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Es#ma#ng Square Roots

Non-Perfect Squares

You can take any whole number, square it, and end up
with another whole number. But it does not work the
same way when you take the square root of a number.

Ex: 3 = 1.732050808

Any square root that is not a perfect root is an
irra#onal number.

Example: Find the value of 14

9 < 14 < 16
3 < 14 < 4

3.5 x 3.5 = 12.25
3.6 x 3.6 = 12.96
3.7 x 3.7 = 13.69
3.8 x 3.8 = 14.44

14 3.75

Es#ma#ng the Value of Square Roots

1. Determine which two perfect squares the # is
between (14 is between 9 and 16)

2. Find the square root of those numbers (3 and 4)

3. Test out dierent possible squares, star#ng with the
midpoint (3.5), and increase/decrease your value
depending on your result

Es#ma#ng the Value of Square Roots to
the nearest tenth or hundredth:

1. Determine which two perfect squares the # is between
2. Determine the distance between the smaller perfect
square and your number (numerator)
3. Determine the distance between the two perfect
squares (denominator)
4. Take the square root of both numbers. The square root
of the lesser number is your whole number.
Ex: 42 between 36 and 49
42 36 = 6
49 36 = 13
36 = 6
Approximate square root = 6 and 6/13 or 6.46
Example: Es#mate 52 to the nearest tenth

49 < 52 < 64
7 < 52 < 8
52 49 = 3
64 49 = 15
52 7 1/5 or 7.2

7.2 x 7.2 = 51.84
7.3 x 7.3 = 53.29
7.21 x 7.21 = 51.98
7.22 x 7.22 = 52.13

52 7.21
7.21 < 52 < 7.22

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