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GATE has become comparatively easy after change in pattern to online format. Number of
students have increased drastically and hence competition is very high now. In Mechanical
engineering you cannot expect a good rank (Below 500) if you are scoring below 80 marks.
You can see rank and marks trend from previous years results. Many PSU are now recruiting
through GATE and hence if any aspirant wants to get placed in PSU only GATE is option
except PSU who are taking separate exam.

So what should be strategy to crack GATE ??

Should an aspirant research on each topic of syllabus ??
Should an aspirant read book page by page ??
Should an aspirant go to Delhi and take coaching and then only top GATE
rank possible ??
Should an aspirant take online coaching and then only top GATE rank
possible ??

So many questions in mind of aspirants and all questions want one

answer how to get top GATE rank.

Here I am sharing strategy of GATE based on my experience of preparation and through this
strategy I could get Rank 35 in GATE 2016.
1) Prepare from standard books and read books by seeing topics in syllabus of GATE.
You dont have to research on topic. GATE doesnt want you to be a researcher. For
research you can do M.Tech or Phd. So keep this in mind and prepare.

-By Rohit Khanna

Rank 85 ESE 2016 , Rank 35 GATE 2016 , Rank 289 GATE 2014, PSUs ONGC GAIL IOCL
BPCL , DRDO SCIENTIST B , Rank 5 MPSC Engineering Services Written Examination ,
B.TECH MNNIT ALLAHABAD CGPA 9.72/10 Percentage 97.20 % GOLD MEDALIST 20092013

2) To know how question can be framed from a topic of syllabus see previous years
papers. Similar questions are framed again and again from same topics so you should
know what to read and what not to read.
3) Solve previous years papers as many times (Minimum 3 times). When I say solve
previous years papers it means that you should read each question well and try to
know concept involved behind each question. Make notes of difficult concept you
find and also make note of formulae used in question. Some concept are very easy
so you can avoid making note of that.
4) Make your notes subject-wise so that you can revise easily. You can use A4 paper to
make notes. Mark pages serial wise to make a sequence of notes.
5) When exam is near start solving test series. Mistake which aspirant make is that they
dont note down mistake they do in test series and do same mistakes again in GATE.
6) GATE doesnt ask proofs so know how the formulae is derived and assumptions
involved while deriving formulae. No need to learn complete proof step by step.
7) When you have a doubt in answer of question you can Google the topic and read
more. Internet is best source when it comes to gaining knowledge.
8) Avoid wasting too much time on Facebook study groups.
9) Preparing for GATE using online coaching is not something which I support as online
coachings are not at so good level as compared to offline coachings. Use Facebook
after self-study and ask your doubts and solve question over groups. No need of
online coaching when you have internet as your friend.
10) Self-study is best to crack GATE and if you need a coaching then offline coaching is
best rather than online coaching ( I dont support any coaching and I cracked GATE
by self-preparation)
11) In last month of preparation just revise your notes and attempt test series and learn
from your mistakes.
12) All topics are important. There is no concept of important subjects now in GATE as
you have to score above 80 to get a good rank. This is not possible with selective

-By Rohit Khanna

Rank 85 ESE 2016 , Rank 35 GATE 2016 , Rank 289 GATE 2014, PSUs ONGC GAIL IOCL
BPCL , DRDO SCIENTIST B , Rank 5 MPSC Engineering Services Written Examination ,
B.TECH MNNIT ALLAHABAD CGPA 9.72/10 Percentage 97.20 % GOLD MEDALIST 20092013


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