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soazane Wenicaparacip ow ake sata anh White sauce pasta recipe, how to make pasta in white sauce Preptime | Cooktime “Total time ite sauce past recipe, easy to make rich, deleious and ereemy pasa i white sauce nd vegetabies! Recipe tyoe: main Cuisine: continental Serves: 3 Ingredients ‘4 cup pasta (1 used penne) 1 small exrot, peeled and cropped fne ‘eup sweet corn Kerns, baled Ya areen bell pepper, chopped tne ‘sre bel pepperchopped ine ‘tablespoon butter Forwnts sauce 1¥s tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon maida purpose Nour Iie cup mil, doled and cooled ‘teaspoon pepper poner 1 teaspoon cies oregano or bast or thyme teaspoon chil Makes Sate Instructions fot the pasta and set aside. Meat i tablespoon butter i a pan and saute the chopped vecetabes. Remove toa pk [Add 1 tablespoons buter in the samme pan and add maidayRlour Whisk very wel ‘Ad bole mil and rx well. Whisk very well in tow flame to avois ums. ‘Once the sauce starts to thicken, edd sal pepper power, chil kes ond ied herbs. Mix well ‘ed sauteed vegales and mix wal ‘ed bales posta ae mic well Serve white sauce pasta het. Notes pend seen cme TO soazane Wrnicapsarecp ow ake sata ah Moke sure tha there ore no lamps in white sauce. | 2] vou can acd tablespoons grated cieese while preparing whe sauce. Or you can serve the topped with | arated cheese | 5You can any died her or even mixed pasta spice instead of oregano, pend seen cme IO

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