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Upon vegetation plot 3 taken data on day 0th and the day 8th. On the day 0 th
the wet mass was 1040 gram and dried mass after beeing ovened was 220 gram so
the result of the shrink mass was 8320 gram. The results of calculating biomass
day 0th is 65,08 %. On the day 8th obtained wet mass was 10 gram and dried mass
after beeing ovened was 5 gram so the result of the shrink mass was 5 grams. The
results of of calculating biomass day 8th is 33,3 % .
Against this outcome it appears that biomass on the day zero having a
great percent, where plot 3 days 0th is 65,08 % and on the day 8th fell to of 33.3 %
as that has been shown on a chart. These graphs shows that the speed of storage
organic matter vegetation decreased, this is match with theory in next paragraph.
Clean primar productivity have usefulness that very important to
understand an ecosystem of because it could describe available energy for all
components in a chain and food chain. An ecosystem that has clean primar
productivity, will support organisms heterotrophic which is little amount
compared with ecosystem having high clean primar productivity. Clean
community productivity is speed storage organic matter was not used by eaters
(heterotrophic for one year or during the season of growth). In other words that
clean community productivity, is a speed of storaging organic matter in primer
organism who has been abandoned by eaters (Odum, 1993).
Biomassa tumbuhan bertambah karena tumbuhan menyerap
karbondioksida (CO2) dari udara dan mengubah zat ini menjadi bahan organik
melalui proses fotosintesis. Berbeda dengan hewan, tumbuhan membuat
makanannya sendiri yang disebut dengan produktivitas primer yang terbagi atas
produktivitas primer bersih dan produktivitas primer kotor (Heddy, dkk., 1986).
Penurunan laju penyimpanan bahan organik pada vegetasi plot 3 tersebut dapat
dikarenakan penurunan kemampuan vegetasi dalam penyerapan faktor-faktor
abiotik seperti kadar CO2 dan juga intensitas sinar matahari karena banyaknya
bagian vegetasi yang dipotong (bagian daunnya) sehingga kemampuan dalam
mengubah faktor abiotik yang ada menjadi menurun. Selain itu, terdapat faktor
lainnya seperti human error dalam melakukan praktikum sehingga hasil yang
diperoleh kurang maksimal.
Biomass of herbs increase because herbs absorb of carbon dioxide (CO2)
from the air and change this substance become the basis for organic through a
photosynthesis process. Different to animals, herbs make all his own called with
the primer productivity which are divided into productivity primary clean and
productivity primary dirty (Heddy, dkk., 1986). A decreasing rate of storaging the
organic matter upon vegetation in plot 3 it can because the vegetations ability
decreasing to absorb abiotic factors as CO 2 levels and also the intensity of the sun
because of the part vegetation that cut (part leaves) so that their ability to change
abiotic factors is decreasing. In addition, there are other factors as human error in
do lab work so that the result of obtained less than maximum.


1. Biomass obtained from the results of metabolism vegetation where

influenced by the rate storage organic matter, the ability of plants in store organic
matter , and the abiotic factors that is available.

Heddy, S., S.B Soemitro, dan S. Soekartomo. 1986. Pengantar Ekologi.

Jakarta: Penerbit Rajawali.
Odum, E. 1993. Dasar-dasar Ekologi Terjemahan oleh Tjahjono
samingan dari buku Fundamentals Ecology. Yogyakarta: UGM Press.

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