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Written By

David Ponce



David Ponce
1049 W Spruce CT
Ontario, California

Int. Jakes Basement - Night

In the middle of the basement, which looks like a very

messy art studio with red paint everywhere, sits JAKE,
hands trembling. He notices his cat walk by and throws his
hands out catching it. Holding his cat by the throat, he
strangles it until it begins to struggle slightly, and then
lets it breath a few times. He repeats the process until
his cat scratches his left eye. He drops the cat, lays on
the floor and begins weeping.

INT. Radiant Geriatric Homes - Next morning

Jake, 30s, handsome, you wouldnt guess he had a hard life

but youd be wrong. He looks like he hasnt slept in
months, yet manages to look sharp and ready to take on the

Hes standing in the recreational room. The room is filled

with a healthy number of folks who are on their last legs.
It shouldnt be more than a year for all the faces in the
room to be unfamiliar.

Jake continues to stand there, just staring as if hes in

deep concentration, hands slightly trembling. A woman
approaches him

AMILE, late 50s, motherly, of african descent, and looking

good for her age. She approaches Jake with a concerned


Jake regains consciousness from his daydream

Whats wrong with you boy, Trouble sleeping last
night, again? I told you to boil up some Chamomile and
add just a touch of catn- wha, what happened to your

I was playing with Oliver, and things got a
little too intense I suppose.

Well that doesnt explain the death in your eyes.

I just stood up a bit too late, thats all. I got
caught up in my newest painting that I didnt realize
the time. I feel like its my only escape from the
craziness of life
Ah, those paintings of yours. When are you going
to sell me one of those things.

She pulls out her phone.

AMILE (contd)
Its a shame to only see them on this tiny little

Youre very flattering, but i cant see myself
selling any of these anytime soon. The world isnt
ready to see my art, or maybe im not ready for the

Amile chuckles
Okay Jakey, you let me know as soon as they hit
the market. Say, why dont you come over to my place
tomorrow night and Ill cook us a nice dinner. Lord
knows you cant cook to save your life.

What makes you think I cant cook for myself?

Amile laughs

Child, a grandmother knows. Besides, you never
bring a home cooked meal for lunch. Its always a cup
of noodles or some other god forsaken microwavable
food. Im surprised you even got as big as you are
eating like that.

I guess you got me there. Ill see if I can make
room in my schedule for tomorrow

Amile interrupts

Hush, you are coming tomorrow and I will not take
no for an answer. Now Ill see you there at 6pm sharp,
and wear something nice. I only ever get to see you in
these scrubs.

Jake looks uneasy

Amile gets some news via her walkie talkie

AMILE (contd)
Well I got to get going, Mr. Anderson is having
another episode.

She hurries down the hall and turns into a room with
others. Jake goes back to spacing out.

INT. Radiant homes hallway - Night

Jake is standing in the hallway pushing a cart of medical

supplies. He stops in front of a patient's room and puts a
syringe in his pocket. He enters the room and walks up to
the patient whos asleep in bed. Jake makes sure that the
patient is asleep, and pulls out the syringe. He carefully
sticks the needle in the patient's vein and extracts a full
vial of blood. The patient flinches, and Jake freezes up.
The patient remains asleep. Jake leaves the room and puts
the vial into a bag filled with other viles. He looks up
and down the hall and begins to push the cart to the next


Jake is pushing his cart, filled with a new canvas and

various art supplies towards the registers. Hes next in
line, the customers before him are a mother and her son.
The son begins to beg his mother for a candy placed at the
register. The interaction begins to escalate, and the
mother begins scolding and threatening the boy.

Christopher Michael! For the last time I told you

The boy begins to cry

Do you need ouchies? Youre not being a very good

Youre not being very nice mommy!

Jake grips the handlebars of his cart harder

Excuse me young man!? Were going to need to wash
out that mouth of yours later. You do NOT talk to
mommy like that.


Jake stops blinking. His ears start ringing and the noise
around him slowly gets drowned out.

A man behind Jake taps his shoulder. Jake flinches, and he

snaps out of it.

Hey buddy, its your turn.

The cashier is waving Jake to come to the register. Jake

walks up and starts unloading his cart.

Sorry about that. Did you find everything okay?

Its not your fault, and yes, thank you.

EXT. Stores parking lot - Moments later

Jake is loading everything into the back of his slightly

beat up midnight black 1989 Ford F-150. He takes the basket
to the drop off rack, and on his way back to his truck
notices a small pie shop. He checks his watch and walks
towards it.

INT. Jakes basement - Night

Jake is leaning over his sink, water running down his face.
He splashes more and more water on himself, and slaps his
face. He looks at a bucket across the room with empty vials
next to it. He turns the water off and looks himself in the
eyes. He gets angry, opens the mirrored cabinet, slams it
shut breaking the glass, and begins sobbing.

EXT. Amiles Porch - night

Jake approaches the door holding a cherry pie and knocks 3

times, each 1 second apart exactly. Amile opens the door
and gives Jake a big hug

(sweet smile)
My, my, my. Don't you clean up nicely. Oh, and
you brought some dessert, arent you the sweetest.
Youre mother must have raised you right

Jake flinches internally at the thought of his mother

I just figured I shouldnt come empty handed to a
dinner that I did nothing to help prepare for. Can I
put this in the oven to warm it up for later?

Of course, come on in.
INT. Amiles Dining Room - A few moments later.

The table has been set. Amile places a plate in front of

Jake, and proceeds to sit down with hers.

This looks delicious, thank you, Amile.

My pleasure sweetie. Its called Pap en vleis,
but its an old family recipe.

Well its the best dish Ive ever seen in my life

(warm smile)
Stop it, youre too kind Jake.

The night continues and they have a good time. We rejoin

them at the end of the main entree. The plates are licked
clean. Looks like theyve been done for awhile and are just
about ready for dessert

Hey, I never got to thank you.

Thank me for what?

Everything. I had just moved out here when I
started working at Radiant. You approached me on my
first day and have been nothing but kind. People
havent exactly always been kind to me in my life..

Jake begins to space out

JAKE (contd)
So, thank you.

Its no big deal, youre a fine young man.

She gets up, gathers the plates and puts them in the sink.

Well how about some of that pie now, it smells

She looks at Jake, theres a slight pause.

Sounds good

Amile pulls the pie out of the oven and brings it to the
table steam rolling off of it. Amile pulls out an 8 chef's
knife from the drawer. The shine coming off the blade
catches Jakes attention

Alrighty, well how big do you want it

She makes a single cut and then puts the blade a few inches
away from the cut, indicating the size of the piece.

AMILE (contd)
Would this be big enough for you?

Jakes hands begin to tremble. He looks at Amile and nods.

Amile cuts the piece and places it on Jakes plate. Jake
begins crying

AMILE (contd)
Hey, hey. Whats the matter honey?

I.. I cant

He gets out of his chair and walks over to Amile.

You cant what Jakey? Talk to me.

No, no, no, no. not now

He walks over to AMILE and gives her a hug, and they fully
embrace each other.

JAKE (contd)
Im sorry..

Jake grabs the 8 knife next to the pie, and impales AMILE.
She caresses his face. He takes the knife out and stabs her

JAKE (contd)
(recovering from his sorrow)
Im sorry, I dont want to be this monster.

Its okay Jakey its okay

Jake, whats wrong with you child

Jake is back at the table. Hes staring at his trembling


I asked if this piece will be big enough for you.

(regaining awareness)
Im sorry, I dont feel too good. I really should
get going.

Jake gets up from the table and puts his coat back on.

JAKE (contd)
It was a real pleasure, Amile. Thank you for
having me.
Jake storms out of the house. Amile stands in the kitchen

INT. Jakes Basement - Later in the evening

Jake comes storming down the stairs. He grabs an empty

canvas and puts it up on his isle. He grabs his bucket of
blood, and dunks his brush as deep as he can. He begins to
throw the paint on the canvas splattering it all over the
place. He throws and throws blood until his arms cant
throw anymore. He drops the brush and collapses to the
floor. He briefly weeps and then gets furious. Jake gets up
and starts gathering his art supplies.

EXT. backroads of Northern California - Midnight

Jake is speeding down these back roads, all of his

paintings in the truck bed. He pulls out his phone, goes to
his contacts and dials mother

We hear the ringing of the call but there is no answer.

Hey, this is Cheryl. Sorry I couldnt make it to
the phone right now, you know what to do.

Thats just like you to not answer your own sons
phone call! Well I cant do this anymore! I cant
continue to live this life. You did this, you made me
who I am today. I cant take it. The urges are getting
too strong, I cant control myself anymore. Im going
to fucking kill myself and its all your fault. Why
couldnt you have loved me like a normal parent. God I
hate you.

Jake begins to tear up

JAKE (contd)
I just want it to end. I dont want to become a
monster. I hope youre happy with your life, because
it drove me to the end of mine.
Jake hangs up the phone and pulls over on an empty dirt
patch by the road. He begins to unload all of the
paintings, isles, brushes, and piles them up. He pours some
gasoline over the paintings and lights them on fire. He
gets back in the truck and begins to drive away. He looks
into his rear view mirror to get one last look at his
paintings as they burn on the side of the road.

EXT. An old wooden bridge - 1am

Jake is sitting on his truck bed looking down at his right

hand. He holds a paper in his left. He gets up and places
the paper under his windshield wiper. He climbs over the
railing of the bridge and stands there looking up at the

He clasps tightly onto the rails and some tears run down
his face. He begins to release his hands when he hears a
bloodcurdling scream in the distance. Hes startled and
grabs the rails again. Next he hears the roar of an animal
that he has never heard before.

Jake clenches his eyes and looks off in the distance. He

sees 3-5 shadowy figures bolt across the river bed below.
Unaware and unsure of his surroundings, Jake gets back in
his truck and turns around.

EXT. Bills Sports Bar - 1:30am

Jake pulls into the parking lot of Bills Sports Bar. its
a dumpy little building that looks like it has a lot of
character. There are no surrounding stores, but the parking
lot is full.

INT. Bills Sports Bar - Same time

Bills bar is decorated with various sports memorabilia on

the walls. A thick cloud of cigarette smoke fills the air,
and The Black Keys are playing on the jukebox. The bar has
roughly 15 people in it, most of which are playing pool.
Everyone stops what they are doing and looks at Jake for a
second while he walks in

Jake waves hello, and searches for the nearest empty table.
He takes a seat and pulls out his phone. He goes into his
contacts to dial mother again, but he realizes he has no
signal out here. From across the bar a woman starts walking
towards Jake.

FAITH, mid 20s, peaceful, free spirited, very confident.

Faith pulls out a chair from Jakes table, and sits in it


Whats a pretty thing like you doing in a place
like this?

Jake doesnt know what to do or say, theres a brief pause.

FAITH (contd)
No need to be so tense, handsome. Im not gonna
bite ya. That comes later

She playfully punches jake in the arm. He chuckles

FAITH (contd)
For realsies, what brings a guy like you way out
here tonight?

Im just passing through. Ive kind of had a
rough week. I just needed to take a long drive, clear
my head.

We all have weeks like that, trust me. Itll get

She smiles and puts her hand on Jakes.

FAITH (contd)
Well Mr. Wanderer, do you have a name?


Well, Jake. Its mighty fine meeting you. My name
is Faith, but I dont have any. I can tell youre
special, Jake. Youre definitely not like any of these
truckers that come running through here every night.

