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Advantages of nuclear power

The generation of electricity through nuclear energy reduces the amount of energy generated
from fossil fuels (coal and oil). Less use of fossil fuels means lowering greenhouse gas emissions
(CO2 and others). Currently, fossil fuels are consumed faster than they are produced, so in the
next future these resources may be reduced or the price may increase becoming inaccessible for
most of the population. Another advantage is the required amount of fuel: less fuel offers more
energy. It represents a significant save on raw materials but also in transport, handling and
extraction of nuclear fuel. The cost of nuclear fuel (overall uranium) is 20% of the cost of energy
generated. Central termoelctrica de carbn de Iowa (EEUU)The production of electric energy is
continuous. A nuclear power plant is generating electricity for almost 90% of annual time. It
reduces the price volatility of other fuels such as petrol. This continuity benefits the electrical
planning. Nuclear power does not depends on natural aspects. It's a solutions for the main
disadvantage of renewable energy, because the hours of sun or wind does not always coincide
with the hours with more energy demand. It's an alternative to fossil fuels, so the consumption of
fuels such as coal or oil is reduced. This reduction of coal and oil consumption benefits the
situation of global warming and global climate change. By reducing the consumption of fossil
fuels we also improve the quality of the air affecting the disease and quality of life.

Disadvantages of nuclear power

We've previously discussed the advantage of using nuclear energy to reduce fossil fuel
consumption. Organizations often use this argument in favor of nuclear energy but it's a partial
truth. Much of the consumption of fossil fuels is due to road transport, used in heat engines (cars,
trucks, etc.). Savings in fossil fuel for power generation is fairly low. Inconvenientes energa
nuclear - Accidente nuclear FukusimaDespite the high level of sophistication of the safety
systems of nuclear power plants the human aspect has always an impact. Facing an unexpected
event or managing a nuclear accident we don't have any guarantee that decisions we took are
always the best. Two good examples are Chernobyl and Fukushima. The Chernobyl nuclear
accident is, by far, the worst nuclear accident in the history. Different wrong decisions during the
management of the nuclear plant caused a big nuclear explosion. Referring to the Fukushima
nuclear accident, the operations done by the staff were highly questionable. Fukushima nuclear
accident is the second worst accident in the history. One of the main disadvantages is the
difficulty in the management of nuclear waste. It takes many years to eliminate its radioactivity
and risks. The constructed nuclear reactors have an expiration date. Then, they've to be
dismantled, so that main countries producing nuclear energy could maintain a regular number of
operating reactors. They've to built about 80 new nuclear reactors during the next ten years.
Nuclear plants have a limited life. The investment for the construction of a nuclear plant is very
high and must be recovered as soon as possible, so it raises the cost of electricity generated. In
other words, the energy generated is cheap compared to the cost of fuel, but the recovery of its
construction is much more expensive. Nuclear power plants are objectives of terrorist
organizations. Nuclear power plants generate external dependence. Not many countries have
uranium mines and not all the countries have nuclear technology, so they have to hire both things
overseas. Current nuclear reactors work by fission nuclear reactions. These chain reactions is
generated in case control systems fail, generating continous reactions causing a radioactive
explosion that would be virtually impossible to contain. Probably the most alarming
disadvantage is the use of the nuclear power in the military industry. The first use of nuclear
power was the creation of two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan during World War II. This was
the first and the last time that nuclear power was used in a military attack. Later, several
countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but the risk that nuclear weapons could be
used in the future will always exist. Advantages of nuclear fusion versus nuclear fission
Currently the generation of electricity in nuclear reactors is done by nuclear fission reactions. For
the moment, nuclear fusion is not valid to generate electric power. Once developed, if nuclear
fusion is really practicable, it will provide great advantages over nuclear fission: Virtually
inexhaustible sources of fuel. No accidents in the reactor due to the chain reactions that occur in
fissions. The waste generated will be much less radioactive.

Read more:

Nuclear Power Source

Nuclear energy is used to produce electricity. Heat generated from the splitting of uranium atoms
in a process known as fission is used to produce steam. This steam in turn powers turbines,
which are used to produce the electricity that supplies the surrounding community.

