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Ano: 7

Contedos: Past Simple Regular verbs

Objectivos: Relembrar e aplicar o Past Simple dos verbos regulares

A - Write the ed forms of these verbs:

1. Start ......................................... 2. Play ................................................

3. Watch ....................................... 4. Need ..............................................
5. Finish ........................................ 6. Cook ..............................................
7. Sail ............................................ 8. Use ................................................
9. Live ............................................ 10. Dance ...........................................
11. Like .......................................... 12. Hate
13. Stop .................... .. 14. Plan ..............................................
15. Slip ........................................... 16. Hurry ............................................
17. Carry ......................................... 18. Tidy ..............................................

B Rewrite in the negative form.

1. She washed her hands. ________________________________________________

2. My mother prepared a delicious breakfast. ________________________________
3. They missed the school bus yesterday. ___________________________________
4. My brothers cleaned their shoes. ________________________________________
5. This morning I walked my dog. _________________________________________

C - Complete the sentences with the Past Simple.

1- She .___________________________(ask) me some questions.

2- _________________________ (she/arrive) in time?
3 - Two years ago we __________________________ (visit) Italy.
4. Tom __________________________ (travel) to Paris.
5. Tom __________________________ (stay) in Paris two weeks and he
__________________________ (love) the city.
6. Tom __________________________ (study) the French culture and people.
D Follow the model and write sentences in the Past Simple tense.

Model: Yesterday / Ann + Pam + Bill / sail / in the sea / on Dunvegan Loch.
Yesterday Ann, Pam and Bill didnt sail on the sea.
Actually they sailed on Dunvegan Loch.

1. Yesterday / Ann + Pam / photograph / the birds / the seals.


2. Last weekend / Bill / play / baseball / American football.


3. Last night / Jim / watch / a soap opera on TV / a film.


4. A month ago / Anns father /travel / to the USA / to Portugal.


5. Three days ago / Sheila / visit / the British Museum / the Natural History Museum.


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