Jake still hasnt let his emotional guard down. He pulls

his hand away from hers.
FAITH (contd)
Ive been here a long time, longer than Id like
to remember. Ive always felt a bit like an outcast
out here.
I know a lot about that.

Sometimes I just want to pack all my things and
move out to a big city and practice my music.

Youre a musician?

An Amateur, but Id like to think I'm good enough
to make it big someday. Do you play?

No, but I used to be a painter.

Used to be? What happened? Would I recognize any
of your work?

I never really shared my art so you wouldnt have
seen any of it.

Well, why did you stop?

Awkward silence and stares. The song Pumped Up Kicks

comes on in the bar. Faith gets excited.

I love this song! Come on

She grabs jake by the arm and pulls him out of his seat,
and starts walking to a small dance section of the bar.

I dont know about this, im not much of a

Hush, neither am I

Faith starts to dance while holding Jake's arms. She

definitely doesnt know how to dance, she shakes her hips,
and head while she slightly bends her knees. Jake still
doesnt want to dance. Faith is smiling ear to ear, and
Jake cracks a smile too. Still holding Jakes arms, Faith
begins to shake her shoulders to force Jake to do the same.

There ya go!

Jake begins to let loose a little bit, but then he starts

to look around the bar and notices that everyone is
staring at them so he starts resisting again, but Faith is
now forcing him to do moves. The song comes to an end,
Faith is still smiling but sees Jake is still resistant.

FAITH (contd)
Come with me, Jake.

She starts pulling him to the exit

Where are we going..

Faith smiles

Youre car, silly. I promise you wont regret it.

INT. the front seat of Jakes truck - Same time

Faith reaches into her bag and pulls out a pipe and some

Jake looks nervously at the weed.

Don't tell me youre one of those goody two shoes
that doesnt smoke.
Its not that Im not up to try it, Ive just
never gotten around to it

Faith packs the bowl

Its just going to mellow you out, come on. You
deserve this. Ill help, here watch me

Faith lights up, and inhales. Jake watches, amused. As

if hes watching an artisan at work.

FAITH (contd)
Your turn-

Alright then-

Jake takes the pipe from Faith. He puts it up to his mouth,

then lets it down. Faith extends her arm and lifts Jake's
hand back up to his mouth. She sparks up the pipe and Jake
embraces it as he inhales.

Isnt that nice

She takes the pipe back,and Jake begins to choke as he

tries to answer. They both begin to laugh.

Its a beautiful night. How about we lay in the
back and gaze at the stars.
She doesnt wait for an answer and begins to crawl out
through the back window of the truck. Jake lets out a
nervous noise, and stares at Faiths butt as she tries to
squeeze out. She gets stuck at her waist.

Looks like Im a bit wedged here. Give me a hand

Jake begins to grab her leg and pull her in.

No, not in. I need help getting out. Just grab
hold of my ass and push me through. Dont act like you
wont like it.

Jake bites his lower lip, hesitates for a second and does
as instructed.

Well hurry up and get back here. Its cold and I
need someone to warm me up.

Jake frantically gets out of the car and jumps into the
truck bed. The two lay in silence for a few moments
admiring the night sky.

Faith rolls over on on top of Jake and begins to unbutton

the top buttons of his shirt. Jake gets startled and
slightly sits up

Wha, what are you doing?

Look, I like you Jake. Now, this isnt the most
romantic place for this. Matter of fact it kind of
looks looks a crime scene back here-

Shes referring to the leftover tarps, broken wood, and

paint spots left by Jakes bonfire earlier.

-But i think we could both use this right now.
Just relax.

She slowly pushes him back into a laying position.

Ill be quick and well be done before you know

The two begin to make out in the truck bed. Faith starts
getting a little handsy and makes Jake uncomfortable. His
hands begin to tremble. He feels around the bed, and grabs
hold of a sharply broken piece of wood. He grips tightly.
Faiths hand touches some blood from the truck bed. She
sits up. Jake can see she has blood on her hand, and his
hand begins trembling aggressively. She looks at her hand
and smells the blood.

I knew you were special Jake.

She continues to kiss Jake. Jake loosens his grip on the

wooden stake, he thinks hes found someone that understands
him. slowly he tries to sit up only to have Faith push him
forcefully down, the truck shakes. Jake is confused with
how strong Faith is.

I know we just met Jake, but you mean so much to
me. I believe fate brought us together, and you
came into my life just as I needed you...

She kisses jake passionately

..I mean, you smell soo gooood..

She nibbles his lower lips and blood begins to come out.
She gives it a gentle lick, and starts kissing her way down
to his neck. She kisses his neck a few times, and leans
into his ear.
..and I havent eaten in days.

Faith bites, and latches onto Jakes neck. Jake tries to

scream out, but Faith covers his mouth. Jake begins
flopping around like a fish.

Jake strengthens the grip on the stake in his hand and,

plunges it into the side of Faiths skull. She unlatches
and lets out a bloodcurdling scream. Jake stands up in the
truck, while Faith tries to remove the stake.


Oh, its real Jake, and shits about to get a
whole lot worse for you.

She tackles Jake over the side of the truck, they hit the
pavement hard. Faith charges Jake, but he avoids her like a
matador and grabs the stake lodged in her head. He wrenches
it deeper and slams her against the truck. She becomes
groggy. Jake opens the truck door and tries to start the
car. Faith gets up and rips him out of the seat. She goes
for his neck again, but Jake grabs the stake and forces her
head between the seat and truck door. He slams the door
with all of his might, knocking her out. He gets in the
drivers seat and takes a look at his still bleeding neck
through the vanity mirror. He notices that he only has 2
puncture marks in his neck.

What the.. Fuck?

He glances down at Faiths unconscious body. He looks back

at his neck. He sits there for a moment, catching his
breath and calming down. Jake gets out of the truck and and
throws faith into the back of his truck. He gets back in
and looks at himself through the rearview mirror. We see
Jake visibly go through a change in his mental state, and
he smirks. He turns the car on and leaves.
EXT. Somewhere in the woods - Dawn

Faith is tied up to a tree, arms by her side. She has a

wooden stake in each of her feet securing them to the
ground. She has many more cuts and wounds than she did the
night before. Jake is sitting on a log in front of her.
Jakes truck is parked just off to the side. Faith begins
to wake up. She surveys her surroundings, and begins to

Good morning, honey.

She looks down at her arms and legs.

Someone was busy last night.

She points at her feet

Those hurt you know?

She sniffs into the air, and laughs.

Is.. is that garlic? Youve got to be kidding me.
Where did you even get garlic from at this time?

Whats so funny? Youre a vampire, no? Garlic is
supposed to hurt you, right?

Well, youre a regular Van Helsing, arent you.
Besides smelling like a heaping pile of shit, garlic
does absolutely nothing to us. But the real question
is where the fuck did you even get the garlic?


You said, it does nothing to US


So that means there are more out there like you

Yeah, there is. And when my friends get here they
are going to rip your fucking-

-So there are others that I can hurt.. And they
wont die?

Faith gives Jake a funny look

What the fuck is wrong with you? They are going
to find you and rip you to shreds.

-Not if I find them first. And youre going to
point me in the right direction.

Im not telling you a damn thing.

Are you sure about that? You see, my life is in
pieces right now, I literally have nothing else to do.
I have all day to try to get the answers out of you.

Jake looks at the sun rising in the distance

But my guess is youre going to get really chatty
here in a few more minutes.

So, youre garlic didnt work but you think the
sunlight will actually do something to me.

She lets out another chuckle

Like I said, I have all day. We can test out all
kinds of things and see what gets your kind ticking.

Youre Sick.

Tell me something I dont know.

The sun starts to shine into the tree line.

HA! Nice going Einstein, the light isnt even
hitting me. Some hunter youll make.

I didnt want it to hit you... That wouldnt be
any fun.

Jake gets off the log, and heads towards his truck. He
opens the door and rips off his rearview mirror.

Well, time to start the experiments.

Faith gets a worried look on her face as Jake starts to

catch the light on the mirror.

Whats the matter? Scared of a little reflection?

Jake angles the light right at Faiths neck. The spot

immediately begins smoking. She grunts and strains to try
to get out of the ropes. The spot on her neck begins to get
extremely red and begins to flake/fall off. Jake finds a
spot to lean the mirror against so he doesnt have to hold

You were right, you know. I think fate did bring
us together. Thank you, Faith. Youve helped me
realize what I truly am... Now, Im going to let you
roast for awhile. Ill be back in a few. Gotta run to
the store, and then well get to those questions that
I am dying to ask.

EXT. Vampire den - a few hours before sunset

The vampires den is a very rundown two story house on the

edge of a river. A good portion of the house is surrounded
by trees. There are no neighbours for miles upon miles.
Leading up the house is a long gravel path. In front of the
house are 6 parked motorcycles and an old black Jeep.

INT. Vampire den - same time

The inside of the den looks twice as bad as the outside.

Paint is chipping off the walls, the wooden floors are
cracked, the stairs are missing steps. Rust and mold
surround the walls and pipes. A group of men are spread
throughout the living room and dining table, lounging. They
are all dressed in jeans and leather jackets. At the table
sits PIERCE and ROY.

PIERCE, 30s, rough around the edges handsome, broad

shoulders, someone you dont want to pick a fight with,
real alpha male material. Hes sitting at the table making
a phone call.

The call goes to voicemail, we hear Faiths voice on the

other end. Pierce stands up and throws the phone across the
kitchen. Everyone in the house gets startled.

Why the fuck isnt she answering?
He slams his fists into the table, breaking it.

Where could she possibly be?

ROY, 30s, scrawny, clean shaven, looks like he wouldnt

hurt a fly, tries to comfort Pierce about Faiths

Pierce, you gotta calm down, man

What did you say, Roy?

I said maybe you should-

-I heard you the first time. You dont tell me
what to do, got that?

All Im saying is its not unlike Faith to not
report in on a regular basis. Shes probably out there
having a feast.

No, not this long. She would have at least called
back or sent a text by now.

Well its almost sun down and we could all go out
and look for her.

EXT. Somewhere in the woods - golden hour

Jake pulls up to the tree where Faith is bound. Faith now

has burn marks all over her body from the sun changing
positions throughout the day. Jake steps out from the car
and grabs a few bags from the back of his truck, and slings
a baseball bat over his shoulder. Jake is now wearing a
tactical vest, and a denim jacket with some new jeans.

Jake starts walking towards Faith, bags in hand, smiling.

Whew, do you know how far the nearest hardware
store is?

Faith is unresponsive

Well, its pretty damn far. That plus I wanted to
get myself all cleaned up for our date right now.

Jake sits on the log, and starts unpacking small silver

stakes, animal traps, and some knives. He starts finding
places on his body for all of his tools.

Actually the hardest thing to find, well besides
a gun since this IS California, was this..

Jake reaches into his bag and pulls out a cross. Faith
rolls her eyes

You have got to be kidding me. A cross? What is
this, the 1800s?

Ah, so youre not afraid of this?

Jake throws the cross at faith's feet

Well it was worth a shot.
Jake puts his baseball bat on the log and starts hammering
silver stakes into the bat. Faith starts panicking. Jake
slowly walks over to Faith, and caresses her face. He takes
out a stake from his vest and uses it to pin her shoulder
into the tree. Faith cries out in pain. The wound begins to
char He takes out another and stabs her in the thigh.

