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work related problem.

13. Individuals may use coalition and pressure in order to

1. Conformity is dependence on the norms of others
gain power in the organization
without independent thinking.
14. . Reward power is conveyed through rewarding
2. Psychological stress evaluator is another type of lie
individuals for compliance with ones wishes.
detector that analyzes changes in the voice patterns to
15. . Power ability the ability to influence people or things
determine whether a lie is being told.
16. Legitimate power comes from having a position of
3. Alcoholism results in absenteeism, poor work, lost
power in an organization
productivity, and other related costs.
17. Dependency is critically important when it comes to
4. Equity structure in the workplace is based on the ratio
of inputs to outputs.
18. Power is nothing more than a function of dependency
5. People who feel that they are over-rewarded may
19. Distances between people, walls, or static that interfere
experience feelings of guilt.
6. To attain maximum performance, a supervisor must with radio messages are forms of physical barriers.
allow a subordinate to express his individuality in his 20. The union is regularly established channel upon which
work. many employees depend is one of the advantage of
7. Whyte stated that a new social ethics had developed to communication with unions.
rationalize the organizations demands for whole- 21. Managers should mingle with their co-employees.
hearted dedication and loyalty. 22. Experiential Learning is a characteristic of
8. Chris Argyris explained that there exists incompatibility Organizational Development wherein participants learn
between the needs of employees and organization. by experiencing in training environment the kinds of
9. Whenever an agreement is reached, it should be put into human relation problems they encounter on the job.
writing as clearly and to the point, as much as possible. 23. Because of the complicated process entailed in
10. Studies further show that the common definition of a Organizational Development, it may take a long period.
manager as one who is engaged in planning, organizing, 24. Organizational culture is a system of shared
staffing, directing and controlling of subordinates is assumptions, values and beliefs which governs how
inadequate. people behave in organizations.
25. Organizations consist of subgroups that have specific
11. Organizational stem of MBO was originally developed
characteristics and a sense of identification.
by Peter Drucker
12. The informal information system should be employee
based and cater to their development and solve their
26. Cultural forms address the emotional aspects of 38. To build effective relationship at work, and individual
organizations that are commonly referred to as cohesion must find a mentor, coach, or sponsor.
or camaraderie. 39. The important discovery of cognitive therapy is that our
27. Leaders should walk their talk. own beliefs are subjective and that individual has the
28. External information demands for more, better, faster power to change them.
financial reporting continue unabated. New lines of 40. Mental attitude determines how an individual feels and
quantitative and qualitative inquiry are related to behave.
organizational value drivers. 41. Winners see possibilities; Losers see the problems.
29. Leaders at the executive level are the principal source 42. People who are pessimistic believe that the causes of
for the generation of an organizations ideology, bad events are permanent; Optimist believe that the
articulation of core values and specification of norms. causes of bad events are temporary.
30. Strategic assessment involves making a determination 43. Permanence relates to duration. Pervasiveness relates
of the organizations position relative to others in its to amount.
strategic set and best-in-class organizations from any 44. Martin Seligmans Learned Optimism notes a vital
sector. contrast in the way we deal with adverse situations.
31. Transparency requires frequent, abundant, and accurate 45. A realistic person can also be optimistic or pessimistic.
information. 46. Realistic Optimist greets each day with enthusiasm.
32. To build effective relationship at work, and individual 47. Joyful people get sick less often and less seriously than
must prioritize the building up of strong relationships. joyless people. . Endorphins have the capacity to create
33. Network, Network, Network is a guideline to build natural high.
effective relationship at work.
34. To build effective relationship at work, and individual
must focus on teamwork.

