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The Path of Knowledge

Whatever is done or said is suggested to require efficiency in the use of self. The core of
self is pure sentient consciousness.

The goal of total freedom, loss of the human form, the coalition of energy, the coherence
of self, is simple: ultimate survival; infinity of self.

Ultimately it truly is whole physical liberation.

The only "appointed task" anyone can have is to evolve self.

If one exists coherently assembled as self with full self-recognition/awareness of being,

then one can interact with, connect to, all else --> at one's volition. Freedom means
unimpaired volition, unbounded by the negatives of the human form.

My term for this is simply to "evolve into a state of 'pure being', 'free being'".

The whole of being in the state of being as pure energy, requires no distractions of
dependency, existence in a state of unconditional love and trusting knowledge of self, the
ability to hold oneself together as a coherent sentient form of consciousness, because
without that, the energy cannot be intensely combined into a synergistic whole, so it
could scatter into oblivion.

Remember that consciousness IS an EM field. Consider that all of the universe is replete
with electrodynamic electromagnetic fields, and that consciousness itself is such a field,
coherent unto itself for each individual.

There are several characteristics of field. The highest is in itself, sentient in the
representations of individuals. There is a "quiescent" field, which is the fabric of the
universe itself. It is analogous to an inter-dimensional ocean, and one can indeed "surf"
that ocean. There are dynamic surges in the quiescent field, which brings to mind the idea
of a "disturbance in for force". These can be thought of as tidal surges, but not difficult to
navigate. They are caused by supernova, for example, or by local effects where "local"
means many light years of specific regions. Against the whole of the fabric, though, they
are analogous to an eddy around a rock in a stream.

One must think to have even self-recognition. If one does not think, then one is a stone
absent self-recognition. The depth of thought and the evolution of self, is based upon a
matrix of involvement in experiment and experience, processed by thought.

Without self-recognition, the awareness of being at any level, there is no sentience.

Pure consciousness is all of thought. The state of being, absent any organic form, is only
"thought". Perception in that state of being, pure thought, is a flow of awareness,
information, experiences knowledge that all "is" and only held in thought.
Coherence starts, after evolving to the state of "pure being" (the energy of thought
enhanced by perceptional flows) as the maintenance of that state. This establishes the
luminous form as a coherent basis of being, unfettered, whole, intent. Coherence has
intent and will. Intent is concept, will is actionable. Using these attributes founded in the
coherence of self, more can be added in assembly, the random becomes the orderly when
exercised into actionable will.

The random patterns are within the nucleus of coherence, however not all tendrils are
required in any instant of "the now". The stored energy held as a luminous form of
coherence, migrates intent into actionable will to utilize energy, gathering and organizing
what is efficient to utilize for a specific purpose, instantly.

It is only the extension into yourself that is important. The commit must intensely be
unconditionally to self in order that self can conjoin with others so achieved. If you
maintain your commit, and build through the intent of commit your impeccability, then
the rest will follow.

All you have within is sufficient to cause evolution. My process is only that of a mirror of
yourself in order that you may alter your own view and inspect for yourself what you see
and understand. Look within and draw out yourself and you will increasingly see more.

Work with self only in "the now". The future is an illusion, often distorted by

My understanding is that DNA carries past memories within the microcode. The DNA
evolution in itself is a sequential process one step at a time, and it truncates all that has
gone before within your DNA history to compile YOU are you are today.

YOU are the most advanced, most progressed being that your DNA code has
experienced, and contained within that micro-code are past memories as certain as the
formation of your body is today.

The perceptions of the ancestors are already stored within you. This is a simple sequence
of the coding within DNA. For those who prevailed beyond the consumption of death, the
DNA code facilitates a link like a preferred path.

It can only continue through you, so it forms components of you.

One must as a precursor loose the human form to gain that awareness.

The abilities are intrinsic within the coherence of self.

Remember that the organic form was required as the progressional sequence for "human
sentient" derivatives. From that, it is a simple progression of evolution. The human
organic form has many "high" dependencies "just to survive" in terms of species
procreation/ survival. With that, the dependencies in humans is replete even with aversion
to change. In terms of progression, in order to move into the third attention, the sentience
must move beyond the body that literally gave birth to the sentience, and it is very much
like organic birth of the body from the mother. It's not a big leap of understanding to
view that the organic form, AND all of the human form "just don't want to let go", but
just like the birth of a child, it's necessary for continuance.