Are you ready to talk? I hope not


Atta girl

Jake takes out another stake, and stabs her in her other
thigh. Faith lets out a roar

Why dont you just kill me, you piece of shit!

Me a piece of shit? Do you not remember that you
tried to eat me last night? Besides, wheres the fun
in killing you?

I said I was going to make it fast, not torture
you like some animal.

Im having a blast, I'm sorry you don't feel the

Youre sick. You sadistic fuck. You probably
dont even have the balls to do it, do you? Big strong
man, for nothing. People think Im a monster, little
do they know the real monsters walk amongst them

That hits a nerve in jake

I didnt choose to be this way! Whats your
excuse, huh? Picked on in school? Broken heart? Little
dick? Mommy daddy issues?

Jake flinches

Thats it, isnt it?

She chuckles

A big fat disappointment are you? Yeah.. I can
see it.

Shut up, you dont know what youre talking

Ooo, somebodys angry. So what happened? Failure
throughout school? Didnt go to college, and now
youre stuck working some dead end job? Grow up!
Everyone has issues when they grow up, youre

Jakes hand starts trembling and he starts grinding his


Let me reassure you Jake, you are just as
worthless as your parents think you a-

Jake stabs her in the chest with a silver stake before she
could finish her sentence. Her body begins to turn to ash
from the inside out. Off in the distance you can hear a
group of motorcycles approaching.

You fucked up now Jake. They are not going to be
happy with you. Id run if I were you.
Faiths flesh completely disintegrates. Her skeleton hangs
on the tree by the stake. The bikes are getting closer.


Knowing he cant take them all on at the same time, Jake

frantically sets up one of the animal traps hidden near
Faith. He then grabs all the garlic/garlic powder hed
bought and begins smashing, sprinkling, and throwing it
around the area. He grabs his bat, runs deeper into the
woods and hides.

Pierce and the boys arrive on their bikes and their jeep.
Pierce gets off of his bike before it comes to a complete
stop. He makes a run for where Faiths skeleton is hanging.
The crew leaves their lights on to brighten the area. The
rest of the crew briefly inspects Jakes truck and joins
Pierce. Pierce rips the stake out of the tree, burning his
hand, but freeing Faiths skeleton. He kneels with the
skeleton and lets out a furious roar. Royally pissed, he
walks over to Jakes truck. Him and a few vamps start
searching it. Roy hops in the truck bed while the others
search the cabin

Hey Pierce, theres more blood back here besides

Roy sniffs it

Its human.

Everyone looks somewhat confused

What the fuck kind of sicko is out here.

No registration in the car either.. Who doesnt
carry their registration?
What are you all fucking stupid? Clearly there is
a hunter in these woods, and clearly hell do whatever
he has to in order to get what he wants.

Everyone is looking at each other slightly confused.

I cant get a scent on em. This whole place
smells like fucking garlic.

Spread out and find this prick!

Pierce punches the side of the truck, denting it and

causing it to move a few feet.

The vamps spread out and begin to walk into the woods when
Vamp#4 steps in the animal trap Jake placed. He cries out
and the others go towards him to help.

DAMMIT! When I find you, Im going to rip your
fucking heart out and eat it in front of you.

The vamps pry his ankle free from the trap. His ankle
dangles with a chunk of flesh missing.

Stop whining, well get you home and you can
feed. Youll be good as new by this time tomorrow.

Vamp#4 gives Vamp#2 a funny look

Hes right, so stop bitching. He may have these
entire woods trapped, and were not going to find this
guy with all this shit in the air.

Pierce sucks his teeth

Alright, listen up Hunt. Im gonna give you 10
seconds to come on out of these woods and face your
punishment like a man. Ill make it quick and clean,
you have my word... Or, you can stay in those woods,
but I promise we will find you. Maybe not tonight,
maybe not tomorrow, but we will find you. And when we
find you, youll wish your mom never put you on this
planet... Clocks Tickin

Jake looks on from the distance, and everyone remains

silent for 10 seconds.

Okay times up. Cant say Im surprised. Lets go

Everyone starts heading towards their bikes and jeep. They

load up Vamp #4s bike into the jeep and he gets in the
jeep. Pierce whispers something to Roy, and Roy disappears.
The gang takes off.

Jake waits until he cant hear the bikes anymore, and

cautiously walks to his truck. He quickly inspects the dent
where Pierce punched his truck, and then gets in. He lays
his bat on the passenger seat and takes a deep breath. He
grips the wheel with both hands and tries to control his
breathing some more.

Theres an unsettling quiet in the air. Jake looks outside

the driver side window, and gets startled. He reaches for
his bat, but its too late. Roy breaks the car window and
rips Jake out through it. Jake rolls in pain for a second,
but springs up and grabs a stake from his vest. He waits
for Roy to come towards him, and tries to strike Roy twice
very swiftly. He fails. Roy is much faster than Jake.

Youre going to have to be a lot quicker than
that, hunt.

Jake goes for an over the head strike, but Roy catches his
arm. With one hand Roy twists Jakes caught arm, and with
the other he launches Jake into his own truck.
Youre not very good at this are you?

Jake musters the strength to get open the truck door. He

goes for the bat again. Roy grabs Jakes legs and yanks him
out of the car. Roy kicks Jake in the face with the bottom
of his boot. Jake grovels in pain.

This is sad, hunt. I was hoping for a challenge

Roy slowly walks towards Jake, who isnt moving anymore.

Oh come on, you didnt die on me yet did you-

In one motion, Roy Rolls Jake over with his foot while Jake
stabs Roy in the side of the shin. Roy screams in pain and
Jake starts crawling to his truck.

You sneaky little fuck, Ill give you that one.

He bends down, and pulls the burning stake from his leg.
Jake has made it to the cabin of the truck. He lays across
the seats, grabs his keys. Roy starts hobbling over.

Well, Hunt. At first I was going to mercy kill
you. Hell, I never gave a shit about that bitch Faith.
She was always clouding Pierces judgment, so in my
eyes you did the group a favor. However, youve
managed to piss me off so first Im going to break
every bone in your body-

Jake is having trouble finding the keyhole to start the


-Then Ill throw you in the back of your truck,

and drive you down to the den where Pierce will lock
you up. Well take turns feeding on you, keeping you
at the edge of life. Ill be honest, Ive never seen
Pierce this upset before. I wish I could give you an
idea as to what hes going to do to you, but I truly
dont know. I think its safe to say, take your worst
fear and multiply it by 10.

Jake starts the truck as Roy gets to it

Where you going so soon, Hunt?

He grabs Jakes ankles again and starts pulling him out.

This time Jake has his bat. As soon as he has the space,
Jake swings and makes contact with Roys ribs. Roy
collapses to the floor, with the bat stuck inside him. Roy
is in shock from the pain. Jake pulls out his last stake,
rolls over and stabs it though Roys forearm. Jake slowly
stands up, puts his foot on Roys chest and rips the bat
out of Roy. Some stakes stay lodged in Roy. Jake takes the
bat and hammers the stake through Roys forearm deep into
the dirt beneath. Jake limps back into the truck and puts
the car in reverse. He points the front end towards Roy,
and Roy begins to try to unpin his arm. Jake floors it. Roy
unpins his arm, but its too late. Jake runs over Roy. He
gets out of the truck to see Roy still alive, but unable to
move to his body being contorted. Jake walks over and looks
down on Roy.

Kill me... please. Just kill me.

Whered they go?

What, man?

Where can I find the rest of them

Roy lets out a laugh of disbelief

Fuck it, if you want to die Ill show you the
path to hell. Just follow this road north for about 10
miles. Right on the edge of the river youll see a
piece of shit blue house. Hard to miss because its a
giant eyesore. Youll know it when you see it. Youre
not going to win this battle. Weve taken out plenty
of hunts that were twice the hunter you are. You got
lucky tonight, pray that youre luck doesnt end soon.

Yeah... thanks for the info.

Theres a moment of silence. The two just stare at each

other trying to catch their breath.

Can you just do it already?

I guess I could.

So then do it... kill me.


Roy doesnt say anything. He clinches his jaw and swallows

his self preservation. A tear come out of Roys eye. Jake
looks him in the eyes, and for a second feels sorry for
him. He quickly snaps out of it, and begins to drag Roy by
his legs. Roy puts up no resistance. Jake ties his legs up
with a rope and with the other end he ties the rope to his
tow hitch. Jake gets in the truck and sits in the cabin
looking himself in the eyes through the rearview mirror. He
puts the car in drive and creeps forward, and then suddenly
stops. He looks himself in the mirror again, and we see his
eyes briefly start to water up. He wipes the water from his
eyes, his mood changes to furious. He gets out of the car,
and slams the door behind him. Roy is still laying
silently. Jake grabs the gas canister from his earlier
bonfire and sits Roy up. Roy sees the canister.

What are you doing?

Shut up.

Jake puts the nozzle up to Roys mouth but Roy refuses to

let it enter. Jake hits Roy on the side of the head.

Open your fucking mouth

Roy refuses and Jake grabs his jaw and squeezes with all
his might opening Roys mouth enough for entry. He starts
pouring the gasoline down Roys throat. Roy is shaking his
head trying to get the nozzle out, but its in too deep. He
starts gagging. Jake pulls out a lighter from his pocket,
and pours the gasoline in a line away from Roy. Roy tries
spitting up all the gasoline. Jake sparks the lighter and
throws it on the trail of gasoline. The flames follow the
line going from the dirt, up Roys torso, into his mouth.
Burning from the inside, Roy begins to scream.

His scream is unlike any weve heard before it. It is not a

frightening scream, but sounds like a scream of sorrow. Roy
has never experienced pain like this.

Jake stands over Roy, watching. He shows no signs of

remorse or compassion as he watches the flames consume
Roys body. He just stands there, hands trembling.

INT. Vampire Den / Basement - An hour or so later

The basement is dark and moldy. There is a single lightbulb

lighting the room. The room is slightly flooded due to the
holes in the walls letting in water from the river.
Throughout the support beams we can see that the water
level rises about 3-4 feet at its peak. The perimeter of
the room has cages with humans in most. There are 5 total
captives. 3 women and 2 men. These people look like theyve
been through hell. Wounds all over their bodies clinging on
to life.

Pierce comes storming down the stairs. He makes a B line

for a specific cage. In it sits JOY, mid 40s, intimidating,
shrewd, slight southern accent, looks drained, but also
ready to fight. Shes dressed in muddy jeans, a plaid
button up, with a vest over it.

What did you do?

Joy sits motionless, staring at Pierce.


Pierce rips the door off of Joys cage. And throws it

across the basement. Joy gives zero fucks. Pierce rests his
arms on the cage and looks down on her.

Im going to give you one last chance here, Joy.
youre going to tell me what I want to know or Im
going to have to hurt you.

Joy gathers what saliva she has left in her mouth and spits
on Pierce. Pierce grabs her by the throat and throws her
across the room.

Who did you send, Joy?

I dont know what youre talkin about you piece
a shit.

Pierce kicks Joy in the stomach

You dont know anything about this man wandering
around the woods hunting us?

Joy shows both disbelief and relief

I.. have no idea who youre talkin about.

Well, SORRY. I just dont believe you.

Pierce grabs her by the hair and tilts her head back.

He got Faith, Joy. And as we speak, Roys out
there taking care of your little friend.

