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WCC Testing With FitNesse

– With an advanced WccXMLFixture

– Developed & Documented By

– JSSVPrasad.Buddha
– Test Specialist, IBM
WCC Testing With FitNesse User Guide IBM

Table Of Contents
Document Revision History...............................................................................................................................6
1.WCC Testing...................................................................................................................................................7
1.1 XML Testing.............................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Limitations.................................................................................................................................................7
2.FitNesse Basics...............................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Testing With FitNesse...............................................................................................................................8
2.2 Testing WCC with FitNesse......................................................................................................................9
2.3 Basic Setup to test WCC with FitNesse..................................................................................................10
2.4 Creating, Editing and maintenance of Test and Suite Pages...................................................................12
2.5 Test scripts and WCC Tests....................................................................................................................13
2.6 Table Processing......................................................................................................................................14
2.7 Running Tests..........................................................................................................................................16
3.Basic Fixture.................................................................................................................................................19
3.1 What is Basic Fixture?............................................................................................................................19
3.2 Syntax for Base Fixture...........................................................................................................................19
3.3 PassThrough............................................................................................................................................21
3.4 Value.......................................................................................................................................................22
3.5 Not Value................................................................................................................................................24
3.6 Count.......................................................................................................................................................24
3.7 Exists.......................................................................................................................................................25
3.8 Not Exists................................................................................................................................................26
3.9 Variable Placeholder(!!)..........................................................................................................................26
3.10 Limitations.............................................................................................................................................27
3.10.1) Strict Adherence to data – Scripts have to be data specific...........................................................27
3.10.2) Limited ways of asserting..............................................................................................................27
3.10.3) Request and Response xml files not getting saved........................................................................28
3.10.4) Only responses can be asserted and validated................................................................................28
3.10.5) Improper Handling of Exceptions..................................................................................................28
3.11 Example Test.........................................................................................................................................29
4.Customized Fixture.......................................................................................................................................31
4.1 New Syntax.............................................................................................................................................31

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4.2 Behavioral Modifications........................................................................................................................32
4.2.1) Storing request and response xml files.............................................................................................32
4.2.2) XPath validations on Request xml ..................................................................................................33
4.2.3) Output Captured...............................................................................................................................33
4.2.4) Properties File..................................................................................................................................35
4.2.5) Testing the performance...................................................................................................................36
4.2.6) Action Keyword behavioral changes...............................................................................................37
4.3 File Handlers...........................................................................................................................................38
4.3.1) ByPass..............................................................................................................................................38
4.3.2) Pass...................................................................................................................................................39
4.3.3) Force.................................................................................................................................................39
4.3.4) Optional............................................................................................................................................40
4.3.5) No File..............................................................................................................................................41
4.4 Predefined Variables...............................................................................................................................42
4.4.1) ?UniqueKey?....................................................................................................................................42
4.4.2) ?UniqueNumber?.............................................................................................................................42
4.4.3) ?YYYY?, ?MM?, ?DD?...................................................................................................................43
4.4.4) ?CreateBackup?................................................................................................................................43
4.5 New Variable Placeholder.......................................................................................................................44
4.5.1) ##......................................................................................................................................................44
4.6 New Passthroughs...................................................................................................................................45
4.6.1) Count PassThrough..........................................................................................................................45
4.6.2) Part PassThrough.............................................................................................................................45
4.6.3) CPassThrough..................................................................................................................................47
4.6.4) CPart PassThrough...........................................................................................................................48
4.6.5) CPassThrough Or Copy...................................................................................................................49
4.7 New Assertions........................................................................................................................................50
4.7.1) Value IgnoreCase.............................................................................................................................50
4.7.2) Contains............................................................................................................................................51
4.7.3) Is Empty...........................................................................................................................................51
4.7.4) Not Empty........................................................................................................................................51
4.7.5) Length..............................................................................................................................................52
4.7.6) Is PastDate........................................................................................................................................52
4.7.7) Is FutureDate....................................................................................................................................52

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4.7.8) Is Today............................................................................................................................................53
4.7.9) Is Before...........................................................................................................................................54
4.7.10) Is After...........................................................................................................................................55
4.7.11) Is SameDate...................................................................................................................................55
4.7.12) CValue............................................................................................................................................56
4.7.13) CValue IgnoreCase........................................................................................................................60
4.7.14) CContains.......................................................................................................................................60
4.7.15) All CValue IgnoreCase..................................................................................................................61
4.7.16) All CContains.................................................................................................................................62
4.8 Miscellaneous Key words.......................................................................................................................63
4.8.1) Copy.................................................................................................................................................63
4.8.2) CCopy..............................................................................................................................................64
4.8.3) Add...................................................................................................................................................65
4.8.4) If Variable Exists … EndIf..............................................................................................................65
4.8.5) Display Value...................................................................................................................................66
4.8.6) Display Count...................................................................................................................................67
4.8.7) Exception..........................................................................................................................................67
4.8.8) Remind.............................................................................................................................................67
4.8.9) #........................................................................................................................................................67
4.8.10) Reset...............................................................................................................................................67
4.8.11) Reset All.........................................................................................................................................68
4.9 Advantages of Customized fixture..........................................................................................................68
4.9.1) Separating scripts from data.............................................................................................................68
4.9.2) More Actions....................................................................................................................................69
4.9.3) Request as well as response xml files can be validated...................................................................70
4.9.4) Requests and Responses getting saved for future reference............................................................70
4.9.5) Unique Key generators and Unique Number generators and several other predefined variables....70
4.9.6) Customized log makes it easy to open xml files for debugging.......................................................70
5.1 Designing the Reusable Components......................................................................................................72
5.2 Including the Reusable Components.......................................................................................................74
Appendix – I: Syntax of All the Actions..........................................................................................................77
Appendix – II: Actions & Number of Tags......................................................................................................78

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This document discusses about an open source tool called FitNesse and how it is used to test WCC.
This document starts by giving a brief idea about FitNesse and its features. Then it discusses about a plug-
in that is developed to enable simple and basic unit testing of WCC xml transactions. It then explores the
features, I have added to the fixture by redesigning it to make many things possible, which are impossible
with the fixture before those customizations. This document explains how all these new features to the
plug-in (fixture) make WCC testing with FitNesse easier and provide more testability.
Why do we need a different tool for xml testing? The answer is simple. The comparison we have to
do in this case is different. We are not comparing two similar xml files with different data but two different
xml files with different structure. We may even have to compare two different tags in the same file. Doing
these things in the regular xml comparison tools is extremely complex. Therefore, we need a different set
of tools to do just that. This document tells how to do that.
As market conditions drive companies to become more customer-centric, many organizations are
turning to packaged Customer Data Integration (CDI) solutions to help enable their transformation. With
WebSphere Customer Center, IBM® markets the industry’s most robust and mature Customer Data Integ­
ration solution. WCC’s unique set of 500+ pre-built ‘business services’ enables organizations of all sizes
to build a solid foundation of ‘actionable’ customer data for consumption by front and back-office systems
in real-time or in batch.
The Customers that are using WebSphere Customer Center or simply WCC are growing in quick
succession. So many clients like SunTrust are opting for WCC for their customer data management and
customizing the product to suit their needs. As the number OOTB transactions (Out Of The Box or simply
readymade transactions) are growing and customized transactions are increasing at a high pace, the testing
of WCC projects is getting more and more complex. The back end testing of WCC involves execution of
xml transactions and comparing request and response xml files of various transactions. We need to analyze
many xml files in a very short span of time.
‘Whether the xml files are being generated properly or not?’, ‘whether the xml files contain correct
data in correct tags or not?’ are the main questions to be answered by the test team while testing xml trans­
actions. In such a scenario, where, xml files are getting bigger and transactions becoming complex the test­
ing is a nightmare in this agile world. Whenever a new requirement comes, it is not enough if you just test
the new requirement, we have to rerun all the regression test cases and analyze all the xml files repeatedly.
Analyzing all the xml files manually is a gigantic task and requires large-scale human effort, time, and
This document does not speak about how to customize WccXMLFixture or how to create new fix­
tures. They are out of scope for this document. This document does not even give many details about

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Document Revision History

Revision Date Revision Comment Version Revision Author

2009-07-21 Initial Draft 0.9 JSSVPrasad.Buddha

2009-08-17 Base version 1.0 JSSVPrasad.Buddha

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1.WCC Testing
WCC uses a request/response framework to maintain data. The request can be through an xml re­
quest or through UI provided by WCC. Hence, WCC Testing can be either xml testing or DSUI testing.
DSUI testing is out of scope for this document. The xml request/response framework consists of the follow­
ing simple steps.
 xml request is created and submitted to WCC. This request contains information about what ex­
actly has to be done.
 WCC then reads the xml request and goes through each of the three layers detailed above. Using
its unified view of information WCC attempts to perform action specified within xml request,
while ensuring that customer data remain consistent.
 WCC creates an xml response that contains a success message with data related to the request or
a failure message if the transaction is unsuccessful.
1.1 XML Testing
xml Testing beginning with a mere preparation of request xml files, execute the transaction by hit­
ting the WCC and get the response xml file, compare the input and output xml files, check for missing and
misplaced data to identify defects and save the xml files for future reference.

1.2 Limitations
There are quite a few challenges for any xml testing. There is no easy way to automate xml testing
so far and manual testing has its own set of setbacks. Here are they.
 The biggest issue is time. xml files may contain less than two to more than thousands of tags.
 Executing the transaction and comparing all the tags of all the xml files repeatedly for every re­
gression cycle, is a very tedious task.
 Doing everything manually can cause errors to creep in and bugs to escape from the early stages
of testing.
Automating the testing is a solution to overcome the limitations set by manual testing, but as we
discussed, so far there is no best way to automate xml testing. After 8 months of experimentation and suc­
cessful implementation, we came to a near perfect solution to validate and compare xml files.
The solution for this problem is extending a tool named FitNesse and creating a plug-in like com­
ponent (let us call it Fixture from here on wards) that does what we needed and the solution surprisingly
comes at free of cost. FitNesse is a web server, a WIKI, and an open source software-testing tool. It is
based on Ward Cunningham’s Framework for Integrated Test. FitNesse is designed to support acceptance
testing. With the new features, we use it for a lot more than simple acceptance testing in our project; we
use it in all levels of testing WCC xml services in our project.

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2.FitNesse Basics
FitNesse enables customers, testers, and programmers to learn what their software should do, and
to compare automatically that to what it actually does. It compares customers’ expectations to actual res­
ults. From another perspective, FitNesse is a lightweight, open-source framework that makes it easy for
software teams to organize and run test scripts etc.
FitNesse is a software-testing tool -
 You can collaboratively define Acceptance Tests -- web pages containing simple tables of inputs
and expected outputs.
 Run those tests and see the results.
FitNesse is a wiki -
 You can easily create and edit pages.
 It uses wiki syntax to create test tables.
FitNesse is a web server -
 It requires no configuration or setup.
 Just run it and then direct your browser to the machine where it is running.
2.1 Testing With FitNesse
To write a test case in FitNesse, tester needs to create a new test Wiki Page. In that page, tester cre­
ates test tables, which contain information required for the test case. The test page should also contain a
construct called a Fixture. It can be program to be tested, or it can even be an adapter between FitNesse

Figure 1: FitNesse Architecture

and application to be tested. In some test cases, a single fixture is all that is needed. However, many times
a test case may require more than just one fixture to ensure the proper functionality.
One key concept of the FitNesse is that Wiki Pages are put together in a hierarchy. By leveraging
this capability, testers can group functional tests together and run them in what is called a Suite. A Suite

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will execute all tests that are below it within the hierarchy. FitNesse also allows you to create Suites of

2.2 Testing WCC with FitNesse

FitNesse does not know anything about Extensible Markup Language (XML) or WebSphere Cus­
tomer Center (WCC). However, how do we use it to test WCC? Simply, by extending it with a fixture (call
it a plug-in). Fixture is a piece of code that does what FitNesse cannot do. In this scenario, the fixture is a
compiled Java class file. In order to test WCC transaction, we need to create a fixture that communicates
between FitNesse and WCC and sends the request to WCC; it receives the response and validates the xml
against our automation script and tells FitNesse, whether the test has passed or failed.

Figure 2: Interactions between User, FitNesse, Fixture and WCC

Wait a moment, if the fixture communicates to WCC by sending the request and receiving the re­
sponse xml files and if fixture validates the xml against the automation script, why do we need FitNesse?
Why does the fixture have to tell FitNesse, whether the test case has passed or failed?
As explained earlier, FitNesse is a wiki server; it helps us to organize all our test scripts in the form
or Wiki pages. It is a web server, it enables multiple people to work on automation scripts by keeping at
central location and serve the test scripts like web pages to testers. Even when fixture is doing all the work,
at some point of time the fixture has to be called, FitNesse is the calling application. It supplies the fixture
right automation script at right time, when the tester wants to test. FitNesse receives the statistics, whether
the tests have passed or failed and creates a report that is easy to debug.
Therefore, neither just FitNesse, nor just fixture is enough to test our application; we need both.
However, you do not have to worry; a fixture is already developed to test WCC xml services. You just
have to use it. All you need is you need to have is JRE installed in your system, running copy of FitNesse
and a little knowledge on how to use the fixture. The name of the fixture is WccXMLFixture.
Looking at the picture above we can conclude that user can interact with FitNesse for two pur­
poses, either for creating test automation scripts or for testing the WCC services. While creating automa­
tion scripts, the tester uses FitNesse UI and saves the script through it. In that phase, neither Fixture, nor
WCC comes into action. While testing, the user asks FitNesse to execute test cases; FitNesse takes the

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scripts that are created earlier and sends them to WccXMLFixture. Fixture collects the xml files as per the
path mentioned in the script. The fixture then converts the xml file into a string and then passes it to WCC.
WCC then sends back a response xml in the form of a string. The Fixture then saves the response xml
string as xml file. Then the validates the request and response xml files depending on the automation script
to find out if there are any issues, and if it finds any discrepancies, it sends the test status and relevant error
message to FitNesse. FitNesse prepares a report for easy debug and presents it to the tester.

