Sie sind auf Seite 1von 61


TNTET (RE)-2 2

Total questlons : l5O TiE e period : lEO minutes Maximum Marks : 15 o
f lPartl c""t""t" 'fo To
0) Child Development and Pedagogr 30 1 30 3 !2
{u) Languagc I {only onc Language) 30 31 60
As selected by the candidate as medium oI
instruciiofl in the Applicalion Fonn non the
Lan{u.'grs gNen belo{
30 31 60 r3 t6
Telugu 30 31 60 t7 20
30 3l 60 21 26
3() 3r 60 30
Urdu 30 3r 60 34
(ur) Language u - Engrish 30 6l 90 35 40
(Iv) (scctton A) Mathemattcs & Science 60 91 r50 4l 60
(Math, Physics. Chemistry,
Botany. ZooioEI/)
lFor Mathematics tu1d
Sciencc Tcacherl
OR 60 9l 6l ao
(Sectior B) Soctal Sctenc
{aor social S.ience Teacher )

Note I ID Part ry, lt is compulsory to atteDpt the quesrjons of P t IV (Section Al or paft rV (Seclion B) as
sel rcd \ubt-1 in Applr, dLror. [urrl
Read the Tamil & Enlish at Page No. 84,


3 TNTET (RE)-2

U(96 -I
q9pb6op Gmrbun@ DEEI6 GELUEEdu
$uu19$luie;o 3O o5leonaoen L6rr6n60r. grl6D6orjig aleonoo6ri;gil ogeoru-roflrio Gor6onrOb.
There are 30 questions in all in this Part. All questions are compulsory.

l. L5l6rnor6or6drorbgr6n 619r LIDSGSDET greopu9or dp orTng r

A) L6laoGenrrn r-:eiofleoer gqeoo$ Gpnq
Dr bI 6Y!S-S- 6OLI)S 6 Gang6o6d
C) ernd:dlu:rb fleopq 6ei9en
D) G)un6arflGernS616.)6..r5gDG+nporerr.
Whi( h ot lhe followinq is nol c projecliYe les{ ?

A) MinnesotaMultiphasicPersonalityinventory
B) Rorschach Ink blot test

C) Sentcnce completion test

D) Thematic Apperception test.

2. L-oneoorirorieafl6rT or(r6nl66oLr.r 3l16r95dlul qOrfl uir Lleuerl6ereoorfgt6n gllbGr6oDcour

6016ulT16r'16|riD ?

A) F[qcs,nd B) gqgfleop u$Geu@

C) 6grflqGondr D) oienniuLler greop.
To assess ihe a6senteeism of strrdents regularly, a teacher can use

Al raung scales B) cumulative record

C) check list Dl questionnaire.

3. s,6r6l99rd d,, e oJeo oreo ror eoo eui GtLo-f r-c 6d'ei" 6939 ofa n:g6Jg 6161er9o

ELS6og6oul snoil ?

Al q6drr) Gu"S6\, r 366rujS6i, ) B) n@6)eLngcir

(-l 6fr[6aarlD 6DL] 596\l D) qDGgPEl96\r ( q95rorgD 961r r.

t rl I Turn over

TNTET (RE)-2 _ 4
A child who is weak in mathematics, tries to excel in language is using the
mechanism of

A) Identificauon B) Compensatjon

C) Rarjonatisalion D) projection.

4. or@orolt pergl Gsnfljgn 6l76e6D6otul,r6ur L6l6ol6r Jrlgldl6urndr Lr,r6erfl66r 3l1quucoL

Gloud,rn@ 6r
S6rre 6l15{i9Lb
A) L5l) ris6o6d.S6d 6-q J6tr6rijs.6o.jr -193|9n ri:g6

Bl erfqeon Ls.rirar66rt J)1@l5d G&r d,rgl5d)

C) L9ryrieeoeo ( 6li;o<io )-g gnuorno G)qtgrij arol, 6rji,6l666d 6ledrg6D

D) o !te,,r'G,gd arpEopdJ.

When a student approaches you with a pesonal problem, what initial stratesr
will you provide ?

A) Analyse the causes ofthe problem

B) Ask to consult a counsellor

C) Wail so thar lhe problem can be solved by himself

D) Proyide Auidance.

5. $curor115rb 6]uuriae*'!,i 6r6rf q@tgu6ud-eoLoul g{dlq6oqu uoirpeoeu grerioflgl!$u,<uir

A) lrndto
SdiD6d6lL B) +n7@rLb Lor6iuc6rrr

Cl oiduo$u,bear D) ini6i Grn,i6iu.

' Who put foiward the client centred counselling ?

A) SigEund Freud B) Abralam Maslow

' C) Williarnson D) Carl Rogers.
6. gpleogaener esori,6o5lu-gpar s q8flui G6i G)orr O G)euer r- I o grr-ca5tgaLo
6)ail,.r.,:son o,rDdrs.6LAr

A) lppofleoau orgt6gLLb B) glf6rirL[b fleoor ogtcgrrrb

' C) @6brDrrb $)ooor eugtegttrb D) gl6uflEteir 6rgqdld,r6bD6!.
I Lcl


5 TNTDT (RE)_2
ln order to motivate children. a teacher oflers some sweets for the completion of
each pr.blem. This is a

A) Prima{r retnlorcer B) Secondary reinforcer

' C) Tertiary reinforcer D) none ofthese.
7. 6ter1iSr; oofll5ar 616r;9rl tgfj6oq 6T6ir69$d, Gpeo<reou er$riGpn6196pg r
A) qr6x6o6n Tirr-.J B) .qgo$ 6rdlnLrrf65eir
C) J,]eouq D) urgorirq
A child who is more delighted with success, is possessing the need lor
A) affection B) approval
C) achievement D) sec.uriq/.
8. 46lr1luri g.rg e,Dl5l5g66ld0 a96offurrl@ GD6Dp6our Lf;sr6uu@gg6l5
A) qpeuuleorrtqqosld,p6 B) 31soruJ esq6iga9$gd,
C) 3yeorq esr&6oSg9en D) $leuggen ergqdleijeoo.
A teacher who encourages the playway method in his teaching e>.plores
A) Extrinsicmotivation Bl Intrinsic mouvation
Cl A( hievement molivalion Dl none o[1hese.
9. qgdrfluri F6urgl LrrL ELSgrg6$6!r 6lL-b gurrrfl$F60til E6rr6l(E6r6drorf9l6lr 6rbgr6op
C r 5gs-o ausra agprr,g4'1g1 r
A) s(r6 ercoTer$uri., geop B) g@6orD Cp6oD

C) qssg$por qcop D) geonaor$1q grorp.

what type ol tests are most suitable for the teacher in planning his teachlng
slraleqies ?
A) Sociometric tests B) Personaliq, tests
C) Creauvity tests D) lntelligence tests.
rO. gqq gaflprrflen LSlo,nOlrnOgFULrnLO ELg6rlo6our G)ar6fl6;snLGLb 66.drp6!6dr

Al J6.9GDb.GSSjr i- Gosorloo oetro

B) p6do /'6d)6\, |.JG56L-. . s66rg) 600 q -o6dil
Cl s- rf 6d 6\, Loa g GLrofleoa oereoe 4616's.b 6'ouod,

D) gnp$)eoeu oeoLb, g6.r@t6dr:rd q D@rb DDEILb Goofleos.r oanLb 6Tdr6\,nGrLb e6rlircs

-:o 9. eo g108iqb So,6!.

I Turn over

TNTET (RD)-2 6
An individual showing well adjusted personality is charactedsed by

A) u ell dereloped s perego

B) well balanced ego

C) domination ofid over superego

D) id, ego and superego are equally po\verful.

I l. 6+6.16r60r rnuir6$eou af LSlos 46rflun ,oJlOitLrrnrE r gleti"rr@61nq9 eo or,
ruetru$lgigldlpnir. gl{iGleurdrunL+eoe.r dctlr6trl L{6drGtb 6ierirorgnd, Lor6..r6!ri66n
unrp,$eoeo o$6Lbqdgnri sar. $rgr

A) ODLl6ti0l o5prir
porfle, Bl +s6 fleoer.ruSgggLb
C) q6\r6.r5rldJ& sDDdl D) soo9eri g6rg fleoetu5lEggb.
A teacher tries to teach a complex idea lvith the help of some pleasant stimulus
aIId after repeated use of the situations, the students likeci the subject. The
rheory underlying lhjs meL}lod is

A) Trial and EEor learning Bl Classical conditioning

C) Perceptual lear.rring D) Operant conditionlng.
12. glr6ltorLn-5l6\rErs,6o or6o566;Opd) oE)pri GenrrnuLqofldr fleoeuu96$gnu@$pg r

A.) qe,6 $leoeru5lugpLb B) Glg6iuLndJL 50p6n

c) GDu.r6.rEr gerfla s5prl"r D) sgo5enri gqsafleoeru5lEgpLb.

SUmulus Reponse bond is established iII
A) Classical conditioning B) Gestalt leaming

C] Trial and Error learning D) Operant conditioning.

1 3. a: $Lrunr$eog 6or9r6gb 6p$or guSoror GpirLorogu:na $16$9 gu:energ
A) GorDtlr0li,gpd (!l6brp B) 6tEo5lerii qriia fleoeuu5lggg geop
C) g'l(E5pd sLOLrrrrLO (!)6oD . D) deo,r6o e5pesu g.op.

A child who shows an aversion towards homework is to be corected positively.

Which technique would you suggest ?

A) Discrimination me*rod B) Instrumental conditioning

C) Deconditioning method D) Relearning method.

7 TNTET (RE)-2
14. fi.3.rr".t@ s r 6tlDi- rr d rfllil6d osleil 6rq6 er n6df s 6{ 6160 6.r '
A) 6l[$gpr;0, qflqeri G]e 16\ Lolgrb anTelorLof)9r$ ( orqeoorb oSeorqgdr )

ts) 6L.lnqgei,,6t6ud0lrr06,6n Loflg1rb o$ooenq

C) 6 _ji,It6. 6, s 6n . 6)6 rd, .r Gs6r olrgb dl. .pone6.
D) G)surirlrr066i'. 6)aueu.rfleoooaar EOgtLb 6surd,ro56.rorq.
What are the detcrminants of Guillord s model of intellect ?
n) Thinking. cognirion .rnd rcasoninll
B) Con{en{. opcrction ind producl
C) Operation. process and systems
D) Process. operation arld product.

15. o5lororunr@ enirgg er5le4uruaoflii, 9aflp,$puooGun@ a!ora19Lo 19pls6opullLi)

s,lf so . o 6Jg. -g,
1\l 3 59S. I 6\J ( 1g'r Dar r ) I 6arl6n6rrn 6L

B) Gpnrri ( rr1$leoe,.' ) seoig bt*i**-dq

C) LLdo 6)gn@ reoori D"i"*dlq
D) Slpoerflggeotreotrflq.
A child who performs better in sports arld games is dominant rvith
A) Spatialintelligence B) Logical M.athematical intelligence

C) Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence D) Interyersonal intelligence

I6. LoeorG)erl4ridl'5rgrir6r06i!' 6r6.1ugl

A) Loeur6er1966Gleroflu56

B) oerrGteu4gr;fluien Gunlqarfleoou

C) LoEDoli o;6fl6rr loeo6)o.:qg&Oeou qflirgGsr6rr6irdr

D) Loeo6)er1g&4leou dat5lls,r6\r!b rarofl g$$ eoer$pcn.

