10

* Area of steam discharge only.

Note: H C means total hydrocarbon gases.

waters /rom springs and drillholes

at a t m o s p h e r i c p r e s s u r e f r o m discharge M o l e c u l a r Ratios

Total Total Total Total

Mn Fe F CI Br I SO( As C02 SiO2 B NI-h C1/SO~ CUB C1/F Na/Li Na/K

-- -- -- 31 -- -- 16 -- 58 155 0.03 0.1 5.2 400 -- > 300 110

0.00 0.1 1.9 197 0.45 0.0 61 -- 55 480 0.6 0.1 8.7 100 55 200 13

-- ~ -- 1470 -- -- 164 -- 61 170 31,3 0.7 24 14.3 -- -- --

0.02 0.1 0.8 1625 -- 1.3 17 -- 61 460 1200 46 260 0.41 1100 23.5 20

0.009 0.25 7.3 1743 5,7 0.8 8 8.! 128 805 48.2 2.1 590 11.0 128 27 8.5

0.015 0.05 8.4 2210 5.5 0.3 28 4.5 17 670 28.8 0.2 210 23.5 140 28.5 10.1

-- -- 6.b 2675 -- 0.2 120 -- 55 430 102 3.2 60 8.0 217 45 14.7

-- 1363 -- 1223 -- -- 1462 -- -- 170 -- -- 2.7,6 . . . . 8.9

-- 508 -- 12.4 -- -- 1780 -- 26 635 61.1 ~ 0.019 0.062 -- -- 3.1

-- 0.2 -- 10420 l~t.1 3.1 0.0 -- 1653 740 12.4 -- -- 256 -- 92 6.3

1400 2290 15 155000 120 18 5 12 7100 400 390 386 80000 121 5500 705 4.9

Re/erences : (~) C h e m i s t r y D i v i s i o n , D . S J . R . , N.Z. a n d pers. c o m m . f r o m (7) y . C. L l u (pers. comm.).

D r G. B o v v ~ , s s o N , a n d D r G. E. S~VALVASON. (~) NAtoJ~tu'~, SUMI 1967
(=) A v e r y ~ r AL., 1961. (e) MmtC.A~ 1966.
(~) C h e m i s t r y D i v i s i o n , D . S J . R . , N.Z. (7) MUFFt.Zg, WHrr~ 1969.

o~ steam /rom drillholes

G a s c o m p o s i t i o n (mole %)

CO= H.~ H='=C H2 +N2A 02 NI'Ia I-hBO3 Ref.

92.8 2.5 2.0 0.55 1.70 0,45 (1)

69.3 3.0 11.8 12.7 1.6 1.6 (2)
85.3 ,1., R e m a i n d e r 3.5% (3)
100 (4)
73.7 7.3 0.4 5.7 12.9 (4)
91.7 4.4 0.9 0.8 1.5 0.6 0.05 (5)
94.8 2.1 1.2 0.2 1.5 0.2 (~)
93.9 0.7 4.1 0.5 0.8 0.04 (~)
49.3 41.7 Remainder 9.0% (s)
81.4 3.6 7.0 0.5 7.0 0.4 (7)
90 Remainder mainly H~S + m i n o r H C a n d H2 (s)
50-80 0 10-40 2-10 (4)
96.7 0.65 R e m a i n d e r 2.7% (o)

Re[erenees : (1) PI~cTA 1954. (4) SIGVALDASON (pers. comm.). (7) ALONSO 1966.
(2) M c N r r r 1963. (5) CHEMISTRY DIVISION, D.S.I.R., N.Z. (8) HFJ.~_SO~ 1968.
(a) AZUMA KAKO CO. LTD. 1966. 18) Y. C. LIU (pers. comm.). (g) NUGUcItI 1966.