2.3 Basic Setup to test WCC with FitNesse

FitNesse is available at Extract the to some loc­
ation in local machine. You can start the FitNesse server by executing the class file fitnesse.FitNesse. The
command line arguments for FitNesse class file usage are as follows…
java fitnesse.FitNesse [-pdrleoa]
-p <port number> {80}
-d <working directory> {.}
-r <page root directory> {FitNesseRoot}
-l <log directory> {no logging}
-e <days> {14} Number of days before page versions expire
-o omit updates
-a {user: pwd | user-file-name} enable authentication.
To run just FitNesse it is enough if we have FitNesse along with JRE installed in the system. How­
ever, to test WCC, as explained in the previous section, we are going to need the following additionally.
 wccFitnesse.jar and supporting jar files
 WAS Environment files that can be found in folder base_v6
The wccFitnesse.jar file contains the WccXMLFixture and SoapXMLFixture. The wccFitnesse.jar
and supporting jars are available in the zip file that is attached along with this document. In order to com­
municate with WCC, and handle some exceptional cases the fixture needs WAS environment files.
Base_v6 folder is usually found at the path <Drive>:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\runtimes, if
WAS is installed with default settings. Generally WAS environment files will be inside base_v6\lib. There
is another folder inside base_v6\java, this folder is not required if the system already has JRE installed at
another location.
The file ‘run.bat’, which can be found in extracted folder of, has default settings to run
and start the FitNesse web server. Open the folder in which you have extracted the and double-
click run.bat. It executes the FitNesse class file to start the server. If the port 80 is free in the local machine
and if JRE path and WAS environment files path is as mentioned in the run.bat the FitNesse server will be
successfully started, and you will see a command prompt window stating that the server is started. If you
get an error, probably there might be some problem with command in run.bat; here is the run.bat we
SET WAS_HOME=C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\runtimes\base_v6
CD BaseFitnesse
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -classpath lib/fitnesse.jar fitnesse.FitNesse -p 8072
-d ../FitNesse %2 %3 %4 %5
The parameters WAS_HOME, JAVA_HOME, and port may have to be changed. Everything else
works as it is without any change. For complete usage, refer FitNesse user guide.
Once the FitNesse server is started, the FitNesse can be accessed via the URL
Http://<ipaddress>:<port> in a browser. Here is the home page of the tool when we start fitnesse server.
You may not find everything you see in the page as shown in the screen shot in Figure 3, WCC Tests you
see in the figure is specific to the pages created in FitNesse to organize automation scripts in our project.

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To be able to run the WCC
tests, there are a couple of vari­
ables that must be defined in each
test page, or instead they can be
defined in a home page for which
all other test script pages are chil­
dren. The variables are…
 classpath
Classpath tells FitNesse
where to search for required class
tells FitNesse where to find WAS
environment files and JRE envir­
onment. Classpath variable is
defined using the syntax ‘!path Figure 3: Home Page Of FitNesse in our project
Here is the example for classpath variable definition…
!path lib/fitnesse.jar
!path lib/fitlibrary.jar
!path ./WCCFixture/
!path ./WCCFixture/DWLCommonServices.jar
!path ./WCCFixture/xmlunit1.0.jar
!path ./WCCFixture/ace.jar
!path ./WCCFixture/j2ee_ce_client.jar
!path ./WCCFixture/log4j-1.2.9.jar
!path ./WCCFixture/commons-logging.jar
!path ./WCCFixture/commons-io.jar
!path ./WCCFixture/commons-lang-2.1.jar

Here is the example of COMMAND_PATTERN variable definition…

!define COMMAND_PATTERN (“C:/Program
Files/IBM/Rational/SDP/6.0/runtimes/base_v6/java/jre/bin/java” -cp "%p" -D
java.endorsed.dirs=".\lib\endorsed" -D java.ext.dirs=“C:/Program
Files/IBM/Rational/SDP/6.0/runtimes/base_v6/java/jre/lib; C:/Program
Files/IBM/Rational/SDP/6.0/runtimes/base_v6/java/jre/lib/ext; C:/Program
Files/IBM/Rational/SDP/6.0/runtimes/base_v6/lib” %m)

To understand the way these definitions work, refer to the FitNesse user guide. You do not have to
worry about the setting up these variables; Setup provided along with this document defines all the vari­
ables required and provides the required jar files.

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2.4 Creating, Editing and maintenance of Test and Suite Pages

FitNesse is not a standalone tool. It is a browser-based tool. It acts like a website. Each test script is
a page in FitNesse. The test scripts are organized as wiki pages in a hierarchical manner. Each page can be
a test page (a page with automation script) or a suite page (a page in which other test or suite pages are
grouped by creating as sibling or children) or both. Test page contains a valid automation script along with
the other information. Suite page contains links to other test pages and act like a parent page for the test
pages that are defined as children. Children pages inherit the variables defined in the parent page. The
suite pages look as shown in the Figure 4 and the test page looks as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: FitNesse page with Test script Figure 4: Suite page referring other pages

Figure 6: FitNesse Page in edit mode

Click Edit button in the left menu bar to edit a page. This will bring you to a new page with a text
box containing the editable text of the original page. The Text box has all the page content in WIKI
markup language (raw script); you do not see the tables or links anymore. Look at Figure 6 for reference.
Once the Page is saved, it will be displayed in form of a table as in the Figure 5, as per the wiki markup

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A new page can be created while in edit mode of another page. All we need to do is typing a new
name following page-naming rules. FitNesse automatically recognizes any word in the page as qualified
name for page creation, if the word satisfies the following rules…
 1. The word must be in Camel Case (each word starting with a capital letter)
 2. There must be at least two capital letters (ex: NewPage, QualitY)
 3. It must start with an alphabet(A-Z) or a ‘^’
 4. There must not be two consecutive capital letters
 5. There must not be any spaces or special characters
For example, if you type QualitY or TestAddPerson123 in the edit mode of SandBox, and save the
page, a hyperlinked question mark will appear beside the above word. Click on the question mark, and a
new page will be displayed with an empty text box be opened with the page
name QualitY or TestAddPerson123 type something in the page and hit save.
You have just created a sibling page for SandBox, if you want to create the
page as a child, you should type ^QualitY or ^TestAddPerson123 while in
edit mode of SandBox.
Whenever such a word (which is qualified to be the name for a page)
is typed in edit mode of a page and saved, a hyperlinked question mark ap­
pears after that word as in Figure 7. Clicking on that link takes us to edit Figure 7: Question marks
mode of the new page. The word we typed in edit mode of parent page will beside words that are eli­
be the name of the new page. We can enter anything we want, it can be our gible to be a page name
test script, or it can be something else depending on the requirement. Observe
that there is no question mark beside ‘Sample Tests’ in the figure as it is not a
qualified page name (the two words are separated with a space).
For more information on WIKI markup language and creating tests and suites, refer to the user
guide that comes with FitNesse.

2.5 Test scripts and WCC Tests

If we go into the details of a test page, all tests in FitNesse are in the form of tables, we call it
a test-table henceforth. We use wiki markup language to create tables. Cells in a table are created by separ­
ating the text with piped character ‘|’. New rows are created by starting a new line with a ‘|’ and ending
with a ‘|’. To create a table that looks like this…
numerator denominator Quotient?
10 2 5
12.6 3 4.2
100 4 33
We will just have to write the following text in edit page and save…

We do not have to understand how the above test table works except for two things. The first thing
you have to know is about the first line. The first line in the table tells that the fixture that is going to be
used is eg.Division (if you are aware of Java, you can guess that ‘eg’ is a package and Division is a class in
that package). The other thing you have to know is that the syntax you find from second line is the syntax
expected by the fixture. The number of columns may vary according to the number of inputs required for

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the fixture and the number of outputs that are to be verified. Let us not go into any more details of the
above table.
Similarly, if we have to test WCC, our first line should tell FitNesse that we are going to use Wc­
cXMLFixture. From second line onwards, it will be the syntax expected by WccXMLFixture. The syntax
can mean that the URL for WCC server, xml file name, the action keywords, representing tags, and defin­
ing variables to compare xml files etc.

2.6 Table Processing

A fitnesse test script can have the following: Test tables, comments, and general text. All that we
have to be learning is how to write test tables. Comments and general text can be ignored, as they have
nothing to do with testing except for providing more information to the tester.

Figure 8: Various parts in a fitnesse page

In edit mode (normal text or raw wiki script view) of a typical page, there can be different parts in
the script. The Portions marked in Yellow in Figure 8 are the real testing portions of the scripts. They are
test tables. They start with ‘!||’, and end with an empty line. The is applicable only for our WCC testing of xml transactions.
The next area marked in brown is a multi-line comment. A multi-line comment start with a triple
opening braces ‘{{{’ and ends with a triple closing braces ‘}}}’. Whatever you keep between those two
triple braces, will be considered as a block comment. Even if you place test tables, they will be ignored
while running the script.
However, if you look at the second yellow portion, you can see that the table does not end with an
empty line. It ends with a commented line. A single line comment starts with ‘#’. Whatever you write after
# is just a comment and will be ignored. There are two lines in the area after second test table.
The first portion in green is some text. This is not a comment but it is not a part of the test script. It
is just used to provide more clarity. You may also use such text to give the various steps in a test case, ex­
pected result, test case description and what not. However, there is no rule that these portions have to be in
the places as shown below. Any portion can be at any place you need it. A test script can start with a

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straight test table. However, once test-table starts, the subsequent lines must start with a ‘|’ or else the test
table ends. Once you save the script, it looks as in Figure 9…

Figure 9: Once the script is saved, it will be rendered as per wiki syntax by FitNesse

If you have observed, you do not see certain characters in Figure 9. The first portion does not
change much. However, the test table portion looks like a real table now. Then the block comment portion
does not look like a test table, even if there is a test table between {{{ and }}}. FitNesse does not consider
the text between those two characters as test script, so it displays the text same as we entered in edit mode.
The next test table also appears like a test table. However, you do not see the next lines as in edit page, as
those two are single line comments. FitNesse does not show you whatever you commented with a ‘#’.
If exclamation is missing from the beginning of the first line of a test-table, FitNesse does not con­
sider it as a test table. However, it looks like a table. You may find ‘----’ in the script, it is just to add a ho­
rizontal line. There are many more. However, I want to confine this discussion to just test-tables. Not all
the other things are so important, and you can find out in internet if you search for Wiki Syntax.
By following all these rules, you can make scripts with any level of complexity. It does not matter
how long the script is. It all boils down to one point, what is the number of test tables that are not commen­

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2.7 Running Tests

It is the simplest part. Just click the test button be­
side the test table.
Once we click the Test button, the WccXMLFixture
we mentioned in the first row of the test-table will
come into action, and read the values we provided
in the subsequent rows of the test-table and commu­
nicates between the FitNesse and WCC.
Fixture evaluates all the rows in the test tables. As­
sertions that pass turns into green and failed asser­
tions turn into red.
Figure 10: Test Button for running script

Figure 11: Running the script will change the color of cells depending on the Pass or Fail status

Figure 12: Test case execution with failures turning into red

Observe the top-left corner of Figure 11, you will find a hyperlink that says Output Captured, and
clicking on that link will take us to the logs. Any exception while running the scripts, the request and re­
sponse xml files. Here is the screen-shot when we click Output Captured. The output logs has various de­
tails like when it is executed, the time taken to execute the test case and request and response xml files, if
there are any exceptions, they will be printed to this log.

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Figure 13: Output Captured Log

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Figure 14: Report band turns green and displays number Figure 15: When some exception occurs, Report band
of assertion passed turns into Yellow and observe number of exceptions

Figure 17: Any failed action lines will turn the report Figure 16: If nothing else passed and some rows are ig­
band red nored the report band turns into Grey, here some passed
Observe the Report band that tells how many action lines passed and how many failed. If we run an
entire suite the report band also displays, how many test cases failed and how many passed along with the
number of assertions passed and failed. Along with the report band, it also displays status of each test
when we run a suite, and results of each test are appended to the same suite results page as show below.

Figure 18: Test Suite execution

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3.Basic Fixture
As explained so far… FitNesse does not have any in-built capabilities to test WCC, to be precise it
does not even have in-built capabilities to read and validate xml files. We need an additional component or
plug-in that reads xml, modifies them, sends a request to WCC server, receives response and compares the
xml tags. An additional component or plug-in or fixture is required to do all these tasks. Luckily, it is
already created back in 2006. In this document, we call it a Basic Fixture, because it lacks certain features
that are required to be able to use it as an effective alternate for manual testing and a full-scale tool for
automating WCC testing. I have added many features that are required for this fixture to be a full-scale al­
ternative to manual testing. I call it Customized Fixture.

3.1 What is Basic Fixture?

FitNesse provides an extendable framework to write plug-ins that can act like a middle ware
between FitNesse and the application to be tested. If the input parameters and output parameters are simple
strings, the application can be directly tested. However, WCC does not work on simple string parameters;
it works based on a request and response framework. The xml files are not like simple strings they can get
complex even for simple transactions. It does everything that is mentioned in the above paragraph, send a
request to WCC server, receive a response, and validate the response. It can change the request depending
on specific run-time values as mentioned in the script.
As we have seen in previous chapter, every test script is in a form of tables. So is the syntax for
WCC Tests too. Let us have a detailed look at the syntax.

3.2 Syntax for Base Fixture

Each test script is a combination of multiple test tables; each table is for one xml. One table can
send one request to WCC and receive its response from WCC. The actions (passthrough and other asser­
tions) work only on response xml file.
The syntax should answer many questions. The syntax should tell FitNesse, to use WccXMLFix­
ture as the fixture; it should tell the fixture about the WCC server URL; it should mention the instance
name of WCC on server. There must be a provision to tell fixture, which xml file, should be sent to WCC
as a request. There must be a provision to tell the fixture which tag to be used for validation. WccXM­
LFixture uses XPath for that. There must be a provision to tell the fixture about variables that are to be
used as a part of script. Therefore, here is how the syntax for WccXMLFixture is defined.
WCC Instance Name WCC Provider URL
XML file name
Action Keyword XPath of the tag to be used from response XML
or constant


Action Keyword Xpath of the tag to be used from response XML
or constant
Illustration 1: Syntax for Basic WccXMLFixture

The above table tells many things about the syntax required for WCC testing. The first line is the
fixture line; WccXMLFixture is a Java class file that is in the
package The second line consists of two cells, first cell is for telling fixture, the in­

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stance name and the second cell is to tell fixture the URL of the WCC server. The third cell is for mention­
ing the name of the xml file.
From the fourth line to end of the table, the first cell is for action keyword (either passthrough or
assertions) to work on the tags. The second cell is for XPath of the tag to work on. The first two cells are
mandatory and the third cell is conditional. It becomes either mandatory or optional depending on the first
cell. Here is an example of a small test table.
|Not Exists|/TCRMService/TxResponse/TxResult/ResultCode|

The small portions of wiki script that starts with ‘${’ and ends with ‘}’ are the fitnesse-page-vari­
ables. These variables are used to simplify changing portions of fitnesse script. The fitnesse-page-variables
can be defined using the keyword define. Those variables can be used anywhere in the fitnesse pages. Here
is the syntax to create page-variables…
!define <Variable Name> {<value>}

Here is the example to create fitnesse page-variable…

!define WCCProviderUrl {iiop:// 10}

To define a page-variable the first character of the line must be an exclamation, which is immedi­
ately followed by the keyword define. Therefore, in the above example, WCCProviderUrl is the variable
and iiop:// is the value in the variable. To use the variable anywhere inside fitnesse scripts, you
have to use the syntax ${<variable name>}. Thus, let us call ${ and } as the variable placeholders for
Is it confusing? Let us rephrase it. We define page-variables and store a value inside using the !
define keyword, we use those variables in subsequent children pages to provide flexibility, to get the value
inside the variables, we enclose the variable name with page-variable placeholders. If you ask me the dif­
ference between page-variables and script variables, page-variables are static, they do not change once the
test is started to run, they are like constants, you know what their values are, before running a test. The
script variables are dynamic, they will be created at run-time. They exist as long as the test runs. You may
not be able to find what their values will be until running the script.

