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After the brothers of Yusuf [ ] threw him into a well, the trial of both
Prophet Yaqoub [ ] and his would-be Prophet son commenced. What the young
Yusuf must have felt as he clung to the walls of the well for his life, we can only
imagine, as I am sure none of us have had our siblings do such a thing to us.
However, Allah was fully in control of his affair, even though it looked like his
brothers the apparent bad guys had gotten away with their ill-intentioned
treachery. The incident of the well turned out to be good for Yusuf in the long term
as Allah, the All-Knower had intended.

The lesson for us at this point is to remember that even if someone close to us
intentionally harms us, and it looks like we are the losers and that they have
gotten away with it, we should strive to remain patient. The hope that the
undesirable event might turn out to be good for us in the long term, and trust in
Allah, should see us through such a trial. More often than not, this is exactly what
happens. We might have heard the adage: what goes around comes around. People who
intentionally wrong others eventually suffer the evil karma of their deeds even in
this world, and sometimes, it so happens that the one they oppressed eventually has
the upper hand or a more powerful position than them, a few years down the road.

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