Joy starts to reach around and finds a piece of the cage

door thats been broken off

Hes going to drag him back here, and youre
going to watch as I eat him day by day. Ill take a
few bites out of him everyday. Ill make sure the
wounds dont get infected... Wouldnt want him to die
of infection so fast.

Go ahead, Pierce. I dont give a shit. Like I
said, I dont know the guy.

Ah, cut the shit-

Theres a knock on the door at the top of the stairs.

Pierce looks up and tilts his ear towards the door

-Thats probably them right n-

Joy reaches back with the broken piece of cage and stabs
Pierce in the throat. Pierce falls back and Joy makes a run
for the stairs. She gets to the top of the stairs, swings
open the door only to find Vamp#3 standing there. She rams
the palm of her hand into his nose, breaking it. He falls
out of the way and she makes her way to the dining room. We
hear Pierce and Vamp#3 yelling behind her. Vamp#4 is
sitting in the living room with his wounded leg resting on
a coffee table. He looks back as Joy grabs a nearby beer
bottle and smashes it on the side of his head, cutting it
open. She gets to the front door but its locked. She
frantically tries to unlock the deadbolt. Vamp#1 and Vamp#2
come rushing down the stairs. Joy gets the door unlocked,
but its too late. Vamp#2 grabs her by the shoulder and
throws her into the dining room. Pierce and Vamp#3 grab her
off the ground and throw her down the basement stairs. She
lays motionless. Pierce heads down the stairs and throws
her into a new cage. All the vamps meet up in the living

EXT. drainage ditch in woods - Dawn

The drainage ditch is old and dirty. Nobody has been by in

years, and more than likely wont be by anytime soon.

Jake is dragging Roys slightly charred body from his

truck. As they approach the ledge of the ditch Roy tries to
speak. Jake leans in to listen to what he has to say. Tears
are coming down Roys face.


Jake looks down at Roy for a moment, and uses his foot to
push him down the ditch. Jake takes a deep breath, looks at
his surroundings and heads back to his truck.

INT - Motel Room Shower - Morning

Jake stands in his shower, back to the shower head. He

isnt moving or scrubbing. He lets the blood wash out of
his hair as he reflects on Roy burning alive.

INT - Motel Room - After Shower

The room is dimly lit, and the decor is out of date. The
overall cleanliness of the room is far above your average

Jake sits on the edge of his bed, staring at his trembling

hand. He opens and closes his fist. He closes his eyes and
grabs his fist with his left hand, but the trembling gets
worse. He jumps to his feet, and flips the desk in the
room. Flustered, he starts to pack all of his belongings.
INT - Motel Lobby - Shortly After

The lobby, like the rooms are dated but adequate. Behind
the counter stands an elderly old man, with the name tag
that reads Earl. EARL, early 70s, warm, welcoming, and
has seen a lot in his life. Jake waits in line as Earl
finishes up with a customer. The customer grabs their
paperwork, and leaves the lobby.

Ah, Mr. Cooper. How can I help you?

I, uh. I need to check out.

So soon? I thought you said youd be in town for
awhile? Is there something wrong with your room?

No, the room was fine, Earl. Something came up
and I just dont need the room anymore.

Well, alright then. Let me just take care of this
in the system.


Earl starts typing on the computer, and Jake starts to look


Alright, Jake. Were all set...

Perfect, it was a lovely room.

Hey, listen kiddo. I know its none of my
business, but whatever youre dealing with right now
in your life, just know it will eventually sort itself
out. I hope it all works out for you.

I appreciate it, Earl.

Jake heads towards the door.

Oh, hold on there.

Jake stops dead in his tracks

Why, I almost forgot to ask for the key. I guess
this old age is getting to me.

Jake gets back to the counter and sees Earl with a big
smile on his face. Jake looks around the desk and notices
multiple photos of Earl with what appears to be his
children, happy as could be.

You could just give it here

Earl extends his hand. Jake reaches into his pocket for the
room key, but feels his pocket knife. His eyes start to
tear up and Earls smile fades. Jake quickly pulls the
knife from his pocket and flips the blade out. He grabs
Earls extending arm and slits it open vertically.

Why, son?

Holding Earls arm, Jake brings it up to his mouth and

starts feeding off of it.

Jake snaps out of his fantasy

You could just give it here

Earl extends his hand. Jake reaches into his pocket for the
room key, but feels his pocket knife. His eyes start to
tear up and Earls smile fades. Jake closes his eyes.

Whats wrong?

Jake opens his eyes, and looks down to see Earls arm
gushing blood. Jake starts hyperventilating and slams the
key on the counter. Earl says something to Jake, but he
cant make it out. Jake stumbles out of the lobby and gets
in his truck. He starts the truck and floors it out of

EXT - Dirt Road in Woods - Midday (overcast)

Jake is driving furiously up north. He is on a suicide

mission. He comes around a bend to see a beat up house off
in the distance. He speeds up. As he gets closer, he
notices a single motorcycle in the driveway. Hes certain
that its the Vampire Den.

EXT - Vampire Den - Same time

He pulls up to the house and rams the only motorcycle

there. He grabs his silver spiked bat, and slams the truck
door behind him. He marches up the porch and kicks in the
front door.

INT - Vampire Den - Same time

Jake enters the house with his bat ready to swing. The
house is quiet. Jake creeps through the living room, the
television is on, and there is a half drunk bottle of beer
still sweating. He makes his way into the kitchen, getting
more and more anxious with every corner he turns. There is
nobody on the first floor. Jake makes his way back to the
front door where the staircase to the second floor is. He
creeps up the stairs and as he heads to the top of the
stairs, Vamp#4 pops out from behind a corner and kicks him
square in the chest. Jake gets launched down the stairs.
Vamp#4 jumps over the railing of the stairs. Jake gets up,
and picks up his bat.

You must be the asshole that set up that trap I
stepped in last night.

He starts to walk towards Jake

Im going to enjoy kicking your ass

He gets within striking distance of Jake, and Jake swings

at him. Vamp#4 catches the bat, the spike goes through his
hand. Jake doesnt let go of the bat, and Vamp#4 throws
Jake into the dining room. Some bottles on the counter fall
to the floor as Jake crashes into it. Vamp#4 pulls the bat
out of his hand, and marches towards Jake. Jake picks up
two bottles and uses the counter to pull himself up. Jake
throws a bottle at Vamp#4 but hes able to dodge it. Jake
throws a second bottle, and this one hits Vamp#4 in the
head, shattering. Jake runs and drives Vamp#4 back towards
the living room, but Vamp#4 grabs Jakes shoulders And
throws him towards the stair side of the room. Jake crashes
through the wall, and ends up on the staircase to the
basement. In serious pain he stands up and pulls out two of
the silver stakes from his vest. Vamp#4 opens the door to
the basement, his silhouette putting fear into Jake. Jake
hurries down the stairs to create some distance. When Jake
gets to the bottom of the basement, he becomes very
confused as he surveys the room. He notices all the people
in cages, they have IVs in their arms draining the blood
out of them into buckets near them. He makes eye contact
with Joy, the only one in the cages that still has emotion
in their face. Joy looks at Jake, just as confusingly as
Jake looks at her. Vamp#4 has made it down the stairs, but
Jake is still out of the zone.

Look out!

Jake snaps out of it and turns towards the staircase.

Vamp#4 tackles Jake, and they scuffle on the floor. Joy is
using all the energy she has left to kick open her cage.
Vamp#4 ends up on top of Jake and lets his fangs out. He
goes for Jakes neck but with his left hand Jake grabs
Vamp#4s neck and keeps him at bay. Vamp#4 has Jakes right
arm which holds a stake pinned to the floor, and with his
other arm hes trying to get Jakes arm off his neck. Fed
up, Vamp#4 pops Jakes left shoulder out of place. Jake
screams in pain. Vamp#4 leans in for a bite, Joy is kicking
at her cage door, Jake is screaming in agony.
Simultaneously, Jake channels his pain/anger to overpower
Vamp#4 allowing him to drive the stake between Vamp#4s
ribs, and Joy manages to kick open her cage door. Vamp#4
rolls over, off of Jake and onto the floor. Jake lays on
his back in pain. Joy runs over to the stake Jake had
dropped earlier in the scuffle and picks it up. She pounces
on Vamp#4 and begins stabbing him over, and over, and over
again. She lets out the frustration of months of torture,
and with her final strike she plunges the stake into
Vamp#4s heart. The room is calm for a moment.

Joy gets up, and bends over to help Jake up

Come on, get on up.

Jake gets to his feet

Here, here. Let me take a look at that arm.

Joy grabs Jakes arm and starts to slowly twist it. Jake
cries out in pain.

Yup, he got ya pretty good. Im going to have to
pop your shoulder back into place, okay?

Jake is hesitant but nods in agreement.

Dont worry, Ive done this plenty. On 3. Ready?

Joy pops Jakes shoulder back in, and Jake cries out in
You good?

Yeah, Im good.

Was he the last of em?

No, he was the only one here

Joy starts unlocking the other cage doors to let out the
other people.

Well do you know where the rest of em are?

No clue. I got here and there was only one bike
in the driveway.

Joy puts on a thinking face

What are you guys doing down here?

These fu-

Very faintly in the distance, we can hear a motorcycle.

Jake and Joys hearts drop into their feet. Frantically Joy
tries to get the prisoners out of the cages, but they dont
move or respond.

Come on, lets go.

She reaches into one of the cages and pulls on the captives
arm, but they are dead weight. Its hard to tell if they
dont want to leave, or if they just dont have the energy
to get out. The sound of the bike gets louder, and Joy
gives up getting them out of cages.
Ill come back for yall

She turns to Jake

You got a car, right? We gotta get moving.

Jake nods and they make their way back out to the front of
the house. Exiting the house and looking way down the road,
we see vamp#1 on his bike.

SHIT. Lets move

We can hear the Vamp now pushing his bike to the limit.
They get in the truck and start driving away. Vamp#1 is
right behind them at this point. Jake is flooring it, but
the bike is still gaining on them.

Were never gonna out run him in this. Do you
have any guns in here?


Vamp#1 is about 50ft out

No guns? What kind of hunter are you?

Look, 48 hours ago i didnt even know that these
things existed.

Well damn, do you have anything to use against
this guy.

Jake thinks for a second

Shit, my bat. I left my bat at the house.

How is that going to help us now?

Vamp#1 has caught up to the truck. He pulls up to the side

of it and punches the rear fender. The truck shakes but
Jake keeps control. Vamp#1s bike loses a bit of control
and has to slow down briefly. Inside the truck, Jake
scrambles to give Joy some silver stakes from his jacket

Here, these are my last two.

Joy looks down at the stakes, and back up at Jake

Mister, what am i supposed to do with these?

I dont know... Throw them

Ohh, okay.