Emotional catharsis means

A) free release ofemotional ener$r
B) spontaneous expression of emotions
C) sharing of other's emolions
Dl \toring the emolionq lor J long limf'.

t-Pl 2001-RE I Turn over

17. 6rrflils @ J!6lrs,6f6or Go,r '--O 6orefnuG996 ,opst

A) L61ruLre,iLrnLq G6IILUriO B) oeoflgc.5luc\

C) c)ldlqeuonieaeni GsrLLrrG) D) 9-6lT& -a(9el G6nLUn0. .

Erickson's theory o<plains the concept of

Al Psychoal,a]J,,tic theory

B) Humanistic theory

C) Cognitive development theory

D) Psycho-socialdevelopmenttheory.

18. :rg[]qonl "6i6f; Ce.nLUn0 6p56op-no 5rE9

grri,dl-rggo,.r Gca$lpgr,
AJ c+dli ri0

C) ee6,6.!b
D) e19pnu.: glqorrot-rr-rr$1 ( s(gs& erftiarJtD ).

Cognitive developme.nt theory emphasizes the chaiacteristics of child's

A) Maturaton B) Identty

C) Morality

19. Loll6ddro.]ri66lll6nr (!D(g66iLDurIrG6r ( 6ldDorn6dr ) 56u66rii,5ogu 6up

, Eellroriqer ar euflgan arbgoeop blunoESlrD ?

I. glr6boGr6lLrnOdfl5.r 31rf $$ oflryb L(Eor,]dr6oor q6lorflSpcn

II. Lf6ir6leurdu LDEDTb q66oLo G)eurd)urLq6oor aro[1q4$gtprio.

A) &!DE[ u, DL('][D errluln66rgJ

B) edDpl66" (l) oDEl6 (ll) s 11,!r6dr96irol

c) &'EDl66n (D oijDrb (lI) erflunsor6oor

D) eiDDr (II) erflurrr6nro.


9 TNTET (RD}.2
For capturing maldmum attention of stuclenis. wlxch of the follo'vhg is corect ?

T. InLensiry and size of lhe srinluluc musL be increased.

II. Repetition and novelty should be emphasized.

A) Only statement (I) is coEect

B) Statements (I) alld (Il) are not correct

C) Both the statements (I) and (II) are correct

D) Statement (I! is corect.

20. L5loieu16ereororf9t6ir 6rgt o;er16or or6oo;6our efirngg] ?

A) -pd.ed 5 ar6l' b
B) $1u:feosunan o<l]@rLb ( 6eu:65lc6rdl aeuedl.5prfu .1

C) G)euSeoou:neo oerorri ( Gl+u]Gern@ aeroi5gr;u )

D) urarGofq oeueorrb.

Which of the loliowing is not a q.?e of attention ?

A) Habitual attention B) Involuntaryattention

C) Volitiona-lattentlon D) Participatoryattention.

21. unfi6rlor org!a a,66r-o Err6ldr6r16tll[ faflri e$$r;s Gpri$gnen, d]66Tor(Eor6.TarEEt6lr

6rdi6DD6i) gj6oD6ou.r J|orris@66 6]9rflq 6leLo5n r
4 doncllrdl greop ( Ldr6len<n greop )

B) E(Epgl elrolquL6r56r

C) GlprLri'Ll(p6opElgl6i6rb

Dl o5J6o6rrur[LG]rEr66orB66.

When ycu are confronted wtth a vlsual learner, which learning method would
you suggest ?

A) Recitation method B) Concept mapping

C) Assoclationtechnlque D) Garning technique.

I Turn over

TNTET (RE)-2 lo
22. $16 ggfreogei6ir grEs6ng \o L.rD!rDn6d)|i LtDD ur 66DDUr(b166D6fi uOd GuSla6t6r6n(@g6
6t6iior6D66oul 6n ri 6ggt ?

I. 6)uiGpnriLlp656n@pcn
.ll. rjlori;geopgg OGtlbu qprq
III. gofleoLouurr6u$Gpnir
IV. G __Grr rl6ol gld\6.[] urgt r'rq.

616!EDr6i' :

A) |6)6.ri;gnreflurl6dr6oor B) (I), (III) LoDE[b (I\'] erfluneorcoar

C) {I), (lI) lolpLo []tI) erflurn6orcoor D) efJur[66r6o arur d,.]6r.

In one of the informal discussions in the classrqom, two children are identified
who are complaining about their parental conJlicts. The probtem associated \[.ith
rhe children is

I_ Par-ental rejection
II. poor family support

In. Isolated parenls

IV. Parenta.loverpiotection.
Among thesc stalemenls
A) Atl aie correct B) (0, (III) and (n4 are coltect
C) (I), {lI) and (III) are correct D) None ofthem is correct.
23. Lreor6leulg&6 p<iorcoufl qren 6lgnlriq6lr6n gri;du G)uuir
A) G. w. +dGlrrrrir B) GuofluenG6r6rGlo6.r
C) G)@6.rrft(6t5nd-L6.rd D) J. P.dtnGunrigt.
The chief exponent of eriotional intelligence is
A) G. W. Allport B) Daniel Coleman
C) Howa.d Gardner D) J. P. Guilford.
24. CorgJLr.r$e,6ff g!$ agr6n6n orgnu6oDu5l6.lldu qflrflurfi
A) gC gra ja reu si_t5g6o6! Gop6areiorGoreri:r@b
B) 1qp66rl5s6ir g!orf66fl6.r aslGUUUUq efa gqgtro$&su uL Gor6oor0ri)
C) sn$fif6.dr& gp$orgsofeo Ggeoeleooor'gr6;d)uiu@$$, eqnerflunGeorn(b6,6

Dl s6d u 6i sD-liiei (g6o.De6n6r ul,6o -G6gjod.



11 TNTE"I (RT}2

In a diversified classroom. the teacher should

A) use a single mode of teaching
B) permlt ihe students to learn according to theii lfillingness
C) highlight the needs of normal children and teach at the average Ievel
D) use individualised tearning strategies.
25. sOpd; or6o6rc6n@ $1geoeor 6eroiaonu@d9g
A) ofpdrGleudoun@oafl6.r6r5l6!58!i6o966flri6eopg
B) s,OD6o geopu9eoe.l oddidlDgr

C) o;Dcurrfl@reaonriflorereoLroodlsdlpsr
D) gfluSrgrur6;cfpd,r anTeoofleou.:@ddtdlDgr.

L,earning curve depi( ls

A) Curve shovr'ing ttre deviations of leaming process

B) Diagram representing the mode of learning oIa group
C) Graph representtng tlte tearner's progression with Ume
D) Sl,'rnbolic map of factors of learning.

26. e,del$ Jl66rL6o6r GLob!@p;gb 6)eularunrrqeoro Jl6dro:lr19or6dr6rlflEl6n er65 goorpu9err

dp ar6o6uu0i;p6utr6 ?

A) ;1oGpnag qarp B) O6.flurrr6ir u(gi]Ltndrq GD6op

C) Genpeoor greop D) LEErGEIrs6;6i) (96oD

which of the follovr'ing methods will you use to study the effectiveness of activity
method i]r improving academic performance ?
A) Introspecton method B) Case study method

C) Ex?erimental method D) Obsewation method.

27. 'Bdo5lu5l6 renaiudr' pu.geogeou g4fo5ludr gfo.rlDrs 696T6@619

A) gl6b)6drd6o[nubdu]b B) ooslncuni DOEtb oocuri

C) Loerfle, o nrLb Lflno D) sDclrrri tDLOLb.

Educational psycholosr ex:plains the scientilic study of the behaviour ol

A) all individuals B) teacher and leamers

C) both human and animals D) learners only.

I Turn over

(RE)-2 12
28. gotfluror oeoflg rgqgreopsen r!flu.: renolue L5lfiq

A) e1flqenri rora$ueil B, 6srrg5ldenir L6Tagu,{n

Ct o rr.69]6l L6fl6J _d,, D) sU) p 6-aj udu

The baanch of psycholos/ that cleals with interrelaLionshtps

among indivtcluais is
kn own as

A) Cogniuve psycholosr B) Industrial psycholosr

CJ Clinical psychotos/ D) Social psycholo$,.
29. Gigfigggd]g greopu5leor gquueor ar6rfe6l6 Ce,rLrrr@
A) ror eL0pq 6,5ldl

e) Grrnopo a5ldl

C) *oan o56l
D) 6lun gewcrreo orugeO 6$ g flpnunora;er og$.
W1'at is the basic principle of development applied in the inducuve approach ?

A) Principle of interrelation

B) Principle of proxjmo dislal

C) Principle o[ spiraliry

D) Principle of general to speci{ic,

30, eqflqenri otorririflu rr.q$)eoera6rflctu (gduJi@ 6rD@rLlr@o;6o6jr rlfl$g1 Gl6r6n@LD 6l6o6n

A) qero-iuas fleoer

Bl Gleueir6leoo ( qooftneo 6)eu.:en floror.r )

C) gr$6eucn f eoer.r

Dl Ur-!66ls.u6\r,o16!.
. Which stage of cognltive development is suitable to teach the symbolic
. representation of equations irl science ?.

A) Sensorl motor stage B) Concrete operational stage

C) Pre-operdtional stage D) Formal-operational stage.

l3 TNTET (RE).2

u@61 -u

3I. dp6s,gi6rr[r Goneocor ru5lanE a](Eb drissn

A) 2,3. 4 B) 1,3,4
c) i,2. 4 rit 9L
32. eflulneo oSleoreoug 6]grf1q 6ed:o ;

A) $916ur1 o;rr6oorLb 18 urorb

5.rL61 SI|66OILtD 30 uL6.)b
' $6<r n s,n6d6rlt!
orornri:B 16 LlL6u6.
B) -o5i66)l 6, r6e'L-b 16 -L6!b
6al5\r 5rr60orLLD 30 ul6uli
$19el:n oer -Lr6i5rl6blr -b ]8 Lr 6xb

C) Logt6DT 6n6.inLb 30 uL6ur)

s",L6! 6m@trLlb 16 urolLb

I!l166)rr6\rornuls6ll60-61Ltr lg LJ- 6\16.

D) Lo916u), 5ll6.irrr-rb 29 uL6!b

saL-do 'n66orLb t6 r 6rd
_ $gotneu arnLi: ri;on eor rh 18 uroltb.

33. 'Sl6eos qeorri;aofl D6!r6nelr@r' - $61<n uuSlangl e!6rb q6dbfl

A) 6ry<io fleorquJ6.ofl B) gl6rclutr(861T reusoLouooi

c) fl$lgr6LDnpgo6irfl D) Ger$geoLoueafl'

34. eo6orD$ Ggnpppgt pGer-5 oro u5e8

. 6lerlr16 66lri oi@Lb E6uirGl6(g o6r#1oi@b .... " 6l9rLfq6oLur5 u6op
A) Loed,neaflu-:tio B) .