35. To build effective relationship at work, and individual

must demonstrate good interpersonal communication
and relationship-building skills.
36. Nobody will force you to develop. It is your own
decision and responsibility to do it.
37. STEP 1 to 3 should be your first priority.
13. Lack of Source Credibility can underail
communications, especially when humor is involved.
1. The organizational invasion of a persons private life 14. Semantic is the study of leadership.
and unauthorized release of confidential information
about a person is known as off-the-job conduct. 15. The information that flows from higher to lower levels
2. Whenever employers look after the needs of workers of organization is called upward communication.
through welfare programs they are applying the
autocratic theory of organizational behavior. 16. It often involves a spiritual distance between people,
3. Equity Theory explains relational satisfaction in terms similar to the existence of actual physical distance.
of perceptions of fair or unfair distributions of resources
within intrapersonal relationship. 17. Always use long and difficult words to make it easier to
4. Creating and maintaining equity is a responsibility of understand by the receiver.
all the members in the organization.
5. We can measure the equity of rewards in a workplace 18. Communication with management is referred to as
by simply comparing your inputs to your outputs. management or inter-management communication.
6. Douglas McGregor developed a coaching guideline in
19. Downward communication seems to be slowly
eliminating Theory X.
7. Social beliefs are part of employees inner self and transmitted because of hierarchical levels.
should be a subject to analysis as a requirement for
20. The reward structure in the job can adequately reinforce
keeping a job. conventional training.
8. There are 3 types of factor that affects Political
21. One benefit of Organization Development is potential
9. System of managing is employed to create and maintain
order among the organizations members. 22. Gaming is a Laboratory Training Method that is time-
10. . Computer Based Information system defines very consuming and expensive.
clearly the work-flow system communication flow- 23. The most visible level of culture is values, it consists of
down and the authority. behaviour patterns and outward manifestation of
11. A leader is necessarily be a manager, but a manager culture: perquisites provided to executives, dress codes,
may not be a leader level of technology utilized and the physical layout of
12. Labor jurisdictions are laws governing the relations work spaces.
between capital and labor
24. Interaction with senior co-workers on the job was
viewed as most important in helping newcomers
become effective employees.
25. Culture is deep-seated and difficult to change, and
leaders cannot influence or manage an organizations Theory Z Theory which hypothesized that innovation and
culture. motivation are inseparable and should be channeled properly
26. Opacity is free from guile, candid or open, or forthright. toward coordinate company and employee goal.
27. Creating a transparent organization is not a
responsibility of the entire organization. Theory X In this theory, management assumes employees are
28. Government transparency extends to every face of inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can and that they
business and can both affect, and be affected by, the inherently dislike work.
conduct of employees at all levels.
29. If it looks bad today, tomorrow itll look better. Social Ethics A contemporary body of thought which makes
30. Your success is your superiors responsibility. orally legitimate the pressures of society against the individual.
31. STEP 10 to 12 is about learning the culture and
adapting to the organizational system. Douglas McGregor He claims that most management actions
32. Assuming that you are an experienced professional, you flow directly from whatever theory of human behavior
should no longer need much training to your job. managers hold.
33. A Winner makes promises; a Loser makes a
Needs for autonomy Ego needs that relates to ones reputation
34. The three crucial dimensions of an optimistic or are the following except:
pessimistic orientation are permanence, pervasiveness Motivation The product of the anticipated values from an
and possibility. action & perceived probability that these values will be
35. The unrealistic person cannot be optimistic or achieved by action.
pessimistic. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs All of these are other words for
36. Your choice of words or self-talk do not influence your the Acquired Needs: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Theory EXCEPT:
37. A positive mental attitude is undoubtedly one of the
most valuable liabilities a person could have in life Power Seeker Want power either to control other people (for
their own goals) or to achieve higher goals (for greater good).

