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Insurers nervou
in Brief
Korthals concluding
internship with
DAs office
about health car
By Kery Murakami decide by next month
CNHI Washington Reporter whether they will off
Ms. Meredith Jane
plans in the marketp
Korthals, daughter
WASHINGTON Po- exchanges next year
of Alan and Susan
litical uncertainty over Right now they are i
Korthals of Beacon
health care could spell limbo and anxious a
Hill, MA, is currently
doom for millions of making commitment
concluding an intern-
Americans participating Thirteen Senate D
ship with the Payne
in Obamacare market- ocrats including Pe
County District Attor-
place exchanges. sylvanias Bob Casey
neys Office, District
And Iowa could be the Massachusetts Eliza
9, in Stillwater.
first state to experience Warren and Ed Mar
She is completing
a blackout by insurance and Michigans Debb
her undergraduate
companies who write pol- Stabenow wrote Pr
education. Meredith
icies to individuals who ident Donald Trump
will graduate with a Provided dont get coverage from budget director Mon
Bachelors of Science Artists rendering of The Ranch retirement community being built in Stillwater. an employer and are also criticizing the admin
in Applied Sociology
not eligible for Medicare istration for not doin
with a focus in law,

Taking a big step

or Medicaid. enough to encourage
crime and social jus-
Two of Iowas insurers companies to continu
tice from Oklahoma
Aetna and Wellmark selling insurance in
State University.
Blue Cross & Blue exchanges.
She will also have
Shield announced last The industry grou
earned a double
month they are pulling Americas Health In
minor in Emergency
out of the state next year surance Plans, said a
Management and
Middle East Studies. Integrated Facility Services installing HVAC, plumbing due to uncertainty in
Washington and finan-
key factor determini
whether insurers sta
She is finishing up
ST. LOUIS, Missou- Brady is the interior de- Care Retirement Com- cial losses. leave states is wheth
Spring semester, and
ri Integrated Facility sign firm. munity facility, features Medica, the lone re- the administration c
is enrolled in 20 cred-
Services has begun IFS conducted an 114 one- and two-bed- maining Iowa market- tinues to pay insurer
it hours of classes.
work on a $7.1 million extensive Virtual De- room independent living place insurer, reported billion per year in su
She has worked a
design-build HVAC and sign and Construction apartments, 40 assisted last week it may likely dies to lower deducti
minimum of 19-20
plumbing project for process using state-of- living apartments, 23 follow suit for the same and co-payments un
hours a week in the
The Ranch, a new $58 the-art BIM technology cottage homes and 20 reasons, leaving more the current law.
Victim Witness Cen-
million Epworth Living and robotic layout. The memory care apartments than 70,000 Iowans with- The Trump admin
ter for the District
retirement community in entire facility is being for residents with Alz- out health insurance. tration has yet to de
Attorneys Office.
Stillwater. built simultaneously so heimers or dementia. Millions of low and whether it will stop m
This internship
The 325,000-square- that residents can move The facility will have middle-income individ- ing the payments be
opportunity helped
foot facility, currently from assisted living to under-building parking uals living in one-third this month.
Meredith to fulfill ac-
under construction, is memory care or skilled and 35,000 square feet of of the nations counties, Medica Vice Presid
ademic requirements
located on 55 acres near nursing. The project is common areas including particularly in rural Geoff Bartsh sent sh
for her major, and it
Oklahoma State Univer- scheduled for completion a fitness room, arts and areas, could likewise find waves through Iowa
provided experience
sity. The construction in March 2018. crafts studio, library, themselves without sub- week with his annou
in the field of Victim
manager is the Weitz The Ranch, Stillwa- and coffee shop. sidized insurance. Okla- ment Medica is serio
Advocacy within the
Company. Spellman ters only Continuing Submitted homa and several other considering departin
court and criminal
states are also down to the state without sw
justice systems. Mer-
one insurer. action by the state o
edith hopes to enter
the Law Enforcement PEO awards scholarships Still no decision on Congress to provide
bility to Iowas indiv
field in the future and 2018, said Kristen Cun-
ningham, spokeswoman insurance market.
continue her work in
for Blue Cross & Blue The company need
Victim Advocacy.
Shield of Oklahoma, the a stable market, est
only insurer still partic- lished rules of the ro
