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Since the dawn of time people move from one place to another in search of

more opportunities and a better life.The complexity of migration has also increased
due to the formation of nations with clear defined boundaries. It has been argued
that the increase in migration as a whole has great benefits to mankind. However,
this movement of people has caused the promotion of phenomena such as
overpopulation, which had economical and political impacts.

It is clear that immigration can be beneficial for migrants, but only if their
rights are protected properly. It can also be economically beneficial for both
countries of origin and host countries.However, with present economic and trading
structures it is the rich and powerful countries that benefit most. Migration brings
social and cultural pressures that need to be taken into account in planning for
future services.

Migration also has the potential for bringing peoples together culturally but
friction occurs if efforts are not made to dispel the myths held by local people. It is
also essential to provide good information about the local way of life to newcomers
and ensure opportunities for people to mix and integrate.

Often a distinction is made between voluntary and involuntary migration, or

between refugees fleeing political conflict or natural disaster vs. economic or labor
migration, but these distinctions are difficult to make and partially subjective, as the
motivators for migration are often correlated.

Mass migration from poor areas to rich areas have adverse consequences for the
economy of hosting areas. It causes the waste of state funds,

which leads to the deterioration of the security and health situation of the
community. This would force the government to spend more money to maintain the
health and safety of the community. In Islands of the North Pacific, the population is
growing in urban areas at rates of up to 6% per annum.

Large numbers of people from the countryside move to the cities to escape poverty
and in search of opportunities for a better life.

But these cities are often not able to absorb them. This caused the emergence of
squatter settlements on the outskirts of cities.

There are countless of reasons why immigrants choose to migrate to another

country. For instance, globalization has increased the demand for workers from
other countries in order to sustain national economies. Known as "economic
migrants," these individuals are generally from impoverished developing countries
migrating to obtain sufficient income for survival.[12] This income is usually sent
home to family members in the form of remittances and has become an economic
staple in a number of developing countries.[13] People also move or are forced to
move as a result of conflict, human rights violations, violence, or to escape
persecution. In 2013, it was estimated that around 51.2 million people fell into this
category.[12] Another reason people move is to gain access to opportunities and
services or to escape extreme weather. This type of movement is usually from rural
to urban areas and is known as "internal migration."

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