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Diocese of Joliet
1501 S. Main St.
Lombard, IL

Parish Life Handbook

This handbook reflects the many ministries and volunteer opportunities available throughout the
year within our Parish. Many people work together toward a common goal: to bring others
closer to Jesus.
You are invited to refer to this handbook often either to utilize the services of the described
ministries or to volunteer your time and talent in one or more of the many ministries.
If you are interested in learning more about any ministry, please contact the Pastoral Council
chair or Commission chairs. If you are interested in volunteering your time to any ministry
listed in this handbook, please see pages 11 for details.
Thank you for your full and active participation at weekend liturgies and the many ways you
already serve the community.
The Lord is never outdone in His generosity. May He continue to richly bless you for all the
valuable time you give to the life of our Parish.

Parish Vision Statement …………………………………. 1

Parish Mission Statement ………………………………... 2
Parish Pastoral Council………. …………………………. 3
Strategic Pastoral Planning ………………………... 3
Reverence for Life Core Team……………………...3
Administration Commission…………………………….. 4
Building and Grounds…….………………………. 4
Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal…….…………. 4
Communications…….…………………………….. 4
Financial Council………..…………………………. 4
Stewardship Analysis ……………………………… 4
Strategic Financial Planning……………………….. 4
Christian Service Commission…………………………... 5
Council of Catholic Women (C.C.W.)…………….. 5
Hospital Visitation/Ministers of Care…………….. 5
Knights of Columbus………………………………. 5
Ministers of Consolation.………………………….. 5
Ministers of Praise……………... …………………. 5
Newcomers..……….………………………………. 5
Public Action to Deliver Shelter (P.A.D.S.)..……….6

Share Christmas……………………………………. 6
St. Vincent De Paul ……………………………….. 6
Vocations…………………………………………... 6
Faith Formation Commission……………………………. 7
Adult Spiritual Formation.…………………………. 7
Baptismal Preparation……………………………… 7
Bible Study………………………………………….7
Break Open the Word…………………………….....7
Generations of Faith………………………………...8
Marriage Preparation………………………………. 8
Religious Education for Children………………….. 8
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.)…… 8
Young Family Life………………………………….9
Youth Outreach…………………………………….. 8
Worship Commission………………………………………9
Altar Servers……………………………………….. 9
Art and Environment………………………………. 9
Baptismal Hospitality……………………………….9
Charismatic Prayer Community…………………….9
Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………………. 9
CHRP ……………………………………………….9
Church Ushers………………………………………9
Eucharistic Adoration……………………………… 10
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion…………… 10
Greeters…………………………………………….. 10
Hospitality After Mass…………………………….. 10
Liturgy Planning Team…………………………….. 10
Music Ministry…………………………………….. 10
Sacristan……………………………………………. 10
Sunday Scripture Sharing………………………….. 10
Wedding Coordinator……………………………….10
Parish Life Ministry Form……………………………….. 11

Parish Vision Statement

Growing in Faith, and Building for the Future, through Christ our King.

Parish Mission Statement
The People of Christ the King in Lombard
are a welcoming, vibrant faith community
building the kingdom of God through our many ministries.

We celebrate our diversity,

seeking to realize the gifts of each member of our parish,
as we are all joined together under one faith,
in a spiritual journey of evangelization, service to others,
and a reverence for all life.

In the Eucharist, we find new life,

and bring this life to others
through stewardship, education, and worship.

Please join us on the path to our heavenly home where Christ is King.

Parish Pastoral Council

The purpose of this Council shall be to foster pastoral activity in Christ the King Parish according to the norms
of Church law, the directives of the Bishop of Joliet, and the needs of the parishioners of Christ the King
Church. The Council advises and makes recommendations to the Pastor. In this regard, the Pastoral Council
provides a forum for addressing three aspects of parish life:
(1) Communication and coordination among the various parish groups and activities;
(2) Consultation between the pastoral staff and the various parish organizations; and
(3) Long-term strategic planning and policy direction for the parish as a whole.

In order to fulfill this threefold mission, the Parish functions in three overlapping and synchronized areas:

(1) Ministry: Individual parish groups and other related organizations engage in pastoral activity for their
members and the whole parish, in accord with the nature of their ministry or service;
(2) Commissions: The commissions coordinate pastoral activity in their areas of ministry. A special at-large
commission or core teams may be developed that will service multifaceted tasks as the needs are defined by
the Council on an annual basis;
(3) Council: The Pastoral Council fosters pastoral activity in the parish as a whole, with an emphasis on long-
term goals and strategic planning, rather than the day-to-day operation of the parish and its ministries.

Reverence for Life Core Team: This group’s stewardship is based on our Catholic roots in Scripture and
Catholic Social Teaching. This ministry works with the Diocesan Life Office especially during the months of
October and January on topics related to the respect for all life from conception to natural death.

