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Map 1a illustrates the urban fabric that was disrupted with the construction of the

M2/M3 and Westlink highways. As can be seen, the network effectively isolates the
city center, colored blue, from the rest of the city. As a result of the fractured fabric
of the city and extensive highway networks, Belfast has developed a car-
dependency that encourages
The map on the right highlights the shattered fabric around the intersection of the
M2/M3 and Westlink and along the segments that border the northern edge of the
city centre. In total, 14 hectares were destroyed or fell into decay once the highway
was completed.
The highway segments on the northern edge of the city centre are elevated and in
addition to being a physical barrier to cross, have resulted in an unsightly and
uninviting environment in the area. These lots, which used to be the neighborhood
of Sailortown, now sit as fenced carparks or empty lots .

In making the corridor from the city centre to the harbor less of a barrier, Belfast will
be able

We are coming in as outsiders and trying to prod the city council as to what they
should do. Ours is more conceptual that others. We dont have a site. Ours is more
abstract. We are giving the city council ideas for things they could consider. We
need to talk more explicitly about the client. Highlight what we changed from the
midterm. Admit that we dont know the local landscape. We know some, not all. It is
very complex. Articulated as a intro statement. Image of location of five sites and
key intro into that.

For implementation, we dont know enough.

This is part of a dialogue thats important to have.

Talk about goals and objectives explicitly. Our client is very hands off. They wanted
to know what we saw.

Photos of meetings/engagements to show it

In what was can the city center be more integrated with the city
Our relationship with the client
This is not just a planning studio, we are thinking about design as well as planning.
Good from pedagogical point of view. Some of that shows in the projects, some
How did out thinking evolve after the trip. Before, we thought we could come back
with an executable plan now we are aiming for more conceptual things. Each of
these could frame future projects.

Even if we just tell them what they already know

Think about tim doing the conclusion

Talk about the report, publication.
Work as a process, as a launching point, not a final project
Script that will frame the presentation and project
Draft for Friday

Start with client

What we do
Joint studio
Level of engagement
What our goals were
Discus trip
Effect of trip on our planning

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