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Please write 1-2 page paper on the following quote describing Igoa's own experience (p.

" In the Philippines, we customarily greet each other with a kiss on the cheek; in America, we
greet each other with a handshake or less. Each time I encountered an unexplained cultural
difference such as this, I would feel awkward, confused, ashamed or inadequate. The
innumerable differences had nothing to do with language, because I was raised bilingually. I was
more affected by a sense of cultural difference, loss of cultural identity and feelings of
inadequacy would well up within me as I sat in class. I felt an unexplained void, an emptiness
inside...what I needed was a cultural connection..."
Questions: Consider the role of culture in the experience of the newly arrived ELL as described by Igoa
. What experiences have you had or witnessed that may be similar (whether it be as an educator or
newcomer yourself)?
What does Igoa say about what educators can do to meet the ELL student half-way?
Beyond language accommodations, what specific efforts will you make as an educator in this regard?

As I read chapter 1, I took note of the quote, The innumerable differences

has nothing to do with language, because I was raised bilingually. I was
more affected by a sense of cultural difference... This stood out to me
because language does have a lot to do with who we are but it is also our
culture that identifies us and gives us a sense of belonging. I could just
imagine Dennis feeling like he did not belong. He knew he was different and
he didnt know how to act like the other kids. The good thing is that the
teacher was able to help him overcome this feeling and he finally was able to
accept his own culture and build a bridge between cultures. Students who
come from another country may have a culture shock when they come here
and we need to do what we can to help them feel secure in who they are
and get used to the new culture, eventually assimilating. It makes me think
of how I can create a culture within the classroom that gives students a
sense of security by giving students ways to make connections with each
other and help build a sense of belonging to take away some of the fears.

In my case, as i entered kindergarten not knowing english, i was lucky to be

around some students who came from the same culture as me. Sometimes
I did feel like an outsider but having kids who i could relate to around helped
me feel more comfortable. I dont not remember the teacher making many
accommodations for me but I did have an ELL program that I would be
called out of class for, I also had sessions where I would practice reading
with someone. I hope to do this for the students I work with but I would like
to go beyond language accommodations and make other accommodations,
like Igoa did. She would observe the kids and based on her observations,
look for ways to make the students feel more comfortable and secure, so
that she could help them learn and grow. She also tried to spend time with
the students to learn about them and build rapport. One method she points
out that is universal in connecting with people is stories. The method that
really worked for her is the creative outlet. She found something that Dennis
enjoyed doing and that is what brought him out of his shell, gradually. It was
something he enjoyed, it gave him something to focus on, a purpose and
with all the positive feedback it gave him encouragement.
As an educator I will try to help students ease into our school stem by first
honoring their background and valuing their views. I will try to establish a
feeling of something familiar from home to class. I will take notice of things
and areas that make a student feel comfortable and set up around those
areas or activities. I will speak positively and always be encouraging and
approachable. I will try to find ways to develop students academically as well
as socially if that is the case and set high expectations. I did notice that the
teacher also had to do a lot of reflecting and tried to understand or learn
from the childs perspective by noting down in her journal and recollecting
her own experience this is also something that I think I will have to do to
better connect with my students and assist them.

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