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Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 66:29-32 (1999)

Haemoproteus Columbae in domestic pigeons in

Sebele, Gaborone, Botswana

E.Z. MUSHI 1 , M.G. BINTA2 , R.G. CHAB0 1 , M. MATHAI0 1 and R.T. NDEBELE 1

MUSHI, E.Z., BINTA, M.G., CHABO, R.G ., MATHAIO, M. & NDEBELE, R.T 1999. Haemoproteus
columbae in domestic pigeons in Sebele, Gaborone, Botswana. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
Research, 66:29-32
Mature and immatu re stages of Haemoproteus columbae gametocytes, an avian haemosporidian
protozoan parasite were found in 75% of blood smears prepared from 30 healthy domestic pigeons
in Sebele location . Gaborone, Botswa na. Parenteral administration of an immuno-suppressive dose
of dexamethasone, lowered the level of parasitaemia, the packed cell volume and the heterophil:
lymphocyte ratio in the test pigeons. However, both the dexamethasone-treated and the control pi-
geons remained clinically normal.
Keywords: Botswana, dexamethasone, Haemoproteus columbae, pigeons


Haemoproteus species are commonly occurring avian During a survey of backyard poultry kept by mem-
haemosporidian parasites (Bennett 1987). Haemo- bers of staff of the Botswana College of Agriculture
proteus columbae occurs in pigeons widely in tropi- at Sebele near Gaborone (Mushi, unpublished) a
cal and subtropical regions (Springer 1972). The number of households were found to keep pigeons
natural hosts of this parasite include domestic pi- (Columba Iivia domestica) . Blood smears were ob-
geons (Columba Iivia domestica), many species of tained from the brachial veins of 30 pigeons from
wild pigeons, mourning doves (Zenaidura macrou- several households. They were air dried , fixed in
ra), turtle doves and other wild bird species (Soulsby ethanol, stained with Giemsa stain and microscopi-
1986). It is usually non-pathogenic (Soulsby 1986) cally examined for haemoparasites.
and in pigeons only causes disease when they are Six adult pigeons were obtained from the different
stressed (Zinkl 1986). households and kept in a metal cage. The birds were
This paper describes the first demonstration of H. fed on commercial pigeon feed consisting of mixed
columbae in domestic pigeons in Botswana and at- seeds and water was provided ad libitum. Blood
tempts to produce overt disease in parasitized pi- smears made from them were stained with Giemsa
geons under exogenous stress. and examined for haemoparasites. Blood specimens
collected in heparin were collected from each pigeon
and used for making blood smears and the packed
cell volume (PCV) was determ ined by the micro-
haematocrit method (Jain 1986). The degree of pa-
Animal Science and Production.Botswana College of Agricul-
rasitaemia was determined by counting the number
ture, Private Bag 0027, Gaborone , Botswana of parasitized red blood cells (RBC) in the 1000 RBC
2 examined.
National Veterinary Laboratory, Private Bag 0035, Gaborone,
Botswana Three of the six pigeons were injected with 0,5 m Q
Accepted for publication 22 January 1999-Editor dexamethasone intramuscularly and 1 ,0 m Qwas

Haemoproteus columbae in domestic pigeons in Botswana

FIG . 1 Haemoproteus co/umbae in pi geon erythrocytes, x100

given on the 4th day. The other three pigeons acted health of the three treated pigeons was not affected
as untreated controls. The heterophil:lymphocyte for they continued to eat as well as they had before
(H:L) ratio was determined by counting 200 such commencement of the trial.
cells on the feathered edge of the smear. All six pi-
geons were sampled every other day.