Figure 19: Page-variable Vs. Script Variable

The number of cells from fourth row can vary depending on the kind of validation or work, we
want to do on the tag. We use fixture-defined keywords in the first cell of the table from fourth row on­
wards. Sometimes you want to fetch value in a tag and compare it to another value. In such a case, you
need to tell fixture that you want to compare, then which tag to compare and finally which value to com­
pare. To do this we need to tell the fixture two things(the tag and the value). Sometimes, we just want to
check whether a tag is empty. To do that, we have to tell the fixture that we want to find out if a tag is
empty. Therefore, here we need only one cell(tag). We tell fixture about what we want to do using fixture
keywords. We tell fixture about the path of the tag using XPath notation. We give words of our own
choice to name variables or values.

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With this basic version of fixture, two types of key words can be used in the first cell of test-table
from the fourth row. One is PassThrough and the other type is assertion. PassThrough is used for storing
value from a tag and assertions are a way to ensure that a tag is according to our need. For example, to
check that it has a value what we expected, or to check if it is empty etc., Let us go through all the fixture
keywords in the following sections of this document. PassThrough is the only keyword that comes under
PassThrough type. Exists, Not Exists, Value, Not Value, and Count are assertion type of keywords because
they assert.

3.3 PassThrough
PassThrough is a keyword that can be
used to get the value from an xml tag and store it
in a variable. It expects two parameters, a valid
XPath that resolves to a unique tag and a variable.
The flow of pass-through begins with
checking if Cell 2 and Cell 3 available. Once both
the validations succeeded, it checks if the XPath
provided is valid or not. If required cells are not
available, it throws an exception.
If the XPath is valid, the fixture checks if a
unique tag can be resolved for the XPath in the
xml file. Pass-through requires the XPath to
match a single tag in xml file. If an XPath
matches no tag, it is an error. If an XPath matches
more than one tag, the fixture cannot decide
which tag to get the value from, so it throws an er­
ror. Even If the XPath matches a single tag but if
the tag is empty, it is still an error.
Once a unique tag matches the XPath and
a string is found in the tag, the fixture fetches the
value inside the tag and stores it in a variable with
the name provided in the cell 3. There are no
naming rules for script variables. As a standard
and convention we are having a question mark at
the end of every variable like partyID?, address­
The flow of operations in PassThrough is
presented in the flowchart in Figure 20. The flow
takes the green path when everything goes as ex­
pected and the red path is taken whenever some
exception occurs.
PassThrough is the only way in which you
can take the value from a tag and store it in a vari­
able. You can use this variable for comparisons or
as input data for the subsequent xml files. Below
is a screen-shot for example usage of
PassThrough. Figure 20: Flow of PassThrough

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Figure 21: Example use of Passthrough in a fitnesse script

As explained previously, the first cell must always be the action keyword, in this case it is
PassThrough and the second cell is for XPath of the tag for the PassThrough to work on (whatever you see
something similar to /TCRMService/TxResponse/Response..) and the third cell is for variable partyID?
The raw wiki script (in edit window) for the line highlighted in Figure 21 will be as below…

When the test is executed, the flow of execution will be same as shown in flowchart. It Passes or
fails accordingly. Here are few examples when we run PassThrough in different scenarios.

Figure 22: Sample Test Executions of PassThrough keyword

Three different scenarios are depicted in the above screen-shot The Green Cell is an indication that
everything went as expected and PassThrough successfully saved the value inside AddressIdPK tag in the
variable AddressIdPK?. It also displayed the value stored in that variable.
The other two scenarios are in red, so they are failed scenarios, one scenario failed because of the
tag is not found and the other case is when more than one tag is found with the same XPath.
You have to be careful while writing XPath, because an Invalid XPath like
ficationType=100012/IdentificationNumber ('[' is started but is not closed with a ']') can crash the fixture
because the basic fixture is not designed to handle exceptions of this kind. To learn completely about
XPath, Google it, has a very good tutorial on Xpath.

3.4 Value
Value is an Assertion type of action keyword. This asserts that the value in the tag is equal to the
value provided in the third cell of the test-table. Here are two different usages of Value action.

Figure 23: Examples of value keyword usage in fitnesse script

There is a difference between both the usages, the first usage just uses a constant called SUCCESS.
The later usage has something like !!resultCode?!!, that is the way we use variables to fetch their values.
Let us discuss about that in later sections. Let us call those '!!' as variable placeholder. The syntax is sim­
ilar to PassThrough. The first cell is for Action keyword(Value). Second cell holds XPath of the tag and
the third cell is for constant, variable, or both.

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The flow of Value action is similar to flow of PassThrough except for small changes at the end.
Once the existence of Cells 2 and 3 is confirmed, and unique tag resolution is successful, there starts the
difference between PassThrough and value actions. Value action verifies, if any variable is provided in the

Figure 24: Flow of Value Assertion

third cell of the same row in the test-table. If a variable is used, the fixture checks if the variable used is
already defined using a PassThrough. If the variable is not yet defined, it throws an error. If the variable is
found, it replaces the variable with the value of the variable.

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Once the value in the third cell becomes a constant, the fixture compares that constant string with
the value inside the tag, if they are equal the assertion passes, or else it displays the actual value and the
expected values. If we provide both variable and string in the third cell, it concatenates both after replacing
the value of the variable and then treats the cell as a constant.
As long as there are no exceptions, the flow takes the green path as in Figure 24. Any exception
will lead to failure of assertion. XPath matching to no tag, or multiple tags also produces a similar kind of
error as in PassThrough.
The wiki script syntax for the above two scenarios (one using a constant in the third cell, and other
with a variable) will be as shown below…

Example screen-shots of the test runs are given below…

Figure 25: Test runs of Value Assertion

3.5 Not Value

‘Not Value’ has the exact re­
verse behavior of Value action.
Everything is same for Not Value
and Value action keywords except
for just one and only thing, Not value
Expects that value in cell 3 of the test
table must not be equal to the value
found in the tag.

3.6 Count
Count is an assertion type of
action that asserts that the number of
tags matching with the XPath is
equal to an integer value we provide.
For example, we can verify if a party
has only one Address or three contact
methods etc.,
Once Availability of cells 2
and 3 is confirmed, and the XPath in
cell 2 is valid, fixture checks if an in­
teger is provided in cell 3, if it finds
anything other than integer, even if it
is a real number like 1.0 or 2.5, basic
fixture crashes. Count then counts the
number of tags matching the given Figure 26: Flow Of Count Assertion

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XPath and checks if the count is equal to the integer provided in cell 3. If they are not equal, count throws
an error and the assertion fails.
You should not even use a variable in cell 3 as long as you use Basic Fixture. The customized fix­
ture can get a value from a variable and can compare if the value inside the variable is an integer. Example
usage is given below…

The above fitnesse script line checks if the response xml file has only two TCRMPersonNameBObj
tags. That tag can be a parent tag or a child tag, count treats both the tags similar. Here is the screen-shot
of the example run of a script with count assertion.

Figure 27: Test runs of Count Assertion

Careful not to use any non-integer because if you do, an exception will be thrown and the test run
will crash. This problem is fixed in the customized fixture.

3.7 Exists
‘Exists’ is an assertion that makes sure that a tag
matching to the XPath exists at least once in the xml. It only
checks for the existence of the tag, but does not have anything
to do with the value inside it. Therefore, we do not have to
provide any other constant or variable. We can easily conclude
that we just need two cells to use this action. ‘Exists’ in the
first cell and the XPath of the tag in the second cell. Here is the
sample use of it.
Exception will be thrown if the XPath is invalid ac­
cording to rules of XPath.

The assertion passes if at least one TCRMPersonName­ Figure 28: Flow of Exists Keyword
BObj at the path mentioned in the XPath is found, and it fails

Figure 29: Test runs of Exists assertion along with some exceptional cases

if the tag is not found. Here is an example screen-shot of running fitnesse script with exists keyword.

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3.8 Not Exists

It is an exact opposite of Exists keyword. If ‘Exists’ passes, ‘Not Exists’ fails and vice-verse. Not
Exists checks if tag matching the XPath provided does not exist in the xml. It fails even if a single match
found in the file. Here is the usage of it…
|not exists|/TCRMService/TCRMPersonBObj/TCRMPersonNameBObj|

Here is the screen-shot of test run

Figure 30: Test run of Not Exists assertion

Before going on to the next section, let us quickly look at some interesting things, all the action
keywords are case insensitive. So far, I mentioned as if the fixture is going to throw an exception if the re­
quired cell is not provided, there is a little twist to that point, if any cell required is not provided, the last
cell in that row will be considered as the required cell. The execution screen-shots for Exists in Figure 29
are an example to this it.

3.9 Variable Placeholder(!!)

The name ‘Variable Placeholders’ explains its purpose. They are used to tell fixture that we are
using a variable. Let us look at some examples similar to the examples we have seen while discussing
Value assertion. Let us look at this example first..

The above example is very straightforward, check if the GivenNameOne tag is equal to ‘Mat’ or
not? It looks simple. However, how do we deal with a scenario that requires us to check if two tags are
equal. One alternative is PassThrough one tag into a variable and compare the variable with the other tag.
Well, but how do we tell FitNesse, that we are using a variable? You may arrive at the following answer…

This problem is solved, but what if we have to check some scenario, where second GivenNameOne
tag must be equal to the Mr followed by first GivenNameOne tag? You may simply say to use something
like MrfirstName?. I guess you might have identified a problem with this kind of usage. In such a case Fit­
Nesse may think that ‘MrfirstName?’ as another variable. Therefore, we need to tell the fixture where the
variable starts and where the variable ends. That is why we need to use variable placeholders. The solution
is to tell fixture where a variable starts and where a variable ends. We use ‘!!’ for that purpose, precede
and succeed the variable with !!. Therefore, this is what we have to do to use a variable…

This solves our previous problem. This is how we do it.


Now let us look at another example where this variable placeholder will be useful. Say we have a
scenario, where in, we have to add a person in the database, and in the next step, we have to retrieve that
person from the database. To retrieve a person, we have to use the party id (a unique identifier party in
WCC database) that is generated by WCC while adding the party. We have to store the pass the value from
response of addPerson to the request of getPerson, without stopping the execution of test script. So how do
we change the party id in the request xml. Our variable placeholder will be useful here also. We create the

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variable from party id tag in the response of addPerson and use the variable placeholder for this purpose
passing it to next request xml file. Look at an example xml file below…
<tcrmParam name="partyID">!!partyID?!!</tcrmParam>
<tcrmParam name=“inquiryLevel”>3</tcrmParam>

See the line with bold characters, the variable ‘partyID?’ is enclosed in double exclamations in­
side xml file, the fixture will replace ‘!!partyID?!!’ with the value in the variable ‘partyID?’, if it is de­
clared before calling this xml file. The replacement will take place whenever we call the xml file in a fit­
nesse script. An exception will be thrown if the variable inside the xml file is not defined by the time the
file is called in a test table.

3.10 Limitations
We hate to have limitations. When there are too many, it becomes unusable. This is exactly what
happened with this basic WccXMLFixture, you might have observed that I mentioned about saving files in
Figure 2. The image does not show the flow with basic WccXMLFixture, it is for the customized fixture.
To know what we cannot do with the basic fixture, just go through the following details.

3.10.1) Strict Adherence to data – Scripts have to be data specific

The basic WccXMLFixture requires the scripts to be written specific to data. Say, we have to use
PassThrough action. If we try to pass-through value of a tag that is not there in the xml, it will produce the
error: No Tag Found. You may think that it is correct behavior, and that is what you may expect. However,
according to the automation principles, the data and scripts have to be separate, the script should be able to
work with wide range of data.
Let me tell you an example why the scripts should not be data specific. Let us assume an optional
tag in our xml file. We have to PassThrough that tag into a variable, it is OK if we write a PassThrough ac­
tion and mention the XPath and the variable name. That script works well as long as the tag exists in the
xml and the tag has a value, what if tomorrow, if that optional tag should be removed from xml, do not you
think that all our scripts are going to break? Another point is that script will only work with that xml file, if
we want to reuse that script to test another xml, we may have to do some modifications and then use it.
Therefore, the result is, we cannot create something like reusable components easily if use the basic Wc­
We need a better way of PassThrough and Value actions that will intelligently switch their behavi­
ors, depending upon whether a tag exists or not. We have count assertion but we have to provide a con­
stant integer in the script, but generally, that number may change from according to situation, we should be
able to compare it with a variable integer. This is missing from basic fixture.

3.10.2) Limited ways of asserting

We have a PassThrough and five assertions in our basic fixture. However, in a real testing environ­
ment, we have a lot many things to do, we should be able to check if the dates are past, or future, or cur­

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rent date. We should be able to compare dates in two tags. We should be able to check if a tag is empty or
not, we should be able to create variables conditionally.
If you have observed, PassThrough will only provide one way to create a variable from value of a
tag. However, if we have to create a variable without any tag, we cannot do that. If we want to copy value
of a variable to another variable, we cannot do that. If we want to conditionally pass-through and condi­
tionally compare, we cannot do that. Adding two integers or concatenate two strings is next to impossible.
We cannot store count of tags matching to an XPath. Sometimes we may want to check if all the tags
matching to a particular XPath has same value or not, we cannot do that because that number need not be a
constant or may be large. We have to use value action 100 times, if we have 100 tags of same XPath that
we have to compare.
We cannot check if the expected string is a part of value of tag. We cannot check for the length of
characters in a string, if required. We cannot pass-through partial value of a tag. The value action is case
sensitive, so in case we have to compare the values where the case changes from input to output, we are
ahead of a wall. We cannot write comments in the middle of a test script table.

3.10.3) Request and Response xml files not getting saved

This is one of the biggest drawbacks, the request and response xml files are not saved, and
everything is on the fly. They will be printed in the output console as shown in Figure 13, that page must
be saved as a HTML and nothing more. However, we may need to have the xml files stored for back refer­
encing or as proofs.

3.10.4) Only responses can be asserted and validated

Here is another funny restriction, you can do those assertions only on response xml files. If you
want to pass-through a tag in request xml file, you are at a total loss. You only got one file to work with
and that is response, if you have to compare the tag in request with the tag in response, you do not have a
way to do that.

3.10.5) Improper Handling of Exceptions

There are number of scenarios, where an exception is thrown and the test run is stopped, one such
example is with count, if you do not provide an integer in the third cell, the test will simply crash and the
test run stops. There are many such simple issues, which will cause the test run to crash. Good automation
scripts will always take about such unexpected scenarios. However, you cannot write such good automa­
tion script if you want to write it to the basic version of the WccXMLFixture.