Joy takes the stakes from Jake and hangs out of the truck
window. Vamp#1 has caught back up to the truck. Joy throws
a stake at the vamp, but hes able to dodge it. She throws
the second one and this time Vamp#1 catches the stake. Hes
wearing gloves so the silver doesnt burn his hand. He
pulls up to the rear left tire of the truck. Hes about
puncture the tire

Fuck this

Jake slams on the break and swings open his door. Vamp#1
has no time to react. He crashes into the door, ripping it
from the truck. His body slams into the dirt road and he
slides further down the road. Jake sees his opportunity and
floors it. Vamp#1 is struggling to get up, but Jake makes
sure only to run over his legs and stop with them under his
tires. Jake steps out of the truck and over to Vamp#1.
Vamp#1 is in some serious pain and trying to wiggle out
from under the truck. Jake aggressively rips off his helmet
and unloads his pent up anger on Vamp#1s head. Joy gets
out of the car and looks on confused as to why Jakes
beating Vamp#1. As Jake is plumbing the vamp, his jacket
collar moves and Joy catches a glimpse at the two fang
marks on Jakes neck given to him by Faith. She gets a
worried and confused look on her face.

Alright, you got him.

Jake looks at her and back at the now bloodied and

unconscious vamp, and he lets him go.

Looks like the clouds are gonna break, so we
shouldnt have to worry about any of them following us
for awhile. So lets go while we have the lead.

Jake hops in the truck and pulls forward, freeing Vamp#1s

legs. He gets back out and starts dragging his body.

What are you doing?

Jake drags the body to the truck bed, and grabs some rope
from the back.

Im not done with him yet. Now help me tie him

Joy cautiously walks over to Jake and helps him tie up the

What more could you possibly want from him? I say
we just end him right now.

I have my reasons.
They lift up the body into the truck bed, and get back into
the truck.

Well, you did just help set me free back there so
i guess I wont heckle you about this. Although, I did
help save your skin too. So were pretty much even.

I guess you kind of did. Thanks

No, thank you. My names Joy, by the way.

She extends her hand, and Jake accepts the handshake


Well, Jake. I have a nice little HQ up in these
woods not too far from here where we can crash for the

Theres a slight pause, Jake puts the car in drive

Lead the way...

EXT - Makeshift Road - Dusk

Jake and Joy are heading down what appears to be a man made
road. Its a tight fit with the trees nearly scraping both
sides of the truck. Vamp#1 is flopping around in the truck
bed. The atmosphere in the cabin is awkward. Nobody has
spoken a word in miles.

Alright, I just gotta ask. These guys are
Vampires, right? Like Count Chocula and everything,

Well they sure aren't as nice as the Count, but
theyre definitely vampires.

Okay, so if theyre vampires why dont they act
like vampires? Like why doesnt the sunlight instantly
fry their asses, or silvers touch not kill them, or,
or a cross not make them cower?

Well you sound like youve tried everything but
the kitchen sink. Look, you just started this, and i
know its a lot to take in-

-And what was up with those cages in the

Calm down, Jake. I understand you have a lot of
questions, and im more than happy to answer all of
them for you. For now though Im just going to need
you to breathe, my place is just around this bend

Jake takes a deep breath. They come around the bend to see
Joys Cabin. A small rundown but homey looking cabin with a
shed off to the side.

INT - Vampire Den / Basement - Night

Pierce slowly walks down the basement stairs. The remaining

to vamps in the crew stay at the top of the stairs. The
water level in the basement is about shin level at the
time. Pierce gets to the bottom and sees Joy is missing. He
also notices that all of the cages have been unlocked, yet
the four captives are still in the cages. He starts walking
over to the cages, but has to stop because he steps on
something. He reaches under the water and pulls up Vamp#4s
skeleton, holding it by the spine. Pierce looks at the
skull of Vamp#4, takes a deep breath, and then gets pissed.
With one hand he snaps Vamp#4s spine in half. He walks
over to the nearest cage and pulls out the man. He lets his
fangs out and bites the man in the neck. He puts the man
down and moves over to the next cage. He repeats the
process until hes bitten all 4 captives. He grabs the the
old aluminum fishing boat in the corner and breaks off a
sharp piece. He sticks the piece of aluminum into one of
the support beams, and takes off his jacket. He rests his
arms on the aluminum and proceeds to slice open his
forearms. He extends his arms to his front, blood gushing


There is a slight pause


The freshly bitten captives are hesitant.


All of the captives buckle briefly but go over to Pierce

and start feeding off his arms. Pierce is in pain, but
looks determined at the same time. He only lets them
briefly feed.

Get down here, brothers... come meet our newest

EXT - Bills Sports Bar - Night

Pierce and his crew roll up to the bar with two motorcycles
and the Jeep.

INT - Bills Sports Bar - Same time

Pierce walks into the bar, and right behind him is his
crew. They fresh vamps spread out, but Vamp#2 and Vamp#3
stay near the door. Again there are roughly 15 people in
the bar, and they start to give dirty and concerned looks
to Pierces gang. Pierce approaches walks up to the bar and
takes a seat. Behind the bar is BILL, 40s, short, relaxed,
an honest man, and easy to talk to. Hes wiping down some
glasses he just washed. Bill walks over to Pierce

What can get for ya, Pierce?

Pierce sighs

Ill take the usual, Bill.

Pierce sucks his teeth

Anything for your friends?

I think there alright for now, Bill.

Bill goes and grabs the whiskey for Pierce. He pours the
whiskey in a freshly washed glass. He starts to put the
bottle under the bar.

You can just leave the bottle up here

Bill freezes, and looks at Pierce who is giving him stone

eyes. Bill nods and puts the bottle back on the counter.
Pierce tilts his head back and gulps down the whiskey.

Ill go ahead and take another

Bill pours Pierce another drink. Pierce smiles and picks up

the glass.

How long I been living here, Bill? 10 years? That
sound about right.

Pierce takes a sip of his whiskey

10 years sounds about right.

Theres a pause.

And in those 10 years, have a caused you or any
other person in this town any harm?

Whe.. well no. of course not. You fellas have
been nothing but kind here. Never caused any ruckus

Yeah... thats what I thought. I never wanted
this for this town, Bill. I thought this was finally
going to be the end of all our running. I thought this
was the one... the place where wed finally have some
peace, but no.

Well, who ya running from? Im sure we can help

Unfortunately, I dont think you can. I see now,
it isnt possible for my kind to coincide with yours.
No matter where we go, were hunted down like animals.
Sought out to be monsters and killers. Theyll send
wave after wave of people until they wipe us out of

Youre not making too much sense now Pierce, but
i assure you we have no problem with anybody. Everyone
is welcomed here. It doesnt matter where you came
from or what you look like, because at the end of the
day were all human on the inside.

Oh, Bill. Its a damn shame things always have to
end like this... I really liked you.
Pierce grabs Bill by the collar and at the same time picks
up the bottle of whiskey and breaks it over Bills head.
WIth the shattered bottle, Pierce stabs Billy in the throat
and leaves it in there. He pulls billy over the counter and
rips off the keys looped on Billys belt loop. He tosses
the keys to Vamp#2. Vamp#2 locks the front doors. The
entire room is in shock. Some men at the pool tables now
hold their cues like weapons.

This is what humanity wants, is it not? To see us
as ravenous monsters.

Pierces fangs begin to come out

Well let us show you just how monstrous we can

The rest of the vamps let out their fangs and begin to
slaughter everyone in the bar.

EXT - Bills Sports Bar - Night

Pierce and his crew step out of the bar drenched in blood

EXT - Joys Cabin - Night

Jake is sitting at a fire between the cabin and the shed.

On a nearby tree Vamp#1 is tied pinned to the tree. Joy is
walks over holding two steamy thermoses. She hands one to
Jake and takes a sit on an adjacent log. She takes a sip

Ahh, its been too long since ive had me night
like this.

Jake looks down into his thermos, and smells it.

Whats is this? Smells pretty pungent.

This, oh its nothin. Just a little family tea
recipe i got from my ma. I cant tell you whats in it
or id have to kill ya. When i was a little girl, she
used to always make it after a hunt to help us get our
strength back. I never really believed her hocus
pocus, but i guess it just became a tradition for me.


I was in the shit hole for 8 months. At least
thats what i think. I started to lose track of the
days past the 3rd month. I got nobody in my life
anymore. Theyve all come and gone, so i wasnt
expecting to make it out of that house. Do you know
what its like to lose all hope, and just hope that
one day someone will come by and end it all for you?

Jake looks at her and then looks down. He fiddles with the
thermos in his hands. Joy gives a relieved smirk

You know.

Jake takes his first sip of the tea and slightly winces.
Joy gives Jake side eyes, her suspicion that Jake is
turning might be true.

(clearing his throat)
Oh man that burns going down.

Joy doesnt immediately respond

Yeah.. it does, doesnt it.

Joy continues the rest of the conversation from this point

on with a hint of skepticism.

Anyway, so youve been hunting since you were a
little girl?
Oh, yeah. Its the family business. There arent
many people out there that have been enlightened like
you and me. Most everyone whos run into these
creatures end up dead, and most of the survivors wind
up in looney bins claiming to see the supernatural.
But some of them survivors understand that these
things cant walk the earth with us. That was my
Grandpa. A vamp broke into their home and slaughtered
his wife, My grandpa walked in the room to find the
thing hovering over my Mas crib. The story of how he
actually survived the confrontation changed through
the years, but the outcome was always the same. He
fought off that vamp, and he made it his life goal to
try his very best to make sure that nobody else's
family got slaughtered. From that moment on he
training and studying all that he could about these
monsters. He trained my mom, who married another
hunter, and had me along with a brother. This is all
Ive known.

Jake actually seems to be sorry to hear that story

wow, so howd you end up in that cage down there.
Having all the experience you have and all.

Joy chuckles

Well, throughout the hunts he went on, my grandpa
gathered as much information as he could about the
Vamp that murdered his wife. Turns out it was the one
and only, Pierce. By the time my grandpa successfully
tracked down Pierce, he was no match. He was older
than me, and through the years Pierce got wiser and
stronger. Grandpa on the other hand got the opposite.
So, about a year ago i get a call from my brother. He
says to me, Im in this small little town up in
Northern California and it turns out

theres this biker gang that lives deep in the
woods here. He tells me Ill never guess the name of
the leader. Its Pierce, Joy. Its Pierce

She lets out a little chuckle

He was so excited, he just couldnt wait to go
check them out. I told him to hold off until i could
get to him, but he always was arrogant. He gave me the
coordinates to this cabin, here. I never did hear from
him after that call. When I got here there was a note
on the table telling me about how he just couldnt
wait, and that if he died... that if he died he loved

Jakes expression shows that hes never heard someone speak

with so much compassion.

I stayed in town trying to figure out what
happened to my brother, but nobody knew. Everyone told
me that he just left stopped showing up in town one
day. They all figured he just up and left. So, I
stayed in town waiting for these bikers to show up.
Now vamps need to feed at least once every 4 days
otherwise theyd be extremely weak. I was in town for
2 weeks before i saw the gang to show up. They spent
the night drinking at Bills, but strange enough at
the end of the night everyone was accounted for. Not a
single person was harmed or went missing that night. I
started questioning everything i thought i knew. Maybe
my brother did go, and decided to cut me off. Maybe he
was wrong and this is just a normal biker gang. That
was until a bitch named Faith showed her face at that
bar. She was flaunting around the bar, getting all the
truckers to go wild for her. She convinces this poor
sap to drive her home, so sure enough i follow them.
20 minutes into the drive they pull over. I sit there
for 10 minutes, just waiting for them to start driving
again, but they dont. I decide to sneak up to the
semi, and in the cabin i see Faith eating that poor
mans face. I pull the trigger on my shotty, but the
damn thing jams. I struggled with her for what seems
like an eternity. Just as I was about to lose, I
couldnt believe my eyes. Pierce, the vamp that
murdered my grandmother had come to spare my life.
They took me back to the house and stuck me in those
cages. All those people that you saw earlier were
already there in the cages when i arrived. I noticed
they all had those IVs in their arms, and up above me
i could hear Pierce arguing with Faith about how she
needs to stop her meaningless killing. I after all
these centuries Pierce has decided to turn a new leaf.
He thinks that if they only kidnap a handful of people
and drain them for their blood like theyre some kind
of cow, then thats not as bad as feeding on new
bodies. And hes right, its not as bad, but that
dont mean hes not a monster and murderer...