Nuclear power stations are set up in a multiple-step process that has been designed to help
contain the energy and many of its negative byproducts. This process alone is the base of several
advantages and disadvantages for this energy source.

Advantages of Nuclear Energy

Despite potential drawbacks and the controversy that surrounds it, nuclear energy does have a
few advantages over some other methods of energy production.


Less uranium is needed to produce the same amount of energy as coal or oil, which lowers the
cost of producing the same amount of energy. Uranium is also less expensive to procure and
transport, which further lowers the cost.


When a nuclear power plant is functioning properly, it can run uninterrupted for up to 540 days.
This results in fewer brownouts or other power interruptions. The running of the plant is also not
contingent of weather or foreign suppliers, which makes it more stable than other forms of

No Greenhouse Gases
While nuclear energy does have some emissions, the plant itself does not give off greenhouse
gasses. Studies have shown that what life-cycle emissions that the plants do give off are on par
with renewable energy sources such as wind power. This lack of greenhouse gases can be very
attractive to some consumers.

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Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

One of the reasons that nuclear energy falls under fire so frequently is due to the many
disadvantages it brings.

Raw Material

Uranium is used in the process of fission because it's a naturally unstable element. This means
that special precautions must be taken during the mining, transporting and storing of the
uranium, as well as the storing of any waste product to prevent it from giving off harmful levels
of radiation.

Water Pollutant

Nuclear fission chambers are cooled by water. This water is then turned into steam, which is
used to power the turbines. When the water cools enough to change back into liquid form, it is
pumped outside into nearby wetlands. While measures are taken to ensure that no radiation is
being pumped into the environment, other heavy metals and pollutants can make their way out of
the chamber. The immense heat given off by this water can also be damaging to eco systems
located nearby the reactor.


When the uranium has finished splitting, the resulting radioactive byproducts need to be
removed. While recycling efforts of this waste product have been undertaken in recent years, the
storage of the byproduct could lead to contamination through leaks or containment failures.

Nuclear reactors are built with several safety systems designed to contain the radiation given off
in the fission process. When these safety systems are properly installed and maintained, they
function adequately. When they are not maintained, have structural flaws or were improperly
installed, a nuclear reactor could release harmful amounts of radiation into the environment
during the process of regular use. If a containment field were to rupture suddenly, the resulting
leak of radiation could be catastrophic.

Shutdown Reactors

There have been several nuclear reactors that have failed and been shutdown that are still in
existence. These abandoned reactors are taking up valuable land space, could be contaminating
the areas surrounding them, yet are often too unstable to be removed.

Inform Yourself
With so many advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy, it's no wonder that nuclear power
remains one of the most controversial sources of energy in existence. Educate yourself on this
topic to make an informed decision on your views of its use.