basis. In areas of dense rock, continuous extraction of analysis, Table 1) where ammonia and carbon dioxide
chemicals by hot water for period of 104- 105 years are also commonly high in concentration.
seems unlikely. In an area of this type (e. g., Steam- The ratio C1/B is useful in identifying waters with-
boat Springs, Nevada), cycling of meteoric water in a hydrothermal area. Many areas have a constant
through the top of a magma chamber at deep levels C1/B ratio in all hot waters, but occasionally more
seems a likely model, if continuous long-term outflow than one group of values occurs in an area. or values
of the system is postulated. show a continuous trend across the field. More than
In a permeable volcanic system such as at Waira- one aquifer may be indicated, or in the last situation
kei, if the water output of 10 TM kg water/year was con- extraction of boron from a particular rock type may
stant for the suggested age of 500,000 years (GRINDLEY occur in a sector of the field. Figure 1 gives the molec-
1965), the water of the estimated cubic volume of the hy- ular proportions of chloride, boron, and bicarbonate
drothermal system (500 km ~) would have to be replaced in a range of waters in New Zealand hydrothermal
100 times, if the rock water ratio was ten. On a chem- areas, both for hot spring and drillhole waters. The
ical leaching explanation for the water compositions, homogeneity of waters in most of the areas is evident,
very dilute waters would be expected after I00 cycles except for Waiotapu and Broadlands. In the Broad-
have been completed. There is, however, no certainty lands-Ohaki area, in the most eastern part of the field,
that water flows have been continuous, or water com- tow CI/B ratios occur through reaction of the hot wat-
positions constant, over the lifetime of the system. It is er with a greywacke-argillite formation. There is a rap-
possible that over periods of approximately 105 years, id trend in values across this part of the field.
water is heated under almost static conditions at deep The identity of waters can, in the same way, be
levels, and convective inflow and outflow occurs only examined through the ratios Cl/Cs, C1/As a n d Cl/F.
during comparatively short periods of the order of l0 S MAnes (1970) gives greater detail on the use of these
years, when new flow channels are created by major ratios in surveying geothermal areas.
tectonic activity. Cessation of flow may be caused
through the sealing of natural flow channels by quartz Solute equilibria
and calcite.
Evidence from tritium and ~'C determinations on Within thermal systems of the hot-water type the-
water and steam flows in many geothermal areas (CP.AtG re are numerous chemical equilibria, both between
1963; WILSOr~ 1965) indicates the turnover time of solute species, and between solute and rock minerals.
the water heating cycle is well in excess of 50 years. Many acid/base equilibria exist in natural hot wat-
While the mechanism of deep heat and chemical trans- ers, e.g., carbonic acid-bicarbonate, hydrogen sulfide-
ference is of great academic interest, from point of bisulfide, boric acid-borate, hydrogen fluoride-fluoride.
view of power production over periods of a few tens ammonium-ammonia, bisulfate-sulfate and silicic acid-
of years, hydrothermal systems at levels beneath l - 3 silicate. Within a geothermal field the pH of hot wat-
km can for many purposes be regarded essentially as ers is a useful variable through which to examine va-
static bodies of hot water, giving rise to production of rious mineral solubilities and stabilities. Water pH val-
dry steam, or hot water, at shallow levels, depending ues at the surface in New Zealand areas are common-
on the temperature of the deep water and the character- ly in the range 6.5 - 9.0, but this is after the waters
istics of the rock system (lAMES 1968). have boiled off steam and carbon dioxide into the at-
mosphere. As outlined by ELLIS (1967) the original pH
Soluble ~ e l e m e n t c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of the high temperature water at deep levels can be cal-
There are few elements present in natural hot culated from analysis of drillhole steam+water dis-
waters which are not controlled by temperature-and charges. The original water composition at depth is
pressure-dependent chemical equilibria involving rock obtained by combining the constituents in the steam
minerals. The main exceptions are the elements chlo- and water discharged from a drillhole at a known
rine, bromine, boron and caesium which act essen- steam/water ratio. The combination of steam and wat-
tially as soluble elements in most situations, and also er analyses gives a significant deep composition only
to a limited extent, fluoride, lithium, and arsenic in when drillholes discharge a steam/water mixture of
springs of major outflow and waters at deep levels. enthalpy equal to that of water at the measured under-
The <<~oluble )) type of element is most useful in iden- ground temperature, and where other characteristics of
tifying particular waters in a hydrothermal system, and the discharge indicate that it has been derived from
in predicting the type of rocks with which the waters a single liquid phase underground.
have had contact (ELLIS and MAHON 1964; ELLIS Successive approximation calculations (ELLIS
1967). For example, low lithium and caesium is common 1967), give the equilibrium concentrations of the va-
in basaltic areas. Low C1/B ratios, due to high bo- rious acids and bases in the deep waters.
ron concentrations, are common in hot waters of or- Information is available on values of ionisation
ganic-rich sedimentary rocks (e. g., the Ngawha water constants of weak acid/base equilibria at high tempera-

tures (BARN,ES ET AL. 1966; ELLIS 1967; HELGESON field (salt concentrations, ion ratios, gas concentra-
1967a). Calculated pH values for the waters supplying tions, gas ratios), changes in derived quantities such as
deep drillholes in several New Zealand hydrothermal the underground pH of waters can give useful infor-
areas are shown in Table 3. mation. Draw-down of hydrostatic pressures in the west-
A]ong with direct observations over the years of ern Wairakei production zone has led to boiling of
changes in the chemistry of waters and steam from a waters at successively deeper levels, and gas concentra-


k+ 4
_ x /
'" "