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3.11 Example Test

The most complex we can get to with the basic WccXMLFixture is, execute a transaction and pick
some tags from the response xml and store them in several variables and execute some other transactions
and compare them with some other tags and check count of tags and check if the tags exist. Let us assume an
imaginary test case with the following steps.
1. Add a person with a name and birth date using addPerson OOTB transaction
2. Retrieve the person details using getPerson
3. Compare the name between the response of addPerson and response of getPerson
4. Add a new name to the person
5. Retrieve the person again
6. Check if the party has two names in the response
7. Check if the party has a birth date and does not have a deceased date in the response
If you are not aware of WCC OOTB transactions (ready-made transactions available in WCC), we
use addPerson OOTB to add individual parties, getPerson is the OOTB transaction to retrieve person details.
updatePersonName is an OOTB transaction to add a name to the party.
In our test case, we have four request xml files to send to WCC. addPerson is the first xml request
to send to WCC to add that party, then getPerson to retrieve person details. updatePersonName to add a
new name to that party is the third and finally getPerson to confirm about count of names and existence of
deceased date is the fourth request xml file.
Now, we concluded about number of request xml files; we need four XMLs for this test case. We
need same number of test-tables in our test script. Each table sends a request xml file to WCC, and gets the
response. Whatever we want to do on that response xml file, like passing through values from tags, and
asserting has to be included in the same test-table. According to our test case, we have to compare names, so
we have to pass through name tags. We have to retrieve the person so, we have to pass through party id into
a variable in the first table. We have to use the variable in the request xml files of getPerson and the
updatePersonName. As we have to handle any response xml file in the same test table where the request xml
is called, the comparison between names should be dealt in second test table because we already stored the
values of the name tags in response xml file of addPerson in the first test table. We do not have anything to
do with the response xml file of updatePersonName except checking whether the transaction failed or
passed. The fourth and final test table is for retrieving the person details and asserting for the number of
names the party has and asserting that birth date exists and deceased date does not exist. Well enough of this
theory let us get started with real script. Refer the illustration Syntax for Basic WccXMLFixture for the
Let us make some assumptions here before going into the script…
 WCC location is iiop://
 The xml files are stored at location C:\FitNesse\InputXMLs\
 There is no instance name defined for WCC server
Let us also check if each service is success or not by checking ResultCode in addition to all the
points discussed above. The xml structure is as defined by the OOTB services. Let us only concentrate on
GivenNameOne and LastName of TCRMPersonNameBObj, to avoid too lengthy script. As discussed be­
fore each table starts with ‘!|’ and ends with an empty line.
For this script to work properly, you should also modify your xml files. For GetPerson.xml to re­
trieve the person details you should use the variable defined from PartyId tag in the request xml files as ex­
plained in section 3.9 Variable Placeholder(!!). You should also use the same variable in the request of
UpdatePersonName.xml also to add a name to that party. I am not going to explain how WCC OOTB ser­
vices work. Here is the script for all that is explained…

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|Not Exists|/TCRMService/TxResponse/ResponseObject/TCRMPersonBObj/DeceasedDate|

If you have observed, the first three lines are same in all the four test tables, except for the file
names. The fourth line in all the test-tables has a value action that verifies if the value in the ResultCode is
‘SUCCESS’. The first table has three PassThrough actions, one each for GivenNameOne, LastName and
PartyId. Please note that the ‘?’ at the end of each variable is just a convention, it is not mandatory. If you
have observed, the PartyId PassThrough row is after the GivenNameOne and LastName variable defini­
tions. If you are aware of the xml structure of response of addPerson transaction, you know that the
PartyId tag comes before the other two tags. You do not have to follow the order in which the tags appear
in the xml file.
Second table checks the value of GivenNameOne and LastName tags if they are equal to the vari­
ables defined. Third table just sends the request to WCC and checks if the result code is SUCCESS. Fourth
table verifies that the response xml file does not have DeceasedDate and has BirthDate with the help of
Not Exists and Exists assertions. The last line with count assertion checks if the response has two TCRM­
Before we close the discussion about basic fixture, make a note of several points. You can define
same variable any number of times. However, the variable will retain the latest value passed into it. It is
not mandatory to use any variable after it is defined. You cannot use a variable in any action or request
xml until it is defined. For example, as the ‘PartyId?’ is defined in the first table, you cannot use !!
PartyId?!! in the request AddPerson.xml, because by the time fixture deals with the request, it still does not
have the response xml to define the ‘PartyId?’ variable. You can also use a variable in XPath if required
after the variable is defined (e.g. //TCRMPersonNameBObj[LastName = '!!LastName?!!']/GivenNameOne
). You can use any complex XPath as long as it is valid as per the rules defined in XPath 2.0.

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4.Customized Fixture
The previous chapter introduced you to the features of the fundamental fixture. The same chapter
also explained what could not be done with it. We came a long way from a point where we decided that
the fixture cannot be used for real testing to this point, where we automated nearly 4000 test cases. As I
explained you before that WccXMLFixture is a small program written in java. The fixture code used to be
mere 200 lines. It has grown to vast 4000 lines of code with all my customizations. The basic structure of
the fixture is modified in a lot many ways. As the time progresses, new challenges came up, I had to keep
on adding new functionality to solve those automation problems. At this point of time, the fixture has a lot
more functionality. We designed a very efficient way of testing xml transactions using all the new
functionality. Let us go one-step at a time from defining the types of customizations to very detailed ex­
planation of all the customizations. However, this document does not tell you how to create fixtures or
how to customize WccXMLFixture. It only helps you learn all the new functionality and how to use them.
Here is a list of the modifications to the fixture…
 Syntax changes
 Behavioral modifications
 New passthroughs
 New assertions
 File handlers
 Miscellaneous action keywords
 Variable placeholders
 Predefined variables
4.1 New Syntax
To provide more functionality, not everything can be done in with the same syntax of the test
tables. So the test table is redesigned to accommodate new functionality. This new syntax is carefully de­
signed in such a way that none of the existing scripts break, along with giving provision to the new func­
tionality. Therefore, it is compatible with the existing scripts. Here is the new syntax for the advanced or
customized WccXMLFixture.
WCC Instance Name WCC Provider URL
File Handler XML file name
Action Keyword XPath of the tag to be used from response XML Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6


Action Keyword XPath of the tag to be used from response XML Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6
Illustration 2: Syntax for customized fixture

Instead of just Cell 3 in the test table from fourth row as shown in Illustration 1: Syntax for Basic
WccXMLFixture, we can now use cells 3, 4, 5, 6. However, they are conditional. Number of cells required
changes from action to action. Only one action keyword requires up to cell 6. We will take a detailed look
at new action keywords later. To allow various file handling mechanisms, a new optional cell is introduced
in the third row. If you ignore the file handler cell, the xml file name cell will be the first cell. If you
provide file handler keyword and provide the xml file name in the second cell in the same row, given file
handling method will be opted. We discuss about file handlers and new action keywords in the subsequent
sections. All the cells given in Grey are optional according to the new syntax rules of test-table.

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4.2 Behavioral Modifications

The Customizations started right from the way fixture behaves. We mentioned two limitations for
the basic fixture. The basic fixture does not save files, the customized fixture does.

4.2.1) Storing request and response xml files

WccXMLFixture takes a request file mentioned in the script. If there are any variables (like !!
PartyId?!!) in the request, fixture replaces them with their values and saves that file in a folder named re­
quest next to the original request xml file. It then sends this new request xml file to WCC, gets the re­
sponse, and saves the response file in another folder named response next to the original request file. If the
request and response folders do not exist, fixture will create them. The request file stored inside request
folder will have the same name as the original file. However, the response file stored in response folder
will have an additional ‘Response_’ appended at the beginning of the file name. So, name of the response
xml file for AddPerson.xml will be
Initially, I have designed it
to overwrite the existing request and
response xml files. Then the beha­
vior is modified again, so that you
control if it overwrites the existing Figure 31: After executing
files or takes backup of old files. Figure 32: Before executing test test
Now, the files will be over written
by default. This behavior can be modified by chan­
ging the value of a predefined variable ‘?Create­
Backup?’. If the value stored inside the ‘?Create­
Backup?’ variable is ‘yes’, then backup files will be
created for the existing request and response xml
files. If the value inside that variable is ‘no’, then the
fixture will overwrite the existing request and re­
sponse xml files.
When we change the value of the create
backup variable to ‘yes’, a new folder with the name
old will be created in both request and response
folders. If the fixture has to overwrite a file in the re­
quest or response folder, it will move the existing file
to old folder after appending last updated dates of the
existing files to their names. New file will be created
in request or response folders. By appending last up­ Figure 33: Response files created in response folder
dated dates before copying into old folders, any num­
ber of historical copies can be maintained for record.
If you observe, there are two copies of each
response file in old folder. It is because the test is run
twice and backups are maintained each time the test is
run. Observe the time stamps to get a clearer picture.
The Latest copies of request and response files will be
maintained inside the request and response folders
and all the old files will be inside old folders. We dis­
cuss more about this variable and modifying its value
Figure 34: Backups of response files inside old folder

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4.2.2) XPath validations on Request xml
As mentioned earlier the basic fixture can only do validations on response xml file, any action on
request xml file tag produces the error: Tag not found, unless that XPath accidentally matches with a tag in
response xml file. With the new fixture, you do not have to do anything new except for using the XPath
from request xml directly. Let me tell you how this functionality is implemented. The fixture does not
know anything about xml structures, it takes XPath and tries it on one of the files (either request or re­
sponse). If the XPath does not match to any tag in the request file, instead of throwing an error, fixture
goes to response file for XPath validation. Therefore, we got double work to do, though it is not significant
for a single XPath validation, the number of assertions in a test case can grow to a very large number de­
pending on the complexity of the test case. We have several test cases where we have more than 1000 as­
sertions in many test cases. We have to follow a better approach than this trial and error approach.
For our project, in fact, for any xml project, generally the xml structures will be constant at lower
depth (root tag has a depth of zero and its children has a depth of one and so the depth increases). There­
fore, all the XPath for request xml file will have a common start point. The same is the case with XPath for
response xml files. For WCC, the XPath for request will start with either /TCRMService/RequestControl,
or /TCRMService/TCRMTx, or /TCRMService/TCRMInquiry. We call these request markers, because if
the provided XPath starts with any of these, it means that the XPath belongs to request. The same logic is
used to decide whether the XPath belongs to request or response. However, hard coding the request mark­
ers in code will reduce the flexibility, if we have to have some other request markers, we may not be able
to do that unless we modify the code.
Therefore, I decided to go with a properties file in which these request markers are defined. Proper­
ties file is created after you run a test using the advanced WccXMLFixture for the first time. The name of
the properties file is ‘properties.xml’. The tag <RequestMarker/> will hold the request XPath portions. If
you want to add additional request markers, you just add another RequestMarker tag with the request
marking XPath portion. If your project has request xml structure that always starts with /A/B/C then you
add another RequestMarker tag as below…

RequestMarker XPath is case insensitive. So, it will not be a problem, even if you provide /a/b/c.
Our project has two different applications with which FitNesse interacts, WCC and WQS. The request
markers for both WQS and WCC can be found in the properties.xml snippet in section Properties File.

4.2.3) Output Captured

As displayed in Figure 13, the output logs have all the xml files placed one after another. This is
not so convenient when it comes to verifying something from the logs. So, the way FitNesse captures out­
put log is also modified. Instead of displaying the entire xml, the new design just displays a hyperlink to
the xml file as in Figure 35. Clicking on that link will display the xml file in the browser as in Figure 36.
This avoids clutter as well as reduces the length of the output logging. We can easily debug because it will
be easy to read xml in a browser with color-coding rather than just a plain text as in Figure 13.
If you have noticed, there are two sections in the output log. Each section represents output log for
one test table. Where did three files come from? Read the text before the hyperlink once again. When we
click a test button, one input file will be taken from the file system and then all the fitnesse variables in the
file will be replaced and a new request file will be prepared by the fixture. It sends that modified request to
WCC and gets a response. That is why there are three hyperlinks in each group. One link is for request file
before variable replace and another for request file after variables are replaced and finally one more
hyperlink for the response.
To achieve this new logging mechanism, WccXMLFixture makes use of the functionality provided
by FitNesse. FitNesse provides an opportunity to refer an external file through the wiki script if it is stored

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Figure 35: Output logging redesigned.

in ‘files’ folder inside

FitNesseRoot folder.
WccXMLFixture cre­
ates a new folder called
XmlTemp inside files
folder and stores all the
request and response
xml files in it and prints
the hyperlink while
running the tests. How­
ever, in order for this to
work, you should place
all DTD files in Xml­
Temp, XmlTemp\re­
quest and XmlTemp\re­
sponse folder. Or else
the browser will not be
able to display the xml
file and throws an error.

Figure 36: Once an xml file hyperlink is clicked, it will be opened in browser window

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4.2.4) Properties File

As discussed in the previous section, properties file provide a way to differentiate between the re­
quest and response using RequestMarker tag. The properties.xml has many other tags, which change the
way the fixture behaves. Let us look at the complete properties.xml at its current state.
<!-- Developed By: JSSVPrasad.Buddha
This Properties file is introduced in ECPhase2 to be able to change certain parameters related to
performance testing, Date Format The Fixture will be able to differentiate between the request and
response XPath depending on the RequestMarker. UniqueNumber tag is used to generate a unique
number for each reset all. So that uniqueness in test data can be maintained up to some extent.
The PerformanceTest tag should be Y if Performance Testing is to be enabled. -->
<!-- Date format used by Fixture for asserting dates -->

<!-- Request Markers let FitNesse fixture recognize if the XPath is from Request xml file or
Response xml file. All the Request XPath should have one of the Request Marker. -->

<!-- This UniqueNumber is the value replaced in place of !!?UniqueNumber?!! or ##?

UniqueNumber?##. This value increases every time you click Test or Suite. -->

<!-- The following parameters are being used for Service Time Logging while executing.
They can be used for performance testing. To Enable SeriveTime logging and Throwing error
if service time is crossed than the threshold-->

There are several RequestMarker tags some of them are for WQS testing where we will be sending
the SOAP requests to WQS. The ResponseMarker tags are initially used for differentiating between re­
quest XPath and response XPath, but later I found that using RequestMarker would be more useful than
ResponseMarker. There can be some scenarios where the XPath does not contain both the markers
(e.g. //GivenNameOne) that can be from request as well as response. In such an ambiguous situation, the
fixture assumes that this XPath belongs to response. To make this assumption easy in code the decision is
taken to use RequestMarker instead of ResponseMarker.

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The other tag in the properties file is DateFormat. This can be changed if you want any other date
format for some action keywords like Is Before, Is After etc., The date format may change from imple­
mentation to implementation in WCC as WCC provides flexibility to change the date format. The default
format given in the properties file is yyyy-MM-dd because this is the date format, we use in our project.
You can give any format like yyyy MMM dd hh:mm:ss. Later we will discuss about the action keywords,
which make use of this DateFormat.
The Version tag is to keep track of the version of the properties file. If there is an updated version
of WccXMLFixture, the properties file is updated according to the new code. When you run a test on new
WccXMLFixture, it finds out if the properties file is of the old version. If the version is less than the cur­
rent version it replaces the properties file with the new file as defined in the WccXMLFixture code.
UniqueNumber is the tag that contains an integer. It increments every time a test is run, or whenever
we reset the predefined variables in the script. Resetting the predefined variables is something that we are
going to deal a bit later in this document. This integer can grow to any large number starting from one if you
keep on running the tests. You can change the value inside UniqueNumber tag and the value will be
incremented from that number. Using this UniqueNumber variable will be explained in section ?

4.2.5) Testing the performance

The last three tags of properties file are for
doing a small scale performance testing. If we have
any common threshold for service time for all the
services, we can enable the performance testing and
can give the threshold limit for service time in milli
seconds. We can enable the performance testing by
setting PerformanceTestEnabled tag to Y.
Whenever the service time crosses the
threshold limit, the fixture will warn you about that
by changing color of the cell, in which the service
time is displayed, to be yellow. Everything else
works just the way it used to work. The threshold
limit must be provided in milli seconds in the tag
For WCC, the service time will be popu­
lated in ServiceTime tag always, in case your im­
plementation has any other tag to get the service
time from, provide its XPath.

