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Culture in/is Crisis?

The objective of this essay is to dialogite with the text Culture in Crisis from
Terry Eagleton. First of all the concepts of crisis is hard to define by itself, it is really
relative to who are we talking about and what kind of crisis, as we can see on the text
Margaret Archer says that this fragile concept of culture has a significant role on
sociology but it is a very week analytical point. However, what is culture? How to
define it? We have many examples on the text that point us to a direction or to a many
directions and by those examples we can see if the concept of crisis fit on the essay.

We can say that the culture is de science of forms, behaviors like Edward Sapirs
says or are related with the influence area of the language as Raymond Williams add or
we can go to a large road and say that culture is almost all made by mans like media, the
sports, the industry and a lots of other things. The culture is connected with the society
as we can see, it is almost impossible or impossible to see a culture without the
individual inserted on a group.

Well, this group has a specific way of living; like their values, customs and
beliefs but it is important to define that, the picture who characterize this group is his
culture and not all kinds of social system that involves them. We can define some
categories of culture and split what is substantively important and what is superfluous
like: use closes is a physical necessity but the kind of closes that you use is not.
However, this bring to a point, with is close to Williams theory of what is significance
and need, that we, again, are stuck on that relative point that I bring on the top the

Then, it is complicated to associate the crisis and Culture. If we use the concept
formulated by Hartman that exist Culture and culture, and by culture in general is de
way we sink sour particularism, both of them, culture and crisis must be together
because what is crisis if is not the different? The necessity of change? To show the
difference? Therefore, my way of seeing this is that the culture is not in crisis but it is
one of the things that it moves.

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