Strategic Pastoral Planning: This group works on future planning for the Parish, conducts surveys to
investigate future needs and helps sets long-term Parish goals.

Administration Commission
The Administration Commission of Christ the King under the guidance of the Holy Spirit strives to promote the
financial well-being of the parish; to maintain and upgrade its physical plants and develop the financial
resources for the ongoing expansion and mission of the various ministries.
Members of this commission should include parishioners noted for their expertise in business, finance, and
management. In accord with the diocesan directives, this Administration Commission doubles as the parish
finance council mandated by canon law 537.
Ministries of the Commission:
-Building and Grounds
-Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal
-Financial Council
-Stewardship Analysis
-Strategic Planning
Building and Grounds: The buildings and Grounds committee is responsible for assessing preventive
maintenance needs of the parish before they arise, and responding to current maintenance and repair needs of
the parish as they become evident. To explore ways and means to utilize the latest technology with the purpose
of making the physical plants more energy and cost efficient..
Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal: This committee works to educate the community about the Appeal
and encourage participation to help reach the Parish goal.

Communications: The purpose is to provide parish and school publicity, website and newsletter to keep the
parishioners informed regarding parish life.

Financial Council: The Financial Council works on the current budgeting for the parish and its programs
and ongoing financial monitoring of the parish income and expenses in preparation for approval by the Diocese
of Joliet.

Stewardship Analysis: The purpose of this committee is to track parishioner and visitor donations to the
parish as well as track giving patters for long-range planning.

Strategic Analysis: The purpose of this group is to research opportunities for the expansion of planned
giving in the parish, and long-range financial planning for the future of the parish and its programs. Asses the
need for future expansion of the parish facilities and replacement of its aging physical plants.

Christian Service Commission
The mission of Christ the King’s Christian Service Commission is to enable the parish community to put into
practice the social teachings of the church as encouraged and expressed by the corporal works of mercy. The
commission encourages continuation and growth in activities and ministries that reflect the needs in parish
Members of this commission may include, but are not limited to representatives from any of the ministries listed
Ministries of the Commission:
-Council of Catholic Women
-Giving Tree
-Hospital Visitation/Ministers of Care
-Knights of Columbus
-Martha’s Circle
-Ministers of Consolation
-Ministers of Praise
-Public Action to Deliver Shelter (P.A.D.S.)
-St. Joseph’s Table
-St. Vincent De Paul
Council of Catholic Women (C.C.W.): We act to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in
spirituality, leadership and service. CCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and
society in the modern world.

Giving Tree: This is an opportunity for the parishioners of Christ the King parish to share their resources
with others less fortunate than themselves. This is done with a variety of groups: St. Vincent DePaul and other

Hospital Visitors or Ministers of Care: Ministers of Care are trained to bring the Eucharist and a
greeting from the Parish to the homebound and hospitalized parishioners, generally on a weekly basis and/or
will conduct Communion services at Retirement Centers.

Hospitality: The Hospitality committee provides an opportunity for parishioners to meet and socialize after
Mass and to be aware of the many ministries and commissions who host the monthly hospitality.
Knights of Columbus: This organization provides men of the parish with spiritual, educational, social and
service opportunities. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal and charitable men’s organization
dedicated to promoting the concepts of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.

Martha’s Circle: Martha's Circle provides a luncheon, when requested, for the family and guests of those
buried from Christ The King.

Ministers of Consolation: Parishioners are trained to make visits to wakes, assist in planning and funeral
liturgy, be present on the day of burial, and to keep in touch with and support the bereaved families.
Ministers of Praise: A spiritual ministry that connects the homebound, sick and disabled with the Parish,
giving them a role to pray in Parish life via a monthly newsletter.

Newcomers: Our goals are to: see that each new Parish family meets with a staff member or other
parishioner one-on-one; be sure that each is individually welcomed; point out many of the areas of potential
involvement and invite the newcomer to take an active role in the Parish. To assist the new families to feel at
home in liturgies and community events.
Public Action to Deliver Shelter (P.A.D.S.): Our commitment to provide food, clothing, and shelter
for the homeless of Du Page County is a paradigm of the independent sector’s providing some semblance of
human dignity to these the least of Christ’s brethren. The parishioners of Christ the King can provide needed
support as well as individual involvement with these dedicated volunteers at the PADS site.

Scouting: Christ the King offers Parish-based Brownie and Girl Scout troops and assist our young
St. Vincent DePaul: St. Vincent DePaul Society helps the needy in a variety of ways: A food pantry as
needed; assist, especially to parishioners, in temporary financial need; financial assistance to our Parish PADS;
and coordination with other parishes and agencies for referral and assistance.
Vocations: The purpose of this ministry is to focus on vocations of our children and young adults to
Priesthood, Diaconate and religious life. We strive to keep connected with the Diocese and the Vocation
Director of the Diocese of Joliet.