C) oafloogu<io D) ggto51utn.
35. 'L6!6;6 S6lpu u6.6rufiL0 6lu5o;rn' Gorr6drD& 5nr661o[@ro]fi
A) LlrdiLd G). s',.] B) J}1 s. @n6.Telbut!96'r

C) rnsrri 6tg.6)un.r-f D) enarar$]sn$$or7ueor.

36. LLLbuOGlLotir 6r6r!G.T
A) 6, 6ir Bl L,6dbr
' C) Ln, 6il D) n, D.

E po-or,REl I Turn over
TNTET (RE)-2 ]4
J/. eflr-Gol Gil6D. 66uJB Ggiq G)+_e :

A) 1gdl@fl 6orsq
Gr6i.6d 6! Gs rfl
oog b - Grcr.
I6b6rr _ ofb,
e) todg8 Gerfl
(p6!6D6! Guqgf
-oOe.J _ eJb
uTr6o6! dlUO,+
C) rodlgdl Gusf
Gr66o6! @Et6L]
DopLlr GerF)
Ln 60]6\ - S: gq
Dl 6d(o0 - o: b_
(9i)6D6! 6lOtO+
o(Egb Guqgri
un6o6D Gerfl.
38. ,6loeror 6)odrerri-, rrq$g
Lr6i,6flu5l6dr 6uurf
Al @rir6l6br6iu u6rr6fl B) 6irlLrirdl6T6iu Lr6JT6rfl
C) 6lufdl6d 6.r, 616+ D) 61,G6ui r. 6.1, _6r6E .
39. 65e, b6r,b. Dg6 b. G r6dr b. 9596 - 616.6)r $1!p erfer,rieoad ar. t^rb
A) -reoer Bl Odreo
c) on@ D) ,,,166r.
4u 'Lp0ig 6irgl.b 960,& burb 6ts.- crir0 I 6t
-r 6)L,ED 6L6ir6u6L i
A) un7$unri ' B) rnuoneLi 6loor
C) sde-6.,8s 1"76 D) u ]6te, 66d
41. 'D@l(g6oD o:66orL arresltr, 6r66rD gr6dl66r q8rflulf
A) gtDTggrTri B) Loeroflornesri
C) dleurgn@T GD6bfl;ri Dl oJ6ndr6\rrd
42. dl. dl. 2o1o-p gl6oror@,errrqo.T0 .................... erorE
A) 2011 q 2021
. c) 20+t D) 26:f..
43.. 'GTnorieiu 6][nLort@]gsor, o6drp
Elr6o6! Gleuoflu5ltL euri
A) eDrrf+ B) esluqenqr
C) . 6r& . GlDa5lir
D) gnGonL5l .

44. qE, erorug6dr gL6l6p6.i,

A) e, B) e",
E] t oo r RE-l
l5 TNTET (RE)-2

45. 'rglrr!6onfl fl o;ctro@' $lgor 4flrflLrri

AJ S or.reryr B) LD 6dorL6! L.l (gLri
Cl o5gLrngoiorn D} l. Gor. en.
46. 'dl6.it6i.r, LSlgt6drnrs6n'6r6ur Jtl6o $)d o;rru$ ! or

A) Lrprn66n B) oSelorrqsar
C) up6o6rs,6n D) $17nde;an.
17. 'Ge!e.65dis' 616drm6olLDgs,uuGe,lrs!
Al $qqorneaLir B] GgornTb
C) 6lOD6rD D) $)6Luneoo.
+8. 'gjsru6LGg6ir' aorgtLb 6leneir
A) 5O61 6lp66 B) orLLrlr 6rp6o
C) orp&O
Lofi,r56\r D) @(qla 6dl.
+9. erflu-:nen a$eorcou$ Gpirq 6)erla :

Al e d. dln n dl6i6. Lll er6O6;O60rL

e 6; 6!r Lr tT & 66Ib oerrfle6<or
E S96r \oErPtD G)LlrrE(560L
B) eg$7n$gpb Loeooi d,rqso:
sB6.JnLllle6orb (!)SAsg6oL
616saiGErpb 6)rn!6eou
C) e5dl7rdlSgLn GJunD66!)L
e 6 6!IT L-JIr e 6.T Ll) oeoofli6"or
ELgg6!l$En9Lo u5516O6.)L
D) EEdlrrdlSslb , Ll65l6i56l')L

e 661)ITUfr e6drlD 6tun[6oor

615 soSlGE rs;D ocoofla6eoL.
50.'aroGg$rfl ' 6r66rup6o.r 56.fl 6561p& 6)enioeoer.r er195a I

A) gr'; a uf o eob arofl B) ernon6S@noeoberoi

C) d6n GlEOEr 5 6onr 6..fl D) !br6L!e56ri'5r6aoi.
5I. 6olo6cs,dr 6l@ec6!r 6r66ruorir 4lDbp
A) osrll@ri B) LrlrLs,ri
c) dlo6l D) Dq6ir.
52. G) LD Lir Lrl 6n qgg6& sn6d16! 6Jor(EL6.r GlSnLIiq60)Lurgl
A) 6;rtD7r&t B) e$dl. u $$
C) sr.r.6l D) 6;656n.
61 6rT @t L-5lL 5 dl d,r peouGlu$p gpncunrfld! $d,,eoeuunq oarofluoeoLo
60) 6 9rl66I rIr .

A) Gprs6n6il]lrd 6 B) 6)tn 6i)66fu[6i!L

C) qLr6lu6iuL D) oqor lnris.
5a. dl6orD drfl6br F,OD6osulLb, ar(EiD drflor grpeleoeqo 6r6.ruu0Lll.

A) 6r$6D5 B) 6l-rq
C) GLoneoeo Dl 966)6lr.

E pa","* I [Turn over

TNTET (RE)-2 16

55.'L6u[rf Lrdl' o6or e6rlpBs;l:]u@Lr6!ir

A) 9p$r* B) epdlr"or
c) @rfluor D) bfiry!,t.
56. erfl -r oer leo 9g Ga.q 6ter_rs :
A) Er6or s,qq
L(J'Eoor dl6r6Lj)
,n 6,6^, qe$
6r6drro 6nG)
B) sr6dr s,rG
L(g6oor qo$l
rDlrtrid, 6l6rsLll 6fq
C) onor ;rGl
L(96oor 6[;5b
Dlrir66il 'r+
6r6odrg qe6)
q) Er6dT 6,nO
L(96oor Ll6Sl
l-ollir5i1, Br/+ SlErs,Lb.
5/.'gl6dJlurn' 616.r@Lir glpp
a) gorerfl gEp B) oIry glsp
C) $ ooar S1669:eop Dl $aoor 61sB.
58.'Ge,nr@6n 6o6o6n, 6r6brD6op6j5[rlrG]o_lgl
A) 86rg;6rtqLr+ B) qe$lsgrL+
c) s[&&gL+ D) 6[rirodiL+.
59. aafl Sfl uneoeo $otiruSlg1srtor unl6! o1600166#16o15
A) lOO B) rlo c) 120 D) 180.
60. erilu:nso 6oolrll (g6oD6olr.tlit Ggiiq 6erne :

A) od@dl 2,a
(rd)6D61) 4, 14
Lo(Egib 6. 16
GlEdrSdD 10,20
B) 15dl@61 lo,2o
(9!6oG! 6, 16
L!15gLb 4, 14
GDLirgGi) 2,8
c) sdal6 2, a
. e)doco6! 6, 16
6(EgiD lO, 20
6prlprn 4, t4
D) odl,ldl 2, a
ODd)6o6u 10, 20
D(Egrlr 4, t4
6pO9<n 6, 16.
35 TNTET (RE)-2

There are 30 questions in this part. All the questions are compulsory.

( g. Nos. 6l to 64 )

Read the passage with blanks numbered. For each numbered blank four options

are given after the passage. Identify the correct word to fill in each blank :

The young and the uplvardly mobile generation of today has

. . ....191.1 ... .

aspirations 162 ) little patience. If the youngsters want a smartphone or an

ipad, they usually don't think much before spending ....1 9?.] . . such gadgets.

Sometimes such spending involves taking a personal loan or using the credit

card and repaying ....,..:.i.]. debt over tlle ne),t few months or even a year.

61. A) Iow B) one

/ ^en

62. N arld pt/ a"t

C) D) oL

63. A) of B) in

C) at Dr'
64. lhe B)
C) D) some.

E I Tum over
TNTET (RE)-2 36
65. Choose ttre correct word to fill in the given blar*.
Eilher Nila or Mala ..................... prcsenl loday.
iS B) are
C) Dl was.

66. Identifo the correct phonemic transcription fo!'germinate'.

N / dzemlnlet / Bl / dze'.$rr,ert /
C) /'gern nelt / D) / lerrnlnelt /.
67. The words 'need', 'dare' and 'used to' are

A) auxiliaries B) models

V{ rrra4inal rnodals D) modal arrxiliaries.

68. What does the follovr'ing sentence mean ?

Garldhiii loved to be up with the lark.

Gandhiji woke up early in the morning

B) Gandhiji vr'as punctua-l

C) Gandhiji went to bed early at night

D) Gandhiji did not wake up early ln the morning.

69. Choose the righl queslion Lag:

We put some money in the bank lcst week. ..... .. . . ... ?

A) aren't we ' B) don't we

{ o'on'*' D) do we

70. The aim of teaching poetry is

A) to help pupils to wiite poems

Y to hetp pupils to enjoy reading the poems

C) to help pupils only to learn poems by heart

D) to write the poems in their notebooks.

37 TIYIEI (RE).2
71. The teacher of English uses .pair work, in the classroom to

A) improve pupils' knowledge

B) improve the teacher's teaching

y' r^prou" pupils cornmunjcation skills

D) improve the teacher's English.

72. Which is not a quality of .good handwriting ?

A) Legibility

bl Distincriv.n..=

C) Sp.rcinH

,Df Absence of uniformiq/ in the size of the letters.

n is called

A) Silent Reading B} Intensive Reading

/ E*t='* D} SeIf Reading.

74. ldentily the correct characteristic :

If a test measures what it intends lo measure. then il is one of the

characteristics of a good test.

A) Practicability B) Reliabilitv

C) Scorability .a1t vararry.

75. Remedial teaching involves

A) teaching and testing

B) testng contnuously

teaching, testing a]rld reteaching

D) teaching difficult topics.

trl 2001-RE I Tum over
TNTDT (RD)-2 38
76. The ffgure of speech that attributes life to inanimate oUfllq gljtrstract quallUes
A) Metaphor Personiiication

C) Simile D) Alliterauon.

77. Choose ttre corect sentence pattem of the given sentence :

neading,lnad{ hirrf a complele man.
jt-,!lol c
X-./ srv+o+c B) S+V+tO+Do
C) S+V+A D) S+V+O.
78. ldentiry the simple sentence for the given compound sentence :

I broke my ankle in a football match ard had to go to hospital.