Figure 38: Whenever service time of a service time Figure 37: Service Time will be displayed when Per­
crosses the threshold limit, it will be highlighted formance Testing is enabled
This is the current version of properties file. I am going to add new features to the fixture, for
which, I may need to add some more tags to the properties file. One final and funny thing about proper­
ties.xml is, it is designed in such a way that the order of xml tags does not matter. You can modify order of
the tags inside properties file, but do not change the content in the tags unless you know what you are do­

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4.2.6) Action Keyword behavioral changes
Several action keywords are updated with new code such that they behave in a slightly different
way. PassThrough, Value, Exists and Not Exists are not modified much except to also consider XPath
from a request. The major change is with Count. Observe the following Script and its output and see if you
can find out the reason for failure.

Figure 39: An Example script with a small fault

When we run the above script,

we get an exception and test run
crashes as shown in following figure.
The exception causes the test run to
stop suddenly, and we do not see any
clue why it failed. Did you guess what
is wrong? The last line in the above
script is the culprit. We have given
‘Two’ instead of an integer in the third
cell. This may look like a small prob­
Figure 40: Execution result when we run the above script. Test run is
lem, which could be found in a minute. crashed. Can you guess what's wrong?
Imagine that you have 200 lines of
script, and it failed suddenly with an exception. Finding the exact location and reason of the problem is
tough. The customized fixture handles this in a better manner. Here is the screen-shot of the same script
running with my fixture.

Figure 41: Exception handling for count in customized fixture

This instantly shows you where the problem is without crashing. Another advancement in count ac­
tion is, you can also use variables if required. You can use the variable as you have used with value asser­
tion. Just make sure that there is an integer in that variable or else an exception is thrown. Of course, that
exception will be caught by the new fixture before the test can crash.

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4.3 File Handlers

Another such customization is with the way fixture handles the request xml files. Several file
handling mechanisms are added to the fixture, to provide flexibility to the way fixture handle the request
files. We do not have to send the request file to WCC every time. We may need to access the response
files that are already created as a part of the same or some other test case, without sending it to WCC. You
might have recognized that we do not have any means of just reading an xml file without sending it to
WCC in basic fixture.
The customized fixture handles it by introducing file handler keywords and modifying the syntax
of the fitnesse script in the third row as displayed in the figure.
 ByPass
 Pass
 Force
 Optional
 No File Figure 42: File Handler Cell in test
Let us take a closer look at the each file handler keyword a table
bit later.

4.3.1) ByPass
Using any file handler is very simple. It must be used as shown below…

The concept of ByPass is also very easy, whenever you mention ByPass file handler before a file
name, fixture avoids sending that request to WCC. It uses that file just for doing actions mentioned from
the fourth line onwards. The same file is considered as a request and response as well.

Figure 43: ByPass file handler

Observe the figure to understand more about the ByPass file handler. WCC is on a distant island
without any interaction from FitNesse and there is no response xml file.
Why do we need file handler that does not send the xml file to WCC? Let us say we want to deal
with a response xml file repeatedly, instead of sending the request multiple times, we can send the request

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once to WCC, and we can call response xml multiple times using this ByPass file handler. This saves us
from repeatedly sending the same request to WCC to get the response.

4.3.2) Pass
Pass works just as default file handler, it sends request file to WCC normally look at the Figure 2
Interactions between User, FitNesse, Fixture and WCC to look at the way default file handler works. It
normally sends the request to WCC and receives the response. Well, why do we need one more thing that
does exactly same as an existing thing?
Let us assume a scenario where we have 100 test cases, and we have a test step in all of them, like
adding a party, that can be executed only once in WCC server and the test cases may have to be executed
more than once. For example, say we can add a party in each test case only once and our test cases work if
that party is added to the database once. We cannot add the party for the second time even if we run the
test case for second time. How do we deal with such a scenario? One solution is saving all the steps that
must be executed only once in a separate suite and all other steps in another suite. This works as long as
the adding the party for each test case is the first step, but what if the party has to be added as part of
second test table? This where a combination of Pass, ByPass and page-variables come to use. Did you get
how to do it?
Instead of hard coding Pass or ByPass, we use a fitnesse page-variable, in all our test tables, which
have to be run only once, as below.

We have to define that page-variable in the parent suite page for all the test cases with either By­
Pass or Pass. To run all the steps for the first time, we have to provide value Pass in the variable. Before
running the same test cases again, change the value in the variable to ‘ByPass’. Now from second time on­
wards, addPerson will be by-passed and party will not be added again. The reason for doing this is, we can
modify the contents of a cell using these variables, but we cannot add new cells. ByPass can be made into
Pass and Pass can be made into ByPass, but default file handler cannot be converted to other file handler,
as there is no cell for default file handler.

4.3.3) Force
Observe Figure 44. If
you read the error message, it
says that variable ‘partyID?’
cannot be found from previous
test run. This PassThrough
problem will come when an un­
defined variable is used in an
xml file for a default file hand­
Figure 44: PassThrough exception is thrown when an undefined variable is used
ler. This may look like a valid in the xml file
scenario because when some
variable is not filled in request
xml, there is a high probability that WCC may throw error, because if party id is mandatory for transaction
like getPerson.
Nevertheless, it is not true all the times. There will be some optional fields as GivenNameTwo in
updatePersonName transaction. In such a scenario, it is not mandatory to throw this exception. Anyway,
the fixture does not always have to worry about the missing variables because WCC will obviously throw
error, if it is a mandatory field. So this Force file handler is introduced to handle such optional variables,
which may not be necessary to be defined.

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This is what Force does, whenever it finds a variable, which is not previously defined, it replaces
that variable with an empty string.
<tcrmParam name=“partyID”>!!partyID?!!</tcrmParam>
<tcrmParam name=“inquiryLevel”>3</tcrmParam>

The above xml be converted as below when the variable ‘partyID?’ is not defined before. The re­
quest shown below will be sent to WCC, of course, this xml will result into an error from WCC, party-id is
mandatory for getPerson transaction.
<tcrmParam name=“partyID”></tcrmParam>
<tcrmParam name=“inquiryLevel”>3</tcrmParam>

Syntax of force file handler is as shown below…


4.3.4) Optional
As discussed in the previous
section, the force will push the xml to
WCC at any cost, by replacing the un­
defined variables with an empty string.
However, ‘Optional’ file handler has
two different types of behaviors. It be­
haves like a ByPass whenever a vari­
able is not found in the xml file and
works like Pass when all the variables
used in a request are found. Figure 45: Optional just working as Pass as the variable partyID? is
See the screen shots provided,
the first picture is a scenario where the
variable is defined. Optional file handler is used on getPerson.xml in which the variable ‘partyID?’ is used.
The variable ‘partyID?’ is defined in the first test table. Therefore, the optional keyword just behaved as
Pass and ResultCode exists in the response of getPerson transaction.

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If you observe the second pic­
ture, the same script is run, however
with a small modification. Instead of
the variable name ‘partyID?’ the vari­
able is defined as ‘CONT_ID?’. How­
ever, the request of getPerson is not
modified and it still has !!partyID?!!.
Now, the Optional file handler behaved
as ByPass and did not send the getPer­
son.xml to WCC. That is the reason
why the ResultCode is not found. If Figure 46: Optional behaving as ByPass because partyID? variable
you remember, with ByPass the request used in getPerson is not found
itself is considered as the response. As
the request does not have the tag ResultCode, the Exists assertion failed with an error: Tag Not Found.
Here is the syntax of Optional file handler…

4.3.5) No File
Sometimes we want to create tables without any xml file. It may be for performing some miscel­
laneous operations like add, copy, variable assignments etc., without any interference with xml tags. Be­
low is the example of ‘No File’ file handler.

Figure 47: Example of 'no file' file handler

Forget about what is CCopy and others, all you have to worry about is that there is no file name
mentioned in the third row and the word ‘no file’ is mentioned instead.

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4.4 Predefined Variables

Generally, we cannot add same test data repeatedly to the database. For example, if DSP set to ON
in WCC server, we cannot run same addPerson request xml file twice. We should be able to randomize the
input. It leads to a conclusion that we need some unique data to be created by the fixture for us, to use it in
request xml files or actions. That is why predefined variables are created. Here is the list of predefined
variables as of now…
 ?UniqueKey?
 ?UniqueNumber?
 ?YYYY?
 ?MM?
 ?DD?
 ?CreateBackup?
Why is there question mark before and after all the variables? This is just a convention to differen­
tiate between a variable created in test script and a predefined variable.

4.4.1) ?UniqueKey?
'?UniqueKey?' is a predefined variable which is an alphanumeric string. This will be unique every
time we run a new test or new suite. However, when we run several test cases as a suite, the value in the
unique key variable will be same for all the tests. The fixture is designed in such a way that it creates the
variable when we click the test button or suite button.
You can use this variable like any other variable you created using passthrough actions. Either in
xml files or in a test script, you have to use it inside variable placeholders. How does it create a unique
string every time? To be precise, it does not create a new unique string every time, however, it creates a
new string for every one second. The algorithm used for generating a unique string is as follows. The fix­
ture takes start date as July 22nd 2008 and counts number of seconds that paused until now. However, we
cannot use that number as it is, because it will be very big number, we need around 5-8 characters or else it
may cause problems because of its length. The fixture then converts that large number is a 32 base number
from decimal number. This converts that large number into a 6-character string as of now. The length is
going to be six until around 2040, so we do not have to worry change in its length. The value coming out
of this unique key variable is similar to 1A89B0.

4.4.2) ?UniqueNumber?
We have to use ‘?UniqueNumber?’ variable if we want to place a unique number in the xml file
while executing. It generates a minimum of six digits. It increases each time we execute a test case or test
suite. So, if there are ten test cases in a test suite and when we execute all the test cases as suite, the value
in the variable ‘?UniqueNumber?’ is going to be same for all ten test cases. If you want to change the
value in this variable, you will have to use Reset All. The convention we are following in our assignment
is, we have a ‘Reset All’ action at the end of each test script.
Generating a unique number is tough. Unlike UniqueKey (which is alphanumeric), unique number
variable is a numeric value. Therefore, there are only 10 digits, hence we cannot generate it using the time
difference. Because if we do so, just for ten days the number will be 864000 and in 100 days it will become
a 7 digit number. In 3 years, the length will be eight. You expect six digits in a tag and use this variable, but
it will become a seven-digit number in 100 days, which may cause unexpected failures.Therefore, it is not
safe to depend on it.
I decided to use a different approach that is using the properties file for this. If you remember, the
tag UniqueNumber holds an integer, whenever a test is initiated, the number from the tag is taken and

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stored in the variable '?UniqueNumber?' and the integer in the UniqueNumber tag of properties file is in­
cremented. Therefore, we can guarantee the uniqueness of the value inside the variable ?UniqueNumber?.
However, even with this algorithm, length changes quickly. If we assume that we run a test every
10 seconds, it will take 3 years for us to 7 digits, but how are going to handle length of the UniqueNumber
initially? It adds zeroes in the beginning of the number until six digits. So it starts with filling 000001 in
place of !!?UniqueNumber?!!, and keeps on increasing. To reset the value, you can simply change the
value in properties file (remember the UniqueNumber tag?) and the unique numbers will start from the
number you provide.

4.4.3) ?YYYY?, ?MM?, ?DD?

'?YYYY?' variable has current year in YYYY format. '?MM?' has month in two digit format and '?
DD?' in two digit date format. These three variables can be used in combination to produce date in several
formats. In our assignment the date format is yyyy-MM-dd, we will have to pass current system dated in
the request xml files in some cases. So we got to use ‘!!?YYYY?!!-!!?MM?!!-!!?DD?!!’ or ‘##?YYYY?
##-##?MM?##-##?DD?##’ where ever we want to replace with current system date. I will explain about
## variable placeholder later.

4.4.4) ?CreateBackup?
‘?CreateBackup?’ is not just a regular variable. This is a behavioral modifier of the fixture. It is a
property that you can change. It can have two values either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. If the value inside this variable is
‘yes’, fixture creates backup copies of a request and a response xml files in old folder. If it has ‘no’ in it,
existing request and response files will be overwritten and the backup copies are not stored. Refer to the
section Storing request and response xml files about backing up of files while executing tests. You can
change the variable like any other variable using copy or some other means, which are explained in sec­
tions New Passthroughs and Miscellaneous Key words. You can also change the value in the middle of a
test script.

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4.5 New Variable Placeholder

As you know, ‘!!’ is a variable placeholder that helps us to replace a variable with its value. ‘!!’ re­
places the variable with the exact value. I have added a new variable placeholder to the fixture, let us dis­
cuss about that now.

4.5.1) ##
This is a new variable placeholder that converts the value of the variable into uppercase and then
replaces the variable with the converted value. Here is the example screenshot of test runs with ## variable

Figure 48: !! Versus ##

Observe the difference between the first row and second row as !!two?!! resulted into Middle
Name and value assertion passed which means !! is replacing the value exactly as it is in the variable. The
second row ##two?## is converted into MIDDLE NAME and the value assertion failed. Observe the ex­
pected and actual values for the action keyword.
The same is the case even with using ## in xml files. Therefore, if we assume that the value in a
variable ‘two?’ is ‘middle name’. <GivenNameOne>##two?##</GivenNameOne> in the request will be­
come <GivenNameOne>MIDDLE NAME</GivenNameOne> before going to WCC.

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4.6 New Passthroughs

In the basic fixture PassThrough is the only action for storing a value from a tag in a variable. We
need more ways of storing value from tag, and we need flexible ways that react to complicated scenarios
and dynamic test data environments. We need to store partial values of a tag. We need to store count of
XPath. Here is the list of new pass-through actions.
 Count PassThrough
 Part PassThrough
 CPassThrough
 CPart PassThrough
 CPassThrough Or Copy
Lets us look at one by one, from easiest to the slightly complex.

