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21st Century Learning Model at Bester

Professional Measurable Outcomes: How Goals: Why


What: Holding students accountable during independent blocks of time

How: Incorporating technology to enhance personalized learning
Why: Educate all our students for the 21st century
21st Century Learning Model at Bester

Measurable Outcomes: How

Classroom Environment:
Information and communications that support independent thinking are highly visible in the
Information and resources that reflect content being taught is visibly displayed in the classroom.
Student move around the room independently acquiring material and resources.
Students utilize different work spaces for different learning environments (collaborative, independent,
direct instruction).
Student owns the majority of the space in the classroom.

Teacher Practice:
Teachers acting as coach/facilitator. (Teacher facilitates the efficient and effective use of digital tools
and content).
Teacher has prepared for use of digital skills and content.
Flexible grouping based on student task and needs.
Teacher has purposeful, differentiated, independent work utilizing technology.
Teacher and students create and answer higher order questioning.
Teacher and students give and receive higher order feedback.
Assessments are created and used to gain data on student performance.

What: Holding students accountable during independent blocks of time

How: Incorporating technology to enhance personalized learning
Why: Educate all our students for the 21st century
21st Century Learning Model at Bester

Measurable Outcomes: How

Digital Resources:
Teachers are using the WCPS portal to plan lessons.
Teachers are planning with instructional technology to enhance their lessons.
Students are using and creating to show meaning and transfer thinking.
Students are accessing and creating digital content (iBooks, read alouds, videos)

Student Engagement:
Students are using digital tools for learning.
Multiple modes of student responses. (verbal, written, technology, physical response).
Accountable, purposeful, differentiated independent work.
Students are collaborating with students and teachers in their classroom, other classrooms at the
school, and with the global community.
Students have time and platforms (face to face, Google, Blog, Video) to explain and share their

What: Holding students accountable during independent blocks of time

How: Incorporating technology to enhance personalized learning
Why: Educate all our students for the 21st century
21st Century Learning Model at Bester

Measurable Outcomes: How

21st Century Skills:
Student use problem solving during their learning of content, process, and product.
Learning incorporates authentic skills and assessment.
Project based learning (focus is centered on an inquiry or question; may be a tangible project)
Inquiry based learning (students explore a question/topic/theme in depth, develop and ask further
questions, and conduct research and problem solve to answer the questions

What: Holding students accountable during independent blocks of time

How: Incorporating technology to enhance personalized learning
Why: Educate all our students for the 21st century
21st Century Learning Model at Bester

Instructional Leadership Team Support for Personalized Learning

CFIP: Analyze data from student independent work to see if they are making meaning of the
information being learned so they can transfer their knowledge. We will use the 90 90 90 process to
evaluate student progress.

Mini Math Institutes: Work with Lead Teachers to develop, implement, and reflect on math units.

Classroom Embedded Professional Development to meet the needs of the staff.

Lead Teacher/Tech Teacher: Plan with teachers on creating activities with technology that can be
worked on independent of the teacher

iBookStudy will support the planning, implementation, and reflection of creating lessons that can be
used during the independent time.

SIT Team: Focused on accountability during independent time with artifacts.

What: Holding students accountable during independent blocks of time

How: Incorporating technology to enhance personalized learning
Why: Educate all our students for the 21st century
21st Century Learning Model at Bester

Best Practices for Personalizing Student Independent Time

What: Holding students accountable during independent blocks of time

How: Incorporating technology to enhance personalized learning
Why: Educate all our students for the 21st century

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