RESULTS Species of Haemoproteus have always been consid-

ered relatively benign parasites exerting little or no
Microscopic examination of Giemsa stained blood deleterious effects on their hosts (Soulsby 1986).
smears revealed that the erythrocytes of 75 % of the However, there have been reports of their pathogen-
pigeons were parasitized by H. co/umbae gametes. icity in various species (Markus & Oosthuizen 1972;
The blood parasite was identified as H. columbae by Atkinson , Greiner & Forrester 1986; Hartley 1992).
Dr F.W. Huchzermeyer of the Ostrich Unit at the On- A more recent account of the pathogenicity of H. co-
derstepoort Veterinary Institute. In some of the pi- lumbae was given by Earle, Bastianello, Bennett &
geons the parasitaemia was very high and consisted Krecek (1993).
of immature and mature gametocytes (Fig. 1). On
clinical examination the pigeons were found to be In the present study, a high parasitaemia of Haemo-
healthy and their PCV values (Fig. 4) were within the proteus was demonstrated in the erythrocytes of a
normal values. The PCV and heterophil:lymphocyte high proportion of apparently healthy pigeons. This
ratios (H:L) of the three pigeons treated with dexa- high prevalence could be attributed to the presence
methasone did not differ from the un-inoculated con- of blood sucking vector fl ies. The pigeon fly, Pseudo-
trols (Fig. 2 and 3) when these were determined 2 lynchia canariensis, is a proven vector of H. co/um-
days before and on d 2 and 4 after each had received bae (Bennet & Peirce 1990). This fly was, however,
0,5 m Qof it. However, when the dose of dexametha- not encountered in the present study. According to
sone was increased to 1,0 m Qper pigeon, the PCV Soulsby (1986), some species of Cu/icoides have
showed a drop after 24 h (Fig. 2) which persisted for been implicated as vectors of Haemoproteus spp.
8 d. The H:L ratio was markedly elevated (Fig. 3). The Since recent studies conducted in Botswana have re-
degree of parasitaemia did show some fluctuation , ported the presence of various Culicoides spp. in the
but by the end of the trial had reverted to what it was vicinity of the homesteads where the pigeons were
in the beginning (Fig. 4). Despite these changes, the kept (Mushi , lsa, Chabo, Binta, Sakia & Kapaata

E.Z. MUSH I eta/.


'-------- ---- 5
40 ............................. ........ ....................... ........ ............ .... ..


';!. ~
a. 25 J: 3
::!: "'


0 2 4 6 7 8 -2 0 2 4 6 7 8
Days post injection Days post injection

I __ __.., ____ Control -o--- Dexa I ---- ... ---- Control -o--- Dexa

FIG. 2 Comparison of mean packed cell volume in pigeons in- FIG. 3 Comparison of mean heterophil:lymphocyte ratios in pi-
jected with dexamethasone and contols geons injected with dexamethasone and controls

1998), it is therefore possible that Cu/icoides spp. Coles 1986; Campbell & Coles 1986). Dexametha-
were responsible for the high incidence of this sone therefore simulated the endogenous steroid-
haemosporidian parasite in domestic pigeons in this induced stress reaction described for birds previously
location. (Maxwell1993). Despite this stress, as indicated by
the lowered H:L ratio and a reduction in the PCV, the
Gametocytes of these parasites were found in the pigeons remained clinically normal.
cytoplasm of erythrocytes together with black pig-
ment granules (Coles 1986). Although H. co/umbae It was observed that the parasites had degenerated
has been demonstrated in pigeons from other coun- within the cytoplasm of the erythrocytes resulting in
tries, this is the first report of its occurrence in Bot- a decline in the level of parasitaemia in the dexa-
swana. methasone-treated pigeons. The cause of this reac-
tion could not be explained. This reduction was how-
Parenteral administration of dexamethasone, a syn- ever short-lived for the degree of parasitaemia then
thentic steroid with potent glucocorticoid activity reverted to pre-immunosuppressive levels within
(Rijnberk & Mol 1989), lowered the level of parasi- several days of the second injection of dexametha-
taemia, PCV and H:L ratio in the test pigeons. The sone.
PCV values of the control pigeons were within the
normal range for pigeons (Kalomenopoulous & Koli- It can therefore be concluded that moderate stress
akos 1989). Exogenous steroid administration is did not induce the parasites to exert overt clinical dis-
known to induce a heterophilic leukocytosis, lympho- ease. One reason for this is that it is possible that the
penia and basophilia (Woerpel & Rosskopf 1984; parasite, H. columbae did not proliferate in vertebrate

Haemoproteus columbae in domestic pigeons in Botswana

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