4.6.1) Count PassThrough

This action stores the number of tags matching the XPath in a variable. If the tag does not exist in
the xml file, the Count PassThrough will store zero in the variable. The syntax is similar to PassThrough.
|Count PassThrough|/TCRMService/TxResponse/ResponseObject/TCRMPersonBObj/TCRMPerson­

Figure 49: Count PassThrough test run

4.6.2) Part PassThrough

Now let us move to another kind of PassThrough. This is a shortened form of Partial PassThrough.
As the full form says, Part PassThrough helps us store partial values of a tag into a variable. When we
store using PassThrough, the entire value inside the tag is stored in the variable. However, with Part
PassThrough, we can precisely control from which character to which character, we want to extract from
the tag and store in a variable.
To be able to control the start point and endpoint in a string, I have defined three additional para­
meters in Cell 4, Cell 5, and Cell 6. Here is the syntax for Part PassThrough…

Part PassThrough XPath of the tag to be used Variable Name Start Point End Point Length
Illustration 3: Syntax of Part PassThrough action keyword

You know the first three cells. The fourth cell is for mentioning the starting character in the string
the index starts from one not from zero. The fifth cell is for the endpoint and the sixth cell is for length. To
pinpoint a portion of a string precisely, you have two ways to do that, mention either start point to end­
point or endpoint and length. When a start point is provided, the fixture ignores the length. Otherwise,
length becomes mandatory.
|Part PassThrough|//TCRMPersonBObj/TCRMPersonNameBObj/GivenNameOne|name?|3|5|

The previous syntax line will extract from third character to fifth character from the Given­
NameOne tag. Isn’t it simple? Try to answer this. How will you tell fixture to extract from 3rd character to
the last character? It is impossible to do it with whatever I explained you so far, because you will never
know what the length of the string is (at least not always). So, little more functionality is added to the Part
PassThrough action. The way to do it is, you give any number larger than the number of characters in the

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string like 999999. Then the Part PassThrough will reduce the given endpoint to the real endpoint of the
string(length of the string). This is how it looks like in the fitnesse script…
|Part PassThrough|//TCRMPersonBObj/TCRMPersonNameBObj/GivenNameOne|name?|3|99999|

You may get a doubt why the length parameter is provided. Can’t we just tell the start point and en­
dpoint to extract portion of the string? You can, but how are you going to tell a fixture to pick last four
characters when we do not know the number of characters in the string. This length parameter is provided
to solve that problem. We use end-length pattern of Part PassThrough to pick last n number of characters
of a string. Let us look at an example of end-length pattern. In this end-length pattern, we mention the end­
point of the portion you want to extract from the string and number of characters you want to extract. If
you want to extract last four characters of a string of length10 characters, you should provide endpoint as
10 and length as four. The syntax is as below…
|Part PassThrough|//TCRMPersonBObj/TCRMPersonNameBObj/GivenNameOne|name?||10|4|

Then how to pick the last four characters of a string, when the number of characters in the string is
unknown? The answer is similar, instead of providing the actual endpoint, we will provide something like
99999. Here is the answer…
|Part PassThrough|//TCRMPersonBObj/TCRMPersonNameBObj/GivenNameOne|name?||99999|4|

Make a note of an empty cell provided instead of start point, if you do not provide that empty cell
then 99999 will be the fourth cell and will be considered as a start point and 4 will be considered as end­
point. If you provide a start point, which is greater than endpoint, this will reset the start point to make it
equal to the endpoint. If length is greater than endpoint, it will also be reduced to endpoint. Here is the
screen-shot of Part PassThrough run.

Figure 50: Test execution with various combinations of start, end and lengths

In the above example, to make it easy to understand, I provided 123456789 in the requesterName
tag. If the tag is not found or if more than one tag is found, the Part PassThrough will throw an error.

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4.6.3) CPassThrough
I should say this is one of the three most significant changes to the fixture. It revolutionized the
way we write automation scripts. The other two significant changes are ByPass and CValue IgnoreCase.
These three features drastically reduced the time needed to create automation scripts and debug them.
Even though the concept of CPassThrough is very simple, but when we used it along with CValue Ignore­
Case it is a wonder. It took me nearly a week to design these features and develop them in the fixture. We
saved nearly two person months in a span of one month i.e., we would have nearly spent three months to
do the same work if we have to do it without CPassThrough, CValue IgnoreCase and ByPass. Half of the
time saved by them is directly saved because of these features and the remaining half of the time saved by
them indirectly. I mean, they paved a way to take a new
approach called Re-usability. It saved us hell a lot of
time. The reasons why I could come up with this new ap­
proach are simply the above three mentioned. Without
these three, there is no concept of Re-usability.
The expanded form of CPassThrough is Condi­
tional PassThrough. It conditionally decides whether to
create a variable or not. The difference between
PassThrough and CPassThrough is simple, if no tag is
found for CPassThrough, it does not throw any error it
simply ignores that row in the test table. It also ignores
the row in the test table if no value is found in the tag.
However, CPassThrough still requires a valid
XPath and that should match to one and only one tag. If
the XPath is invalid, it must be corrected. If more than
one tag is found for the XPath, fixture cannot decide,
which tag to store the value from. You may get a doubt
why that scenario can not be ignored. Let me explain you
the whole theory behind creating CPassThrough and
CValue IgnoreCase. When both are used one a same tag
in a script, if the tag does not have a value before it most
probably won’t have the value afterward, so if variable is
not defined before it won’t the CValue IgnoreCase ex­
pects that tag to be empty. If the variable is defined,
CValue IgnoreCase expects that the tag to have a same
value. So, if more than one tag is found for the XPath,
CPassThrough throws error because if it just ignores that
line and the CValue IgnoreCase does not find the variable
and expects the tag to be empty. However, we have the
value in one or more tags.
Let me rephrase the above scenario in practical
terms, if the person has GivenNameTwo while adding the Figure 51: Flow of CPassThrough
party, the getPerson will also have that tag. If the person
is added without GivenNameTwo in the name, the getPerson will also do not have the tag. However, if
there are more than one GivenNameTwo tags, the getPerson will also have values in GivenNameTwo tags,
so the right thing to do is to throw an error instead of just ignoring the action keyword. Here is the syntax
of CPassThrough…

The examples for passed, failed and ignored scenarios are provided in Figure 52.

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Figure 52: Test runs of CPassThrough in various scenario

Observe the third and fourth CPassThrough in the above screen-shot. If you observe third cells in
both the rows, they are in gray color, it is a way of showing that the rows are just ignored without any er­
ror. If you observe the messages in the second cells of both the rows, you will understand why each
CPassThrough failed. First message is Tag Not Found for XPath and the second message is No Value in­
side tag. Do they need more explanations? I suppose not.

4.6.4) CPart PassThrough

CPart PassThrough is a mixture of both Part PassThrough and CPassThrough. As you know,
CPassThrough ignores the action row if the tag is not found, and defines a variable if the tag with a value
inside it is found. Part PassThrough defines the variable with a partial value inside it. However, if the tag is
not found, Part PassThrough will throw an error. We are unable to write conditional action rows that are
common for number of scripts. We lost the flexibility, the scripts have to be data specific.
However, we recently got requirement to write a common script with Part PassThrough, that works
for number of xml files. Part PassThrough is not conditional, and if the tag that is referred by its XPath is
not found in the xml file, that action is going to throw an error. This means that we cannot use this action
for tags that are optional and may not be present in xml file. Therefore, I have added this new pass-through
kind of action. Unlike Part PassThrough, CPart PassThrough will not throw an error if the tags are not
found. This will simply ignore the action row. If the tag is found, it simply works like a Part PassThrough.

Cpart PassThrough XPath of the tag to be used Variable Name Start Point End Point Length
Illustration 4: Syntax of CPart PassThrough action keyword; Exactly like Part PassThrough

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4.6.5) CPassThrough Or Copy
This is slightly complicated than
CPassThrough, in fact, it is an extension to
CPassThrough. There will be many scen­
arios where some default values will be as­
signed when we do not provide the tag or
leave the tag blank. How do we deal with
such a scenario? ‘CPassThrough Or
Copy’ solves one special scenario of this
problem. We have other ways to solve the
remaining problems. Let us look at what
CPassThrough Or Copy does…
It checks if a unique tag is found for
XPath, and if it does, it will create the vari­
able and copy the value from the tag into
the variable. However, if it does not find a
tag, it tries to fetch the value from fourth
cell, if a variable is found in cell 4, it
checks if the variable is already defined. If
the variable is not found, the action line is
ignored and if the variable is found, it re­
places the variable with the value in the
variable and copies that final string into a
newly created variable.
However, if the tag is empty, then it
just ignores the action without considering
cell 4. If more than one tag is found, it is an

Figure 53: Flow of CPassThrough Or Copy action keyword

Figure 54: Test runs of CPassThrough Or Copy

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Fourth cell can be a variable or a constant or combination of both. It is same as third cell in value
assertion. The variable has to be enclosed in variable placeholders as usual. Here is the syntax of
CPassThrough Or Copy…

CpassThrough Or Copy XPath of the tag to be used Variable Name String With Or Without Variable
Illustration 5: Syntax for CPassThrough Or Copy
This action is widely used in testing update services. Let us say you are updating the name of a per­
son who has a name with the elements GivenNameOne, GivenNameTwo, LastName. If you try to update
the name, and if you provide an empty tag for GivenNameTwo in updatePersonName request xml file,
then the GivenNameTwo will be deleted from the person’s name. However, if you do not provide the tag
in the request, then the existing value for the GivenNameTwo will be persisted.
This is the exact reason for which CPassThrough or Copy is designed. We mention the XPath of
the tag, which we want to store the value of, and provide a variable name and in the fourth cell, we give
the variable defined for the value of same tag previous variable. So, if the request xml has no value in that
tag, the value in the old variable will be ignored, that is what WCC does, it deletes the value in the tag. If
tag is not found, the old variable value will be copied into the new variable. WCC retains the value of that
tag if there is any before update transaction.

4.7 New Assertions

So far, we discussed about the new pass-through kind of actions. Let us move on to the new
assertions. Following is the list of assertions I have added so far.
 Value IgnoreCase
 Contains
 Is Empty
 Not Empty
 Length
 Is PastDate
 Is FutureDate
 Is Today
 Is Before
 Is After
 Is SameDate
 CValue
 CValue IgnoreCase
 CContains
 All CValue IgnoreCase
 All CContains

4.7.1) Value IgnoreCase

This assertion works the same way as Value assertion, but it will compare without considering the
case. So, Hello and hello are equal for this assertion. It fails if the data in the tag is not equal to the spe­
cified value, even after ignoring the case. Check the screen-shot below…

Figure 55: Test runs of Value IgnoreCase

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4.7.2) Contains
So far, you have seen comparison of entire value inside a tag with another tag. ‘Contains’ checks
if the expected value (value in cell3) is inside the actual value (value of the tag). It also ignores the case.
There is no difference between flow of value assertion (Figure 24) and contains assertion except for the
last step, where it also passes if the expected value is inside the actual value (value inside tag). Syntax of
Contains assertion is similar to Value assertion.

Figure 56: Test runs of Contains assertion

First six rows of Contains assertions in Figure 56 are as

expected, but sixth and last one is a bit tricky. Isn’t the ‘Middle
Name’ a partial value of ‘Middle Name meddle’? Yes it is. How­
ever, contains checks if expected value is inside actual value i.e.
it checks if ‘Middle Name meddle’ is inside ‘Middle Name’. In
this scenario, actual value is a part of expected value. If you ob­
serve third Contains assertion, you can find that Contains also
matched, even if the expected and actual values are equal.

4.7.3) Is Empty
‘Is Empty’ assertion checks if a tag exists, but is empty.
If there is a value in the tag, the assertion fails. The assertion also
fails when the tag is not found or the XPath is invalid.

Figure 58: Test runs of Is Empty assertion

‘Is Empty’ also fails when more than one tag is found for
the XPath. Look at the above screen-shot for different scenarios.

4.7.4) Not Empty

‘Not empty’ is exact opposite of Is Empty. It works ex­ Figure 57: Flow of IsEmpty
actly the same way except at the last step. Is Empty checks if the
tag empty, where as Not Empty checks if the tag is not empty. Otherwise, the assertion fails.

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4.7.5) Length
Length Assertion checks if the number of characters in a tag is as expected. Here is the syntax for
Length assertion in Illustration 6…
This assertion can be useful if there Length XPath Number Of Characters
is a scenario where in WCC have to auto Illustration 6: Syntax of Length Assertion
generate some keys of specific
number of digits. Here are test
runs of Length assertion.
If you look at the last
assertion, it still needs more
clarity. For many errors, it
only says Problem with XPath.
It throws the same error mes­
sage even for an XPath, which
matches to more than one tag.
I shall be fixing it in later ver­
sion of the fixture. Figure 59: Test runs of Length assertion

4.7.6) Is PastDate
The assertions we looked at so far considers
the value in the tag as either a string or an integer.
However, that may not be enough all the times.
Sometimes, we will have to work with dates. Now
let us discuss about some date assertions. First one
of this kind is Is PastDate. This assertion checks if
the tag has a past date. It compares against the cur­
rent system date. It will only check against dates, it
will not consider the time on which the assertion is
If the tag has a value ‘2009-10-10 00:00:00’,
and if we tested when the time is ‘2009-10-10
13:45:00’, assertion fails. It is because the date in
the tag is same as the current date.
I have created a dummy xml file with differ­
ent dates so that testing will be easy. Observe the
screen shot in Figure 60 to understand how the Is
PastDate assertion works. That dummy xml contains Figure 60: Test runs of Is PastDate
several tags with different dates. The PastDate tag
has a past date in it, Future date has a future date,
RepeatedDate tag is repeated more than once etc.,
As I said Is PastDate compares value inside a tag with current system date, so we do not have to
provide any other dates we compare with. So, Is PastDate only requires two cells, Action keyword cell and
XPath cell.

4.7.7) Is FutureDate
‘Is FutureDate’ also works like ‘Is PastDate’ except that it checks if the tag has a future date.
Look at the Figure 64 to see how it works. The error messages also changed for Is future Date assertion.

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Figure 61: Test runs of Is PastDate Figure 62: Test runs of Is PastDate

4.7.8) Is Today
‘Is Today’ is an assertion that checks if the tag has a current system date. This assertion fails if the
tag does not have the current system date. Look at the Figure 63 for test run examples.

Figure 63: Test runs of Is Today

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4.7.9) Is Before
The previous three assertions work with
current system date and the tag. Sometimes we
may have to compare a tag with another tag. In
such a scenario, ‘Is Before’ and the next two asser­
tions do the trick. Is Before checks the date inside a
tag with a variable or constant. It asserts that the
date inside the tag is before the date provided in
Cell 3.

Figure 64: Test runs of Is Future Date

Figure 65: Test runs of Is Future Date

Figure 66: Test runs of Is Before assertion

The cell 3 can be either a variable or a constant. Here is the example usage
|Is Before|/DateTestXML/PastDate|2009-06-08|

If you remember, we have discussed about DateFormat tag in properties.xml file. Is Before, Is
After, Is SameDate will use the date format provided in that tag. So, if your implementation of WCC uses

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any date format other than yyyy-MM-dd, you have to mention that date format in the tag DateFormat in

4.7.10) Is After
‘Is After’ action checks if the date inside a tag is after the date provided in the cell 3. There is no
difference between Is Before and Is After as long as the syntax is considered, Screenshots of test runs for
Is After assertion is in Figure 67.

4.7.11) Is SameDate
‘Is SameDate’ checks if the value inside a tag is same date as the provided in the cell 3. Here are
the test runs of Is SameDate assertion. Everything else is same as the Is Before and Is After assertions.

Figure 67: Test runs of IS After assertion

Figure 68: Test runs of Is SameDate assertion

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4.7.12) CValue

Figure 69: Flow of CValue assertion

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This is an advanced version of Value assertion, CValue means Conditional Value. The same way
CPassThrough decides whether to ignore the assertion, or pass or fail the assertion, CValue conditionally
Observe the flow chart in Figure 69. Do not worry. It looks big and complex, but it is not that
tough to understand. The concept is simple, if a variable is defined before, it means that there is a value in­
side tag while defining it, so the tag must also have the same value now. If the tag is missing or value in­
side tag blank or is different while comparing, there is something wrong because the variable is defined
before. If a variable is not defined, either the value in the tag is empty while defining the variable or the
tag is missing while using CPassThrough on that tag. So, either there must be no tag or the tag must be
blank even while comparing. If a non-empty tag is found while comparing, where did that value come
from? There must be something wrong. If variable and tag are not found that is OK, just ignore that. To
achieve this effect, we try to use CPassThrough to define the variables, on which we want to use CValue.
If more than one tag is found at any point of time, it is an error. There must only one tag found
when the variable used in cell 3 is already defined or else fixture cannot decide on which tag to work with,
so this one is also an error. That is it. The whole logic of the entire flowchart is in Figure 69.