4 ~ i 9 -~,lJBr lt, 4 =

X / Deep drillholes
/ F,/ Shallowdrillholes
X Springs 1
/X Ngawha
--X , xeNg I
/ v v v v v v V v v
10 HCO3 10 B
FIG. 1 -- Molecular proportions o/chloride, boron, and bicarbonate in waters of various hydrothermal areas o/ New Zealand.

T~LE 3.
pH values (--log all) for deep waters supplying drillholes in six areas of New Zealand.
Trends with time at Wairakei over 8 years are given.
Area W. Broadlands Kawerau Waintapu Rotokaua
pH 6.3 6.2 6.1 5.9
Area Te Kopia Wairakei Wairakei Wairakei Wairakei
(1958) (1962) (1964) (1966)
pH 7.1 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.0

tions in water tapped by drillholes at a particular level 7I

have consequently decreased with time (GLovER 1970). i I i
Water pH values underground have risen and Table 3
gives the changes in average deep water pH from 1958
to 1966.
Allaite J
Over the years the Wairakei waters have also
changed from being slightly under-saturated with cal-
"~Wcairctke; 7 i
cite (see Figure 7) to a level of saturation with respect Nca-montmoriltonit e
to this mineral. Whereas in 1958 there was a differ- 4i
ence in pH of about 0.5 units between that for calcite
precipitation and the estimated water pH, the differ-
ence is now zero.
Kaolinite I K-micra K-Fet~spar I
Mineral soluteequilibria
MAHON (1966) and FOURNIER and Rowe (1966) t
observed independently that high temperature waters i
within hydrothermal areas are saturated with silica in
equilibrium with quartz. This has made possible a sim-
ple chemical method for determining temperatures of i I
waters supplying either drillholes or hot springs of 1 2 w,~ ( % / caM) 5 6 7
high discharge. By assuming that waters reach the sur-
face by an adiabatic isoenthalpic expansion of the orig- Fm. 3. - - Phase diagram of sodium and potassium minerals
commonly found in hydrothermal alteration, relating miner-
inal high temperature water to a steam-water mixtu- al stabilities to the ion activity ratios a~.~/am and aK/a~.
re, Figure 2 gives the silica concentrations in boiling The Wairakei composition point is calc,tlated from ana-
lyses o/ drillhole discharges. (Published from ELLIS 1969
surface waters which correspond to particular under- with permission o/ the Institution o/ Mining and Metal-
ground water temperatures. Use of this method has lurgy: the log (aK/a,) scale has been revised slightly /or
pressure e[]ects).
enabled measurement of temperatures in New Zealand
geothermal areas to within about 4- 2C (MAriON 1966).
Moreover, the measurement is made while driUholes It was shown by ELLIS (1969) that in undisturb-
discharge, and the estimate is for waters which supply ed hydrothermal systems it is common for the pH of
the discharge. Physical measurements made downhole the underground waters to be controlled by an equilib-
during static conditions are often affected by convec- rium between the solution and alumino-silicates in the
tion within the hole. secondary alteration mineral assemblages. HEMLEY
and loses (1964) determined equilibrium constants for
the following type of reactions:

3/2 K - f e l d s p a r + H + = 1 / 2 K - m i c a + 3 Q u a r t z + K + (1)
1000 - - 7 albite 4- 6 H + 4- 3H~O = 3 N a - M o n t m o r i l l o n i t e
+ 10 Q u a r t z 4- 6 N a + (2)