A) t had to go to hospital, because I broke my anlde in a Iootball match'

B) I broke my ankle in a football match, so I had to go to hospital'

C) I had to go to hospltal, so I broke my ankle in a football match

Having broken my allkle in a football match, I had to go to hospital'

79. ldentlly the correct anatram :

A) meet meat B) know

- no
_ l" on D) pun fun.
{ ^.lon -
80. Idenury the correct alphabetical order of the words In the box :

recession, receipt, recipient. recital recapture

A) receipt, recital, recession, recapture, reclpient

B) recipient, recession, recital, recapture, receipt

C) recital. recapture, recession, recipient, recelpt

,6 recapture. recelpl. recession reciplent recital'

E f ,oo r-RE]
39 TNTET (RE)-2
81. Identify the correct passive voice for the given sentence :

People believe he has cheated the government.

A) He has cheated the government is believed by people.

B) He has cheated the go\.ernment is believed.

C) It is believed he cheats the government.

y' If i.s believed that he has cheated the govemment.
82. IdentiS/ the adjective form of the word 'honour' :

N honourable B) honest

C) honesty D) honorarium.
83. Arrange ttle following jumblecl words in the rtght order to form a meaningful
sentence :

that / remember / always / become / can / you / thtnking / by / brg / brg

A) Remember always that by thinking you big can become biA

B) By thinktng big you become big that can remember always

,t'f Always remember rhal you can become big by lhinking big

D) Always become big by thinking big that you can remember.

84. Identii/ t}le correcl comparaLjve form ol the given scnlcncc :

Chennai is one of the largest cities in India.

A) Chennai is large than most other cities in India.

7B,/ Chennai is larger than most other cities in India.

C) Chennai is not larger tharl most other cities in India

D) Chennai is as large as most other cities in India.

85. Identily the correct compound word that contains .Verb + Noun, :

{ ooo.orn B) overtluow
C) safeguard D) Iifelong.

I Tum over
TNTET (RE}-2 40
86. How the sentences can be combined correctly $lthout changing the meaning ?

RaInarI has to complete his tromework. He can't go out.

Ttre correct comblnation of serltences is

If Raman has to complete his homework. he can't go out.

B) Raman has completed his homework until after he cant go out'

C) Until aJter Rarnan has completed his homework, he can t go out'

D) UnUl Rarnan has completed hts homework after. he can't go out'

87. Identify the corect word to fill in the given blank :

If I ........................ rich, I p&l help the poor.

A) arn N were

C) is D) was

88. Idenury the reported form ol the given sentence :

My frlend said, "You must accept this gilt."

A) My ftiend asked that I must accept that gilt.

B) My friend said that you must accept that gift'

C) My lrlend requested that I must accept this gift'

Pf My friend insisted that I must accept that gift.

89. A personat letter could conlain

A) three paragraphs onlY B) two paragraphs only

9l any number o[ ParagraPhs D) one paragraph only.

90. Identi& the sentence that is grammatically correct :

,lS- H"" to spend a few days with him.

B) He iN'ited us to stay a fev/ days v/ith him.

C) He i 'tted us a few days to stay with him.

D) He iNtted us a fevr' days to spend with him.

+l TNTET (RE)-2

u(561 - rv
- ry
L5lrflq -A
E666r6g o$Erb e1flofl uriu
SlnLr(gSlusld 6o aieorn&oeir L6n6r6dr. 45o6dr6gi o5166rr{i6@d.Llr oSeoru6fl6o G6,16@rO{b.

There are 60 questons in all in thts Part. All questions are compulsory,

91. qp bTbr-fi, 6pngndl6. 6lulqrbrnornor Etbll66rr 6l6s or6o66our8 srribggl

A) 6lr"O B) L6d.ri

C) 56!uLl. D) rr6+eug1Lb.

In peripheral nervous system, the majority nerves are of..................... tl,pe.

A) motor B] sensory

C) mixed D) a fferent.

92. 56riir(p+5 ganons opflri ru5rflorur 6105 gr& Gl6r6nr@Lb !p5s(p6rr51r gC, Loerfl OelaO,
c $9 eoeu-u-6lo (O6oDUn- q6dndr ull6 uq 6rDUt]lLi ?

A) sooLrrbleor E LoEUb D o er-- Slsr K

C) onriGunorpgrGTr$eeir D) 6ar19uq.

A man in the habit of consuming antibiotics indiscriminately is likely to suffer

from the deliciency of

A) Vitamin E and I) B) Vitamin K

C) Carbohydrates D) Fats.

t ool !9 I Tum over
TNTET (RE)-2 42
93 rre0e0{E691 6L.lpnr@Li, glrssodl6ar grpu
s1eopogrig& 6ledg1b srfrurn6.r
-.eo+eo r o eoorr $l :
L gllg1 qrfl6idl6n
IL 6..6!A e\fl6d16fl

III. erLe,.rg 6)er eoorrrflid en

W. $rg Goetinrrfloden.

A) I, II. III. W B) I, IrI, 11, W

C) [. IV, III, I D) rI, III, I. w.
Identit/ the rlght path of brood flow among the charnbers
or human hear.t. when
blood comes from various parts of the body.

I. Irft auricle
II. Right auricle

III. Right ventricle

W. Left ventricle.

OJ these :

A) I, II, III, W B) I, IrI, II. IV

C) [, IV, III, I D) Ir, 11I, I. 1y.
94. ea'sujid'rr
co -gt gg e,eoe,:gef eu soe,J)d, p er sn gO 6gorn Gunerpg.
6o0155l qar66r floror$9arg fleoor3lgnurg o.l+ar6orD&B
(g)qu]6., g16g
6)rarn 6d)
-6op6o r 6u(g6g6urj

A, G6flct D)Utb
6d Bl g.6e!d,,r . .Digli G)su6lr
. C) K. G.6osL66r D) 666r6bfl'r@nb.
. 'Curiculum is a tool in the hands of the artist to mould
his material according
to his ideal in his studio. This is the definition of

A) Cook
Kearney and B) Alexalder ar1d Seylor
C) K. c. Sayidan D) Cunningham,


43 TNTIT (RE).2
95. urd;onrdl 6OEd) o;fdld,F6u 619el9&6 6r65gjg6rL@

A) $gn6un6ar B) 66r61qnL+

L' 96O6XLiLDO Ularp99 D) 6ggp61 ueoeoc.

A good example for projected teaching ald is

A) Realia B) Poslers

C) OHP D) Peg board.

96. 6 6o1 6!or uJ 5 ptl6!T, pnend)doeun ug$uIlor, (gGoporr601 516.!ret6fldi6o5uJl6\ L6nqr

6teciooofl eSleSl6g6 oir{isiu$b Gordl grgarfi 6ut. 6uuri

A) ffiae$letn B) g@6ics,n6i\)

C) gr@rii66n66r D) $eoenaGangor.

The chemlcal messenger secreted by less number of cells in endocrine part of

pancreas ls

A) tnsulin B) Clucose

C) Glucagon D) clycogen.

97. GonGcrpt 5(q60)9.( Mule ) dp5666drL6!OUGn GrpO(9 6r055rii6nLLr)b ?

A) 6r66lqppeorLonorgofloooLlu@3iggdo

B) 6l6D16,61edF6#16!)DULrGlirgtsd)

ul 6prL!6\r I6!116tD O Li-J(blS SIS 6n

D) srOU)L6oL aigeur6-egldllO -t6br p@c6ol Dnu$Ei5gdu.

'Mule' is arr example of

A) mechanicalisolation B) gameflc isolation

C) ecologicalisolation D) post-zygottcisolation.

I Tirrn over
TNTRT (RE)-2 ++
98 6 glrq Lurfg)61r6r e(E D@fl56ofl66r LLOu(EtDri odlufo ( BMI ) 2r.6 Er6blld, rorrn6br
<ieo,_roor d,err d)7nddr aa.ogiS,.q

A] 70 Bi 90
c) 60 D) l0o.
ihe BMI oI a person with a height oI6 feet is 21.6. His body weight in kilograjns

A) 70 B) 90
c) 60 D) 1OO.

99. Dr. q66r6li, Gonseo eri;7rri3!$ugor oetir@Eqnq

$lgGerrn$t 6)gnrriqeorurgt
A) zu5l+o 6)LJ(E66Lr6DLgdr B) rugrio LoDldr.r6,66
c) LuSlfLo
0661 D) Lusirto gLGirlrrGr.
Thc invention of Dr. Ananda Mohan Chalsaborty is associated
A) Bio-magnification B) Bio remediation
Cl Bio-sonar D) Bio-control.
1OO. r6lundleiu 6lle6o Lllrflg6$l6or eoLorrndsiu
floreuu!<i. gei6)e,rn6 GeL! 6ecner!e06$g1
L(E6rnB(gLb 6lECi66fl6br Gr6.jbr6doflgt6oe,

Li .r Dl 6.
During mitotic phase oI meiosis, the number of cells formed from each daughter
cell is

l0l. a g 6ed,Ganrur:46n ctbs-b 3qd,6, ,
Al e4eoeu$g I ulri oqrb Gtsde6rqd,r +6br 6,5u
. B) qflocuGer reiror 6er safle$lgfig1 q$u 6)edraor Ggn6rrgd]6urp66r
UI 96.'6r$9 Gl&it6@6 srq_-66,_u5td, geoouL51g b. sle-agg n gd;Oo.e'
D) G,s6tu.,ufl6br 6rn69gr gg G]ecne$e$q'ggr L-oiopn6 G)e6e61[g LDr,]n Lr6.brr-r6or

E t?eerFl

45 TNTET (RT)-2
Which is not a feature of 'CeIl Doctrine' ?

A) All organisms are made up ol cells

B) New cells are formed from old.cells

C) A]l the cells are basically ofthe same shape and size

D) Hereditary infor-rnauon is passed from cell to cell, during cell division.

102. O6fil,iur6br LrrL+6$l6n eL06.dLqd ( Label J 'pGsrGln6.fl6 Gr6or i5dldr6irr-rL@61T6r5t.

$lpor Glunqen
Al ge,fl drd.S66r STor 9 rgdqo.9og r r eSe., p 61 6', 6le6!e 6.fl6r 6l-el drdl6
g r. r :dpl4b eLo florerrldr r s-crg.
Bl gC '' -6dr dl-r6.. b )og 6\6 d, 6f d,, e . q.q b

C) goflfirnor $7orrb Lrg1s@ pEqgl o9ororo5la6Ll

D) geflriLlr6bT $t6rb gLogi rue$goirar 6ledJs6fl6o $r7or$$eoeo rSl@+o.

On the label of a soft ddnk botfle, it is w tten that the liquid content is
'isolonic. It means

A) the concentration olthe liquid content is equal to that of fluids in our cells

B) the liquid enters into our cells

C) the liquid does harm to our ce1ls

D) the liquid absorbs water from our cells.

tO3. 3(E tD756l6br 6llur6rrrg elgcor eu6tit0 oJ6o6fiurruE6fl6rtr 616.ncdof6i6os.6our 6Dorggl

e,eoorr f <rSt

A) 6lgqorrnelg! B) &eorrGrn6gTeoruneugf

. C) GreouGTnqqGTner:rneu$ D) Guggneug!.

