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Week Schedule Theme: Opening Day, African Americans, Native Americans,

Imperialism, Women, Sexuality, Immigrants

Speech (Reconciliation): Nationally Broadcasted: President Trump speaking, the cabinet
and congress standing him behind in support.
Constitutional Recognition Petition: gather support for addressing representation as a
constitutional right among these groups
Policy: On this day Congress will begin to address the policies that are limiting these
people groups, must pass at least one amendment or new policy that allows for greater
representation in one year maximum. Address national teaching requirements on
including more minority representation in curriculum.
Speech (Empowerment): Activists in Oppressed People Groups

Cultural Celebrations: (see more on activities page)

Reconciliation Speech
Today marks the beginning of a period of reconciliation that is long overdue. Today we
will begin to mend the divide that has separated the different races and ethnicities of the
American people for so long. On the behalf of the American Government and all those that have
been a part of it, I sincerely apologize for the litany of trespasses that have occurred against so
many minorities in our nations history. Our apology stretches to all people without limitation:
African Americans, Indigenous people, Immigrants, Homosexual People, Transgendered People,
and women. These people have been wronged by their government time and time again since its
inception. We recognize our complete responsibility for this wrongdoing and would like to
extend our hands and our hearts in whatever way possible to begin to right these wrongs.
We recognize the distinct social, political, and economic advantage that white men have had in
America. We recognize the historic disenfranchisement of minorities in America. We recognize
the unfair and racially biased acts that have suppressed minorities in America. We recognize the
silencing of the voices of minorities that have pointed out this imbalance in America for so long.
We as a government and as a people group apologize without qualification for these
wrongdoings and hope that we can begin to move forward as a nation towards a truly equal

Activities to be Carried Out

Week-long festival for celebrating cultures (vendors/booths with specialty foods, arts and
crafts for children, music, dances, etc.)
All levels of education welcomed to join for discussing the oppression and significance
behind all of the people groups. As well as celebrating them as vital roles in our nation.

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