Certain activity ratios of ions aK/aH arid aN,/a H

800 respectively, exist at a particular temperature and pres-
sure, during the coexistence of the minerals taking
part in the reaction. Equilibrium constants are availa-
ble over a range of temperatures for individual potas-
sium/hydrogen and sodium/hydrogen exchange reac-
O5 tions of this type (HEMLEY and IONES 1964).
HELGESON (1967b), produced a combined phase
diagram for sodium and potassium minerals at 300 , in
terms of the ion ratios aN./a, and aK/a.. Figure 3 is
a diagram of this type for 250.
In the Wairakei system, albite, potassium feldspar
200 Aquifer Tom!~erature(*C) 3P and potassium mica exist in equilibrium in the deep
Fie. 2. - - The relationship between silica concentrations in alteration mineral assemblage. The deep water compo-
100C waters at the surface and the original under- sition obtained by calculation from drillhole dischar-
ground temperature el water which was saturated with ge analytical data. is shown to coincide within pos-
quartz. Cocling o] water is by adiabatic isoenthalpic ex-
pansion into steam and water on route to the surface. sible errors with the point A for the co-existence of the

three minerals derived from HEMLEY and IONES' (1964)
experimental data. In several other areas the waters 16
have also been found to have sodium/hydrogen and po-
tassium/hydrogen ratios equivalent to that for equilib-
rium with albite, potassium feldspar, and potassium
The discussion of chemical equilibria which fol-
lows will apply quantitatively only at temperatures
above about 175-200C, as the alumino-silicate equilib- 13
ria at lower temperatures are not certain. The existen-
ce of an equilibrium between alteration minerals and ratio
deep hot solution has several implications. For co-exi- Na/K
stence of sodium and potassium feldspars, a certain
Na/K ratio exists in solution at a given temperature 11
and pressure (the pressure effect is minor and is not
considered further in this discussion). ELLIS and 10
MAHON (1967) showed that the reaction of hot water
with volcanic rocks produced temperature-dependent
Na/K ratios in solution which were in agreement with
the ratios in high temperature thermal waters of known
temperature. The Na/K ratio in waters has been cali-
brated by field and experimental work as a means of
.i I ] I I
\ |
measuring temperatures of water supplying drillholes 200 Water Temperature"C 300
and hot springs. Examples of its use are found in the FIG. 4. - -The variation with temperature ot the ratio Na/K
paper by CUSlCANOUI and ELLIS (1970). Figure 4 gives in waters in equilibrium with albite and K-]eldspar.
the relationship between water Na/K ratio and tem-
With cooling of water, e.g., through boiling on I
rising towards the surface, the Na/K exchange reaction
is slower to readjust than the silica equilibrium. A
memory of deep temperatures is carded upwards, but Oj~8T~Kopio~N.Z.
the temperatures indicated by the silica and the Na/K
method may disagree, the latter showing a higher tem- 7
perature. The Na/K ratio can for example indicate
whether or not higher temperatures exist beneath the
depth of drilling (MAno~ 1970).
The Na/K method is a more reliable method for \o.o. \
estimating deep temperatures from spring flows, but
for drillhole discharges, the silica method is capable of 6
~iving more accurate temperatures at the production
The constant relationships aNa/a.; and aN,/at at
a temperature for ecmilibrium rock alteration mineral-
og~, requires that the water pH vary with salinity 5
(ms, + inK) in the manner shown in Figure 5. This
aptHies beneath the level of boiling. Waters of highest
salinity and highest temperature will have the lowest
DH. The high pH of the very. dilute and lower teml~er-
ature Iceland geothermal waters is, for example, ex-
r~lained. The pH points calculated from acid/base equi- 4
200 300 Temperature, C 400
libria for several hydrothermal areas are shown on the
diagram as circles and are in good agreement with FIG. 5~ ~ The pH ( ~ log all) values predicted ]or waters
those predicted for mineral/solution equilibrium (shown at various temperatures in equilibrium with albite, K-mica
and K-[eldspar. Lines for (m,, + inK) o] 0.01, o.1, and 1.0
as arrowheads). are given. Points show pH values calculated trom acid-
The solubility, of calcite in solutions containing base equilibria Jor deep waters in various hydrothermal
areas, while arrowheads show the position expected from
sodium chloride and carbon dioxide was discussed by the mineral equilibrium prediction.

ELLIS (1963) and HOLLAND (1967). The calcite solu-
bility equilibrium can be expressed as follows:

CaCO~ + H,:CO~ = Ca +2 + 2HCO~-

KCHC = ac~" a:Hcoa/aco2 (3)
2 2
=,,,/a, (4)
and '
a c a a c o 2 ----- a . KcHc/K~, (5)

Ka, is the first ionisation constant of carbonic acid

(RYZHENKO 1963). In addition, for the feldspar, mica
a~./art = Kf,,, (6)
2 .I2
K c , c . ms. ,..
so that inca" tacos. = K2 ~ ,,2 (7)
al " K fm " ~ Cl

