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Student Diagnostic Report

Enterprise Test
Printed Tuesday, May 2, 2017 9:05:47 AM
School: Saint Charles Catholic School Test Date: May 1, 2017 11:25 AM
Test Time: 15 minutes 43 seconds

Report Options
Use Trend Score: Use trend score for student's suggested skills

Salcido, Sophia
ID: SOPSAL Class: 8th Grade
Grade: 8 Teacher: D. Blair

School Benchmark - Grade 8

Urgent Intervention Intervention On Watch At/Above Benchmark

STAR Reading Scores

SS: 1332 (Scaled Score) At/Above Benchmark Sophia's Scaled Score is based on the difficulty of questions
and the number of correct responses.

PR: 86 (Percentile Rank) Sophia scored greater than 86% of students nationally in the
same grade.
GE: 12.9+ (Grade Equivalent) Sophia's test performance is better than that of an average
post-high school student.
IRL: 12.1 (Instructional Reading Level) Sophia would be best served by instructional materials
prepared at the twelfth grade level.
Domain Scores
Literature Domain scores, ranging from 0-100, estimate Sophia's
Key Ideas and Details: 94 percent of mastery on skills in each domain at an eighth
Craft and Structure: 93 grade level.
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: 92
Informational Text
Key Ideas and Details: 96
Craft and Structure: 95
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: 92
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: 90
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: 95
Reading Recommendation
ZPD: 5.0-13.0 (Zone of Proximal Development) Sophia's ZPD identifies books at the right level to provide
optimal reading challenge without frustration. Enter Sophia's
ZPD in to find appropriate books.

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