We can only hear the crickets chirping for a moment.

We are who we are, Jake. Pierce is a monster. He
didnt ask to be one, but its what he is. I am a
monster hunter, now i didnt ask to be that either,
but its what i am, and its what i do... I kill

Joy is slightly tearing up, and Jake is in a deep state of

thought. There is a pause

What if we didnt have to be?

Theres a slight pause. Joy shakes her head once. It starts

to lightly snow. Joy looks up at the snow

What about, you Jake. what brought you here, and
then how did you get caught up on all of this?

Um, well I was having a pretty stressful week, so
i decided it would probably be best for me to take a
drive to clear my head-

-Guess that didnt really work out, now did it.

No, it didnt go as planned at all.


Anyway, so im driving and i Bills bar and i
decide to step inside for a dink. Thats where it all
went sour. You mentioned Faith earlier, well she was
at the bar. As soon as i sat down she came up to me. I
should have known something was wrong, because she was
coming on way too strong. Im not much of a peoples

-You dont say

Jake gets embarrassed

Im just messin, Jake.

Jake chuckles

Well, what i was trying to say is that there was
something about her that just made me do things i
normally wouldnt-

-Yeah theyll do that to you.

What does you mean?

Something about the vamps eyes makes them very
persuasive. I wouldnt call it mind control, but its
very powerful suggestion.

Huh... Well we went out to my truck and next
thing I know shes trying to take a chunk out of my

-Did did she bite you?

Jake looks at joy for a moment and then lies to her

(shaking his head)

Joy lies right back at Jake

Ah man, Your first fight with a vamp and you
avoided gettin bit. Thats pretty impressive, you
just wait though. It hurts like hell.

Youve been bitten?

Of course, it comes with the job

But, but theyre vampires. Arent you supposed to
like turn into one of them?

Nah, thats just made up from the movies. If
thats how it worked, dont you think there would be a
lot more vamps out there. It is possible, but most
people nowadays are immune to the bite. You see the
vamps draw their strength from feeding, you do not
want to go up against a vamp thats drained a few

That last sentence Joy said it the only truthful thing

shes said since she asked him if he was bitten.
That makes sense, I guess.

Anyway, continue..

So, I ended up tying her up and taking her deep
into the woods. I tried to find out as much as I could
about them, but she wasnt very cooperative. Later in
the day we heard the bikes coming. She started
threatening me, and at that point i knew i had to kill

There you go! That Faith definitely had to be
dealt with.

So Whatd you do when Pierce got there?

Well, one thing i was able to get out of Faith is
that while garlic doesnt burn them, it definitely
doesnt smell very good to them-

-Thats true

So i started smashing all the garlic i brought,
spread it around the area, and headed deeper into the
woods. Looking on from the woods, i got a glimpse of
Pierce and his crew. He wasnt very happy about what i
did to Faith. I waited them out and they all
eventually left, so I thought. Turns out they left one
behind to ambush me when i got in my car.

Wheewie, Jake. In a few days with no experience,
you managed to take out 3 members of Pierces crew.
Now, thats impressive. You may have been born for

The snowfall becomes much heavier, Joy and Jake look up at


Its really coming down now. I guess we better be
gettin inside now.

Joy looks over at Jake and sees him in a trance looking up

at the snow. She stares for a moment.

You hungry, Jake?

Starving actually

Joy stands up from her log

Well, ill cook us up some Spam. It aint the
tastiest stuff, but itll get the job done.

Actually Im going to go deal with our friend
over there, but thank you. I shouldnt be too long.

Joy gives Jake another skeptical look, but allows it.

Well alright. Ill leave the key under the mat
for you.

Thanks, and thanks for the tea.

Jake hands her the thermos and gets up off the log to go
untie Vamp#1.

No problem
INT - Joys Cabin - Night

The cabins kitchen and living room are conjoined. There

are a couple of rooms, both on one side of the cabin. Joy
is standing at the kitchen counter. She looks down at
Jakes thermos to see its still full. She looks out the
window by the front door, and watches Jakes truck drive
off. Joy is clearing the countertop of all the ingredients
used in her tea recipe. She sweeps it with her hand into
the trash can. Within the ingredients we see a head of
garlic with a clove missing. She pulls out a drawer from
the counter, inside lays a .50 caliber S&W Magnum. She
opens the chamber to make sure the gun is loaded.

INT - Joys Cabin / Joys Room - Night

Joy enters the room and makes her way to the bed, gun in
hand. She lounges in the bed with her bed against the
headrest, legs crossed, and gun in hand. She closes her
eyes to try to go to sleep.

EXT - Somewhere in the Woods - Night

Jake pulls up to a rocky river bed, with Vamp #1 in the

truck bed. Jake steps out of the truck.

EXT - Somewhere in the Woods - Same time

Jake drops Vamp#1s body to the floor. Vamp#1 looks up at

Jake, unsure about whats about to happen. No one has made
a sound yet. Jake walks over to the passenger side door of
the truck, opens it, and then opens the glove compartment.
Inside he pulls out a serrated hunting knife. He turns
towards Vamp#1 so he can see the knife, and Vamp#1 starts
trying to speak through the duct tape. Jake walks back
over to the truck bed where he pulls out more thick wound
up rope. He unrolls several feets worth and then cuts it
with his knife. Vamp#1 looks on, confused as to what Jake
is planning. Jake repeats the cutting until he has 3
pieces. Jake ties one of the pieces into a noose, and walks
over to Vamp#1. Vamp#1 is using his legs to push himself
further from Jake while trying to yell through the duct
tape. Jake bends over and puts his finger over his mouth
shushing Vamp#1.
Its okay. Everythings going to be okay.

(spinning index finger)
Turn over.

Vamp#1 turns over onto his stomach. Jake grabs his hair,
pulls his head back, and puts the noose around his neck.
Jake drags Vamp#1 to a nearby tree, and Ties the rope noose
around the trunk.

Alright, now Im going to cut off these ropes
restraining your arms.

Jake slides the knife into Vamp#1s back and slices

downwards, both freeing him from the ropes while cutting
open his back. Vamp#1 screams in pain.

(touching Vamps face)
That wasnt so bad, was it?

This next part wont be as pleasent.

Jake gets his knife and slices both achilles tendons on

Vamp#1. Vamp#1 screams louder. Jake grabs two pieces of his
rope and ties each of Vamp#1s feet. Then he also ties the
two ropes to the trunk of the tree.

Now then, in order to keep you from freeing
yourself were going to need to get rid of these

Jake points at Vamp#1s hands with the knife. He grabs

Vamp#1s arm and stabs the knife completely through his
wrist. He stabs and stabs until the hand is severed. He
repeats on the next arm. Vamp#1 is in excruciating pain on
the floor. Jake walks over to the truck and grabs a tire
iron from under the seat and walks back to Vamp#1.

Dont worry, its over.

Jake takes a fully powered swing at Vamp#1s head. Vamp#1

falls unconscious

INT - Joys Cabin - Night

Jake walks into the cabin and heads towards the kitchen. He
finds a bowl of Spam left out for him by Joy. He picks up
the bowl and tries the spam. He immediately chokes it back
up because he can not stand the taste. He dumps the spam in
the trashcan beside him and puts the bowl in the sink.

INT - Joys Cabin / Jakes Room - Morning

A loud air horn goes off in the room. Its Joy at the foot
of Jakes bed. Jake wakes up, but doesnt actually get
startled by the air horn. Joy starts laughing.

Wakey wakey, Jakey!

Jake starts to fully wake up, he notices Joys magnum

holstered on her hip.

Whered you get that?

Oh, we have all kinds of toys here. Now get your
ass out of bed and meet me at the shed.

Jake sits up in bed and rubs his eyes

EXT Joys Cabin / Shed - Morning

There is now a layer of snow outside, about 6 inches worth.

On the walls of the shed hang a decent amount of assorted
weapons. There is a shelf with some elixirs, ointments, and
some small containers. Underneath that is a work bench. Joy
is grabbing a container off the shelf when Jake walks in.
Joy puts the container down and look over at Jake. Jake
stands at the doorway looking around the shed in amazement.
Sleep well, last night?

Surprisingly, i did.

Jake continues to look around the shed

Thats good, and our friend? Whats become of

Jake looks at Joy

Hes a pile of bones somewhere in the woods. This
is pretty impressive.

Joy smiles

Come here, ill take you on the tour.

Joy walks to the end of the shed where there is what

appears to be a rifle of some sort.

This right here is Delilah.

She grabs Delilah off the wall. Its a custom built rifle
made to fire arrows at an alarming rate. The rifle has a
paint job that makes it look like thick bright red blood is
dripping from the top of the rifle. On one side of the gun
is carved delilah and on the other side is a is a smiley
face sticker with a vampire mouth sticker over the smileys

50,000 pounds per square inch, semi automatic
rifle. Shell fire an arrow fast as you can pull the
trigger. I can take out a vamp from across a football
field with her.

Jake is visibly impressed. Joy hangs the gun back up and

starts going down the wall of weapons.

We have an assortment of handguns, but they dont
mean nothing unless you got these.

Joy stops walking and unholsters her magnum. She pulls out
the chamber, pulls out a single bullet, and holds it up to
Jakes face.

Hollow point bullets with the tipps filled with
silver. You see, you shoot a vamp with a normal
bullet, itll hurt. Most definitely, but itll heal
within a few minutes after feeding. You put one of
these in them, it wont heal for days. Put one in
their heart and theyre not getting up.

Jake grabs the bullet, inspects it and hands it back

You ever shoot a gun?


Well grab one of these pistols and lets hope
youre a natural.

Jake grabs a random gun off the rack

Ah, thats a beauty.

Joy takes a few steps forward, and stops at some whips

These are probably the most fun here. These whips
have holy oil soaked into their fibers so it leaves
some mighty fine marks while creating some distance

Jake looks confused

Holy oil? I thought none of the religious stuff
worked on them. At least thats what Faith said when I
showed her a cross. I mean she didnt react to the
cross I brought out.

And you believed that two faced, whore. Youre
funny, Jake. Tell me something, did you touch her with
the cross- wait dont answer that. My guess is no. The
holy crap works just fine in them. Burns em just like
the sun and silver.

Thats so strange, so everything from the movies
is pretty much true except the garlic thing.

It would appear so...

Joy hands Jake a whip, steps a few more feet and stops at
some knives

These bad boys were forged in holy fire, so any
wound made from these wont be closing anytime soon.

Ah, Shit.

Whats wrong?

Shit, i forgot my favorite knife in the woods
last night.

You wont need that knife anymore, one of these
is what you really want.

No, I need that knife.
Alright, alright. Dont get your panties in a
bunch. Ill wrap it up here and you can get on out of
here and get your knife back.