In these equations the activities, a, and molalities,

m, of the ions and of carbon dioxide are shown, and
Kfm is the equilibrium constant for the mica, two-feld-
spar equilibrium. The activity of carbon dioxide is
taken as being equal to the molality. :, is the stoichio-
metric ion activity coefficient. If natural hot waters
are in equilibrium with calcite, mica, and feldspars, 0.1 mNo 1.0
then at a temperature the product of calcium and car- F13. 6. - - The estimated variation in the products me. moo:
bon dioxide concentrations will be approximately pro- with sodium ion concentrations, ms., in waters of various
temperatures in equilibrium with albite, K-mica, K-]eld-
portional to m ,t . , or m~<. Figure 6 shows lines for spar, and calcite.
estimated values of inc,. tacos, versus ms, for a range
of temperatures. Points are added from analyses of geo- in water, a series of equilibrium phase diagrams for
termal drillhole discharges from several fields. (Several hydrothermal alteration minerals could be developed
waters have such low calcium concentrations that large in terms of as,/a~, av,/aH, ac,/a~, and aMJa~(e.g.,
analytical errors are possible). With a few exceptions. Figure 3). This type of diagram was developed further
calcium concentrations in the waters are found to be by ELLIS (1969) and ELLIS and BROWNE (1970) tO
close to those for equilibrium with calcite. Taking this explain the relationship between water chemistry and
to be a common situation, providing that the water mineralogy in the hydrothermal areas at Broadlands and
temperature is known (the silica and N a / K methods) at Wairakei, New Zealand, where the rock/water
Figure 6 can be used to estimate approximate carbon system contains as the main chemical components,
dioxide concentrations in underground waters from Na~O, K.O, CaO, MgO, Al.,Os, SiO:, H~O, and CO~..
analyses of sodium and calcium concentrations in sur- At constant temperature and pressure, at least 7 miner-
face water discharges. al phases (plus sulfide and iron phases) can be ex-
The value of the first ionisation constant for pected to coexist with water. A common hydrothermal
(< carbonic acid ,. alteration mineral assemblage includes albite, K-feld-
spar, K-mica, (wairakite or epidote), chlorite, calcite,
Kal - - ar~ aHcos/aco:
and quartz. The equilibrium phase diagram for sodium
is known over a wide range of temperatures ( R Y z H E N K O and potassium minerals was described (Figure 3). A
1963). From a knowledge of the bicarbonate concen- comparable phase diagram for potassium and calcium
tration in waters of boiling springs with a good flow. minerals at 2600 (Figure 7) correlates the hydrothermal
and the appropriate activity coefficients, a second esti- alteration mineral assemblages at Wairakei and Broad-
mate of the carbon dioxide concentration in the deep lands with the deep water compositions. The solid lines
water of an area can be made, as an approximate aH show phase equilibria in the absence of carbon dioxide.
is available from the sodium concentration (Figure 5). When carbon dioxide is added to the system, bicarbo-
From use of equation 3, a knowledge of calcium and nate and carbonate ions are formed until an equilib-
bicarbonate ion concentrations also can ~ve a measure rium pH is attained. For a particular concentration
of mee~2 in deeo water saturated with calcite. of carbon dioxide, a dashed horizontal line represents
HELGESON (1967) showed for the Salton Sea area the value of log (ac,/a~) at which calcite precipitates.
how from a combination of experimental data and Values above this line do not occur. Lines are drawn
field observations on mineralogy and ion concentrations for mco: equal to 0.01, 0.15, and 1.0. At 0.01 mco,.

* I ' I ~ 1 I more limited contact with rock. There is a general

/ tendency for the water to impose a new composition
on the rocks at levels above the point of first boiling.
For slow homogeneous movement of water through
//~ Cclclte, m = 0.0tin rock, with increasing pH, the water would tend to im-
7/ ~ .... .. _ _ C O 2 ~
(Wairakei) pose the following sequence of alteration minerals.
Wairakei" ' l " qD/ ~t (Broc~Ion~$) Quartz would be precipitated throughout. Taking the
II ~ 1 | Calcite, m C O = 0 15 Broadlands area as an example, the following sequence
Wairakit. --~" 4~-- 2 "7 in mineralogy would, in theory, be noted:
/ II I cateite, me0 ~-0 l
a) 2600 water in equilibrium with albite, K-mica, K-
J~ ~ - - - - -'~roo,4ton,~? 2 -- -- "~
feldspar, calcite, wairakite and chlorite.

