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Dear friends,

Happy Easter to you and your family as we celebrate our

Fathers greatest sacrifice through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Have a blessed Easter.
I want to share some of the highlights from our ministry:
The first three months of 2017 were really cold for us.
Winter came with a lot of snow - in Stara Zagora we had about 7
weeks of snow - I cant remember having so much snow for years.
But that weather didnt stop Pastor Peter Nash and Harold Flake to
come and visit us. I can say that they brought the cold weather and
snow from Canada, but the reality was that we had it before their
arrival. They came in the middle of January and pastor Peter stayed
for a week and Harold stayed longer - he departured Bulgaria on
February 5th. The wonderful time with them was full with services and
meetings in different places. Unfortunately we were not able to visit all
of the churches who had invited them. I was so blessed and
encouraged to have them here.
On 14th of February I traveled to Plovdiv the
second largest city in Bulgaria - about 90 km far
away from Stara Zagora were I met pastor Dimitrios
Argyropoulos from Greece. The meeting was
initiated by a pastor from Plovdiv who knows pastor
Dimitrios who is the representative of East European Mission -
organization based in Austria. The goal of the organization was to
bring a Bible to every home. After the blessed time
together we agreed to hold a meeting with pastors in
Stara Zagora and to start process of Bible distribution.
Couple weeks later we received 3600 Bibles and
Christian books in Bulgarian which we unloaded
from the truck with volunteers from a newly planted church and
stored them in our facility.
In the end of the month with the National Bishop of Church
of God pastor Stefan from Burgas and I visited Samokov where we
had 2 services - Saturday night and a special Sunday morning service
as a final stage of the process of restoration of the
local pastor. The both services were remarkable
with God's presence and hunger for God from
the people who attended the services.
On the 19th of February I visited the Maranatha
church in Stara Zagora. Again the church was full with life,
love and care for the people. Every time I visit this
church I am amazed of their dedication to God.
On March 6th I visited pastor Mitko from Sliven and I was a
part of the celebration and grand opening of their new church
building. It was such a joy and excitement to see how the people from
the church were so happy and blessed to have their own place - even
so small. That night dreams came true. God fulfilled His promise to
provide a place called "Home of Prayer".

The next morning I hosted a meeting of the Bishops council of Church of God in
Stara Zagora. Brothers from different places came and we had a blessed time together
planning and strategizing the
following steps and stages of the
ministry of the Church of God.
In the middle of March we had Pastor Terry Garrett from King's Gate
Worship Center, Mississippi with us for less than a week. The time
passed fast but it was amazing how much we were able to accomplish
for so short time! With Pastor Terry we had our first men's meeting in
our newly planted church. Also every night we had service - in
Konyovo, Elenino, Stara Zagora. It was privilege to have this man of
God with us. His example and humility ignite the God's fire in us!

On March 16th with Pastor Terry we traveled to Sofia for a meeting where we met Steve
Darnell. At that meeting we asked for forgiveness each other from one side - Bulgarian
church of God and from other - Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee. At the end of
the service the both churches signed a document of agreement of cooperation and
partnership. I believe that this meeting helped wounds from the past to be healed and
forgiveness and restoration to take a place between our two churches. Praise God!!!
The same evening in our newly planted church we had a
meeting with more than 40 pastors from Stara Zagora and South
Bulgaria. It was incredible to see brothers from different churches -
church of God, Assembly of God, independent, Baptist,
Foursquare and etc. to worship God and stay shoulder by shoulder
praying together for the Kingdom in Bulgaria. At the end of the
service we were able to distribute the Bibles and books which we
received earlier.

A few days later again in Stara Zagora we had a National Prayer meeting where
more than 150 pastors and leaders from all over Bulgaria gathered. At this meeting we
agreed to gather together for prayer and have an annual National day of Prayer. Praise
God for this because this is a big step in the right direction!!!
At the end of March I traveled to Austria where I had a first course
for my MA of Theology - Old Testament Studies with Fred Hansen.
It was honor and blessing to participate in the course and to learn so
many new things, but the best part was the fellowship and the
example of our professor and the rest of the staff - their humility,
dedication, Christ likeness and servant heart attitude which really
inspired me for our ministry.

The Sunday Bible School for children in the village of Chintulovo is doing very
well. My wife Iliana is traveling to the village every other week and has classes with the
children. In March they finished the series of Joseph and had a special event: a cartoon
movie with popcorn - Joseph: King of Dreams. It was inspiring to see during the movie
how they have been so excited to see on screen what they have learned before. After the
movie they had games and a lot of fun!
... There was so much more that happened in the last 3 months -
but I am not able to include all ...

Visiting the church in the village of Preaching every Friday in

Yagoda our newly planted church

With pastor Mitko and his wife Service in the village of Kaloianovets
in the village of Chintulovo

Thank you so much for your support, prayers and friendship!

Every month you give us a breath a fresh air!
Because of you we are more focused and efficient in the ministry!
We continue to need and we appreciate your support and encouragement. Without it, we
cannot continue to go forward with our mission. We ask for your support in three ways:
1. Pray for us Nothing can substitute for your prayers!
2. Share our story with anyone you think might be interested in this
3. Contribute - We cannot do this ministry without financial support.

There are 2 ways to donate:

Directly to our For Canada tax receipt

ministry account please send your donation to
Fresh Oil & Fire Ministries
and designate

or contact us

You receive this letter because in some moment in our life our paths were crossed. If
you don't want to receive our letter and to be unsubscribed please sent me an email

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