Determinauon of age of a tree by counting the amual ring is

A) Gerontolos/ B) Ph]'togerontolosr

C) Dendrochronolosr D) PatholoS/.

l-p i
I Tum over
TNTET (R.E}-2 46
104. Xl b o O- , n-6@ 616! . 91 rl n6pi 6b )-drL6b.oo. eo au.:er oq. )3,jr og6 ^L5l6d
$ -D
e:15ol66elfl6ur qpdl6o6dru.l6. GargunrLgeocoqrb
oeotrrflpg$eu o!eoorq. gergteoru:
oeo$rn Gpneoflu_:9

A) $d G --geoo Bl n esneo-

C) p$l:etfoq D) e{66s6D6br.
A student of class )C has observed the venation, phyllotaJ<y arrd inflorescence
plants at microlevel and enjoyed a lot with the beauty and diversity
in them. The
value developed in the studenl is

A) moral B) aesthetic
C) cultural D) creative.
f05. 966r a$l[]LfLqbsneor 6pgp oqqag LoSEb 19:6tlp

A) Ggrisncrud; Bl LpE[GF[6i66i)
c) dlpordlgn D) erfluniruq urr.qud,r.
On ciassifying the tools and techniques of evaluation, a good self_reporting
lechnique is

Al intentew Bl obseruarion
C) aptitude test D) check list.
106. erflu-:nerr reorrq ead)e$eou_: gdlnlllcis :

A) . d -gd6or +gereur '-_'rb.

B) grislaor -+ gorcoor ,+ urrDrl + u(E6g
C) -6i, - r"bu ,e erSl

D) Orelr[&r66n + oe$l + q$oop.

IdentiS/ the correct form oI food chain :

A) Grass ) insects i) frog <+ snate

B) Insects -+ frog + snahe + eagle

C) Grass + snalle + rat

D) Plants + rat -r owl.

E] @E

47 TNTET (RE)-2

IO7. gireir7g6l6rr 6r$p ug6lu5l66l U)6!'b L6l5eAD.ts9 gl6opu5)dl 6leDLq[n41eiu Sorogreop

g6rl6!(g5oDulro; fl eoo $lEggnr-.:@dpg r

A) D6rri s.6i. -pis6"r. Gori 6,6'

B) Gorris6ir, gl6o6!55n, g6.drGr

C) gcrir$'. u3rruoe". Geri oei

D) Go 's,6'r. g6titG1. tD6Dti$6,1.

The parts of plant best suited for matntaining heterosts through generatlons 'rre

A) flowers, fruits, roots B) roots, leaves, stems

C) stems, Auits, roots D) roots, stems, flowers.

108. BOD 5l@t6 flopquo Glgnurlq aq!951

A) 616! L6nff agorr gcsir $Jpnq

B) qdJ6r*6fl6.r :l1Lnit5 sl6oonq ( 4dr6rdi56ir n@6 )
C) ft f'eoe,,aetfLi 96oJ6'ESg aq$afl$pdo
D) frt fleoerooflrn qri;ar.51geo O6rlpgd0 ( eutrophlcauon ).
BOD ts not the result of

A) death of terrestrial animals

B) algal bloom

C) increase ln organic matte! in water bodies

D) eutrophtcatlon.

t 09. $nurbuLL 6lcri;osrflo6lo6l@6 gil 6orofl Guglr! Gsr$ odef,l&oro G)un-15or

A) orpgre'51eur B) qbl5l066ldr

C) qGqneiuundlernenrleur D) pnfierL5l6pnrflor.

Cherdca.l alarm stgnals released by an ir-rjured tlssue are

A) Thymulins B) Ampicilllns

C) Prostaglandins D) Norepinephrtnes

I Turn over
TNTET (R.E)-2 48
1lo. gnorTlig6rir+or Eloflrruod)Gour fr;gLl6unqgg 3l1$grrorlLlr dleoor$O orsr1qd6ur96or.
lgE6n6dr 5llq6..rLD

A) G6urn6d blcdfliu@gil LDOplb Lr66carfl6.r

raren gln76\i6br66fl
dd,s-n .Gg6i,

B) pofl OLrnrLqdr L6n6n

+a6r6l6.r66n .d6isnu@orglr6\r

Cl g6dnqtr U5.,l"sld e 6r,6r eo,e G, n eoes.q6dr f,6,e..ueorgren

D) Lr65 6lDnL@salfldr L6rerr q6fi06dr66lT

Plants grow like bushes, when gardeners cul the shoot
trps. This is due to
A) removat of gibberellins present both in apical
and lateral root Ups
B) removal of auxins present in apical buds

Cl removal of cytokinins present in apical shoots

D) removal of auxins present ill lateral buds.

I I i. ll6d 6rgor6dr 6r,i3ar geg agpgrb 6n 6,ll G)uEDA 6r& ?

A) sddl6ol-6 +l, 6l6r,b B, 6! riLi 6 J,t66!.b

C) qctrn8curr6ofld 9r616!D D) gGornGTn eq0rq6; qL6errb.
Which of the following is optically acttve ?

A) Succinic acid B) Lactic acid

C) Propionic acid D) Chloroacetic acid.
I 12. C - C E6o6odr, 6ou dnre Sergeer, 6i. e gG." o gt 6-gt ,
A) s6ofl Luuqg6n B) 5niu6.l Gprigqu:eolfl

C) onnL:eor op6l7u:eoofl D) eopllrGTnsnd uensor.

. Homoll.tic fission ofC _ C bond leads to

A) lree radicals B, carbocation

C) carbanions D) hvdrocarbons

Eq sI

TNTET (RE).2 50
f 16. g6 dGe,.rndIrrb 66D7tun66fl6ir o;60q6g6n6n oeoqG)ungqafleo Gtoneloafleur
6r6tir 6ei 6 66) 6;

A) GLonelnrflrlq B) ErirlDr6$lLq
C) Glorgil L5l66T6brb D) GLonerne.SLq.

The number of moles of solute per kg oI solvent is called

A) Molariry B) Normallry
C) MoIe lraction D) Molalq/.
t 17. 6l6oor6dfldD dlsdi(o6op6g gogernLb e1uJafiu.:n&1qh qEp6o6! Glu$Eensn goflo(i ergl r

A) Mg B)O
c)F D) Na.
Whtch among the iollowing has the lowest first ionisation ener5/ ?

A) Mg B)O
C)F D) Na.
I18. o5lor6drorsdfl6dr l$rfll:noruaor FurrtrflBe uu-r66Tr-.]Ob lGerro neueoot eigl r

A) erd,rLir B) L515g"oor

c) qurretu,fl* D) G)ei.:ctiy a errb.

An alloy used ln manufacturlng Aircraft parts is

A) Solder B) Brass

C) Duralumin D) Bronze.

119. &Gr:gnoflor o$$uurq $eoeu6<r.:eoeuf fkn og gr1$o greoeorqg$grb $poreorn

6ugf119e,6b r

A) 6flu Gpri +quaoi osqrb 6lflu er$ri 9uo5)

B) 6flu Gpri :l]uofl ofErb Gurflu o$+ guafl

C) 6uflu Ggi opgLo 6' ,rfl- <r$ri a4 red)

D) G)urflu Ggn oggrb 8f1u er$ri guerfl.


TNTET (RE)-2 52

122. e19 966l U6n56l6br g)tdli 66}r6.i, 10 kHz. rJrflglrb, euqo9gLt, g51 rlgerrd;(qrb gedl

e16D6, 5,n e1dl Glor6.or

A) t0 kIIz B) < lO kHz

C) > 10 kHz D) $)eoeGero$eo96 enir6gd LDrElrD

A frequency of a source is 10 kHz. The lrequency of sound wave produced by it

in water and in gas will be

A) lokHz B) < 10kHz

C) > l0 kHz Dl dePending on velociry'

123. ugsplli eqg s6o!16odrquJl6.T dg 52" Gsneoor$$)rn a5lgdpgl er$G)rlnerfluqa

o;61(b6,6Llr, 6lenrgji,Sl6i6Lb gJ6olLUULL G5r6..rrb

A) 90" B) 52'

c) 38' D) 76'

A ray is incident at an angle 52J on a mirror' 'fhe angle between nol.rllal and
reflected rcy is

A) 90' B) 52"

c) 38" D) 76'.

124. df urrulLb rGeunoa lqgrni @6flf6n6!1i,616 6eu eLourb G)elquu566r 6r[6n'rli)

A) feoT o5L rGarnarb e(Emr(96xprdi

B) J' reor]-rb G g o5l{ o-eo erg

, c;i

C) 6)or6rfluqp lGeunai uq956l, tqpn u6$oru o9r e15floLono o5rtlereouergnet'

D) LLqD LG6r)rr6u ug$, G]euefinqp L-l,g$)"ou o9r :1$aons e'lgogergne'o'

Metal pipes used to car'rl water sometimes burst in the /inter because
' A) me(al conlracls more lhan walcr

B) water expands when it freezes

C) outside of the pipe e)'?ands more than inside
D) inside ofthe pipe contracts more than outside

53 TNTET (RE)-2
125. 96 G[ gm-org Ggur-. $6ur U6\,b -616n @]-L. j G$og. elg+ "no-.
A) $flgarrq 9$1srfl6;eGern erynelg dSlgerrq geopu:Garn G)ertqrb
B) Sdloo q qgo,rflrio i)
C) Of gr eu georpqrb

D) Lr-p-g.

lI a body is chargFd by rubbing it. ils weight

A) may slightly increase or slighfly decrease

B) increases sliBhtly

Cl decreases sliqhl ly

D) remains constanl.

126. gorfl 4ebo-r$t 6r6drugl 6156.r'J)16\ro

A) 6o@aeLlr B) Glpneoeuq

C) Ge,:aLb D) 5r6!b.
A light year is the unit of

A) acceleration B) distance

,C) speed D) time.

127. $nDff$ gleoeGor*g$e,t, glg,urb e(E e1eug GpTg$cn. x dt.dl. SlTgggeog

Gorefl Gufl pl$lpgr oofl6, Gpeneri-:u@rb o$eoe

A) .B) +
"r dt D) "$1.
The heart is pumping blood at ). kg per unit time with conbtant velocilr. The
force needed is

A) xt)

^, udx
L' ,rt D) zero,

I Turn over
TNTET (RD)-2 54
I28. dl6bT6LOb 6)'soflci 6rE6- 6lurd.e
4ppen e1d'e,rb r

Al 4 m 6'6oDr-b. u Gare.grrb 6srai:rr 61-:rgen

B) 3 md\6op(b.2 u Gorogro Glonctio _ 6\-1 19sn
C) 2 m flo.Dub. 3 u Gaogrrb G'a etrir_ 6ur6er
D) m SleopqLb. 4 u Gol6(plo 6lorl66irl 6]u[(E6n.