Faith Formation Commission

To provide opportunities to learn, experience and grow in faith by uniting every household into
the parish community through study, Eucharist, service, Generations of Faith, religious
education for all ages and an Early Learning Academy, in order to more fully participate in the
Sacraments and in the greater faith community after the model of Christ the Teacher.

Ministries of the Commission:

-Adult Spiritual Formation
-Baptismal Preparation
-Bible Study
-Break Open the Word
-Generations of Faith
-Marriage Preparation
-Religious Education for Children
-Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
-Young Family Life
-Youth Outreach

Academy: We, the parents and faculty of the Early Learning Academy, form an educational ministry of
Christ the King Parish. Our students grow in self-confidence, socialization, awareness of the world and respect
for others in a Christ-centered environment. We want our students to learn how to be Christ-like and come to
develop a relationship with Jesus. Jesus places His Father at the center of His life and invites us to the same.
With an emphasis on worship and service, and a strong core curriculum, we are confident that the foundation
we build will indeed last a lifetime.

Adult Spiritual Formation: The mission of this ministry is to: promote growth in the understanding and
practice of the Catholic faith; present material that merges faith with daily life; promote formation and
information opportunities in the Parish and in our local area.

Baptismal Preparation: Parishioners involved in this ministry will help to: educate, inform and support
parents or guardians seeking Baptism for their child(ren); to prepare and welcome the child to the Parish family;
and to welcome parents to their new role.

Bible Study: Parish Bible Study is a gathering of adults who are interested in gaining and sharing a better
understanding of Scriptures using approved study guides and the Bible. These provide basic material at an
understandable Catholic level. These materials give us historical and current perspectives of the books of the
Bible. The Parish Bible Study is appropriate for the novice and intermediate.

Break Open The Word: A Bible study group that meets every Thursday Morning (10:A.M.) at the East
Room. The meeting is open to all, CTK parishioners & non-parishioners. It is designed to offer the attendees a
clearer insight about the readings, the psalms, and the Gospel for the following Sundays. Your insights about
the readings are welcome.

Generations of Faith: This ministry outreaches to households of all ages to provide catechesis, prayer and
evangelization on a variety of topics. Households come together for a meal, faith sharing and enrichment
activities several times per year. Materials are given to households at the end of the session to continue their
discussions at home.

Marriage Preparation: The mission of this outreach is to prepare engaged couples for a life together in
love. The focus is on communication skills, expectations, dealing with differences, family and friends,
sexuality, and faith. In addition the goals are to: encourage couples to cope with everyday situations and remain
strong and loving in their commitment to each other; raise awareness of the triune partnership of husband, wife
and God; and to provide experiences where couples can share their journey with others in our Parish.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.): The purpose is to provide an introduction to the
Catholic Church and preparation for reception into the Church for those coming from other or no faith
experiences. RCIA also prepares Catholic adults for full membership by preparing for the Sacrament of
Confirmation and to provide an updating for Catholics wishing to know more about their faith.

Religious Education for Children: The mission of our religious education program is to provide
settings in which the youth of the Parish are instructed in faith and doctrine through the witness and teaching of
competent catechists, using an integrated scope and sequence of materials and activities appropriate for each
age and level of development. In addition, the mission of this ministry is to: assist parents in their role as the
child’s primary educator and prepare children for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist
and Confirmation.

Young Family Life: This ministry is involved with junior high and high school parishioners and their
families. Also, families that have newly baptized children and continued formation for young married couples
are part of this outreach.

Youth Outreach: The purpose is to provide opportunities for young parishioners to learn and share what it
means to be a Catholic in their environment. To enable the Junior High and High School students to make
informed moral decisions.

Worship Commission
The mission of the Worship Commission is to celebrate God’s glory in prayer, be a welcoming presence to our
brothers and sisters, to experience the call of the Holy Spirit in worship, and to sense the presence of Christ the
King, touching our hearts and transforming our lives. The Worship Commission shall be primarily concerned
with liturgical ministries and spiritual development of the Parish and liturgical ministers.

Ministries of the Commission:

-Altar Servers
-Art and Environment
-Baptismal Ministry
-Children Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
-Children’s Liturgy of the Word
-Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP)
-Church Ushers
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
-Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
-Holy Trinity-Lady of Fatima Prayer Community
-Liturgy Planning Team
-Music Ministry
-Sunday Scripture Sharing
-Wedding Coordinator

Altar Servers: Altar Servers assist the priest at the altar during Mass. This service may help young
parishioners to become involved in other ministries of the Parish in the future as well as provide for possible
vocational opportunities.

