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Fr die Erstellung des C/C++ Programms, das eine Dynamic Link Library (DLL) ist, ist notwendig MS Visual

Studio 2008 oder hher (Wie ein Compiler).

Die Funktionen, die DLL enthlt, sind:

- Zugang und nderung jeder Variablen jeder Komponente ( Schalter: Ein/Aus, Tap Position des
- Ausfhrung jeder Analyse/Berechnungsfunktion
- Hinzufgen und Entfernen von Komponenten des Netzwerks

Deklaration of the RunNeplanScript() function prototype:

- RunNeplanScript() ist the main entry to run dll
- #define NPL_TEST_API __declspec(dllexport) Command to export RunNeplanScript()
- #define NPL_TEST_API __declspec(dllimport) Command to import RunNeplanScript()

Example: Changing the length of the Line. In first case the length ist 5km, in second case just 1km.
NPL_TEST_API BOOL RunNeplanScript()
BOOL bRunOk = True;
cString sMsg;
TCHAR wcMsg[300];
// Get the element ID of line LINE 1-3
unsigned long ElementID=0;
// Change the length of the line LINE1-3 to 5.0 (undervoltage in PINO node)
if (ElementID >0)
//Run load flow and refresh screen
sMsg=_T(Run load flow LINE 1-3 length=5.0);
swprintf_s(wcMsg, _T(%s), sMsg);
// Change the length of the line LINE1-3 to 1.0 (normal voltage in PINO node)
if (ElementID >0)
SetParameterDouble(ElementID,_T(Length), 1.0);
//Run load flow again and refresh screen
sMsg=_T(Run load flow LINE 1-3 length=1.0);
swprintf_s(wcMsg, _T(%s), sMsg);
// Show the Neplan Report (ScriptLogFile.out file)
return bRunOk;
// Remove Load flow controls areas transactions and imports
BOOL RemoveAllControlAreaImports();
BOOL RemoveAllControlAreaTransactions();
// Add control area import for load flow
BOOL AddCotrolAreaImport(TCHAR* wcName,TCHAR* wcAreaName, double dP, double dToler, BOOL
// Gets the data of a control area import item defined for load flow
BOOL GetAreaControl2Item(int nItem, LPTSTR lpName, LPTSTR lpAreaName, long& IAreaID, double& dP,
double& dToler, bool.)
// Get number of control area imports defined for load flow
int GetNumAreaControl2Items();
//Get an element ID by name
void GetElementByName(TCHAR* wcType, TCHAR* wcName, unsigned long& IElementID, BOOL
bWithErrorMsg = TRUE);
//Get an element ID by name, all names must be unique in the Neplan project!
void GetElementByUniqueName(TCHAR* wcName, unsigned long& IElementID);
// Get all elements of a certain type
void GetElements(TCHAR* sType, int& nCount, unsigned long*& pIElementsIDs);
//Free the element list, which was get gy the GetElements function
void FreeElements(unsigned long*& pElementsIDs);
// Gets a node from an element, nNodeNr=0-4 -> 0=1 st node, 2=2nd node, etc.
BOOL GetNodeFromElement(unsigned long& INodeID, unsigned long IElementID, int nNodeNr=0);
//Gets the protected element of a protection device
BOOL GetProtectedElement(unsigned long& IElementID, unsigned long IProtectionID);
//Gets a element from a Node, nElementNr
BOOL GetElementFromNode(unsigned long& IElementID, unsigned long INodeID, int nElementNr);

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