Kaolinite K- mice: K- fe~(~s;)(tr
t b) Slight steam loss and pH rise would move the water
composition point so that K-feldspar and wairakite
remain stable, but not K-mica. Chlorite would re-
main stable. Calcite would be precipitated, as the
horizontal calcite line on the diagram rises propor-
tionally to pH change while the composition point
rises proportionally to twice the pH change. Due to
I a I change of phase boundaries with temperature, the
2 tog a~ "~ 4 6 8 water composition trends into the K-feldspar stabil-
ity field, and growth of K-feldspar is required to
F]o. 7. Phase diagram /or calcium and potassium minerals
- -
bring water back on to the two feldspar equilib-
at 200o, in terms o~ ac./a. - and az'a.. Water compositions rium line.
/or Wairakei and W. Broadlands are shown, and dashed
lines show values o/ ac./au"- /or calcite precipitation at c) With further steam loss the same trends would be
mcca values o/ 0.01, 0.15 and 1.0. followed, except that epidote would be favoured
(Published lrom Eu.IS (1969) with permission of the In-
stitution of Mining and Metallurgy. The log (aca.) scale rather than wairakite. Calcite and K-feldspar would
is revised slightly /or pressure e/leers, and the present continue to form.
ac./a. 2 scale is correct. In the earlier diagram me. values
.,ere in error used as ac, values).
The rock mineral system has a buffering action
towards the changes which the rising water attempts
all of the minerals have areas of stability. With in- to bring about. While the trends in mineralogy can be
creasing carbon dioxide concentration, first the field of pointed out, the extent to which the changes are
zoisite (epidote) disappears, and at about mco2 = 1.0 m brought about at a particular level depends on the rel-
the wairakite field also disappears. For particular ative volumes of water and rock in contact. In contrast
solution conditions at a given temperature, the presence to slow upflow through homogeneous rock, water rising
or absence of wairakite or epidote in the mineral alter- and boiling in a fissure will produce about the flow
ation assemblages can be related to carbon dioxide zone, secondary minerals which are dominated by ef-
concentrations in the water. Phase diagrams of this fects of the trends in water pH. The buffering effect
type can give useful comments on trends in hydrother- from the rock is at a minimum. In the Broadlands
real alteration throughout an area (ELus and BROWNE example, the main minerals formed about the flow fis-
1970). Brief examples are given. sure would be K-feldspar, calcite and quartz. Formation
At deep levels at Wairakei and Broadlands before of wairakitc in the fissure at the level of first boiling,
steam loss through boiling, the water compositions followed by epidote at higher levels could also be
marked as solid points fall, respectively, close to co- consistent with phase diagrams. A lowered p H is pro-
existence of epidote, wairakite and K-feldspar; and duced in water heated by steam and carbon dioxide
wairakite, calcite, K-mica and K-feldspar. Calcite is a condensing into it, and mineral assemblages such as
common alteration mineral at Broadlands and less com- albite, K-mica, wairakite or montmorillonite, !(-mica
mon at Wairakei, while the reverse situation applies and wairakite, are favoured. Kaolinite and halloysite
to the occurrence of wairakite and epidote. are stable at 260 o in waters of the Broadlands compo-
If waters boil, the loss of CO2 from solution causes sition only under low p H conditions.
a rise in pH and the water becomes out of equilibrium A reason why some hydrothermal areas precipitate
with the mineral assemblage with which it was in calcite in drillholes and flow fissures, while other areas
contact. The effect this water has as it continues to rise do not, is seen from diagrams such as Figure 7. For
through the country depends on whether it flows in a Wairakei, separation of steam from the deep water
homogeneous manner or is channelled in fissures with raises the pH and brings its composition up to the