Which of-fte fotlowing bodies have the Iargest ktneuc enersr ?

A) u
Mass 4 mand speed B) MasS 3 mand speed 2u

C) Mass 2 m and speed 3u D) Mass m and speed 4u.

129. 6l7or56lg:r6n e(E llcn6flu5l6 g(g!i,g6 $l6oror15ar6.r6rE96r 6rs6o6dri enrig$gng
. A) .r__meorJle6tgi,gy 61 .o,g$e6r
B) 6l-er66'sn oerro,o
C) 9nr-]6ir6flu5ld q65lur'rinq (!DO6i5iLi)

D) e.6!eo'166r 6.4errb.

Pressure at a polnt inslde the liquld does not depend upoo

A) rhe dep*l oflhe point below the surface o[ the liquid

B) the nature o[ lhe liqutd

C) the accelerauon due to gra!,tty at that point

D) [he shape o[ [he container.

130. G)-rg!9- scrfcop6 CpnDG\pGr :

A) 6toroirofl B) Lr(asg

C) riLlo oeoledo D) r-ooflp rtdo.

Find the odd one out :

A) Silver B) Cotton

C) Salt water D) Human body.

t'l tr ".*l

55 TNTET (RE)-2
131. eoord SO odlnllliLo 6tpncoaeou q6.i..rG6,g 60lo perflerrrq ofgg$g1b, L_oDGtpno
6)pnoseou.: +6.iirG66 7 o/o O6.flarLr+ 6erirdlDnn. 6l[6.orG]
"fg5dlgt, GDO6,fO
+6b6rGl6@ggn 5p6, 9<uq96g oriq (p6)lors O. 354 arolDrr66rb dcoradlpg.
qgen g:gorf:gen j Lrrorg, @17<iorrergr GrgcfLqd,r I r.rUtgiq elob, Er6.idr garir
qgof6t 6lerlg G)on3i,9 6$neos
A) s.2,7OO B) (D.2.80O

C) qq.2,900 D] O.3.000.
A man invests a certain sum of money at p.a. S.l. and another sum at
7o/o p.a. S.l, His income from interest after 2 years was Rs. 354. One-fourth of

the Iirst sum is equal to one filth of the second sum. The total sum invested was

A) Rs,2,7OO B) Rs.2.8OO

C) Rs.2,9OO D) Rs.3.0OO.

132. GlgneoeeouJ a,r6 orurqu$ot grgo!@ 6rerlgnd) 5 qcrirGrs6fldJ $1qg orn:andlpg].

915r er$geoeor 4erir$tooflen, qcp <urq osgg$en aL@ DLEr6r(qb ?

A) B) ro

C) 15 D) 20.

A sum oI money placed at C.l. doubles itself in 5 years. It will amount to eight
Umes itself at the sarne rate of interest in .................. years.
A)58) lO

c) 15 D) 20.

133. g1q 6)ecieu6;,drpN6!] Lr66br56n 20% slltl6rfl66nuLL116\. 9196!r L.rryLrLl 6rEp6o6n

el5146s,n$ r
A) 4oo/o B) 42o/o

c') 44o/o Dl 46a/o.

The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle. if each of its sides is

lncreased by 2oolo is

A) 4Oo/o B) 42o/o

c) 44o/o D) 460/o.

I Turn over

134. O. 312 e IOO bn6eroJ, Dn@rollsetfl6olGu: g15 ronanTorglrii1q

O.3.60 b e15
onaura51B19 A. 2.4O iD dl6oLdi15buq r:ud)rnu@dl9q. srsrflc! Loneoragoaflsor

A) 35 B) 40
' c) 60 D) 65.

A sum ofRs. 312 was divided among 10O boys and girls ir!-such a way that each
boy gets Rs. 3.60 and each girl gets Rs. 2.4O. The number ol girls is

A) 35 B) 40

c) 60 D) 65.

^"" -'
135- | -* I I *vs-rS
{9-.,/8 Vs-V7 J?n6 -,fo.vs =

A) oBt I
trr-trg -.r8-.rf7 * i-?_vG -./6_rfs .-tr5-.tr4 is equalto
A)O-t B)i
cl lD)5.
,-- ( 67.54212 - 132.4'j812
.trtt. ' *
iffii- o6t-q

A)l B) to

C) IOO D) 1OOo.

rhe rrue of
( 67:? ).(:2 45812 is
75 458 - 4.].374

A)1 B) lo

c) loo D) 1000.

57 TNTtr (Rt)-2
t'or3 ,,,3
r37. . :::; l::l = 20 6r6fld x-or Lodlnll

c) 9r D) 31.

(l3JJ+t7JJ 20. rrrenxis

rf (13)" t(71"-x =
A)6 B) 20

c) 91 D) 31.

I38. glr aiorcr Gr ai, 0,#166I GluO66Eu6\,@. 45 oEgtb eranors#166r orfss,ris6{lar e, fAe'i\)

106. J}16g 6r6o6r56n

. A) 3 LoEDb 5 B) 5 Lo$gb 9

C) 5 LDOU6 19 D) 45 l3bDl6 1.

The product of two numbers is 45 and the sum of theil squares is 106. The

numbels are

A) 3and5 B) Sandg

C) 5 and 19 D) 45 and 1.

v_ l
139. x=5+2{6. o *fld, ^*: eor Lo$l-u

A) "r2 B) 2{2
c) \I3 D) 2^f3 .

' If x=5+2ri6. tien ?

v_ 1

.A)nD B) 2.12

c) {3 . D) 2"r3 .

I Tilrn over
l4o. A 6TG.r LrorIi 30yo ogllnGu6.for56n
6uDEr ls LropNn6lu6i6r66rr (96oD6r6ond)
GSrrd)aru.lEprrn. B 6Terruelrri ! GlLrool qard'56r. Ggrisdl
Gor6o.r+ur Lopllu6iLr*-"**,totl G)r-,p

g1o:rioelr)or Ggri6,6
- 35-tdir6u6b'r66n
,,6lu6u66dr56n ;qpgoo"ra GlLrEDrIi 6r66fl6
A) 45a/o
B) 4oo/n
c) 35a/o
D) 330/a.
A scored 3oo/o marks and failed
A) 45a/n
B) 4oo/o
c) 35a/o
D) 330/o.
141. g(E g)15 eoLrdro 6)+ErGsnebdr
056iG6r6!or6pg6br 6ED6nq ( 6 + 3rE
urirLJ6.nq ) Ld, Gr6ofld) qg6T

A) 4.5 d2
B) s.4 62
C) 9Ld2
D) 8l d2.
' II the pedmeter olan isosceles
nght ]riangle i"(O eJZ
the triangte ts
) m. Lhen lhe area oI

A) 4.5m2
B) 5.4 m2
c) 9m2
D) 8tm2.
142. 43, 91roEDlio 6r6!rD lg3 6r6.tore,
6eord;6rb r-fg srDntr6 gl@uflcdr.
g)6,.,16606rr or(e6rB{i
6,qur r*a;';}:#'*"nsi
A)+ B)Z
c)s D) 13.
The greatest number that
will divide 43. 9l and lg3 so as to leave the same
iemainder in each case is

c)9 D) 13.
143..r+b+c=15oggLt, a2+b2+c2=6goelfld
ab+ bc+ cq
A) -50 B) s0
c) 69 Dl 75.

59 TNTET (RE)-2 .

lf a+b+c=13, a2+b2+c2=69, then(rb+ bc+ a.ris

A) -50 B) 50
cl 69 D) 75.
144.461 +462+463+ 464 p crl96 arisoqu ererrr

A) 9. B) r.O

c) 11 D) 12.

^6t. ^62. ^63. ^64

A) 9B)10
c) 11 D) t2.
145. x $(b r6lsoe, o abroor oqi. 8-dl:g G6LELT'Gb Oon06d, x+ I -eu o6l--

c) >2 D) <2.
If xis positive and aifferent from I. then x + I is l

A) 1 B) 2

c) >2 D) <2.
146. 1 264 ) lo2 + (26+ ) lo3 614 golgrorgt OG\,e.6rcri5-

c)4Dl 6.

The unit s digir in\264)to2+(264 IIo3is

c) 4D)6.
147. i :,itg erordre;sr 5ozo $lonug$g1rb, d$ 2olo 5LL66lArb o9E5nu@dl66rDor. GLDrSg

$1er,r urb qry. 4oo 616ofldu.6)0-69 enrn5trs61flet Ddl .u

A) (8. 10,ooo ts) qD. 12,000

C) (,. Dl U 2OOOO
EI I Turn over
TNTET (RE}.2 60
Two-third of a consignment i/as sold at a profit
ol5o/o and the remalning at a
loss of 27o. If the total profit was Rs. 4OO.
then the value of the consignment was
A) Rs. IO.OOO B) Rs. 12.000
C) Rs. 15.0OO D) Rs.20,000.
l4A. U6.TEI Er6.j.r66n 3:4: S6r6orD ordl g6dl6\r L61T 6T6bT. 316ot6156rfl 6br arn6sl,,l66*1
saoF d l25O 6r@i6\r, J)]Eg (r66rur 616drs,qi6n
A) 30 B) 50
c) 60 D) 90.
' The ratio of three numbers
is 3 : 4 : 5 arld the sum of thef squares is 1250. The
sum o[ lhe lhree numbers is

A) 30 B) 50
c) 60 D) 90.
149. 3(E 9s6\r 5% &,LO euq a5)$g5$r;o otLUULLndr,99 oelerorq 6,n6t;g,p!erl @6dr6l
lolrEo;r19b ?

A) 22 O 22;
c) 2s D) %;.
In how many years w.ill a sum of money trebte itsell at 5olo CI payable annualy ?
A) 22 B) 22;
c) 23 D) 23}
150. 3(E 6.rrL$6l6or 6.pp6rq, g}(E e5ll,r$dl@r &OD6ro$E(q eL-DLb 6r6rfl 6i l 966r u7nlloofl 6br

A) 4:1 B) 1r 7
C) 14: 11 D) 22 7.
The perimeter of a circle is equal to the perimeter of
a square. Then. their areas
are in the rauo

A) 4tl B) 1l 7
C) 14: 11 D) 22 7,

6l TNTET (RD)-2

uo6l - rv
Erflq - B

eg)E l,ldlofhudo

$lnug$uSlen 6O o5leorn6sor L6ir6r6di. j{6o6urBg eI96drr6a@6Ob olleouu:ofl6o Goretior@rb.

There are 60 questions irl all in this part. all questions are compulsory.

91. 1978 qb +6oorGr 44-orgl e4qfluereoouqri ell$dli5bpfi$l6.ruq frisiuur rrflaro

A) 6+n3igrfleoo B) eoggo rrfleoLr

C) ogg$79$fsnorrrflcoo D) elDurdeg66lT$6lfe,neqre-fJolLn.

The 44th Amendment Act. 1978 abolished

A) Rtght to property B) Right to eqila-tity

C) Right to freedom D) Right to freedom ol rellAion.

