Sie sind auf Seite 1von 1

Gr ow ing Or gans f r om

Anim al Test ing St em Cell Replicat ion Cont r over sial Resear ch
cloned anim als
Vet er inar ians gover n
Hier ar chy
Vet er inar ians invent ed
lapar oscopy, popular
AVM A (Am er ican
m et hod t o low im pact
Gover nin g Bodies Vet er inar y M edical
sur ger y t hr ough scopes.
Near ly ever y single Associat ion)
m edical br eakt hr ough
Has not been t est ed in in Hum an hist or y w as
cr eat ed w it h anim al Most vet er inar ians have
hum ans
t est ing in Vet er inar y Vet er inar ians need access t o t he h ighest
Science access and license t o r egulat ed pain
DEA pr escr ibe m edicine m anagem ent
Laser Sur ger y
vaccines-pain m edicines, as such t hey
Vaccin e for Melanom a Discover ies in m anagem ent . m ust be vet t ed and
cancer in anim als Vet er inar y Medicine t r u st w or t hy.
Laser t her apy cold and
hot . Licensing
Vaccine for poisonous
snak es/ spider s
MRI / CT im aging Ensur ing healt h and
m achines Cer t i ed t o inspect
saf et y for all w ho eat ,
USDA m eat , t o pr eser ve public
Vet er inar y Medicin e dr ink fr om anim al
healt h in f ood anim als
sour ces.
Cloning Or gans Or gan Tr ansplan t Bone Tr ansplant

Resear ch
Richard M . Linnehan Dr . Jef f Rock y M ount ain
Dr . Chr is Br ow n/ Dr . Pol Realit y TV vet Prom inent Mem ber s
Vet er inar ian/ Ast r onaut Vet
Keepin g t rack of
livest ock
DVM and M ast er s in Regist r y of anim als
Public Healt h allow s Medicine of near ly Wr it ing
Vaccinat ion r ecor ds
doct or t o pr act ice #Exper t s in n ear ly ever y ever y t ype of living
Wor k Done such as r abies, Par vo
m edicine on ever y eld of m edicine an im al or per son on
living t hing, legally Ear t h
speak ing.
Most scien t i c r esear ch
st ar t s w it h Vet er inar y
US Ar m y Vet er inar y
Cor ps Medicine

At least Doct or of
Vet er inar y Medicin e
Quali cat ions
degr ee fr om accr edit ed
Possible Car eer s Un iver sit y

Biot ech

Pr ivat e Pr act ice

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