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Dear Mercedes,

Hey! How are you? I hope youve accomplished all your goals that you expected
to by now. I would like to think that youve settled down; found a husband and
made a child or two. How about your career path did you continue of path of
teaching or a project manager at Atlantic Liquefied Natural Gas Company LTD.

Im currently attending Holy Faith Convent, Penal where intend to be successful

in both Caribbean Examination Secondary Council as well attain a scholarship at
CAPE level two. I then hope to advance at the University of the West Indies where
I will further my studies in child care as well as project management.

Did you open your own business? I know youve always dreamed about that.
What about you charity foundation did that become beneficial to ones you tried
to help?

Did you travel around the world? And admire all beauty of both nature and

Did you give up on your passion for designing?

Are developing your spiritual life every day? Are you bringing up your children or
even your grandchildren with correct morals and values?

Politics right now are interesting. The honourable Dr. Keith Rowley was elected
for the first time as Prime Minister, which is a pretty big milestone.

There's a lot of terrorism in the world, though, and the economy isn't looking so
great. Hopefully by the time you read this again, that will all be straightened out.
Technology is advancing every day! Smartphones are a big deal right now. Who
knows what will come next?

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