Joy walks over to the workbench and opens up the container

she pulled down earlier. Inside is some silver wire and 2

Last stop on the tour is this box.

Joy pulls out the silver wire, which has an ergonomic grip
on both ends.

Pretty standard stuff here. Silver wire, cuts
through them pretty easy. If you get the chance, get
it around their neck and pull. Itll come clean off
and theyre out for the count.

Joy puts the wire back in the container and pulls out the 2

What are those? Some kind of holy hand grenade?

Nah, these are just regular ol grenades.


Thats everything... Were done here, so you can
go out and get your knife.

INT - Jakes Truck - Morning

Jake is performing a 3 point U-turn to head into the woods.

In the passenger seat, sits Jakes hunting knife.
EXT - Drop off location for Vamp#1 - Afternoon

Jake pulls up to the spot where he left Vamp#1. He gets out

of the truck and walks over to the tree where Vamp#1 is
tied up. Upon walking up to Vamp#1 we see that he has been
mangled, but hes breathing. In fact he is
hyperventilating, and the duct tape is half off his mouth.
Jake takes a step back and stares at him.

You look like shit.. I mean what happened? The
wolves getcha?


Man i wish i still had my phone so i could take a
picture and show you yourself. I think it might be my

Its not Jakes masterpiece

Vamp#1 lays quietly, staring Jake in the eyes.

Alright, lets get this show on the road

Jake cuts the ropes off of the tree, and picks up the one
tied around Vamp#1s neck. Jake starts dragging Vamp#1 by
the neck towards the riverbed. Jake lays Vamp#1 in the
river with just his face sticking out of the water.

(pointing at Vamp#1)
Dont you move now.

Jake walks over to the shore filled with decently sized

rocks, and picks up the biggest he can find. He walks back
over to the river and places the rock on Vamp#1s chest.

(out of breath)
Whew, this is going to take longer than i

EXT - Rocky River Bed - Afternoon

Jake has completely covered Vamp#1s body in rocks except

his face. Jakes laid a layer of rocks around Vamp#1s head
so that they sit slightly higher than his head. Jake walks
over with one last large sized rock, and stops at vamp#1s
head. He places the rock on the floor

Alright, well this has been fun but I really
gotta run.

Jake picks the rock back up, and starts to put it down over
Vamp#1s face, but stops

Hey, real quick. How long does it take for a
vampire to starve? Do you guys even starve to death?
Eh, dont answer. Ill just stop by once a year to see
if youre alive.

Jake finishes resting the rock down

INT - Joys Cabin - Dusk

Jake walks in the cabin, clothes still wet. Joy is sitting

on the couch fixing silver tips onto her arrows. She looks
up at Jake as he walks in.

Jesus, what happened and why are you so wet?

Uhh, i dumped his skeleton in the river last
night and i guess the knife fell out while I was in

He pulls out the knife and holds it up

But i found it. Sorry it took much longer.

Its alright, well just have to finish this

Sounds good to me.

Jake starts walking over to his room

Where you going?

Im just so beat, i think im going to call it
early tonight.

Well alright then. Go on and get you some shut
eye, come tomorrow youre going to need your strength.
Were leaving at dusk, and not a second later.

You got it, ma'am.

INT - Joys Cabin / Jakes Room - Night

Jake is sleeping in his bed. A sliver of moonlight seeps

into the room through the crack in the curtains. Coming
from the living room we here Sleep Walk by Santo and
Johnny. Jake wakes up, and sits on the edge of his bed for
a second. He gets up and starts walking towards the bedroom
door, and stop right in front of it. He hesitates to open
the door, but opens up the door to see Joy slow dancing by
herself in a 50s dress.

INT - Joys Cabin / Living Room - continuation

Jake slowly walks into the room. He has a confused look on

his face. Joy spins around to face Jake and we see blood
running down her neck.

Oh, Jake. come over here, and dance with me.
Jake takes a few steps forward, then hesitates

Come, come.

Joy extends her hand out for Jake to grab hold of. He
hesitates, but accepts. Joy pulls him in close, and the two
start dancing.

What happened to you, Joy

This? Oh this is nothing. Just dance with me

Jake doesnt say a word and continues to slow dance

Ohh, Jake. Do you know how long its been since
Ive been able to do this.

Jake if half going along with the dancing and have

confused. Joy puts her head on Jakes chest.

I dont want to go tomorrow Jake. Truth be told,
Im terrified. I dont want to die.

Jake grabs Joy by the shoulders and creates some space. He

looks her straight in the eyes

Youre not dying tomorrow, Joy. I wont let it

Joy rests her head on Jakes shoulder.

Youre too kind Jake

Focused on Joys face:

Joy continues to smile as the two sway side to side.
Suddenly her face turns painful.

Pull Back:
We see Jake feeding on Joys Neck.

(in pain)
Youre hurting me, Jake.

Jake pulls back off of Joy. He sees what hes done and puts
his hands on his head. He gets a pain in his mouth and
feels his teeth. He has fangs growing. He looks back at Joy
and shes pointing her gun at him. She pulls the trigger
and shoots Jake in the gut and he falls on his ass. Joy
stares down at him as he uses his feet to push himself away
from Joy. He pushes himself a few feet away when he hits a
pair of legs. He looks up to see Faith staring down at him

Hi, Jakey.

Jake pushes himself in a different direction then the both

of them

No, no, no. Youre dead. I killed you.

He hits the wall, and has nowhere else to go. Jake starts
panicking and tearin up like a scared little boy. Joy and
Faith stand a few feet in front of him and stare down. Joy
crouches down

Oh, Jake... look at you. You should have known
this was going to happen...

Joy stands back up, and points the gun at Jake and pulls
the trigger twice. Jake goes from a sitting position to
lying in the floor. Just before he loses consciousness he
sees a 3rd woman at the kitchen counter.

INT - Joys Cabin / Jakes Room - Night

Jake springs awake from his nightmare, hyperventilating,

covered in cold sweat.

EXT - Joys Cabin - Dawn (overcast/light snow)

Jakes truck is running, water vapor coming out of the

exhaust. Joy exits the cabin, giant canvas duffle bag at
her side. She walks over to the passenger side of the
truck, puts the bag in the bed, and gets in the truck

INT - Jakes Truck - Same time

Joy sits in the car and grabs a cup her cup of coffee
waiting for her in the cup holder. She takes a sip,
embracing the warmth of the coffee, and then turns to Jake


Yeah, Im ready.

INT - Jakes Truck - Morning

Jake is driving down the now snowy road. Both he and Joy
are relaxed as ever. The windows are rolled down. Jake is
driving with his right hand while resting his left arm on
the door. Joys right hand is resting on the outside of the
door, tapping on it for entertainment. They look like a
loving couple headed on a road trip. They drive until they
are about 5 minutes out from the Vampire Den.

(pointing up ahead)
Pull over right up there.

Jake looks over at her and proceeds to pull over. Joy steps
out of the truck and rifles through her bag. She pulls out
Delilah, two hand grenades, and gets back in the truck.
Jake look slightly surprised to see the Joy bring out the
Thesell get the party started.

Joy tosses one at Jake, and he clumsily catches it. Joy

starts laughing, and extends her arm out.

Give it here

Jake hands back the grenade back.

You got everything from the bag that you need?

Yeah, Im good.

Well then, we best get on our way.

Jake nods without a lot of confidence.

INT - Jakes Truck - Morning

Jake and Joy are a hundred feet out from the den. Jake
drives on the road until they are in front of the house.

EXT - Vamp Den - Morning

Joy pulls the pins on both grenades and chucks them out of
the car and at the front of the face. She turns to Jake.

Ill see you on the other side of this, Jake.

The grenades blow up in the background, creating two holes

in the front of the house. At the same time Jake flinches
from the noise, and Joy promptly exits the vehicle, Delilah
in hand. She fires some arrows into the holes shes
created, but can't tell if shes hitting anything because
there is still smoke in the air. Joy looks back at the
truck and sees Jake is still in the truck.

Lets go!

Jake quickly pumps himself up and leaves the truck. He

draws his gun and heads towards Joy.

You clear that hole there, and Ill get this one.

Jake nods in agreement. The two split and slowly walk

towards their breach points. Jake is entering through the
living room while Joy enters through the garage. Joy heads
straight into her hole, while Jake holds off briefly. He
tries to listen in, but the house is dead silent.

INT - Vampire Den / Living Room - Morning

Jake slowly enters the house. He gets halfway into the

living room when he hears Joy start firing room inside the
garage. The shots stop.


Jakes given up his location. Vamp#3 comes out from the

kitchen fangs fully out. Jake unloads his clip at Vamp#3,
but unfortunately his lack of experience bites him in the
ass. He misses every shot. He tries reloading the gun but
before he can get out a new clip Vamp#3 front kicks the
sofa at Jake. The sofa slides towards Jake at an alarming
rate. It hits Jake and he flips over the sofa. Vamp#3
sprints towards Jake. Jake goes for his knife but by the
time he gets his hand on it Vamp#3 grabs his wrist with one
hand and with the other he chokes Jake. Vamp#3 lifts Jake
off of the ground using only his one hand. Jake struggles
to find oxygen in the air. Jakes lights are going out. We
hear 1 shot from Delilah. It strikes Vamp#3 in the head,
and he instantly hits the floor. Jake gasps like hes never
had a good breath in his life.

You good?
Jake gives Joy a thumbs up, and gathers himself. Joy walks
over to Jake and makes sure hes all there and has
everything in order.

We may be in way over our heads here, Jake. Looks
like Pierce turned the captives in the basement, and
these guys are fully fed. We may just have to go and
slowly chip away at the pack.

No, we need to finish this now. This may be your
last chance to get Pierce.

Jake picks up his gun, and magazine from the floor

Alright then

INT - Vampire Den / Stairs / Hallway - Day

The two head upstairs cautiously. Instead of splitting up

this time, Jake goes left at the top of the stairs and Joy
covers his back. They make their way down the hall and stop
at the first door they come across. Jake slowly turns the
knob and starts entering the room, gun first. SLAM! Jake
has the door slammed on his wrist. He fires off a shot as
he drops the gun. Without hesitation, he pushes through the
door to catch the vamp on the other side. Joy fires a
couple shots through the door but misses the vamp. Suddenly
Joy is tackled out of the way.


Jake stands alone in the bedroom facing one of the freshly

turned female vamps. Shes as bloodthirsty as ever. He
looks at the gun on the floor and makes a dash for it. The
vamp reads him like a book stops his momentum, and throws
him to the other side of the room. Jake crashes into a
dresser, but quickly gets up. The vamp walks towards Jake,
and he pulls out his knife. He takes a few swipes at her,
but shes able to avoid them. Shes faster than any vamp
Jakes fought so far. Jake goes in for one more swipe only
to be countered with a punch to the gut and then one to his
jaw. Jake throws a wild punch. It connects, but has little
effect on the vamp. She grabs Jake by the collar and starts
pummeling his Face. Jakes face quickly becomes bruised and
cut. The vamp is so caught up with beating Jake she doesnt
realize Jake reaching for his knife at his side. Jake stabs
the vamp in the stomach and slides it across her abdomen.
In anger the vamp throws Jake to the other side of the
room. The vamp struggles to get the knife out as Jake
struggles to get up. The vamp gets the knife out and
stumbles her way towards Jake. Jake gets up, reaches into
his coat, and pulls out silver wire. Jake lets the vamp
grab his collar again, but this time he wraps the wire
around her arm and pulls. Her arm comes clean off. Jake
kicks in her knee and she falls to her knees. Jake gets
behind her and wraps the wire around her throat. He puts
his foot on her back, hold the wire tight and pushes her
neck through the wire. Off comes her head. Jake picks up
his gun and heads into the hallway to check on Joy.