The derivatives in the best of my understanding is that the quantum electrodynamic

energy matrices are initiated within individuals with the organic energy form being the
seed, carried forward by DNA. The trick is to not allow the quantum energy form of
sentience to become trapped, literally, within the organic form. Loosing the human form
said in that construct, is rather literal.

It might be more efficient rather than to take the human form idea of removing something
through destruction (annihilation) or "fortification" (defense) and replace these
approaches with "integration". In this approach, the energy of the ego as a dependent and
insecure and uncertain structure of frailty, is defined as it's center of being and
dependency, then the energy is re-integrated into the whole of being.

You are always in control. Any parasites can be voided by being transparent to them.

"Inspect/interrogate" carefully everything and everyone encountered in life as a

"potential" tool on "the way of knowledge", THEN "be selective". It will be found that
small tendrils of information can be derived from perceptions that can be efficiently
studied, provided that the perception AND the study is executed in quiet peace.

The energy is faced/confronted with a peace of observation. The peace of observation

allows what is important to simply been seen without obsession without manifestation,
other than to gain information and increased perception. If you lie naked in the sun, the
energy can be resisted emotionally, or it can flow into, and through, your being.

If it is all considered like a spherical, infinite, sequence of layers of strata, then as one
moves through the layers there is an increasing immensity of power/ability available and
only "the most able" (qualified) will ever be able to access it thoroughly. By now, your
own experiences have confirmed these concepts so there is no need for me to attempt to
make any point.

There really IS a point in evolution where there is not much, if anything, to clean up!!!
THAT point as a state of being really represents the ability to move into profound levels
of awareness, and it has a name: freedom.

It is possible to "flip" into respites even when "busy". It is really just a point of self-
energy management.

Fully integrated, and moving through the initial turmoil that is caused as a reflex to any
altered state, moves one through the confusion and into progressively higher awareness.

Removing dichotomies/pressures/conflicts. It is relatively easy, with acceptance of self. It

might be useful to conceptualize that "it was all necessary" to bring you to this point.
Caution is extended that as dependencies are released, there may be a tendency to seek
alternative dependencies. Also, when dependencies are removed, energy flows into the
vacuum, and if that energy is not perceived in peace then the human reflex is to consider
it as a threat, and another oscillation is born.

Study the one word that is operative: fear. Look carefully at your statement above and
learn your answer for yourself. Then explore if you can change that answer, in the form
of what it would take to alter it and the outcome. If that is impeccable as a result, then
again you have your answer.

My own evolution has moved toward transparency in these circumstances. The dirt
doesn't interact or stick.

Cogito ergo sum, does make the statement. Non-coherence energy, is not efficient in it's
randomness. The incoherence is the turmoil of self-negations of the human form that
block the energy becoming coherent, with the consequence of less energy brought to fore.

It could alternately be stated that by gathering sufficient ability to cross over any
threshold, one successfully navigates across the boundary, and becomes one own
facilitator simply because of the enhanced abilities required and integrated into being. If
those were not there, then one could not cross the threshold.

Ah, it would be added that "the spirit is within you". It is not driven from outside
influences. THIS spirit comes purely from within, and it's screaming to be facilitated.

Existence "in the now" and only "the now" deprives those who are dependent upon
making excuses and being controlled by the past, or those who depend upon their self-
imposed illusions of the future for comfort. Both the past and the future illusion loose
energy as elements of control folly.

Commenting only about my own processes, everything in the universe, all sentience, all
energy, all inspiration, all motivation, and all introspection: "just is". As in my evolution I
move, or am moved, through understanding by gaining experience and processing that
through my own epistemology, knowledge and balance is maintained continually, sans
dependencies. Everything is perceived upon my intent and focus, and everything is
blocked if in obsessional distraction other than the point of distraction.

Many humans move themselves only from one obsessional reference to another, and they
believe that they are making progress because there is motion. Motion by itself can be
progressive, regressive, or simply circular which connotes a stasis through illusion of
motion. This is a consecution of observation, and it is offered as a provocation for your
own thoughts.

The environment is capable of also providing perception. If one thinks of perception as a

signal strength amplitude, and self as a receiver, it is a matter of comparison of the
receiving ability (both as intrinsic sensitivity and as may be masked by noise internally or
externally) to the signal amplitude or strength. An important element of the receiving
ability is to "tune through" the extraneous noise, and diminish the internal noise to
enhance perception with "clarity".