Nuklir bisa sangat berguna jika dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Walaupun nuklir mempunyai
banyak manfaat/ kelebihan, nuklir juga mempunyai kekurangan. Berikut ini dampak negatif dan
positif nuklir.
1. Dampak Nuklir Bagi Kehidupan
A. Bidang Kesehatan
Dalam dunia kesehatan nuklir bagaikan dua buah sisi mata uang, dapat berefek positif
maupun negatif. Nuklir digunakan dalam dunia kesehatan sebagai alat untuk mendiagnosa
penyakit sekaligus dapat pula memberikan terapi, seperti terapi three dimensional conformal
radiotherapy (3D-CRT), yang dapat mengembangkan metode pembedahan dengan
menggunakan radiasi pengion sebagai pisau bedahnya. Dengan teknik ini, kasus-kasus tumor
ganas yang sulit dijangkau dengan pisau bedah konvensional menjadi dapat diatasi, bahkan tanpa
merusak jaringan lainnya. Saat ini aplikasi klinis kedokteran nuklir mencakup :
a. Mendiagnosa penyakit seperti kanker, neurologis gangguan (misalnya, Alzheimer dan penyakit
Parkinson), dan kardiovaskular penyakit pada tahap awal mereka melalui penggunaan perangkat
pencitraan termasuk PET / CT (positron emission tomography / computed tomography) dan
SPECT / CT (emisi photon tunggal dihitung tomography / computed tomography);
b. Memberikan pengobatan molekuler kepada target kanker, dan beberapa gangguan endokrin
(termasuk tiroid penyakit dan tumor neuroendokrin);
c. Menentukan kandungan mineral tubuh dengan teknik pengaktifan neutron terutama untuk unsur-
unsur yang terdapat dalam tubuh dengan jumlah yang sangat kecil (Co, Cr, F, Fe, Mn, Se, Si, V,
Zn, dsb) sehingga sulit ditentukan dengan metoda konvensional.
d. Mengukur kerapatan tulang dengan cara menyinari tulang dengan radiasi gamma atau sinar-X,
maka dapat ditentukan konsentrasi mineral kalsium dalam tulang.
Namun disamping itu nuklir juga dapat memberikan efek negatif terhadap perkembangan
kesehatan manusia. Secara alami, tubuh manusia memiliki mekanisme untuk melindungi diri dari
kerusakan sel akibat radiasi maupun pejanan zat kimia berbahaya lainnya. Tetapi radiasi yang
terlalu tingggi dapat mengalahkan mekanisme perlindungan ini. Dr Manny Alvarez mengatakan
ada 3 faktor yang mempengaruhi dampak radiasi nuklir. Ketiganya meliputi total radiasi yang
dipejankan, seberapa dekat dengan sumber radiasi dan yang terakhir adalah seberapa lama
korban terpejan oleh radiasi. Ketiga faktor tersebut sangat berperan penting terhadap dampak
yang akan diterima oleh orang-orang yang terpajan reaktor nuklir. Radiasi yang terlalu tinggi
dapat menimbulkan gejala akut yang dapat dirasakan oleh pasien, namun walaupun tidak
terdapat gejala bukan berarti tidak menimbulkan bahaya karena radiasi dapat menimbulkan
dampak jangka panjang yang lebih berbahaya. Gejala akut yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh radiasi
yang tinggi adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Mual muntah
2. Diare
3. Sakit kepala
4. Demam.
5. Pusing, mata berkunang-kunang
6. Disorientasi atau bingung menentukan arah
7. Lemah, letih dan tampak lesu
8. Kerontokan rambut dan kebotakan
9. Muntah darah atau berak darah
10. Tekanan darah rendah
11. Luka susah sembuh.
Dampak reactor nuklir jangka panjang biasanya diakibatkan oleh tingkat radiasi yang rendah
namun tingkat pajanan yang meningkat. Adapun dampak jangka panjang dari radiasi nuklir
1. Kanker
2. Penuaan dini
3. Gangguan sistem saraf dan reproduksi
4. Mutasi genetik

B. Bidang Teknologi: Mendirikan PLTN

Dampak Positif Nuklir
1. Pemakaian PLTN (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir) tidak memakan banyak ruang), tidak
mencemari lingkungan.
2. Energi nuklir adalah jauh bentuk paling terkonsentrasi energi, sehingga dapat diproduksi
dalam jumlah besar selama jangka waktu yang singkat.
3. Sebagai pengganti bahan bakar yang cenderung lama dalam proses pembentukan, cadangan
minyak dan jenis bahan bakar fosil lainnya cenderung kehabisan di beberapa titik.
4. Salah satu manfaat paling signifikan dari energi nuklir adalah bahwa tanaman nuklir akan
menghasilkan energi bahkan setelah batubara dan minyak menjadi langka. Dengan demikian,
tanaman nuklir memainkan peran utama dalam produksi energi.
5. Energi yang dihasilkan lebih banyak. Bahkan setelah membakar beberapa juta ton batubara
atau beberapa juta barel minyak, satu ton uranium menghasilkan lebih banyak energi.
6. Produksi energi nuklir juga ramah lingkungan, tidak mengotori lingkungan dan karenanya,
menurunkan ketergantungan pada penyebab polusi bahan bakar fosil.
7. Tanaman Nuklir membutuhkan ruang lebih sedikit, karena itu dapat ditanam di ruang terbatas.
8. Bila dibandingkan dengan batubara dan minyak, energi nuklir adalah jauh terkonsentrasi
sebagian besar bentuk energi.

