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Multiple Choice Quiz - Results

You answered 0 out of 15 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Intimacy can best be defined as based on

The correct answer was: d. All of these are correct..

References: see Intimacy in interpersonal relationships

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

You say, "SHUT THE DOOR!" in a loud, commanding, angry tone of voice, or you say, 'Shut the
door" with a softer voice, using rising intonation to indicate a request. Which is true?

The correct answer was: a. The content is essentially the same, but the relational message is

References: see Content and relational messages

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

A comment like, "Let's talk about the way we talk to each other in front of my parents." is
most obviously a type of

The correct answer was: a. metacommunication..

References: see Metacommunication

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of these represents a type of dialectical tensions in relationships?

The correct answer was: d. All of these are correct..

References: see A dialectical perspective

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which is true of self-disclosure?

The correct answer was: c. It is strongly influenced by culture..

References: see Self-disclosure is influenced by culture

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Self-disclosure is often gauged by two factors:

The correct answer was: a. depth and breadth.

References: see Models of self-disclosure

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Jourard wrote, ". . . when you permit yourself to be known, you expose yourself not only to a
lover's balm, but also to a hater's bombs. When he knows you, he knows just where to plant
them for maximum effect." This statement relates to risks of

The correct answer was: d. self disclosure..

References: see Guidelines for appropriate self-disclosure

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

In the film Breakfast Club, a group of teens are together for detention. One girl, Allison,
seemingly self-discloses her bizarre sexual activity in an effort to get another teen, Claire, to
disclose her sexual activity. Self-disclosing about oneself in an effort to get information from
someone else may work because of which characteristic of self-disclosure?

The correct answer was: b. Self-disclosure usually is reciprocal..

References: see Effective self-disclosure is usually symmetrical

9. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Marcia decided to end her friendship with Ann, who was always canceling plans at the last
minute and borrowing money. This decision was likely based on

The correct answer was: c. self-validation..

References: see Rewards

10. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which is true of stages of relationships according to Knapp?

The correct answer was: b. Circumscribing does not involve total avoidance..

References: see A developmental perspective

11. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of these is NOT one of the guidelines your text suggests for gauging appropriate self-

The correct answer was: a. Is the disclosure as in-depth as you can make it?.

References: see Guideline for appropriate self-disclosure

12. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of these is a qualitative definition of interpersonal communication?

The correct answer was: c. It involves each considering the other unique..

References: see What makes communication interpersonal

13. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The Johari Window is

The correct answer was: b. a model of self-disclosure..

References: see Self-disclosure, self-awareness, and relational quality

14. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The existence of dialectical tensions in relationships tends to contribute toward

The correct answer was: b. a tendency for back-and-forth movement across stages..

References: see A dialectical perspective

15. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

A Johari Window of someone who shares a lot of himself or herself with another and knows the
other well would look like this:

The correct answer was: b. .

Multiple Choice Quiz - Results

You answered 0 out of 15 questions correctly, for a score of 0%.

1. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of these is NOT a confirming response?

The correct answer was: c. pseudolistening.

References: see Confirming and disconfirming messages

2. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Practicing the communication behaviors Gibb labels supportive, rather than those labeled

The correct answer was: d. Both a and c are correct..

References: see Creating positive communication climates

3. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Crazymaking is synonymous with

The correct answer was: d. passive aggression..

References: see Passive aggression

4. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Susan needs to be at class from 6 to 9 p.m. Demetri needs to be at a meeting from 6:30 to
8:30 the same night. They have only one car. If Demetri drops Susan off at class and picks her
up, so both get to be where they need to be, and it works better for Susan not to have to park
in a student parking lot far from the class, this solution could be called

The correct answer was: a. winwin..

References: see Methods of conflict resolution

5. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Guiltmakers, jokers, trivial tyrannizers, and withholders are all engaged in behaviors called

The correct answer was: c. crazymaking..

References: see Passive aggression

6. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Spontaneity, as used by Gibb, is closest to

The correct answer was: c. honesty..

References: see Strategy vs. spontaneity

7. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which is NOT true of assertive communication?

The correct answer was: d. It ensures that communicators can always get what they want..

References: see Assertion

8. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

A de-escalatory conflict spiral

The correct answer was: c. refers to less involvement and greater withdrawal..

References: see How communication climates develop

9. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

The conflict resolution method and assertive message skills taught in this chapter would work
well for someone communicating

The correct answer was: c. in predominantly European or American work environments..

References: see Cultural influences on conflict

10. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Which of these is NOT typical of a winlose style?

The correct answer was: d. job sharing/flex time.

References: see Methods of conflict resolution

11. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Accommodation and avoidance are both forms of

The correct answer was: b. nonassertion..

References: see Nonassertion

12. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

When you use an assertive message, the text stresses that you

The correct answer was: c. choose the best order for your particular situation and goal..

References: see Assertion

13. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Neutrality, as used by Gibb, is closest to

The correct answer was: c. indifferent..

References: see Neutrality

14. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

Most theorists believe that gender differences in conflict style stem from

The correct answer was: d. socialization..

References: see Gender and conflict style

15. Incorrect. You did not provide an answer.

A person from a low-context culture

The correct answer was: b. will usually speak directly and assertively..

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