92. g. pr. urgonuq Gugieoou5lio 6lqbgr/ Lgtnl5lsori serfleo ererturetoflieos

A)+ B)5
c) lo D) 15.
Permanent number of members in the Security Council of the UNO is

A) 4 B)5
c) ro D) 15.
93. ro#)p Lfl6ooo;6n 616rrb 5@)Lnfl4s,6,nu0i) En6rT

A) rlerburi lO B) qebun 14
C) +e,b r 20 D) +6buri 24.
Human Rights Day is observed on
A) December lO B) December 14
C) December 20 Di December 24.

I Turn over
TIVTET (RE}.2 62
94. gli4lui 2O2o .6)! bFSo'etirofarec Oo u--6oa ( t998 I oeop _O6e66do
a qg6 ueri

A) $g$qnsng$ B) L. K. gtgoJr6.i

C) to66r GLor 6 6urfJ6r D) 3llL:rgldl 66!nLb.

India-2020 A Vision for New Millennium ( 1999 ) was written by

A) Indira candhi B) L. K. Advani

C) Manmohan Singh D) Abdul Kalam.

95. gsu e 6'eon egerfl,re _-Gr.b, e-

A) 26 +erbui B) 26 dlnqorrfl

C) 26 Eolbl:ri D) 26 eerrorfl.

Republic Day is observed on

A) 26th December B) 26th February

C) 26th November D) 26th January.

06. $g$u eq,Tdueroroiq b6oL-(g6oD&@ orfl S q6r.r@

A) 26 pGdrarfl, 1950 B) 15 q56ir0, 1947

C) 26 g6ororfl, 1947 D) 15 qs6iuo, 1945.

The Constilution of India came into lorce on

' Al 26th January, r95O B) lsth August. 1947

C) 26th January, 1947 D), lsth August, 1945.

froo aRE_]
63 TNTET (RD)-2
97. B-bgl orJrb s,r6iyLfl Dr6l6ufi6'6or &r'r uG-76oorrt66 jpafas-reu-t

A) 6 4air@oen B) 5 4etiot@oar

C) 7 +6@r0s6ir D) 4 g6.i5TOE6n.

The term of l he t-egtslative Assembly o[ JaJnmu and Kashmir is

A) 6 years B) 5 years

C) 7 years D) 4 years.

98. $g$unoieir 6166116!Odld 6leu$u@Lb reirenrudl Jrl GoLD[i 6olr.] (pp@rGDp6\tld0

EGoL(p6u)DauG!i,6Jur6 n

A) rflnu6ur 6lrrl B) 5n66luq66rr

c) g165lrlrtlT65l D) ryngfelonfr$.

Ircal Self-Government was inboduced by

A) Lord Ripon B) Gandhiji

c) Iidira Ga-ndhi D) Rajiv Gandhi.

gg. GgA, LoBsGir Glgr.6oo;rii Gloneireosorul $1S$u sqTertuob g)]dla9g9 enirr0

A) dlnrorrfl,2ooo B) p6ororrF,2Oo1

C) q66i!G, 1999 D) gri;Grnuri, 2002.

In which year dld the Govemment announce the National Populatlon Policy ?

A) February 2OOO B) January 2OOt

C) August 1999 D) October 2002.

t oor-RE-l I Tum over
TNTEI' (RE)-2 64
lOO. 6olrou- 31nO6dr
6 riorne,drp|EgLu_L Lr(g!6ls 6rr

A) $l7ngtar6; so,r ornflur6ro6'T B) ps7 er6eoeuur6$

C) tqdl,,L9r. 6r6!6o6u[]u6p6l
@(gdr66r D) porflub.

Centrally administered areas are

A) Cantonment Boards B) Town A.rea Committees

C) Not ied Area Committees D) Townships.

1Ol. 6lungt oBsaflrb rei,or qpriolj u@dr6 6r66ru5l

A) Mr B) M2

C) Ms D) M4'

Currency with t.Le public is knovm as

Mr B) M2
cl M3 D) Ma.

102. Sleu!flgdlorrGu G97r4 rpq o;nadriu@gDgt 2

A) a5leoar oflDlrb Ggoror B) oSlsool DOEtb t]6fl[1.]

C) oieoo o!ryb 6!(Eor.6urb D) a$eoeu osprb elrfl.

There exisls a direct relationship between

Al Price and Demand B) prtce and Supply

C) Priee and Income D) Price and Tax-

65 ANTET (Rt)-2

1O3. eo$)eoer oieoreu d1g+aai:ruer5gt6n Grgol6dr erocuruGllir gdlDgt ?

A) Ggeoo ofryrb Jlainq B) Gpeosu LoEUlb eir6lor6,ri)

Cl -sr6{llru rDrinLLlr Lfiusidl D) G66)or r!6Drb uuJ6ail.t lr{it.

Equilibrium price equalises

A) Demand and supply B) Demand and income

C) Supply and production D) Demand and uti[ry.

t04. &(!)srLb o-rT)b e,n gl-b G)'6ri

Al rA Bjic6)rri B) G)png516rgreoorGornri

C) L@,pirlrlT6nir D) a5]oflGunaeiugri.

The changing agent of the society is

A) consumer B) entrepreneur

C) labourer D) distrtbutor.

I05. 61Logarr6r GareoetqLb, ol6rgL$lib dp6s6iorLarOEl6n 6rSE'6 olr76.0rL-on6

a5lernr6d1pg r

A) Lflu56lu5l66r $lporLr6; geopq

B) 6roDr6rir tDDElrn 6ledorfidldr 6,DDS grrpq

C) G)gng$e!guul61eoeoLo

D) oJ6n[,]66o6[6 $prorou.:ns uu]6rLr0bgJo6.

- Red taptsm and corrupuon lead to

A) inefficiency of productton B) ineqrElity of income and wealth

C) absence of technolos/ D) eflicient use ofresources.

l;roz-llE froo r -RE] I Tirrn over

106. 616$ g@ir6oL glr+ulgoL q6.irLtr6ri]
e$$u-rno$elo $oroiurroi eS\ororS6:
ErLGI 6,.(}l.0.16l.b seoor&dl--u$$pg I

. A) 1993 _ 94 B) 1980 _ 8l
c) tgzo-?t D) t960.6t.
whrch year is taten as the base yea.r
in India to estimate the Nauonar Income at
constanl prlces ?

A) 1993 - 94 B) 1980 - 81

c) 1970 - zt D) 1960 _ 61.

107. ,Lr6durb
oorg6)u.:dreuri 6)e u cudceuGpn
eqgGer ucoorb, 6r6o7urDllisarf

Ai dl6Torggri B) $riognr &rjogrt

C) orrBdft D) enri0GTn.

'Money is that which money does.,

This ls defined by

A) crowiher B) Irving Fisher

c) walker D) shaplro.

lO8. GgOr e,dlagii, Gle,n6.rano LO6uq 60 []Lr_. geti, G

A) 19ar B) 1986

c) 1985 D) 1984.

In which year v/as the Naflonal policy on Education (.NpE

). formulated

A) l98t Bl 1986

c) 1985 D) 1984.
E t oor-RE-l
67 TtrTEr (RE)-2
1 09.'Ger.:oreuugLlq grorg, oarp sogorg jlfl gronu@g$iuorri

A) gLbiuL6l3i B) q1e$&rjyr Lonnary<,ir

C) J. l\1. d66r6o D) orlpGcroireo,.

The concept 'Division- of l,abour' was lntroduced by

. A) Adam Smith B) Alfred Marshall

C) J. M. Keynes D) Samuelson.

1I0. u$GorirTnrn pDSn6lblOS $r-rri; onsuri

A) 2OO7-2O12 B) 2OO2-2OO7

c) 2ot2-2o17 D) 1597-2002.

The durauon of I lth Five Year Plan is

A) 2OO7-2O|2
. B) 2OO2-2OO7

cl 2o12-2ot7 D) 1997-2002.

1i 1. s'p$fl $luBorarooflGetGu.: 161o oofleorlunorSl

Al annrnooso *Lorh6l B) onnuor e,pi61


ul un6nrLrrsru eppel D) df 6.pOSl.

. Which is the simplest of all (ycles ?

A) Nihogen cycle B) Carbon cycle

C) Phosphorus cycle D) Water cycle.

l [.:Iurn over
TNTET (RE)-2 68
I 12. 6,arfl D6rio 6\,p,dld o 61 6fl Jr$d,Os,erflo 61 6rio 6rrjo.i,ar6

A)5 B)7
c)6 D) 9.

Ho\v many liryers docs thc atmosphere consist ?

A)5 B)7
c)6 D) 9,

i 13. gO gpe$tn roror rf,G7nu;r';a,or

A) @6dr0l B) preu6

c) qDr D) pDot.

A typical gyrc displays ..-............ t)rpes oI currents.

A) three B) four

C) slx D) five.

I 14. Llo9u5l66r r61auu7g9 6p6grq$

4 dn{i,G,5rr6nb B) ureopriGonemb

C) E. utlir 6rG 6116r Ltr D) 6xr[]drc6n6nb.

'fhe broad(.asting earth ccosyslem is

A) hy(hosphere B) lithosphere

C) biosphere D) atmosphere.

69 TNTET (RE)-2

115. uerdlGeuGu 61o ruTunor rfrgL-5l

A) O6r6r6i6rb B)

C) 616"o D) Lorf6116]rb.

The highest plateau of the v,rorld is

A) Deccan B) Colorado

C) Tibet D) Malwa.

116. L6!6l6or Glorlirp 616!nu7ndldl o9496;sn@ 4fg elr4flona'enn+ rorarstr.

A) 40 B) 50

c) 60 D) 70.

The river .basins are per cent of the total geographical area in the


A) 40 B) 50

c) 60 D) 70.

tI /. 6Ir eLOESi OJ(ED \nEnur

A) B) 6lgnqgGpnrir

c) D) oGorflu.:n.

Waterborne disease is

A) Cholera B) I.eprosy

C) Yellow fever D) Malana.

2001-RD I Turn over
TNTET (RE}.2 70
I 18. L6!dl6!T rflouGlurflu serinrrb

A) qnOrfl6;o;r B) qdJurr

C) eru e16)orfli:o n D) gGqnrlun.

The largest continent in the world is

A) Africa B) Asia

c) North America D) Europe.

119. Lr&flnLrOA oor ;qeoprioriu@rb Genor

A) grfl B) e6ofl

c) 6ls6irorrdr D) L.l@LGLn.

Which planet is called a snowball ?

A) Earth B) Satuln

c) Mars D) Pluto.

120. qosl BLqE@ dGp $16a6rb Lrr6op& @pbq

A) DlT6!Dn B)

C) $r-rL.:neop D)

Molten rock in underground ts called

A) Magma B) l,ava

c) Igneous rock D) Sedimentary rock.
7t TNTDT (RA)-z
1 2 1. 6'lpordpri;andlu saLL6oLDUrl Ggnfl goIli;ori:uru qertur$t

A) t947 B) 1957

c) 1967 D) 1977.

ASEAN was established in

A) 1947 B) t957

c) 1967 D) 1977.

