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The weekly Math


A weekly newsletter for AJJH stu- Volume 1, Is-

dents to sue 1
Table of Contents

Topic Page Letter from

the Editor
Letter from the Editor......................... 1 Joel Salinas

Tutoring Schedule.............................. 2

Welcome AJJH Yellow Jackets, to the

commence of my weekly newsletter that
Weekly Math Terms........................... 3 will better assist you in scheduling your
tutoring sessions depending on the type
of help you may need. The sessions will
cover math, and will be broken down into
sub sections each day of the three days
per week that it will be offered. The week-
ly issue will also help with common terms
in math.This newsletter will be provided
through Twitter as well as in physical
form. Make sure to subscribe to @AJJH-
Newsletter on Twitter to stay up to date!
6th Grade Math will be meeting 7th Grade pre algebra students
in room 123 on mondays after will be meeting in room 123 as
school. Be prepared to stay well on tuesdays. Since this
from 4:15 PM to 5:30 PM for a tutoring session covers more
thorough review and supple- students, please be prepared to
mental help with any topics you stay from 4:15 PM to 6:30 PM in
may have been struggling with. order to get the maximum help
Please make sure you schedule possible. We will be glad to
a ride as we do not want to stay teach you different methods to
too much after the alloted time solve equations if you are cur-
waiting for your ride. rently doing well, and will help

Why do I need tu- any students with

toring if im not do- The performance of the conventional
ing that bad? You students who were methods that we
may be wondering tutored was better have been using in
if this session will than those who did not the class. Our goal
be of any benefit to receive tutoring over- is to make you pre-
you. Fortunate for all during the 2006- pared for the full
us, research has algebra class next
2007 school year at
proven that tutor- year so that it will
ing helps improve Oakview Elementary not be a shock to
your overall grade! you!

Even if you are doing well in 8th Grade algebra students

the course, tutoring can still will be meeting in room 123
benefit you. During tutoring Mr. on wednesdays from 4:15 PM
Salinas (myself) and another to 6:30 PM. Be prepared to
teacher will be available to an- partner up and work on linear
swer any questions or help with equations, geometric trans-
any missing homework assign- formations, as well as solving
ments you may have. I really for variables on both sides of
hope to see as many of you as the equations. This will serve
possible! as practice prior to diving into
the fun stuff.
Math words of the week! Variable- A Variable is a symbol
for a number we dont know
Equation- a statement that the yet. It is usually a letter like x or
values of two mathematical ex- y.
pressions are equal (indicated
by the sign =). Exponent- The exponent of a
number says how many times
Area- The amount of space in- to use that number in a multipli-
side the boundary of a flat (2-di- cation
mensional) object such as a
triangle or circle.

Technological fields,
like engineering, are
in desperate need of
more qualified work-
ers, yet not enough
students are pursuing
studies in STEM that
would prepare them
for technical careers

Interest- the amount of money Geometry- the branch of math-

paid for a loan or an invest- ematics concerned with the
ment. properties and relations of
points, lines, surfaces, solids,
Coefficient- The number mul- and higher dimensional ana-
tiplied times a product of vari- logs.
ables or powers of variables in
a term. Hypotenuse- The longest side
of a right triangle. The side op-
Did you know these defini- posite the right angle.
tions? Come to tutoring!!!

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