AT&T honors ipating in that states and a clear understa
marketplace exchange. ing of the markets r
commitment to Oklahomas state to stay, he said in a
community insurance commission- statement.
er, John Doak, said in Medicas announce
Charles Jones, ment set off a blame
March 140,000 indi-
Stillwater, is among game.
viduals in the Sooner
44 AT&T employees House Speaker Pa
State rely on subsidized
in Oklahoma being Ryan and other Repu
insurance through the
honored with the lican leaders pointed
exchanges. He described
Presidents Volunteer to Iowa as an examp
the potential blackout
Service Award. of why Obamacare is
in Oklahoma as a dire
The PVSA recog- failing and needs to
nizes individuals replaced.
The Trump admin-
who demonstrate a Democrats counte
istration could help
commitment to volun- insurers are consider
Submitted address the disquiet by
teerism throughout fleeing the marketpl
PEO Chapter EP of Stillwater awarded 11, $1,000 scholarships at its April continuing to provide
the year. These AT&T exchanges because t
meeting. The mission of PEO is to promote educational opportunity for women subsidies to the market-
employees in Oklaho- Republican-controlle
by helping through grants and scholarships. The goal is to help women pursue place insurance compa-
ma are among 4,288 Congress has been u
their educational goals needed to be successful. The recipients are from Me- nies. The subsidies are
AT&T employees able to pass a replac
ridian Technology Center and Oklahoma State University. Nine of the recipients used by the insurers to
nationwide to receive ment bill, creating u
were able to attend. keep deductibles and
this honor. They tainty over subsidies
They are, first row: Nicki Wickline, Sarah Lewis and Ashley Hurst. Second row: co-payments affordable
logged a minimum of essary to make polic
Candice Daniels, Janey Gambill, Rebecca Thacker, Crystal Burton, Wendy Hall to individuals in the ex-
100 service hours last affordable to individu
and Cheryl Osborne. changes.
year, with many vol- in the exchanges.
There is little chance
unteering more than The Republicans
Congress will move
500 hours. call for repeal withou
These individuals
help our communities
Charles Meyers honored at Law Week Honor docket promptly on the conten-
tious Republican health a clear plan has crea
care bill narrowly passed needless uncertainty
through selfless acts The 2017 outstanding including alternative dis- Most recently he accept- providers, insurers a
by the House last Thurs-
every day. Whether pro-bono attorney was pute resolution, family ed a difficult Kay County Iowans alike, said R
day. It is now before the
its mentoring stu- honored at the annual law, oil and gas law, real case to assist a domestic Dave Loebsack, D-Io
Senate and at least one
dents, cleaning up our Payne County Law Week estate law and probate violence victim in a di- in a statement Mond
moderate Republican,
parks or feeding the Honor Docket. Long time and estate administra- vorce. She barely had a It is long past time
Sen. Susan Collins of
hungry, our employ- Cushing resident and tion. home after fleeing her Republicans realize t
Maine, said she believes
ees are giving back, local Stillwater attorney, He has been an avid abuser and didnt have health care is not a f
the House version is so
said AT&T Oklaho- Charles A. Meyers, is the Legal Aid supporter by transportation to meet ball to be thrown aro
unacceptable a rewrite
ma President Steve 2017 recipient. providing his mediation with an attorney. He for political gain. We
from scratch is in order.
Hahn. In honor of Meyers received his and legal skills for many made it happen. talking about real pe
The problem is insur-
National Volunteer Bachelors of Science years. Mr. Meyers was Submitted ples lives here.
ance companies have to
Month, we congratu- from Oklahoma State a Payne County Special
late these employees University in 1977. He District Judge for about

and hope their sto- went on to receive his 9 years from 1995 to
ries inspire others as Juris Doctorate from the 2004. Prior to his legal
much as they inspire University of Tulsa in career, Charlie was

us. 1981. drafted by the Boston
Points of Light ad- Meyers has had a tre- Red Sox.
ministers PVSA, an mendous impact on the Charlie has helped
initiative of the Cor- Cushing and Stillwater several clients and their
poration for National communities practicing children escape abusive,
and Community Ser- law in various areas dangerous situations. A Senior Living
vice. PVSA celebrates
the impact we can all
Community of Choice
make to better our
communities and our
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May 11, 2017 1:57 pm /

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