122. G)gnuriq qTr6unorg rordcir flopgg qyrOsaflel

$1eleunpno 3qeopriotu@dp6 r

A) GDg6! 96ur6! B) gl[6.irlrb {6o6D

C) g)G,6rDn6 1606r) D) En6urs,nLb 1616!.

The world communlcation revolution is considercd as the

A) first wave B) second wave

C) third wave D) fourth wave.

123. L6!dlG6r g>gdr G)eu$eooGsn6n .................... d g 6rrLruLLg.

A) 1947 B) 1937

cl 1957 D) t967.

The \i/orld s first satellite was launched in

. A) 1947 B) 1937

c) 1957 D) 1967.

t oo t,RE-l I Turn over

124. L6!d6.i el9D6\r o.Enil

A] 15.i ur:, B) E 6!10

c.] "."", D) 5i pEl.

The source of ener$' to the rvorld is

A} sun B)

C) D) wind.

125. &r[6nr,i]q E BLb i)l;oLrDAt6rT6r Lr(66

A) Grrnefl B) Gl e, r.i, s; d.s'r

C) G)+orsoer D) 6d)@5rIrulI5.

AIr Slr.\'cr L-rrilrpdrL,\ r\ lrr(Jle(l rn

A] Delhi B) Kolkata

C) Chennai D) Hyderabad.

. 126. s-6fdJ d+,saiE"-or 6)s pcoorariu 1u51rf1cons,6D6Ir .................-.. erendlGpn6.

A] G L-1+ - r, B} (9ro6D666fl

C) ,llai'- c r-l' D) 6)EBLn6dr.


The floaring micro-orgalisms are norrnally knorm as

A) Benthos B) Coral reefs

C) Plankton D) Nekton.

73 TNTET (RE)-2
127. Gonuieosl 66)6uJDr5 6)6;n6rdlGt ar6fin&6lu6d)L6O

A) 6ls6or6o6.T B)

C) Gergrt D)

The city developed with temple as its centre is

A) Chennai B) Thanja1,nr

C) Vellore D) Madurai.

1 28. 6lpn g!erotuceo6n glur&(qLlr ru5lir gnq ooriu$targl

A) orfleB$ B) G un rig orTji;g;

C) tp6!F6!Tb D) Lr 6aEf]urIlL66i] .

The most importanl need for every industry is

A) fuel B) transport

c) capital D] labour.

129. Gllorurfl6or 6grglells eqeoLoalr GsnLuro 6rEjO {66)Lou6Dt-l lquu6oLu.rrl66 6)sncirG]

ol 611615uLL(!l61r6rr5l ?

A) orLLr.b B)

C) g)6G6lr6lErL]r D) Gl e 6ir6r 5 Lb .

Which tlpe of structure describes Weber theory of industrial location ?

A) Circle B) Square

C) Triallgle D) Rectangle.

TE troor,RE l I Tum over
TNTET (RE)-2 74

l3O. e@ ErrLr+6.r cr66o6!6g6n $apdlarp ereaflorb

A) rarpnr@ oleooflaLb B) eecTo oreroflarb

C) uoreonr@ er:arioo D) gor o-reooioLb.

The trade that occurs within the timits of a countrv is called

A) interra.l trade B) rural trade

C) international trade D) local trade.

131. dl1564@or GparTnuir eqareuu$dr $16g9 gfl6naoir

A) l6ilL 6l6i5grEio61r B) E erlrg 6l6.rr,rs 6i,

C) u, Lorf lirg,ri 5 6ir D) eporni 56i,.

The scholais adorned the cout of Ikishnadevaraya were

A) Ashtadiggajas B) Navaratnas

C) Paramarthas. D) Alwars.

1 32. (q)p6r(!)o6$16 qnrfl6r6noll6br GlgorGsnqL G)@6or6our 6)16 g6oLbg,6Llir ?

A) 6)ln6"r,Gs,rr 6,n-s,n B) -on glr-E 6lgpa f

C) 6lsll6!ri]l-r6iu D) rnriggGerndlGu:nrueirl.

The sailor who came up to the soulhem most tip of Africa was

A) Vasco da Garna B) Henry, the Navigator

C) Columbus D) Bartholomeu Diaz.
133. G)g6!rb dllqeiyaorerr 6ooi6!re Elrgd"Gonr6oro arg $lrrit

A) stgDgr B) ubLrrrir'

C) ggrrn.$ D) aeiGe,:nqn.

The Kallasanatha temple built by Krishna I &as at

A) Alanta B) Bombay

C) Gujarat D) Ellora.

r34:'Bn6l, qeopeou.9f119or-ru$rg$ucr:ri

A) ej6ud B) Glo+ri6)+r

u, SmrrErseu ui o]6tT,

The 'Zabti' system was trtroduced by

A) Akbar B) Sher Shah

C) AuEngzeb D) Vastr.

135. ucogur 6E6r6! Ddi66r 6l66luno5lA 6rnF6S 6lLor66rfl6i


A) 4lsrGeurfl Itl -9t6ai1lTtourr6sro

C) porbLil D) ooreno$l.

' The sites ofold stone age in India are

A) Sivaleri B) Attiranpal<kam

C) Humpi D) Vaisali.

I Turn over

TNTET (RE)-z 76

f 36. $$$u G56lur; G)snqorur L(E5!r6;@61150O G)66rG6dirr+uns5 $lup$5otti

A) on!$uqaen B) gerggnernen GB(D

C) $eroeoe,.rLrnrq eranerflurbarLr D) Dr. gr3irgG)eruer6l 67rq'

The pioneer to lorm Indian National Flag was

A) Gandhiji B) Jawaharlal Nebru

C) Thillaiaadi Valliammai D) Dr' Muthulakshmi Reddy'

I37. G576116616 qs,B6luED eqps dt$6$9orlr$

A) gf 5nr1nu:ctrt 619 B) o$Gere,nor$5ti

C) punor$p eTeiuer$ D) SlTnroe$lrtuo eqr.qoeir


The great soctal reformer from Kerala is

A) Sree Narayana Gum B) Vivekananda

C) Dayanand Saraswati D) Ramalinga Adigal.

138. snD6ot ereop ugarouuSt$$dlpg I

A) D6.or96og,

C) ApDr-p
D) 6log-9.

tntus sl,'mbolises

A) smell B) beauty

C) unity ) colour'

E t?@l
77 TNTET (RE)-2
139. flr$g7on@r ggi G)u@b u6oL6oul rq6e'an6d)uelri

A) per,51ri rSdor-19ofur6o1n B) e?6!rrgrd6.r 6drg,

C) e6u grd"dl GluGn n e.r, dla"gil D) e,o-er-deo dlar$.

. A permanent standing army was organtzed by

A) Nasiruddin Khusrao Sha B) Jalaluddin Khilji

C) Jalaluddin Firoz I(hiUi D) Alauddin l$ilji.

l4O. ISOO +arnGt66nndr B(El:rL5l+&6rtDdr glGiirorb 6lobL]ii,5lT6d6r L6n6T gllb

A) GlLosqe6l B) gl6iu6runi)

C) s661u6b D) Gprnorrb.

A l5OO year old unrusted iron pillar- is located in

A) Mehrauli B) Assam

C) Kalinga D) Nepal.

141. seoufl g6pir DOUTLI'

'(9gdl 6oordlrrLjr

A) rflnu6br L5I)q B) snoflar LiTq

C) sriaeor 6lqq D) oluuor 617q.

The last Governor General and the lirst Viceroy of India was

A) Inrd Ripon B) I-ord Canning

C) lord Curzon D) l-ord Lytton.

t'i L?q!'tr I Turn over


TNTET (RE)-2 78

142. ur5gnLqurb Ggnor$)u ono-rrb

lrJ \ie[u)n B) Geyri

C) unerinquri' D) u6ir6rord'-

Bharatanatyam came to be developed during tlle period of

A) Cholas B) Cheras

c) Pandiyas D) Pallavas,

143. ordSgon6drrfl Gdr Snurrri

A) urcerg,ir B) u.:GengorT

C) dTr D) $rfleooo,r.

The motler of Vardharnana was

A) Yashoda B) Yashodhara

C) Meera D) THsala.

1 44. E! rl,ita Tdropng aorn 15169 oreu j 6boneor,ir 6',rpE6l[6Li

A) 9&6guu Dnurdioi B) o5lguL15on7 5nuriori

uJ gllDrDlru Drur66n D) Gs61]hu Dru.ui6ri.

Ttre diamond throne was given to Irrd Ranganatha at Sri Rangam by

A) Achutappa Nayah B) Vija).a Kumara Nayak

C) Thimrnappa Nayak D) Svappa Nayak.
79 TNTET (RE)i2
rzrc, 6.1/-a6o6rt0u 6LL (o_r[]lD66l uT6o6rruJ6&,rlrlti grol 46dnG

A) dl. 1z6l B) 61. fl. 1z9o

c) dl.6t. 17s5 D) dl. dl. 1767.

Virapandiya ltattabomman became a poligar in

A) 1761A.D. B) i790 A.D.

c) 1795 A.D.

146. 6rd)G6!r7r6oal6 6o6LrlrDdlLlorir ( dl. E. 742 6\


A) gl(Eor6dr B) l:gnr5)

c) gpdlgjnsn D) g)Icrirlmbdt$6l6rno6ur.

Ellora was occupied by ( during A.D. 742 )

A) Dhruva B) Badami

C) Dantidurga D) Kirdvarman-Il.

147. dlplg 6ggrn6 aogqTna ogorndLrsrri

A) enaflpneir B) frLDulirf

C) ureiurirri D) 3q@>rfli:1guueon.

The greatest Telugu poet was

A) Kalidasa B) Ramabhadra

C) Bhaskara D) Alurikuppanna.

I Turn over

TNTET (RE)-2 80
l4a. s{6$6u6$ar6dr opg$ryn Guqq+ns LOolrdi6lurgl

A) 6'ribllLs,Llr B) o.tril6;IlffLb

C) 6.)@SryrLln!i D) urr 6.drq dC e rf] .

The empire developecl into an independent ktngdom under A.Iivardi Khan was

A) Karnatal<a B) Bengal

c) Hyderabad D) Pondicherry.

149. $. g:. 6 +lb grEDn6.fttrq8ou 6l6dr Gtedrorrii(g 61ufp ogLir

A) sD6odr tDFLIr B) qgg tDFLb

C) Gel:g eoer$o erlqeoondlryLo Loprir D) 455 Ur D56,

The religion which reached the zerrith after the 6th Century is

A) Jalnism B) Buddhism

C) Hinduism D) Sikhism.

l50. elGensri q$)qeo7 61.:nflisnurr G)rlqriuneuneor sdD6torL0oislfl dJ o135ullu GlLonS!

A) eGrynoil$ B) Erynd16gr.b

C) d)G7ri;sLlr D) eoeiud6gLb.

Ashoka's messages inscribed on the rocks are wfitten in

A) Kharoshthi B) Prakrit

c) Greek D) Sanskrit.

TNTET IRE).2 -- B4

{e'n uuBair / INSTR.UCTIONS

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