epidote, K-feldspar stability line. An appreciable" steam as in the Tatun area of Taiwan. Hot water reacts with
separation is required before the composition point sulfur following the equation below.
catches up with the rising, calcite precipitate line. At 4H~_O + 4S -- 3H2S -+- H,.SO,
Broadlands, however, the deep water composition is
Acidic waters high in H.oS are produced. A laboratory
close to both the K-mica, K-feldspar boundary and to
study of this hydrolysis reaction showed, for example,
those for wairakite and calcite. With steam separation,
at 150 , 2000 and 250 , concentrations of H.~S in water
calcite would be the preferred calcium phase precipi-
in contact with sulfur of approximately 0.001m,
tated, and although the composition point would sub-
0.005m and 0.02m respectively, pH values in cooled
sequently follow the wairakite, K-feldspar boundary,
waters of 3 or much lower were produced. In the Ro-
it is unlikely that wairakite would nucleate and grow
tokaua, New Zealand hydrothermal area, sulfur occur-
with any efficiency while calcite is forming.
red in rocks at shallow levels, and waters were of the
For a particular temperature, there is a particular
acid chloride, sulphate type, but deep drillholes passed
carbon dioxide concentration above which, calcite
through to high temperature neutral pH water beneath.
would precipitate as the first calcium mineral phase
Unfortunately, in the Tatun area deep drillholes still
with first steam separation from water, and below
encountered sulfur-bearing strata and extremely corro-
which, a calcium silicate phase would form or remain
sive conditions persisted. In this situation the acidity
stable with steam separation. At 260* this critical car-
developed from sulfur hydrolysis overrides the alumino-
bon dioxide concentration is about 0.1 m. (The Broad-
silicate pH buffering systems which occur during the
lands drillholes are slightly affected by calcite sealing).
simple recrystallisation of a volcanic rock.
Hydrothermal areas with high carbon dioxide concen-
It was shown by ELLIS ~T AL. (1970), that in many
trations are most likely to be affected by calcite scaling
deep hydrothermal systems partial pressures of hydro-
problems in discharge pipes. gen of approximately 0.I atm occur. At this hydrogen
The concentration of magnesium in high tempera- pressure, the redox equilibrium in solution between
ture waters is usually maintained at low levels (Table sulfide and sulfate strongly favours sulfide. Except
I) through mineral equilibria involving chlorite. The where sulfur or sulfur dioxide hydrolysis occurs, sulfate
concentration changes markedly with temperature. Ther- should not occur at high concentrations in deep high
mal areas which have dilute neutral pH waters con- temperature waters. In neutral pH waters sulfate is also
taining appreciable magnesium concentrations (above restricted in concentration at high temperatures by
few ppm) in springs of good flow, would be regarded anhydrite solubility.
with suspicion for geothermal developments. It could
indicate that the waters do not have temperatures at Gas equilibria
depth much greater than at the surface. However the HULSTON ( 1961 ) showed that if a chemical equilib-
possibility of surface dilution with magnesium-con- rium is assumed to exist between the co-existing gases
taining cold waters should be kept in mind. carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane present in natu-
Phase boundaries between common mineral pairs ral steam it is possible to estimate the temperature of
such as chlorite-walrakite are marked by a particular equilibrium at depth from known thermodynamic data
value of the ratio am/a~. With increasing salinity, for the following reaction:
(lower pH), the equilibrium magnesium concentrations CH, + 2H,O = CO~ + 4H.,
in waters increase in the same manner as for calcium
Equilibrium constants are available for this reaction,
concentrations. The increase in iron and manganese
either as a gas phase equilibria or in liquid water. For
concentrations in waters of high salinity (ELLXS 1969)
a natural steam system only the mole fractions of the
could also be explained in this way.
various gases and the total pressure are required to
estimate the temperature of equilibrium at depth. For
Sulphur containing equilibria a deep high temperature water system it is necessary to
As indicated by ELLIS and BROWNE (1970), the know in addition the relationship between the steam
occurrence of pyrite or pyrrhotite in hydrothermally analysed and the parent water, i.e., the percentage
altered rocks, depends on the ratio log (pH~s/pn2) in steam flash. When analysing fumarole steam the possi-
the environment. As hydrogen is less soluble in water bility of a contaminating addition of methane at shallow
than hydrogen sulfide, water which has lost steam depths from decomposing organic material should be
would favour pyrite formation in the rocks which it kept in mind.
contacts, while rock exposed to a separated steam The method is best used in association with iso-
phase may produce pyrrhotite because of the lower topic temperature measuring techniques to provide a
pH~s/pH2 ratio in the steam. mutual crosscheck of values. In a hydrothermal area
The occurrence of sulfur in country rock in con- in which the natural activity is entirely fumarolic it is
tact with hot water causes considerable corrosion prob- one of the few ways to obtain estimates of underground
lems during the development of a hydrothermal area, temperatures.