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Tool to measure the

individual needs of different people.
Expectancy The strength of belief that a particular act will be Politics This may be a means of creating a non-coercive, or a
followed by a particular outcome. democratic work environment.
Recess A bargaining tactic which allows parties to discuss Organizational factor These are factors which arises from the
some points privately between the negotiation process. organization itself that affects the political behavior of
Grievance System It is a formal system through which individuals.
disputes over working rules are expressed, processed, and Technocratic System of rule wherein people with high
judged in an organization. technological knowledge rule
Arbitration It is a procedure in which a dispute is submitted, Manager Is a person within a formal organization who has at
by agreement of parties, to one or more arbitrators who make a least one subordinate.
binding decision on the dispute. Fundamental dependency Occurs when one attribute
Role set. Set of overlapping and interlocking role sets both relation uniquely determines another attribute .
inside and outside the organizations
What can an organization do to limit the effects of Political Conflict A collusion or disagreement within the organization.
Behavior? Provide Sufficient Resources
Intrapersonal Conflict It arises from frustration, numerous
Power One of the key aspects of being a strategic leader is to
think critically and deeply about the acquisition and use of goals which require equal attention.
Task Independence It is one of the causes of conflict when
Supply One of the basis of power which determines the
availability, quality, and cost of alternative means of satisfying accomplishment of your goal requires reliance on others to
perform their tasks.
Grievance. Any real or imagined feeling of personal injustice
that an employee has about the employment relationship. Greater creativity or better decisions Which of the
Counter proposals A bargaining tactics used by negotiating
following is a positive effect of Conflict?
parties where they present alternative solutions to the problem.
Collective bargaining. It requires negotiations between the Equal Employment Opportunity It pertains to the provision
management and the labor.
of equal opportunities to secure jobs and to earn in them,
Information system Is a collection of people, procedures,
software, hardware, and data They all work together to regardless of conditions unrelated to job performance.
provide information essential to running an organization
Transmit The encoded message must now be delivered to its
Management control system Is a system which gathers and
uses information to evaluate the performance of different audience via a message channel
organizational resources.
Feedback It is the final link in the chain of the communication Lack of source credibility Can derail communications,
especially when humor is involved
process. It refers to any response the receiver offers to the
Downward communication The flow of communication is
message from higher to lower levels of authority.
Organizational Culture. It is a system of shared assumptions,
Decoding It can be defined as the receiver interpreting the
values and beliefs which governs how people behave in
message and coming to an understanding about what the source organizations.
Assumptions and Beliefs The deepest level of culture.
is communicating.
Organizational Values It express preferences for certain
Upward communication The flow of communication from behaviours or certain outcomes
lower (employees) to higher (management) but tend to be
transmitted slowly since they are subject to delay, filtering and
Lestee e. Bittel Explains that human relations refer to the sum Organizational systems and procedures The simplest
of all the agonies and ecstasies that take place between people definition of culture is thats the way we do things here.
when they share common experiences, especially at work Transparency Allowing others to see the truth, without trying
Communication barriers It can retard or distort the message to hide or shade the meaning, or altering the facts to put things
and intention of the message being conveyed which may result in a better perspective.
in failure of the communication process or an effect that is Information The lifeblood of an increasingly transparent
undesirable. world.
Coordination It refers to the effective time and sequence in
performing activities. Formalized Processes Transparency requires frequent,
Cooperation This indicates the willingness of persons to work abundant, and accurate information. Clear responsibilities for
together toward the realization of objectives. compiling and reporting of information metrics is assigned and
Filtering The distortion or withholding of information to automated where possible.
manage a persons reactions. International governance and trade organizations These
Information overload Can be defined as occurring when the groups grow stronger daily and set the ultimate standards for
information processing demands on an individuals time to all organizations.
perform interactions and internal calculations exceed the
supply or capacity of time available for such processing. Business Transparency All stakeholders in the organization
Selective perception Refers to filtering what we see and hear want to know all the facts about a companys financial health
to suit our own needs. and structure.
Media Large, fragmented, multifaceted, and powerful Union Faced with dwindling members and reasons to exist,
organizations complete to get the inside scoop, but unite to get unions take up of forcing corporate transparency as a means of
the full story. creating new sources of value to members.
The Impression you created on your superior and peers
during your first weeks and months shall play a vital role in
your job opportunities and success.
Adopt the right attitudes All of these steps is about making
Organizational Norms These are acceptable standards of
the right impressions and building relationships, except:
behaviour within an organization.
Values Underlie a larger extent than a behaviour but they are How many steps should be first accomplish before mastering
not directly observable, unlike the first level of culture. the task of your job? 10
Cultural Forms Function as the linking mechanism by which
networks of understanding develop among employees (Trice, Edwood Holton III & Sharon S. Naguin They advanced the
1988). twelve steps on managing your new job effectively
Dont be ashamed to ask for training or help Which is one
Teach symbolically This type of strategy involves the artful of the ways to acquire the knowledge and skills to do your job?
crafting of new stories, new symbols, new traditions, and even Benjamin Franklin If a man empties his purse into his head,
new humour so that the ambiguities surrounding organizational no one can take it away from him. A popular saying