This has been noted in others that have been engaged: it is as if they are desperate to find
new references, with the firm understanding that the old references of their personal
histories are confining and perhaps destructive. What tends to occur, though, it that they
indeed find new or alternate references, but then find that they have only substituted
dependencies. Freedom is not gained. Interestingly enough, they tend to think that they
have accomplished something because they have learned about the new references. This
eventually fails when they learn, IF they learn, that the new references are only alternate

References are almost never deleted because what was learned from the references stays
with one forever. References are continually checked to learn if they are anchors that
hold one back, sources of conflicts with newer knowledge, or basis of foundation that
promote continued evolution. Taken that way, references are re-evaluated and "modified"
in the execution to provide continued evolution.

The reflexes of the imbued past are so automatic initially that it really requires a
continual focus of vigilance to reorganize the self. That reorganization might be called a
shift in the assembly of self, with the nuance of a shift of the assemblage point - of self.

In my own descriptions, my tendency is to utilize alternate terms as "attributes" or

perhaps "abilities" simply because "power" is usually used only to promote self-important
and controlling schema in society. Truth be told, though, for one of accomplishment,
there is personal power. Any true attempt to use "power" for self-important or petty
tyrant purposes, it must be emphasized, will result in the loss of power, a form of self-
defeating prophecy.

The more proficient one becomes, the easier it becomes to switch levels of awareness!

Unless one has sufficient love and trust of self, within self, there cannot be explorations
beyond self to find and integrate through experience based knowledge of "what else" is
there. The love and trust of self are the primary ingredients of "ability" for the candidate.

The trust is the ignition for "the fire within". The trust is in self, first and foremost.
Everything, including all love, follows "the trust" of self. The expansion of "the covenant
of trust" links to tendrils of peace which in time facilitates unconditional love. When
these states of trust and love are achieved with the humility of responsibility, the state of
being in ultimate freedom becomes attainable.

The "doing" becomes a executed process of point-driven efficiency to prevail, to process

thorough epistemology, the knowledge of knowledge itself. Combined in this manner
with "the covenant of trust", energy is not squandered into dependencies or fears.
This above all else, to thin own self be true. First to "be true to self" involves a precursor:
knowing self. Then, from that platform as the reference of all that "there is", one can

That is why it's oft said that "the way of knowledge" is initiated by "knowledge of self".
When that is gained, then the direct knowledge of far more is possible because one is
freed to inspect all else without protections or fears that hold one back. Knowledge of self
also causes one to be prudent and studious, and those components bolster self-esteem that
feeds back sequentially into more knowledge of self.

Responsibilities are defined by ability.

Tests do appear. Tests have a purpose if for no other reason, to calibrate the candidate on
his progress.

The imprinted reflexes that one gathers through life can pop out and expose themselves,
occasionally at difficult and awkward moments. Those are tests.

In my experience, "tests piling up" are a point to say “congratulations". The analogy to
school comes to mind. When does one, usually being forced, to take "tests"? Response:
when one has completed or nearly completed a course of gaining information. The
purpose of the test, ideally, is to learn if the information was converted into
understanding or significant features to recall for later use. Evaluated in this manner,
"tests piling up" would be indicative that a ramp of learning is approaching near
completion and that tests are being facilitated to demonstrate that and what has been

Typically that is the way of tests. To this it could be easily said "congratulations" because
if there hadn't been progress there wouldn't be anything at a higher intensity TO TEST!

Humans will go to great lengths to attempt to foist their

dependencies upon others. Appropriate to learn the feigns, when they are
feigns, and not attach to the co-dependencies.

We use the term "petty tyrants" in the overview of these, since they tend to usurp energy
of others to feed themselves.

Remember for your solace that the prior definitions of love for most, and probably
including yourself, invoked many elements of dependency. Those forms of love are
limiting and conditional beyond any recognition of what energetic love could possibly be.
Love as a human form dependency involves prop-up for weak self-esteem (a
compensatory dependency as if "she loves me, I must be okay" or "when she loves me, I
feel good") which really causes one's sense of well being to be handed off into ownership
of another, so it's not surprising about the magnitude of feeling "hurt", et al.

