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EDUC 5312/3315-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 1

Observation Date: March 31-2017 Observation Time: One Hour Class Period

Teacher Observed: Mr. Schmith Subject/Grade Level: ELA/10th Honors

School Observed: HSA McKinley Park High School Observer:Zeynepnur Kuran

1-What was/were the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson? (Add state objectives if

Teacher did not state any written or verbal objectives. It was an Englih class. They were reading
a book called To kill a mocking bird. They analyzed and discussed characters and facts. I
observed that teachers objective was how to criticize or understand readings. Than I asked
teacher if he would share objectives with students. Than he said that idealy he has to share
objectives with students. However, his opinion is not putting objectives but to teach students
how to acquire those reading skills.

2-How did the teacher begin and end the lesson?

He waited at the door. All students took their place. After the bell, he came and said good
afternoon. All students replied at the same time. And it was little bit dark in the class. He asked if
they want to turn on the lights or not. They refused to have lights. I observed that teacher and
students have a good relationship that they can decide clasroom atmosphere. He put some
questions and statements on the board about the related chapter of the week. He started class by
reading first statement. And he asked them to discuss this statement with their friends for two
minutes. Last 10 minutes of the class teacher gave quiz questions to study and ask their questions
about the studyguide. They finished their work 2 minutes before the bell rang. They were quiet
and getting prepared for their next class. His last statement was be ready for tomorrow.

3-What did the teacher use for teaching materials or instructional aids/equipment?

The teacher only used the overhead projector for the statements. And all students had their books
with them. They coprehended, compared and discussed the facts in the book. Sometimes teacher
read from the book and students listened.

4-Which instructional methods and strategies did the teacher use? ( lecture, inquiry,
discovery learning, discussions, games or simulations, demonstrations, cooperative learning,
integration of technology, socrative questioning, etc)
I observed couple different instructional methods such as discussions, cooperative learning, and
discovery learning. He tried to ask socrative questions. He also gave spare time to students to
discuss the topic. Students talked to each other and learn from each other.

5-How did the teacher assess learning? (informal, formal, formative, summative, oral, open-
ended, quiz, feedback etc)

I observed both formal and informal assessment in learning. First of all, teacher randomly picked
students and asked open ended questions. He kept asking open ended questions and kept calling
on students until everybody had a chance to speak. Then, he immediately gave feedback to their
answers. What I observed was students were ready to comprehend the chapter. He also gave a
study guide which had quiz questions on it. They would have their quiz in the next coming class.

6- What can you say about the teachers philosophy/beliefs and style? (Traditional,
progressive, behaviorist, student-centered vs. teacher centered, authoritative etc)

I asked his philosphy of teaching. He said that he focuses on three things because he thinks all
theree things motivate students. They are students interests, student-teacher relationship, and
effort. If students are interested in what they learn, they will not question why they need to learn
and they will not get bored. He said that teacher has to know class dynamics, students
personalities and interests.

He also mentioned he uses each one of the every method. And he thinks that the ideal way is
using little bit of each method.

7-How does the teacher manage classroom? Can you identify classroom management
techniques used?

He seems calm and authoritative. He asked questions and they were answered. He read the book,
and they listened. And he told them to read their books for 15 minutes. Students did not attempt
talk to each other. He did not have any difficulty with classroom management.

8-Observe in the classroom setting and determine types of behavior students play when off-
task. What do they do when they are not paying attention? How does the teacher re-direct
them or get them back on task?

There were 12 students in honors class. Students were all motivated and paying attention. I guess
high school students have longer attention span. I did not observe students being off task.

9-How does the teacher communicate with students (verbal, vocal, meta-verbal or non-verbal
communication such as facial, body language, use of space, motion and time?)

Most of his communication was verbal. Some were non-verbal, which was facial or body
language. When he read the chapter from the book he had changed his voice as a book character.
10-Who were the students in the class? What did you notice about them? (Background,
diversity, attitude, motivation, interaction, participation, etc)

They were motivated to participate and when they worked in groups. Most of the students were
Latino. They are coming from middle income families and most of them are first generation
college going students. Students did not have any problem when interacted with each other.

11-What did you see that is effective in engaging students? What do you see that is
ineffective in keeping students engaged?

I had only one year teaching experience. It was very difficult for me because I did not know what
to do when students get bored and off task. Classroom management was challenging to me in my
first year. However, I recognize that classroom management is a complex, habitual or consistent
task. What Ive seen in his class, instructions were followed by students smoothly. He did not
make effort to explain his objectives or expectations. He actually expected that they had to figure
out them. He expected them to comprehend the reading. He motivated students by asking
interesting questions. I guess, picking students first and asking questions was effective. Students
were willing to engage in class conversations and answer teachers questions.

12-What are the two instructional strategies you observed and would like to apply in your

He did lecturing, reading, questioning, and cooperative learning in his class. I liked his
questioning approach the most. I do not teach but if I would teach I would like to use his
questioning method. I would like to pick students for my questions. Open ended or socrative
questioning make students engaged in class and make them get in to the subject.

13-What are two important classroom management strategies that you observed and would
like to apply in your classroom?

He effectively manages his classroom through shared control, choices within limits and the
importance of relationships. His phylosophy of teaching is building relationships with students to
understand their interests and to provide a safe and actively involved environment for students.

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