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Kylah Newell

Thursday 1/12/17

ENG 102-16

Experience in ENG-101.

My experience in ENG 101 was really fun. We had a lot of open discussion during the

course on things going on in the world. When writing paper, we had the ability to choose our

own topics. After ENG 101 a lot had improved about my writing. I used to be a jumpy writer

which means my papers didnt flow, I have learned to organize my writing by grouping the ideas.

Tuesday 1/17/16

What does Martin Luther King Day mean to you?

Martin Luther King Day is a day to celebrate the life of a young African-American man

who fought for civil rights for other African-Americans in the south. This day means to me that

he was appreciated and his voice was heard to all African- American across the united states just

not in the south. Martin Luther King was a influencing civil right leader and activist during the

civil right movement era.

Thursday, 1/19/17

Purpose of this cartoon?

The purpose of this cartoon should show the difference between promises and reality.

Before opening the dish, it has the words promising on it and the man that about to get ready to

eat it has on United States of American attire. When revealing the dish, its a bone that has the

words reality on it which shows that people promise things until it actually time and reality hits
you in the face. This is kind of like the American Dream where they say everyone can reach the

American Dream but in reality its not.

Thursday, 1/26/17

What are your favorite types of movies?

My favorite types of movies are criminal movies that deal with different types of crimes.

These movies deal with criminals and how they think and why they tend to do crimes. I enjoy

these the most because they tend to have a different type of story line and plot. I am very

interested in wondering how were they able to figure out who did the crime with evidence and

witnesses. Also, how they tie the murderer to the crime scene.

Tuesday, January 30, 2017

I often like speakers I can relate to. A speaker that connects what he or she is talking

about to a real life situation in order to make it more clear. Speakers that actually try and help the

audience understand what is being implied instead of just talking.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Growing up I wasnt taught grammar as well as I should have Ive always been the type to write

how I speak. Usually I speak improper grammar. Grammar was never my favorite thing to learn

in school and I dont think I was disciplined enough which I why I have a harder time than other

when it comes to writing and speaking. When moving to Virginia for my senior year I was in a

new environment and this allowed me to realize the struggles I faced in grammar. My English

teacher helped me out a lot.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

What do you want to know more about with respects to your topic?
During the research of black woman in particular there is a divide in the color of a black woman.

I understand that this comes all the way back from slavery when the lighter woman was chosen

to be house made because of her skin color and this is embedded in our brains that the lighter

woman is prettier because it the norm of the woman to have long straight hair with white/lighter

skin. Why does still effecting how a black woman feel about embracing her natural self.

Thursday, February 23,2017

One of the sources I found was a documentary 13th. This documentary can answer 2 of

my research question. How the war on drug begin and why were African-American a target?

This documentary starts at the end of slavery when the 13th amendment is put into place. It shows

a timeline of when the war on drugs begin in the African American American community leads

to mass incarceration.

Tuesday, February 28th ,2017

During the deep breathing, I first started thinking about how much I miss my mother and

then the distance of me and very close friend went through my mind. I begin to think about the

stress I was going through during the situation and how its effecting me now. I was than more

focused on my chemistry test tonight and how Im going to manage my time to study right

before it to get a excellent grade on it.

Thursday, March 2nd 2017

What perspectives have you gotten so far from researching your topic?

While researching my topic about the War on Drugs it was very easy to find different

articles and documentaries and books, but it is very difficult to find articles with different

perspectives. I have only found one other perspective. It relates to mass incarceration, but not the

war on drugs which it the main perspective of my paper.

Thursday, March 30,2017

The video was a great video. It was very well put together with the music and the

pictures. It was a little long. The videos that were used really catch the eye with the violence.

There were also many different topics discussed in the video. I would grade this the public

service announcement a solid A. It was just hard to understand the theme of the entire video with

many different problems that they added in their video.

Tuesday, April 11,2017

Ive been in many arguments with my sister. We dont see eye to eye on a lot of different

things. We usual argue about how she thinks I receive better treatment than her from our mother.

She is usually the one who win the argument because I just give up. I really try not to argue and

keep the peace so if this means letting her win then.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

If you could change a law or school policy, what would it be and why?

One law I would change is that relates to my topic is the mandatory minimum sentencing laws

put in place through congress. I dont believe this law is fair to all circumstances. There are

people arrest on drug offense each day that are not allowed a fair sentence.

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