Dampak Negatif Nuklir

1. Salah satu kelemahan utama energi nuklir adalah bahwa ledakan menghasilkan radiasi nuklir,
radiasi ini merugikan sel-sel tubuh yang dapat membuat manusia sakit atau bahkan
menyebabkan kematian mereka. Penyakit ini baru muncul setelah mereka terkena radiasi
nuklir beberapa tahun silam.
2. Orang-orang rentan terhadap penyakit bahkan setelah bertahun-tahun mereka terkena radiasi
3. Radioaktif tingkat tinggi dipancarkan dari energi nuklir sangat berbahaya. Sekali gunakan, hal
itu berlangsung selama puluhan ribu tahun sebelum membusuk ke tingkat yang aman.
4. Uranium adalah sumber daya yang langka, dan diprediksi akan habis dalam selang 30-60
tergantung pada permintaan aktual.
5. Periode pembuatan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir yang cukup panjang. Kerangka waktu
yang diperlukan untuk formalitas, perencanaan dan pembangunan generasi pembangkit listrik
nuklir baru dalam kisaran 20 sampai 30 tahun.
6. Jenis bencana yang mungkin dikenal sebagai reaktor meltdown. Dalam meltdown, reaksi fisi
atom berjalan di luar kendali, yang menyebabkan ledakan nuklir melepaskan radiasi dalam
jumlah besar.
7. Pembuangan limbah nuklir dapat terbakar spontan tanpa peringatan.
8. Reaktor menghasilkan produk limbah nuklir yang memancarkan radiasi yang berbahaya,
karena bisa membunuh orang yang menyentuhnya. Oleh karena itu, limbahnya tidak bisa
dibuang seperti sampah biasa. Saat ini, banyak limbah nuklir disimpan di kolam pendingin
khusus di pabrik nuklir.
9. Kerugian lain adalah bahwa reaktor nuklir hanya berlangsung sekitar empat puluh sampai
lima puluh tahun.

C. Bidang Pertanian
Peran nuklir di bidang pertanian dalam pemanfaatan sinar radioaktif sangat besar,
yaitu sebagai berikut:
a. Mutasi tanaman (untuk menemukan varietas unggul). Sinar radioaktif yang biasanya digunakan
untuk mutasi adalah sinar gamma yang dipancarkan dari radioaktif Cobalt-60. Contohnya
adalah padi atomita dan kedelai muria.
b. Pemberantasan hama tanaman. Penggunaan sinar radioaktif untuk pemberantasan hama tidak
untuk mematikan hama tetapi untuk memandulkan hama. Dengan penggunaan teknik ini,
maka populasi hama akan menurun secara lambat dan bertahap tanpa mengganggu ekosistem.
c. Pengawetan makanan. Dilakukan agar bahan makanan yang disimpan tidak mudah rusak.
Pengawetan makanan secara tradisional seperti pengeringan, pemanasan, dan pengasapan
masih memiliki kekurangan karena pada jenis makanan tertentu sifat makanan dapat berubah,
ditumbuhi jamur, dan dapat diserang serangga. Penemuan cara pengawetan dengan teknik
radiasi dapat meminimalkan kerusakan yang terjadi pada makanan.

Dalam perkembangannya terdapat banyak hambatan dalam hal penggunaan nuklir,
1. Penerimaan masyarakat terhadap energi nuklir masih kurang.
2. Hilangnya dukungan pemerintah.
3. Kekurangan ilmuwan terlatih.
4. Pasokan yang tersedia tidak memadai untuk penelitian.
5. Tidak praktisnya peraturan.
6. Masalah ekonomi dan tantangan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan teknologi dan

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