life can be productively managed by all members of the Understand your new roles Which is the step which belongs
organization. to learning the culture of your organization?
Crises By its nature, it bring out the organizations underlying Culture It defines how you do what you were hired to do.
core values. Remember that building Good relationship is the key to
understanding the culture.
Government transparency It extends from the local Prioritize the building up of strong relationships. Always
town/city/provincial government to national government in try your best to have time to develop good relationships with
each country. people at all levels of the firm.
Opacity The lack of transparency. Master the tasks of your job It is the next eleventh step
wherein the business firms usually provide some training or
Stakeholders It includes employees, customers, constituents,
orientation to new employees to get them started
shareholders, community leaders.
Dont be ashamed to ask for training or help The new
External Analysis This involves a careful analysis of external personnel period provides licensure to ask questions and pursue
forces and their apparent power to shape transparency demands training and development that you will not have later \
that create organizational opportunities or threats.
Find an mentor, coach, or sponsor. It is an accepted fact, Anthony DSouza He develop the Four Different Mental
that every new personnel, no matter what level, need the Albert Ellis Perspective. A cognitive psychologist that devised
guidance of more senior colleagues. the ABC Model
Network, Network, Network. Be sure to build a new Brain It is often compared to a computer.
network of contacts, resources, advisers, and sources of Brain The largest secreting gland in the body.
information. Paul Pearsell This eminent psychologist has remarked that
Continuous Education Education is life and it is a continuous joyful people get sick less often and less seriously than joyless
process of development. people. x
Acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities you need The Pessimists They tend to catastrophize and speak in terms of a
twelfth step wherein your own decision and responsibility will total disaster.
determine if youll be able to acquire this. Optimists. They put their problems and troubles neatly in a
Demonstrate good interpersonal communication and box and go on about their lives even when an important aspect
relationship-building skills. Make special effort in the early is affected in their job.
months and work with all types of people.
Focus on teamwork. Be sure you can show to your new co-
workers that you can be a good team player.
superior The one who is definitely expecting that his
(Give 5 business activities that may involve employees
personnel will perform their job with high degree of
right of privacy)
1. Lie detector
Endorphins Psychologists say the brain is the largest secreting
2. Personality tests
gland in the body and these secretions are psycho-chemical
3. Encounter groups
ABCDE Approach ABC Model must be expanded into what
4. Medical examination
5. Treatment of alcoholism
Permanence, pervasiveness and personalization are the
6. Treatment of drug abuse
crucial dimensions of an optimistic or pessimistic orientation
7. Surveillance devices
Emotions These are the result of what you focus on.
8. Computer data banks
Learned Helplessness The core belief of pessimist is what
9. Confidential records
Seligman calls ________.
Personalization It refers to how you feel about yourself.
The ABC Model It should be expanded into ABCDE
Give the six primary needs or motivators relevant in Confidentiality
understanding the behavior of people in organizations, Integrity
based on McCllelands work Availability
Achievement What are the 3 bargaining tactics used by negotiating
Affiliation parties (give at least 2)
Influence Recess, delay of deliberation counter proposals
Control 2 types of informal power
Extension Personal and expert
Dependence Basis of power
Demand and supply
Give at least 4 characteristics of achiever
Self-motivated Enumerate the different political tactics (at least 3)
Goal-oriented Attacking or blaming others
Calculate risks Creating a favorable image
Set moderate objectives
Developing a base of support
(Give the 5 needs (not extended) in order, 1-lowest 5- Inspirational appeal
highest) Consultation
16. Psychological Exchange of Ideas
17. Safety and Security Coalition
18. Love and belongingness
19. Esteem
20. Self-actualization
Methods to Improve Upward Communication
1. Open-Door-Policy
Three distinct roles or functions of a manager according to
2. Participation in Social Groups
Sayles (3)
3. Encouragement of Employee Letters
1. Participant in external work flow
Suggested Techniques Under Laboratory Training
2. Leader 4. Role Playing
3. Monitor
5. Gaming
Give the 3 Principles of Information System 6. Organizational gaming
7. Encounter Groups Interaction with their supervisor;
Interaction with senior co-workers.
Types of Communication Barriers
8. Personal Barriers Guidelines for Organizational Transparency
9. Physical Barriers Leadership Commitment
10. Semantic Barriers Formalized Processes
Training Programs
(11-15) Suggestions for Good Listening (just choose five) Communication with Stakeholders
11. Stop talking.
The Five As of Strategic Planning
12. Put the talker at ease. Strategic Audit
Strategic Analysis
13. Show the talker that you want to listen. Strategic Assessment
Strategic Alternatives
14. Remove distractions. Strategic Actions
15. Empathize with talkers. key attitudes that superior want to see in their new
16. Be patient. Humility
Continuous education
17. Hold your temper. Flexibility
Respect for the business firm
18. Go easy on argument and critism. Open-mindedness
19. Ask questions.
Demonstrate work ethics
20. Stop talking! Positive attitude

Levels of Culture (Schein 1988) basic elements of culture that you must know
1. The work ethics
Behaviour and Artifacts
2. The reward system
Assumptions and Beliefs 3. The social norms
4. The success factors
Three Most Important Socialization Aids
5. The management norms
Interaction with peers;
6. The dress code
7. The attitudes of the personnel
8. The communication norms
9. The work norms
10. The organizational climate
11. The guiding philosophies of the firm
12. The vision, mission, and objectives
13. The core values and norms
14. The behavioral expectations
15. The sacred beliefs and events

The Three Ps of Crucial Dimensions

Give at least 4 Suggestions to be a Realistic Optimist
Exercise regularly and eat healthy food
Get adequate rest and sleep.
See life in perspective
Respect others and respect yourself
Develop close and positive relationship
Set realistic and challenging goals and have a positive
Take pride in your work, whatever the work may be
Identify and affirm positive beliefs
Walk in alignment with your positive beliefs

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