Isotope equilibria lysis of drillcores and drillhole discharges. Equilibrium
Several isotope exchange reactions offer the pos- constants for the isotopic distribution of oxygen bet-
sibility of deep temperature estimation from surface ween water and the minerals calcite, quartz, alkali
measurements on water or steam flows. Equilibrium feldspars, and muscovite, were reported by TAYLORET
costants for many isotope exchange equilibria are now AL. (1967). A good example of the use of this isotope
becoming available, and some important examples are technique was given by CLAYTON ~T AL. (1968) who
summarised below. In all the isotopic equilibria it is showed that calcite in rocks intersected by a Salton
assumed that the equilibrium achieved at deep levels Sea area drillhole was in isotopic equilibrium with the
is ~ frozen in ,, between the time, and the deep point co-existing water, from temperatures of over 3000 down
of equilibrium until the analysis of material at the sur- to at least 1500. Oxygen isotopic equilibrium between
face. Many isotopic equilibria have a slower rate of quartz and water was not achieved in this situation.
adjustment with changing temperature than chemical
equilibria (e.g. Na/K ratio, silica concentrations). In Heavy metal concentrations
the future the isotope techniques are likely to play an Appreciable concentrations of arsenic and antimo-
increasingly important role in measuring temperatures ny are commonly found in natural thermal waters, but
at deep levels within hydrothermal systems. it is only the more saline, high temperature, waters that
SOLUTE EOUILIBRIA contain noteworthy concentrations of iron, manganese,
The relative ratios of l~C/~-~C in co-existing carbon copper, zinc, lead and silver. The Salton Sea area
dioxide and methane varies with temperature, and hydrothermal system is the most spectacular in this
ratios determined for the two gases in geothermal respect (SKINNER ET AL. 1967). Discharges from Salton
discharges have been interprete.d to give underground Sea area drillholes produced siliceous scale rich in
temperatures. As reviewed by ELLIS ET AL. (1970), tem- copper, iron, sulfur, silver, antimohy and arsenic. EL-
peratures of 215-315cC were obtained for Larderello LIS (1968) showed that during the experimental reac-
steam, and 245-250cC for deel~ Wairakei water. tion of common rocks with salt solutions at elevated
The isotopic distribution a'S/a~S between hydrogen temperatures, high proportions of the lead and copper
sulfide and metal sulfides in altered rock, and between in the rock were liberated into solution. There was
co-existing metal sulfides shows promise of being useful a relationship between salinity and the concentration of
in estimating the temperature of rock alteration under- metals such as manganese, iron, lead and copper, found
ground. The Institute of Nuclear Sciences, DSIR, New in solution at a temperature. The reason for the va-
Zealand, is at present investigating systems of this type. riation in concentration of these metals is mainly to be
Two exchange equilibria between solute specie~ sought in terms of pH variation with salinity, as discus-
which are potentially useful for estimating deep level sed above, although chloride complexes may also play
water temperatures, are the following: a part.
H2160 + SlgO,2- = H2~O + S160,2- Although concentrations of heavy metals such as
copper, zinc, silver, and lead are only at the parts per
H2nS + ~SO, ~- = ~S + ~SO, 2-
billion level in the dilute waters of the Broadlands
RAFTER and MITSUTANI (1969) determined exper- New Zealand field, drillholes at depths from 2500 to
imentally the oxygen isotope equilibrium distribution 6000 ft have intersected extensive mineralised bands
for the first reaction at various temperatures, and from containing sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite (BRowNE
isotopic analysis of water and suifate from Wairakei 1969). Although the more saline thermal waters are
waters calculated underground water temperatures of capable of carrying higher concentrations of heavy
250 o . 300C. metals in solution it is apparent that even dilute waters
The sulfur isotope exchange between sulfide and such as are found in the New Zealand areas are capable
sulfate was considered by RAFTER ET AL. (1958) for the of producing extensive mineralisation within present-
Wairakei system. However, only theoretical equilibrium day hydrothermal fields, because of the large through-
constants were available, and deep water temperatures put of water which occurs.
estimated from these in conjunction with analysis of WEISSBERG (1969) studied the mineralogy and
Wairakei drillhole discharge samples were in the vicin- chemistry of antimony-arsenic-sulfide precipitates form-
ity of 370C, i.e., much higher than measured. With ed at the surface from both springs and drillhole
experimental calibration of the isotope equilibrium, im- discharges in several areas of the Taupo Volcanic Zone
proved results may be obtained. of New Zealand. He showed that selective co-precipi-
tation, adsorption, processes produced high concentra-
MINERAL-SOLUTE EQUILIBRIA tions of elements such as silver, gold, thallium and
Isotopic equilibria between solution species and mercury in the precipitates. At Broadlands the precipi-
a mineral enable estimates to be made of temperatures tates c~ntained up to 85 ppm Au, I000 pFrn Tl, 2000
which existed in the field before drilling, through ana- ppm Hg, 200 ppm Zn, 50 ppm Pb, and 500 ppm Ag.

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