Art and Environment: This ministry maintains an atmosphere of natural beauty and prayer in the church
building in which parishioners gather for worship, community sharing, and giving to those in need.

Baptismal Ministry: Baptismal ministers greet and welcome the families and parents of those children to
be baptized at the time of Baptism, and keep in touch with families afterwards.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Adult members of our Parish explore ways to enable the participation
of young children at liturgy. The committee recruits and trains small group leaders for the “Children’s Liturgy
of the Word” to facilitate understanding of the scripture for children.

Church Ushers: A ministry of hospitality that meets and greets all who enter, assists parishioners with their
needs, and assists with the weekly collection. These men and women are the welcoming face of Christ.

CHRP: The "Christ Renews His Parish" (CRHP) program is a spiritual retreat experience which brings adult
parishioners together in small groups in order to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and each other. It
stresses a clear focus on the Gospel and provides a way to relax, unwind and reflect on our sometimes hectic

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: The closest thing to heaven on earth-that is what Mother Teresa
said of visiting Jesus in Adoration. Plan to take advantage of Adoration each Thursday at our Parish.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: These ministers are called to assist the Clergy with
the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at parish liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers are practicing
Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Greeters: A greeter is someone who can reach out to others with ease, have a presence of warmth and truly
care about the assembly being at home in the worship space. Greeters are called to the task of hospitality as the
assembly gathers for worship, especially reaching out to newcomers. They maintain comfort and order, tending
to those who need special attention.

Holy Trinity-Lady of Fatima Prayer Community: Their vision is “to bring people to a personal
relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with the Fire of the Holy Spirit.”

Lectors: The Lector proclaims the readings from Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel at Mass. For a
few brief moments, the lector has an opportunity to become a storyteller, bringing to the assembly the songs of
a poet, the visions of a prophet, or the emotions of an apostle. The Lector also announces the General
Intercessions in the absence of the Deacon.

Liturgy Planning Team: This is a small community of parishioners who study the documents of the
Church and assist the Pastor and Liturgy/Music Director in preparing for special liturgies and liturgical seasons.
Music Ministry: The purpose of the members of the Music Ministry of Christ the King is to encourage the
assembly in song and enhance the prayer life of the community through the beauty and joy of music. The Music
Ministry supports our Parish’s sung prayer by encouraging full and active participation among the parishioners.
Parishioners are invited to participate in the: Adult Choir, 9:00 Ensemble, Teen Ensemble, Children’s Choir and
Cantor Program.

Sacristan Ministry: One or more parishioners help set up the vessels and other needs in preparation for
weekday or weekend liturgies.

Sunday Scripture Sharing: Parishioners gather as a small faith community to “break open the Word”
following Sunday’s scripture readings and apply them to their daily lives. This group typically meets once per

Wedding Coordinator: The purpose of this service is to assist the Priest, bride and groom, and their
families in the final stage of preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. The ministry begins one to two weeks
before the wedding and continues on the day of the wedding to ensure a smooth ceremony or Mass.

Adult Spiritual Formation Council of Catholic Women Extraordinary Ministers
Bible Study Martha’s Circle Altar Servers
Break Open the Word Giving Tree Art and Environment
Speaker Planning Hospital Visitors Baptismal Hospitality
Theology on Tap Hospitality Charismatic Prayer Community
Baptismal Preparation Knights of Columbus Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Coordinator Ministers of Care Catechist
Catechist Beacon Hill Visits Craft
Early Learning Academy Lexington Visits CHRP Christ Renews His Parish
Fundraising: Ministers of Consolation Church Ushers
Winter Wonderland Ministers of Praise Eucharistic Adoration
White Elephant Sale Martha’s Circle Eucharistic Ministers of Communion
Talent Show Newcomers Lectors
Early Learning Academy PADS Liturgy Planning Team
Council Share Christmas Music Ministry
Alumni Assoc. St. Vincent DePaul Cantor
Generations of Faith Vocation Awareness Ensemble
Children’s Choir
Food Preparation REVERENCE FOR LIFE CORE TEAM Youth Ensemble
Home Kit FR. PETER JAROSZ 630.629.1717 Instrumentalists
Adult Choir
Marriage Preparation & Enrichment ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION
Wedding Coordinator Building and Grounds
Religious Education Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal STRATEGIC PASTORAL PLAN
Catechist Communications PASTORAL COUNCIL 630.629.1717
Catechist Helper Financial Council
Prayer Leader Stewardship Analysis
Parking Lot Attendant Strategic Financial Planning
Youth Outreach
Young Family Life
Rite of Christian Initiation
for Adults

Have you considered increasing your involvement at the parish? Circle any of the ministries you may be
interested in, and someone will contact you with more information.
NAME: ___________________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________

Email Address: ___________________________ or send an email to


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