Figure 70: All tags present with PassThrough and Value assertions

To get maximum benefit out of it, you should use CValue along with CPassThrough. I meant to
create the variable using CPassThrough and compare them with tags using CValue. You can also define

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the same variable with PassThrough and compare it with CValue. Hmm, you may ask me how the combin­
ation of CPassThrough and CValue is going to be useful. Let us look at an example and compare it with
PassThrough and Value, then you will find an obvious difference. Let us assume that there is a person be­
ing added to the WCC, and we have to compare his name from addPerson request to getPerson response
xml. Here is how you write a fitnesse script using a PassThrough and Value.
The previous screen-shot may be giving you a false sense of security that everything went right,
and it is perfect. Yes, you are right everything went right, but it is not perfect. What if tomorrow the ad­

Figure 71: Test run of PassThrough and Value combination after removing tags

dPerson xml is modified because of some reason? Let us say GivenNameThree tag is made empty and
GivenNameFour is deleted. See the screen-shot of another test run after making the mentioned changes in
Figure 71.
Oops, the script has broken. Is there anything wrong with the way addPerson and getPerson work­
ing? The answer is No. This is what we do not want from any automation script, we do not want attention
when we do not have anything wrong. The GivenNameThree and GivenNameFour are not added while
adding the party, so there is nothing wrong, even if we ignore them while comparing. So, moral of the
story is that if you want to modify xml file, you should also check if your fitnesse script is broken, and if it

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did, you should modify the script also. You cannot use the same script for some other test cases where
GivenNameTwo is also missing.
Let us use CValue instead of Value. Look at the Figure 72, for the screen-shot with the Value re­
placed with CValue. As we did not have the values while adding the party, PassThrough did not create the
variables. As the variables used in Cell 3 are not defined by PassThrough in first test table, CValue

Figure 72: Using CValue didn't completely fix that problem; PassThrough still creates a problem
checked if any tags with the XPath provided in cell 2 are found as the response of getPerson does not have
any tags without values, the CValue simple ignored that action row in the test table. You can see the mes­
sages that variable not found and tag not found for XPath the same rows.
However, as you can clearly see from the Figure 72, the problem is not completely fixed. Even
though things went right in getPerson test table, not everything looks right in test table 1. PassThrough
throws an error whenever you want to PassThrough an empty or missing tag. So, we cannot use
PassThrough when the xml file is tend to change. The other alternative we have is CPassThrough.
Observe Figure 73 to see how CPassThrough and CValue’s combination have adjusted itself to ig­
nore when some tags are missing. Observe test run examples of CValue. The first example is straight.
Second CValue failed because there is a value in GivenNameTwo tag in request (I have used same request
xml and same pass through actions as used in Figure 73 and Figure 72) but the variable ‘undefVariable?’ is

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never defined before. As a result, it failed. The last two assertions failed because more than one tag is
found for comparison. This is it, did you sense the flexibility you got while using CPassThrough and
CValue. This is why CPassThrough and CValue are one of the best features, I added to the fixture.

Figure 73: Everything is fixed using CPassThrough and CValue

4.7.13) CValue IgnoreCase

CValue IgnoreCase is same as CValue except that it ignores the case while comparison. So, I do
not I have to re-explain this assertion. Syntax is similar except the action keyword to be used. For this as­
sertion, the keyword is CValue IgnoreCase.

4.7.14) CContains
Do you remember what ‘Contains’ does? It just checks the same way but conditionally as CValue
IgnoreCase does. Here are the test run examples of CContains.

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Figure 74: Test runs of CContains

Observe that CContains failed because we appended ‘Mr.’ before the variable making the expected
value Mr.Indiana, where as the actual just has the value Indiana. Do not forget that Contains and CCon­
tains checks if the expected value is inside actual value.

Figure 75: Test runs of CValue

4.7.15) All CValue IgnoreCase

All CValue IgnoreCase and All CContains assertions are different from other assertions in a way
that these two work on more than one tag. All CValue IgnoreCase, is conditional as CValue IgnoreCase.
However, the CValue IgnoreCase fails if more than one tag is found but All CValue IgnoreCase compares
all the matching tags and fails if even one comparison fails. Let us say we have to test searchPerson OOTB
transaction. Our test case is, we have to search using identification number, and we have to check if all the
parties returned in the response of the searchPerson has same identification number. How do we do that?
We simply use All CValue IgnoreCase, and we give an XPath that matches to all the identification num­
bers in the xml and we give the value to which it should be equal. That’s it. This is how our assertion looks
when we do not run it ..

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Figure 76: Example syntax of All CValue IgnoreCase

Once we run, it turns to something like this…

Figure 77: Test run of All CValue IgnoreCase with an XPath matching more than one tag
Observe last two cells in All CValue IgnoreCase test run, it is saying 12345678901 !=
12345678903 in the last but one line and all the rows above it said all those tags match with the value
provided in cell 3.

Figure 78: All tags matching with the variable value

If we use a variable in cell three, the variable will be replaced with its value as usual, and comparison will be
done with all the tags as shown in Figure 78. If the variable is not found, but values found in the tags
matching to that XPath, it is an error as in Figure 79.

Figure 79: Conditional failure with All CValue IgnoreCase

4.7.16) All CContains

This is similar to All CValue IgnoreCase except that it checks if the expected value is inside the
value in all the tags. Observe the below screen-shots and you will understand everything you have to un­
If you have observed the last row in first All CContains in Figure 80, it is saying 34567890 is not
in 78901 because the variable has larger string than actual value. The second assertion is where the XPath
is matching to only one tag, observe the difference between the first XPath and second XPath we have ad­
ditionally used [1] to restrict the XPath to first TCRMOrganizationSearchResultBObj. When only one tag
is matched to the XPath, there will not be any difference between CContains and All CContains.

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Figure 80: Test runs of All CContains

The conditional failures are also same as other conditional assertions, does not deserve any separ­
ate mention over here again.

4.8 Miscellaneous Key words

We have seen several action keywords so far, but there is a common point between everything dis­
cussed so far. They all work on one or multiple tags. Of course, in the context of WCC xml testing, that
may seem sufficient, but there will be several scenarios where we may have to do something other than
just working with tag even when testing XMLs. Probably, we may want to check if number of TCRMPer­
sonNameBObj is increased by one if we add a new name using addPersonName transaction. We may want
to define our own variable without any interference of a tag. We may want to be reminded of some manual
comparison etc. Several miscellaneous keywords are added to the fixture. They will answer all the above
questions. Let us look at all of them one by one. Here is the list of all the miscellaneous keywords…
 Copy
 CCopy
 Add
 If Variable Exists … EndIf
 Display Value
 Display Count
 Exception
 Remind
 Reset
 Reset All
 #

4.8.1) Copy
Copy acts like a PassThrough but there will not be any need for a tag. We can create a variable us­
ing a constant or a variable enclosed in variable placeholder. It simply copies a constant or value inside a
variable into a new variable. Once a variable is created, there will not be any difference between the vari­
able created by it and the variables created by PassThrough keywords. Look at the Figure 81 to find out
how to create a variable using copy.

Figure 81: Example of Copying a constant value into a variable

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Figure 82: Test runs of Copy

As in Figure 82, if you give two variables or two constants or any number of entities(variables or
constants) in the second cells both values will be concatenated and copied into variable. Copy assertion
fails if a variable used in cell 2 is undefined as in the last row of the figure.

4.8.2) CCopy
CCopy is a conditional action. If we do not want the error to be thrown if any variable used in cell
2 is not defined beforehand, just ignore that line, we use Conditional Copy in short CCopy. Nothing much
is there to explain, here is the screen-shot of CCopy execution.

Figure 83: Test runs of CCopy

There are three things to observe from this screen-shot. One: you do not have to worry about the
case of action keyword, observe that I have given each row in a mixed case, this is also applicable to any
action keyword. Two: if a variable is not found as in seventh row, the action line is ignored by CCopy,
however, copy will throw an error in such a scenario. Three: if you use the same variable multiple times,
the old value will be removed and new value will be stored in the variable. Four, if you do not provide
third cell, a new variable for which the variable name and value inside variable are equal. Observe Dummy
stringBuddha = Dummy stringBuddha in last but one row, this is also applicable to copy. Five if you
provide an empty third cell, an error will be thrown as in the last row of screen-shot of CCopy, the same is
applicable to copy also.

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4.8.3) Add
This is another miscellaneous action keyword
that actually adds two integers or two strings and
stores them in a new variable. However, if you acci­
dentally give a string in any of the cells in which you
have to give integers, both will be treated as strings. If
both are integers they will be added, if they are
strings, they will be concatenated.
So, in total, we need four cells for Add
keyword. Syntax of Add action keyword is provided
in Illustration 7.
You can provide anything in cell 2 and cell 3.
All the variables will be replaced with their values if
the variables are provided inside variable placehold­
ers. If the final values in both the cells are integers
then an integer addition will take place. If one of them
is string or a real number with some decimal places,
then both will be treated as string and will be concat­
Refer Figure 84 for examples of test runs of
add. You can clearly see when Integer addition oc­
curred and when string concatenation occurred. If we
miss any cell, it will throw an error. Figure 84: Test runs of Add Keyword

Add variable or constant variable or constant variable name

Illustration 7: Syntax of Add action keyword

4.8.4) If Variable Exists … EndIf

If Variable Exists … EndIf is not a single keyword. If If If assertion Keyword If assertion elements
… EndIf is a conditional block and variable exists is one Action Line
such assertion that works for If. If … EndIf is designed to :
provide a conditional execution of several statements. We :
are creating variables conditionally, so sometimes we may Action Line
have to find out if a variable is already defined. ‘Variable
Illustration 8: Syntax of If … EndIf action
Exists’ assertion checks if a variable is already defined. keyword
However, ‘Variable Exists’ cannot work on its own, we have
to use it along with If action keyword. Let us look at the syn­
tax of If … EndIf first, and then we will see the syntax of If Variable Exists … EndIf.
‘If’ action needs an assertion keyword that should result into
either true or false. Depending on whether that assertion If Variable Exists Variable name
keyword results into true or false, if action decides whether to Action Line
run action lines or not. If assertion keyword results into true, :
it executes all action lines until EndIf. If it results into false, it :
Action Line
skips the action lines until EndIf. Assertion Keyword requires
some elements to results into true or false. However, as of Illustration 9: Syntax of If Variable Exists …
now, there is only one if assertion keyword i.e., Variable EndIf action keyword
Exists. Variable Exists checks if a variable is already defined,
so, it needs only one assertion element to result into true or

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false. We have to provide the name of
the variable in the third cell. Action
Lines between If and EndIf can be
normal rows as in a test table.
Now, here is the syntax of If
Variable Exists … EndIf. The first cell
of the first row of If … EndIf block
should be ‘If’ as any other action
keyword. The second cell in the first
row is the action keyword, in this case,
it should be Variable Exists. The third
cell is for the name of the variable,
which we should check if it is defined Figure 85: Test runs of If Variable Exists ... EndIf
or not. From the second line of If …
EndIf block, the action lines and to mention the end of the conditional block you have to provide EndIf.
Look at these examples in Figure 85. The wiki script for the screen-shot is also provided.
|If|Variable Exists|var?|
|If|Variable Exists|undefinedVar?|

There are two If blocks in this script. First block is with a defined variable. Observe that the action
lines are run as the variable ‘var?’ is defined. They behave normally as ever. Observe that second assertion
failed because. If you observe the second If Variable Exists … EndIf block, you can see that the variable
‘undefinedVar?’ is not defined before and so the action lines in that conditional block are skipped.

4.8.5) Display Value

Display Value is an
action keyword that is ad­
ded to the fixture to display
values inside the tag
without doing some
PassThrough. This is just
for display purposes. Here
is an example…
Display Value re­ Figure 86: Test runs of Display Value
turns an error if the tag is
not found or if the tag is empty. It also throws an exception in the test run so that the tester will get an at­
tention, and the test report band too will turn into yellow as in Figure 15.

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4.8.6) Display Count
Display Count displays the number of tags match­
ing the XPath. Display Count also throws assertions. Check
Figure 87. Figure 87: Test runs of Display Count

4.8.7) Exception
This simply throws an exception to alert of
something the tester wants to be alerted. A comment
Figure 88: Test runs of Exception and Remind
can be added to the Exception. Check Figure 88.

4.8.8) Remind
Same as exception, no difference at all, except for the action keyword. Check Figure 88.

4.8.9) #
# is for providing com­
ments in the middle of a test table.
The fixture simply ignores the
line in which the action keyword
in #. The Cell will remain Grey
when we run the test. Comment
Figure 89: Observe that the line above exists is ignored without any action
can have any number of cells
based on need.

4.8.10) Reset
So far, we have seen different action
keywords that create or use a variable. Reset
and Reset All are different from everything
else. They are terminators. Reset will
remove all the variables that are defined
using PassThrough action keywords and
Miscellaneous Keywords. If there is any
predefined variable, they will not be
disturbed at all.
The syntax is simply a one-cell row
with reset in the cell. Observe the screen-
shot first.
If you observe the value in the vari­
able '?UniqueKey?' is 1M9NGA, and is
copied into a variable ‘var?’. If … EndIf
does not skip the Remind action line as the
variable ‘var?’ is defined. However, if you
observe the reset keyword, it says ‘Variables
Map is Reset’. If you observe the second If Figure 90: Test runs of reset
block skipped Remind action line, because
the ‘var?’ is destroyed. If you check the second copy line ?UniqueKey? Still has the same 1M9NGA. As
evident from the Figure 90 Reset will not reset predefined variables. We generally insert Reset at the end
of a script.

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4.8.11) Reset All
The Reset All is a kind of extension to
Reset. It resets the entire variable set and re­
sets the predefined variables. Observe that
variable ‘?UniqueKey?’ is also changed after
reset all, the initial value in Unique Key is
1MAFQ0 where as the value after reset all is
1MAFQ4. A new unique key will be gener­
ated with the same logic as discussed. Unique
number variable will be incremented by one.

Figure 91: Test runs of Reset All

4.9 Advantages of Customized fixture

The fixture is customized to cover the limitations from the basic fixture. To list all the advantages
is very easy. Let us have a glance at the advantages one more time.