It has been observed in humanity, that the oscillations tend to be initiated early in life.
Think for a moment about a small child. Somewhere, the child has a reflex discomfort.
Something is wrong. The child cries out. The something that was wrong is that the
organic form needed food. The cries were rewarded by a parent or care-giver that
supplied the required food. When sentience begins to really become evident, about aged 2
or so - individual specific - somewhere, somehow something goes wrong again. A small
injury from the toddler falling over, perhaps. The child has only one response: to cry.
After all, it worked for food, so it must work for other pains that are experienced. Once
again, a parent or care-given responds to the crisis and provides nurture and comfort.
Once again, the cry of dependency was rewarded. When the child ages some more, these
patterns of "need" can migrate into patterns of manipulation. The basis of the formula of
manipulation is simple derived from "reflex" experience: cry = reward. So, there is a
period, perhaps, of feigned "cries" that attract attention. If the parent is observant, the
feigned cries will be recognized as such and NOT rewarded. If the feigned cries ARE
rewarded, the learning curve of manipulation will have been initiated and this can carry
deeply into adulthood. As an adult, the child realizes by experience, that the dynamics of
dependencies have changed. The adult will tend to "bond" to those that nurture like the
young-child experienced, however that bond is set in dependency. When it doesn't work,
the reflexes become confused. When it works, the dramas and the manipulations, then the
adult is elated. The "love" of those rewarding the emotions become dependencies just like
they were in very early life. The processes of "it working" to the child's model, or NOT
working, in adult life based on the manipulations of the child, set up -->

Any obsession, imbalances the luminous form of self.

As the ego and the human form dependencies grip as parasites into the energy of an
individual, it is common for these "emotions" driven by them to invade the consciousness
through the emotionals pathways. the dying dependencies will disguise themselves as sad
emotions in order to force the victim of the parasitic tendrils to release the concept of
freedom and become -redependent upon them".

The hooks of the religious, the redistributionists of wealth all use this reflex when all they
really want is "control".

Observation would inform about the dependencies of the others, the power that can be
and the illusions that block it.

Attachment = dependency = references = low self esteem that drives one into these
surrogates that replace the essence of self.

These forms of dependencies are surrogates attempting to find what is missing inside, by
searching on the outside. Since that by definition is a mismatch, there can never be
enough to satisfy the need.

Observations of others actually force a test upon the one observing: not to judge; to
accept; to perceive without impression one's own emotions.
If one really views the desire to evolve, the compelling nature of that feat tends to cause
those with dependencies to cling onto some forms that eventually drain as parasites, their
energy. Usually, though, much is learned and when they blow themselves out of the
routine of captivities, much more will be seen than if they had never encountered the

If you can learn to literally dissolve the protections, they can never snap shut in a
protective way to confine you again.

Dependency is a terrible thing. It alone causes many decision errors to be made in life.

The reflexes of the past will continue to attempt to invade the more efficient approach.
One can win these battles though, with focus and persistence.

There are many tendrils, some interconnect, some are attributes, some are symptoms,
some are energy et al. When all "loose" tendrils of self are brought to a point of
coherence, then the assemblage point is formed. The more tendrils of ability with no
contravening negations, the more powerful the assemblage point becomes. Removing the
negations that deplete the energy is a component of this process.

Engage in evolution, not "struggle" since "struggle" to be in place, denotes "conflict". If

conflicts are resolved into peace within, there is no "struggle".

Anger never really accomplishes anything but wasting energy. If one could simply take
direct action toward any resolution, the energy squandered into anger would be converted
into the action. The point is that management actions must be linear and objective, not
based in anger and emotion.

Oscillations can be setup by distractions or even, in some circumstances, by metabolic

shifts within the organic body. If the oscillation does no worse than move one into a
neutral state, energy is not wasted even though it might not be dynamically available.

In my experience ultimate evolution is pure thought, pure being, pure consciousness

absent physicality, absent dependency, absent any negative emotion as fear. The only
attachment understood in the ultimate evolution is the coherence --> of self. Essentially
all other contacts are nurturing without dependency whatever, based upon exact equality
of being among peers. The concept of "equal sharing" is brought to a new expansion,
where sharing is the conjoining of self with others. There is available much exploration
immediately available in the ultimate evolution of Infinity, and that exploration yields
only one result - knowledge.

We are indeed children of the universe that formed us and feeds us, and alignment to it's
energies through fields extends ubiquitously through infinity to the extent that all of time,
is wholly irrelevant.

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