Joy gets tackled and loses hold of Delilah. She ends up on

the bottom of a freshly turned male vamp. She quickly jabs
him in the throat, and gets out from under him. She grabs
her whip from her waist and lashes him across his face. She
goes for another, but this time the vamp catches the whip.
Burning his arm, the vamp uses the whip to pull Joy in. He
connects with a punch to her face. Joy lets go of the
whip, backs up and pulls out a knife. The vamp shrugs off
the whip. He starts throwing punches at Joy, but shes
absorbing the blows with her arms. When she has the
opportunity she kicks the vamp in the balls, and tries to
stab the vamp in the head. The vamp catches her swinging
arm, redirects the knife and makes her stab her own leg.
The vamp grabs her by the throat and pins her against the
wall. Jake comes stumbling out of the bedroom, gun in hand.
Joy looks over at him in a panic as Jake takes aim. The
vamp notices Joy staring off and turns his head to see
Jake. This distraction allows Joy to pull her knife from
her leg and stab the vamp in the side of the ribs. The vamp
lets go of Joy.

(to Jake)
Toss me the gun.

Jake tosses the gun at Joy and in a fluid motion she

catches it, takes aim, and unloads the clip into the vamps
skull. She walks over to Jake and hands him back the gun.

I guess were even, again.

Guess so

The two head to the room at the end of the hall, where they
hear muffled screaming.

INT - Spare Room - Morning

They walk into the room to find Pierce standing over a tied
up freshly turned vamp playing victim. The two raise their
guns at Pierce.

Ah ah ah, we wouldnt want anything bad to happen
to the innocent woman. One more step and Ill rip her
head off... Welcome back, Joy.

Pierce looks over at Jake

And you must be the shit stain thats been
fucking my weekend up. I dont think I caught your

Theres a small pause

Eh, doesnt really matter. Alright folks, go
ahead and toss your weapons down. Ill make this quick
for you both.

Jake looks over at Joy nods Joy fires her last arrow in
between the eyes of the tied up vamp.

You must think im a special kind of idiot. Did
you really think I was gonna fall for that schtick?
Why would you turn all the other captives except this
little thing... besides you forgot to check that all
the blood was off her. She still has some there on her

They all look at her shoulder

Ive been waiting a long for this, and Im going
to enjoy watching you burn.

Joy takes aim at Pierce and smiles. Pierce doesnt seem to

care at all that hes about to die. Joy takes a deep breath
and pulls the trigger. Pierce catches the arrows before it
hits his chest. Joy is in shock, and pulls the trigger
again, but nothing comes out. Pierce makes a frowning face
to mock her. He snaps the arrow and starts walking towards
them. Joy looks over at Jake, raising her arms as to
question why he isnt shooting at Pierce. Jake raises his
gun back up and lets out whats left in his clip. Pierce
cowards, but none of Jakes bullets hit. He laughs and
continues to walk towards them. Joy and Jake take out their
knives. Jake tries to stab Pierce as he arrives, but Pierce
catches the strike. He twists Jakes wrist forcing him to
drop the knife, and in a fluid motion lifts Jake and slams
him through the floorboards. Joy charges Pierce, but he
dodges her and uses her momentum to throw her across the
room. Jake being stuck in the floorboards, Pierce turns his
attention to Joy. Joy stands near the window, disoriented.
Pierce walks in and front kick her through the window. He
checks out the window and sees Joy laid out in the snow
outside. Pierce walks back over to Jake and stomps him
through the rest of the floor. Jake goes crashing to the
first floor.

INT - Vampire Den / Living Room - Morning

Jake is severely injured, groveling on the floor. Pierce

comes down the stairs menacingly, ready to really hurt
Jake. He gets to the bottom of the stairs, and heads
towards Jake.
I offered to make it quick for you Hunt. Twice
for you actually, but you just dont seem to
appreciate my generosity.

Pierce kicks Jake in the ribs so hard that Jake travels a

few feet into the kitchen. Jake struggles to take his next

Im a man of my word, and Im going to make these
next parts agonizing for you.

Pierce picks Jake up and stands him against a wall.

(slapping Jake lightly)
You got some fight in you, Hunt. Youre gonna
regret that.

Pierce takes 3 vicious punches at Jakes mid section. Jake

starts coughing up blood, and falls to his knees. Jake
looks over towards the basement entrance and sees his
baseball bat that he left earlier. Pierce notices that the
bat has caught Jakes attention.

Oh, you want your big boy bat. Go on. Go ahead
and get it.

Jake starts to slowly crawl towards it.

Pick up the pace, Hunt.

Pierce kicks Jake in the ass to push him forward. Pierce

follows Jake as he makes his way to the bat. Jake grabs the
bat, and uses it to help him stand back up.

Atta boy, come on now. Take a swing, Ill give
you a freebie.

Pierce stands there waiting for Jake to strike. Jake uses

what strength he has to take a hard swing at Pierce, but
Pierce dodges it with ease.

Dont say i didnt give you a fighting chance.

Pierce front kicks Jake in the chest breaking him through

the basement entrance door, and sends him tumbling down the

INT - Vampire Den / Basement - Morning

Jake lays on the floor looking around the room for

something to help him best Pierce. Pierce comes walking
down the stairs.

Overall this has been pretty disappointing, Hunt.
I was expecting more of a challenge.

Pierce grabs Jake by his jacket and carries him to the

center of the basement.

I dont know whats more pathetic, this or the
fact that none of my crew was able to take care of you
before this.

Pierce stands Jake up and holds him by his shoulders.

Normally Id stick you in one of these cages, and
feed off you for years, but unfortunately I promised
you death. Whats the point though, thanks to you I
dont have any more mouths to feed. Id also like to
thank you for reopening my eyes about who I am. What a
fool I was thinking that if I just lay low, humanity
will leave me be... We can only keep our demons down
for so long, Hunt. Sooner or later we are going to
have to come to grips with who we are. And sooner or
later we all have to pay for our actions. Ill face
mine someday, but today... Today is your reckoning.

Pierce looks Jake in the eyes briefly, and then shoves him
onto the sharpened fragment of boat he used to cut his
wrists earlier. The metal slides cleanly through Jake, and
he stands there broken.

Its been a pleasure, hunt. See you on the other

Pierce starts unloading on Jakes head. After a few hits

Jake goes completely limp. Pierce stops beating Jake, and
checks his pulse.

Ah, youre still in there. I was having so much
fun I almost forgot about your friend. Im going to grab
her, and Im going to let you watch as I drain her clean.
Stay put, now.

Pierce taps Jake on the shoulder, and heads up the stairs.

Jake stands there, limp for a moment. He regains

consciousness and his hands start trembling. He looks
around the room again and notices the buckets of blood are
still sitting by the cages. He manages to gather enough
strength to reach behind him and use the post to push
himself off of the sharpened metal. He falls to the floor,
and crawls towards the closest bucket. He tilts the bucket
and starts drinking as if hes been deprived of water for
days. We visibly see the Jake regaining his strength, and
in fact becoming stronger than hes ever been. Jake puts
the bucket down, and gets to his feet. He is fully
rejuvenated. Up above he can hear Pierce walking and
dragging something behind him. Jake contemplates whether to
hide or jump back on the boat shard. With no time left, and
hoping to surprise Pierce, Jake throws himself back on the

Pierce comes walking down the stairs dragging Joys body

behind him. He drags her body right in front of Jake.

Oh good, youre up.

Pierce props Joy up. He turns around to look at Jake

Tell me hunt do you have a preference as to where
I start?

Jake is silent

The neck, right? Very classic.

Joy starts kicking at Pierces legs, and Pierce gives his

attention back to her.

Woah woah woah, take it easy there.

With Joy distracting Pierce, Jake silently pushes himself

off the shard. Very quickly, Jake rips the shard out of the
post and stabs Pierce through the back. He pulls the shard
out and lets Pierce turn around. Pierce is shocked to see
Jake standing there.

Jake punches through the stab wound he created in Pierce.

He pulls his arm out and bites down on Pierces neck.
Pierce starts hitting Jake in the ribs, but it has no
effect on Jake. Jake feeds on him until Pierce has no
strength left. Pierce falls to the floor, and Jake grabs
the boat shard off the floor. He swings it over his head
and proceeds to chop off Pierces head. The shard is
dulling at this point so it takes a few swings to come off.
Jake drops the shard and looks over at Joy. Shes clearly
hurt, and breathing hard. Jakes fangs retract, and he
rushes over to her. Jake helps her to her feet.

Are you okay?

Joy stares at Jake, shell shocked.

Yeah, Im alright.

Its over Joy. We did it.

INT - Vampire Den / Living Room - Morning

Jake helps joy across the living room and out the front

EXT - Vampire Den - Morning

Jake and Joy make their way to the truck parked out front.

EXT - Jakes Truck - Morning

Oh shit, I forgot Delilah back there in the snow.
Can you go grab her for me, Jake.

Sure thing, Joy.

Jake turns and heads back towards the house to get Delilah.
Joy takes a look at the duffle bag in the back.

EXT - Vampire Den - Morning

Jake gets to Delilah, picks her out of the store, and

shakes it off. He heads back to the truck

EXT - Jakes Truck - Morning

Jake walks up to the Joy and hands her Delilah.

Ready to get going?


Jake starts to walk towards the driver side, but Joy grabs
his wrist.

Actually Jake, just a second

Whats wrong?
Joy puts her hands into her jacket pockets.

Id just like to thank you, for everything. I
couldnt have done it without you. I owe you a
tremendous amount, but we both know I wont be able to
repay you.
What do you me-

BANG! Joy fires a pistol from her jacket pocket, the bullet
strikes Jake in the abdomen. His blood splatters on the
snow behind him like an empty canvas receiving Jakes brush
strokes. Jake falls to his knees, and looks up at Joy
shocked. Joy is looking down pointing the gun at him.

Dont give me that face, Jake. We both know this
was the only way. You were bit by Faith, and Im
guessing you drank that blood in the basement which
completed your transformation. I wish we didnt have
to part ways like this. I was excited when we met,
Jake. I was hoping we could partner up, and rid the
world of these monsters... but now you are one. I
truly am sorry about this, Jake.

Its okay, Joy. I get it. I am a monster, I know
I wont be able to resist the urge to feed. Hell I was
a monster before I was even bitten. This is the only
way it should have ended. Monsters dont belong on
this planet, and you said it yourself, you kill
monsters. Ive come to grips with what I am, and who
knows. Maybe in another life well met again... Youre
going to need these.

Jake reaches in his pocket and tosses Joy the keys to his
truck. He gives Joy a smile.

You take care, Joy. Continue the good fight. Go
ahead... End it.
Joy with a tear coming down her face pulls the trigger. She
shoots Jake through the heart. More blood splatters behind
Jake, adding the final touches to the canvas. This is
Jakes masterpiece. Jake lays on his back, burning from the
inside out. He looks up at the sky, smirking as if hes
accomplished his goals. Joy slowly walks away, gets in the
truck, and drives away.

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