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Name: Yessenia Manqueros

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Social Studies
Standards Addressed: SSKH2: Identify the following American symbols:
a. The national and state flags (United States and Georgia flags)
b. Pledge of Allegiance
c. Star Spangled Banner (identify as the national anthem)
d. The bald eagle
e. The Statue of Liberty

Student Response Technology Used:

NearPod Socrative PollEverywhere iRespond TodaysMeet Other:
Technology that students will use to respond to questions/prompts:
Computer Hand-held student response system (such as iRespond) Phone
Tablet (such as iPad Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Describe the instructional activities that will occur prior to the SRS activity and how you will
introduce the SRS activity: The teacher will give a lesson on famous American symbols and will have
students cut and glue pictures to the title of the thing that the picture symbolizes. Later, the teacher will
have the students do a quiz on some American symbols and will use it as a summative assessment for the
Describe the purpose of the SRS activity (check all that apply):
Assess Prior Knowledge Anticipatory Set (Create Interest in a Topic) To Illuminate Common
Misconceptions Formative Assessment of Content Knowledge (for purposes of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) Summative Assessment of Content Knowledge Test Preparation
Survey/Poll Discussion Starter Homework Collection Other
Additional explanation of purpose (optional):

Type of session: Teacher-Paced Student-Paced

Identification of students:
Students will log-in so their individual scores will be available to you after the session
SRS activity will be anonymous
Briefly describe what will happen during the SRS activity: Teacher will assign some students to go on
the computers that we have in class. The rest of the students will be given a tablet where they can complete
their quizzes anywhere theyd like in the room. They cannot be in a group; they need to be far from each
other. The teacher will read both the questions and the answers out loud and will give the students time to
be able to answer the questions. Then the teacher will go around and monitor that everyone is finished or
who needs help. Then the teacher will move onto the next question. Each question will be about 2-3
minutes to answer but after the quiz is over, the students will be able to listen to the correct answers from
teacher. Then the teacher will go around the classroom and collect the scores of each student and put it into
the gradebook for their future reports.

Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Types of questions/prompts (Check all that apply):
Multiple choice Multiple Select True/False Yes/No Short open-ended response
or fill in the blank Longer open-ended response
Provide samples of questions/prompts to be given to students:
Q: What kind of symbols do you see on the Fourth of July?
A: American flags, red, white and blue.

Q: Do you know any symbols that represent Georgia?

A: Peach

Right/Wrong Answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions? Yes No

Mixed (Some will have correct answers, others will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback:
Will you pre-select correct answers to some or all of the questions and display correct response to the class
after the SRS activity? Yes No
Why or why not? So that children can reflect at the end of what they got wrong and what they need to
work on studying.
Use of data: The data that is turned in will be confidential. Only the student and I will know about it but if
many students need help based on their cores then teaching will be given to all students. The data that will
be collected is formative. There have been other activities that we have gone through and they have been
formative also. This is just helping us for when we get a bigger test.

Describe what will occur after the SRS activity: The students at the computers will quietly logout of the
computer and the other students will also close their apps and turn in the tablets to a designated place or the
teacher will come around and collect them. Students will go back to their seats and we will move onto the
next subject.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity: Ive never used Socrative before but it is a great
tool for teachers to use when they need data from each student. Ive also never taught this standard
therefore my knowledge of what could go wrong or good is very limited.
Other comments about your SRS activity (optional): N/A

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