4.9.1) Separating scripts from data

You have seen, how CPassThrough and CValue have saved our day in Figure 73. Now we can use
the same portion of script forgetting about what may miss in the xml file, when prefix comes blank or suf­
fix tag is not found in the xml. The script still works. This is what I call as separating scripts from data.
This is one of the fundamental principles of automation. Change in data should not cause the automation
script to fail. The basic fixture fails with any such change where as the actions in customized fixture adjust
themselves depending on the data.
Therefore, we can call these scripts “Flexible scripts”. These scripts can handle changes in data al­
most all the times. There can be some limited scenarios where this flexibility can let some defects escape.
Let us say, that the addPerson transaction should fail when we do not provide a value in GivenNameThree
tag. However, because of some defect in the code, the transaction got executed successfully. Even in such
case our test case passes, because CPassThrough will ignore the GivenNameThree tag while creating the
variable and even in getPerson transaction response xml, we do not get the GivenNameThree tag so
CValue does not throw any error.
Hmm, now it looks like too much flexibility can cause some damage. However, one thing we are
forgetting is an automation script should not do more than what test case does. If we really want to test
whether the addPerson fails when we do not pass a GivenNameThree. There must be a test case which is
testing just that. The test case must expect a FATAL result code in response when a blank Given­
NameThree is passed. But what if you do not want to write the test case, and want to verify in the same
automation script? Just use Value instead of CValue while asserting the value of GivenNameThree in the
getPerson response in the second test table. So, Value assertion will throw an error as shown in Figure 92.

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Figure 92: By mixing the assertions of basic fixture and new fixture can yield best results

4.9.2) More Actions

As you have already seen, there are only six actions in Basic Fixture. Only one way of passing
through the value from a tag either you pass entire value or do not. With the new actions, you have number
of ways to extract value from a tag. You can extract partial values, decide whether to create a variable or
not at run time. You can store the count. The same is the case with assertions. You can even assert dates.
There are many miscellaneous keywords added to let you create your own variables. You can write com­
ments within the test table. All these new actions have paved way for designing a new approach called Re-

Figure 93: Difference between old WccXMLFixture and current WccXMLFixture because of custom­

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All these new actions opened the doors for testing complicated requirements. Even some actions
are taken from existing fixture, some of them are updated to handle some of the exceptions that used to
crash the test run without letting us test anymore. Most of such crashes are caught now so that we can run
the test continuously without much fuss.

4.9.3) Request as well as response xml files can be validated

One of the biggest problems with the basic fixture is it cannot assert on request xml tags. If you
want to compare from a request to its response, you are at nowhere. With this customized fixture, you can
do validations on any file you want and the best part is, you do not have to mention which is request XPath
and which is response XPath. Based on the XPath you provide, it judges whether you want to work with
the request or the response, and acts accordingly.

4.9.4) Requests and Responses getting saved for future reference

As I have already explained, modified request and response xml files are saved in the same loca­
tion where the original xml file is located. It also creates the backup files while overwriting if you choose
so by changing the value in ‘?CreateBackup?’ variable to ‘Yes’. By default, the value inside this variable
is ‘No’. Therefore, the default behavior is to overwrite the existing request and response files.
Basic fixture cannot save these files. It just displays them in Output Captured window. You have to
save that page in HTML format with the old fixture.

4.9.5) Unique Key generators and Unique Number generators and several other pre­
defined variables
We generally need some unique data in every automation project. With the new predefined vari­
ables like ‘?UniqueNumber?’, ‘?UniqueKey?’ you can get unique data. You can use these variables any­
where, just as any other variable defined via fitnesse script.
Other predefined variables like ‘?YYYY?’, ‘?MM?’, ‘?DD?’ can be used to generate date kind of
data based on current system date. The reason for giving three different variables is, they can be used to
achieve any kind of format.

4.9.6) Customized log makes it easy to open xml files for debugging
As I have explained in 4.2.3) Output Captured the output logging in the customized fixture not only
looks good, but also reduces the load on FitNesse as it does not have to print all the files to the log. Open­
ing xml files in browser with colors will make finding some data easy, especially when the xml file is big.
You can also see the xml before replacing with variables and after variable replace so that we can
debug some more problems that can come by using wrong variables in xml.

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Until now, I have just discussed about linear way of creating scripts. If you have used any automa­
tion tool before, you will still see one missing feature, Re-usability. We cannot just prepare automation
scripts for hundreds of scripts in a linear fashion. One small change in the requirements or missing portion
of scripts will leave you in front of a heap of changes to be done on all your scripts. When we are testing
applications like WCC, MDM, we will find that we need to create similar portions of scripts repeatedly.
We need a better approach than just linear way of creating fitnesse scripts.
In any automation framework, we will generally create some reusable components and use those
components to achieve the logic of the test case. In order to be able to do that way, we have to separate the
scripts from data. The same script component should work for different sets of data. Maybe not for all sets
of data, but the component should at least work for wide varieties of data. With the new actions and fea­
tures, we can think of using the same components for multiple scripts. I have designed a new methodology
to create fitnesse scripts in our project by using the new features I have added and the features provided by
FitNesse. Let me explain you how it is done in our project.
FitNesse by default provides a functionality called ‘Page in lining’. Using this feature, we can in­
clude one page in another. This is the base for our entire methodology. Here is an example for including a
page in Figure 94. The figure has two things. One: there are two test tables. Two: one of the test tables
looks different. There is a border around the first test table. It is an example of Page in lining.

Figure 94: Page In-lining; or Page inclusion

We can include a page in another page using the following syntax…

!include <Path of the page to be included>

FitNesse uses ‘!include’ to include a page. The path can be either relative or absolute. An absolute
path must start with a ‘.’ and should include from the top most page. I have marked an area on the figure
with a red ellipse. It shows the path of the component included in the current script. The path says Re­
usableComponents.CisAddParty. There is no ‘.’ at the beginning of the path hence it is a relative party. We
can infer that there is a suite named ReusableComponents as a sibling (two pages defined as children for
same script are called siblings) of the current script being shown in the figure. Inside the ReusableCom­
ponents suite, there is a children page defined with the name CisAddParty and is included in the current
script. Look at the raw wiki script to see how it is done.

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'''Test: '''!-Verify that the MaintainPartyAlias transaction successfully adds a new Alias name to the
party. Party has only legal name and the party is an Individual. NameType, FirstName, Middle­
Name, LastName, Effective Date are provided in the request.-!

!include ReusableComponents.CisAddParty


Look at the line that starts with !include. It helped us include the page CisAddParty into the current
script. Not Everything else is of much importance now. If you go to the CisAddParty component, you will
just find a test table that is being shown here nothing else. We can include entire page but we cannot in­
clude portion of a page.
In the script of the component, there is nothing new it will be simply as below…

Just ignore the variable ‘${WCCInputDirBase}’ it is just a variable to store path. We prepare
these portions of scripts, that can be reused, and save them at one location. Later we include these com­
ponents in the actual test scripts, wherever we need it. So, the steps involved are pretty straight forward.
Here they are…
 Creating the Reusable Components
 Using or Including the Reusable Components
5.1 Designing the Reusable Components
Before we can design these, we have to plan. The first thing we need to decide is what must be the
reusable component? In our project we typically planned the reusable components by dividing the com­
ponents based on BObj (if you are not aware of what is a BObj, this is the terminology we use in xml it is
a parent tag for similar elements.) A typical example is creating a reusable component for TCRMPerson­
NameBObj and all of its children tags.
This can again be divided into two different components. Generally in most of our test cases, we
PassThrough the elements of one BObj, and compare all of them again after doing a specific task. To
quote an example, we can check whether all the elements of TCRMPersonNameBObj are added into the
database properly or not. We achieve it by passing through all elements of TCRMPersonNameBObj from
the request of addPerson and then by comparing them in the response of addPerson and getPerson. So, it
will be beneficial if we divide passing through and comparing those elements with the defined variables
into two different components.
There are several things to be noted before we can build a reusable component. I have just men­
tioned that we cannot include part of a page. So, we have to build atomic(cannot be broken down) com­
ponents. They have to be planned in such a way they need not be broken. That is the reason why we have
divided passing through and asserting into two different components as just explained.

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As you can see from the Figure 94, there is a file name in the first test table. Did you get a doubt
now? Will not the file name be same if we include the same component in multiple scripts? Yes it will be.
If we hard code the file name in the script, it will be same in every script. Therefore, you will have to
parameterize (any variable that is declared or created at the time of creating a script is called as page-vari­
able). The same is the case with file handler. It may have to be modified based on the situation as shown

A typical component as we just discussed is to PassThrough all the name elements. If we want to
use the same reusable component in two different scripts or twice in a single script, to PassThrough two
different names, we cannot hard code the xpath. If we do so, the xpath is going to point same name BObj.
We should also use a variable to change the index of the Xpath. The same logic applies for name of the
variables also. Each name elements must be stored in a different variable. This is how it can be done…

Observe the variables XpathIndex and VariableIndex in the

above component. If you have some mandatory elements, you have
to use PassThrough for such things. So, the errors in the xml file
can be caught easily. For all the other optional elements, use
CPassthrough, so that they will be ignored if they are not provided
in the xml. Once you planned the scripts, all you got to do is plan
where to place the scripts. We have created a sibling suite page to
all the automation scripts with the name ReusableComponents and Figure 95: Reusable Components suite
created all the ReusableComponents as children to this new suite. page as sibling for other test scripts
So, all the reusable components stay at one location for easy access.

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5.2 Including the Reusable Components

Now, since we changed the script to have variables instead of hard coded values, the script in
which it is defined will be having trouble placing the value in place of variable. Where does it get the ac­
tual file name to be placed in the script? You face the problem as shown in Figure 96 and Figure 97.

Figure 96: Variable defined in the Reusable Component will cause scripts to throw an error un­
defined variable

Figure 97: A typical component for passing through all the name tags

How do we handle this? Simply by defining the variables in the page in which we have to use this
component. Observe Figure 98 where the variables are defined before using the reusable component. The
values in the variables appear the included component.
We have to do the
same thing for all the auto­
mation scripts, wherever
these components have to be
used. This way, the compon­
ent can be called as a re­
usable component. Where
ever you want to reuse the
component, define the vari­
ables along with it. You
know, how to define vari­ Figure 98: Variables are defined before using the component where in the variables
ables in fitnesse pages. To are used
define a variable we use ‘!
define’ in the raw wiki script. It is already explained in section Syntax for Base Fixture.

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Let us look at it one more time. The syntax for defining a variable is as follows…
!define <Variable Name> {Value}

As an example, let us see how the script is written for using (including) a reusable component as in
Figure 98. Here is how the script has to be…
!define FileName {MPAL10001a-aCISAddParty.xml}
!define FileHandler {Pass}
!include ReusableComponents.CisAddParty

If we assume that, we have a script where we have to add a party and PassThrough two of his
names. The script that uses our reusable components, I have explained so far, should use the CisAddParty
component once and PassThrough Name component twice (there are two names to PassThrough, but the
component at a time deals with one).

Figure 99: A script that stores values in two name BObjs after adding the party

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Look at Figure 99. The same reusable component is used for passing through values in tags in two
different name BObjs in the same file. Observe that in both the name PassThrough reusable components (it
is named as CisRetrievePersonPassthroughOneName in our script, check the screen-shot in the previous
figure.) same file is used by setting its FileHandler to be ByPass. The file used by both components that
are passing through names is the response file generated in the first component. The files can be used in
any way you have to. As we are using ByPass file handler, it is just used for storing the variables. Notice
the way XPath and variable name is changed with the help of the variables XpathIndex and VariableIndex
in the reusable component. You can define the variable any number of times, the included component will
get recent value. The raw wiki script for achieving what is done in Figure 99 should be as below…

!define FileName {MPAL10001a-aCISAddParty.xml}

!define FileHandler {Pass}
!include ReusableComponents.CisAddParty

!define FileName {response\Response_MPAL10001a-aCISAddParty.xml}

!define FileHandler {ByPass}
!define XpathIndex {[1]}
!define VariableIndex {[1]}
!include ReusableComponents.CisRetrievePersonPassthroughOneName

!define FileName {response\Response_MPAL10001a-aCISAddParty.xml}

!define FileHandler {ByPass}
!define XpathIndex {[2]}
!define VariableIndex {[2]}
!include ReusableComponents.CisRetrievePersonPassthroughOneName

Look at the amount of clarity we have in the script. If the same script has to be written in a linear
fashion instead of using reusable components, the script would be 28 lines instead of just 13 lines in con­
trast to what is shown above. Using the reusable components will reduce the rework. If we have to add one
more tag named StartDate in all our scripts while declaring name variables. Add it in the component where
we defined all the variables for nametags. It gets reflected in all the scripts where ever it is included.
Check that the included portion
is updated when we modify the exist­
ing reusable component. Observe that
in Figure 100.
Modifying the reusable com­
ponent works fine as long as you do
not have to add a variable, if the script
is already included. What are you go­
ing to do, if you have to add a new
variable in a reusable component that
is already included in 100 test scripts? Figure 100: Modifying the reusable component will also effect all the
pages where it is included
Addition of new variable will break
the existing scripts, you will have to
add the definition of the variable in all the 100 scripts. To do that, you simply add the variable in the com­
ponent and to assign the default blank value in the existing scripts, define the variable with a blank value
in the parent page where all these test cases are defined.

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Appendix – I: Syntax of All the Actions

Syntax of All the Actions

Action Cell Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6
PassThrough XPath Variable Name
Count PassThrough XPath Variable Name
CPassThrough XPath Variable Name
CPassThrough Or Copy XPath Variable Name String
Part PassThrough XPath Variable Name Start Point End Point Length
Cpart PassThrough XPath Variable Name Start Point End Point Length
Copy String Variable Name
CCopy String Variable Name
Add Integer/String Integer/String Variable Name
Count XPath Integer
Value XPath String
Not Value XPath String
Value IgnoreCase XPath String
Contains XPath String
CValue XPath String
CValue IgnoreCase XPath String
Ccontains XPath String
All CValue IgnoreCase XPath String
All CContains XPath String
Exists XPath
Not Exists XPath
Is Empty XPath
Not Empty XPath
Length XPath Integer
Is PastDate XPath
Is FutureDate XPath
Is PastDate XPath
Is Before XPath Date
Is After XPath Date
Is SameDate XPath Date
If … EndIf Variable Exists Variable Name
Display Value XPath
Display Count XPath
Exception Any comment
Remind Any comment
# Any comment
Reset All
Table 1: Required & Conditional Elements for Actions

All the cells in white are mandatory cells
All the cells that are in dark Grey color are optional cells
All the cells that are marked in black are conditional cells, they become mandatory when
some other cell is not provided
Note: Wherever I mentioned String (or Integer or Integer/String), it can be a constant
string(or integer) or a variable name included in a variable placeholder.

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Appendix – II: Actions & Number of Tags

Actions & Number Of Tags

Action Cell Number Of Tags
PassThrough 1
Count PassThrough 0 to n
CPassThrough 1
CPassThrough Or Copy 1
Part PassThrough 1
Cpart PassThrough 1
Copy N/A
CCopy N/A
Add N/A
Count 0 to n
Value 1
Not Value 1
Value IgnoreCase 1
Contains 1
CValue 1
CValue IgnoreCase 1
Ccontains 1
All CValue IgnoreCase 0 to n
All CContains 0 to n
Exists 1 to n
Not Exists 0
Is Empty 1
Not Empty 1
Length 1
Is PastDate 1
Is FutureDate 1
Is PastDate 1
Is Before 1
Is After 1
Is SameDate 1
If … EndIf N/A
Display Value 1
Display Count 0 to n
Exception N/A
Remind N/A
# N/A
Reset N/A
Reset All N/A
Table 2: List of Actions & Number of tags that
should match to the XPath provided in cell 2 of test table

Prasad Buddha 78

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