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Adenoids, Effect of, on the Dental Arches. T. G. Duckworth ~. .~_. .~ 247
Angles New Appliance, Report of Cases Treated with. A. H. Ketcham ~_ ..~ 422
Angles New Pin and Tube Regulating Appliance, Report of a Class II, Division 2
Case, Treated with. A. H. Ketcham . . .._. ._~ . .~. .- .~ . . 1
Bands, Molar, Plain and Clamp. M. Dewey. .___ x.!
Cake History. H. C. Pollock ___...........__........ ~.. .%-IO
Case History from Practice. H. G. Tanzey~~ Ji,
Case Report. R. C. Willett-... ._. ~_.~ ~~~ 190
Class II, Division 1 Case, Treatment of. W. G. Barr 572
Classification, A Short Note on. J. S. Wallace _... ~... 10
Classification of Dento-Facial Deformities. B. E. Lischer ~~. _ _ 291
Classification of Malocclusion. M. Dewey-.-~-.~~..~ ..~~ ~. 13.:
Deciduous Teeth, Results of the Premature Loss of. H. F. Hoffman... ._. ._. _. -ii
Deflected Nasal Septum, The Etiology and Treatment of Some Types of. M. Dewey 547
Deformities of the Face and Upper and Lower Jaws Due to Nasal Obstruction. %I.
Colliery __.. ~~_............_._................. ..~~~~ _~ .~.._. 5 <$
Delayed Eruption of an Upper Central Incisor. M. Dewey 2i2
Dental Roentgen Reports. E. H. Skinner.. ~~. ~.. 3 ts i
Development of the Head. F. Hecker ~~. 5 1i
Failures, A Word About. F. R. Woods..~~.. 5111
Habit. A. L. Johnson.. _........._........_.... ~.. ;t
History of Orthodontia. B. W. Weinberger ..~ -447, 527, 561, 42.;
Inclined Plane, Some Uses of the. A. H. Suggett... 21.;
International Portrait Series. B. E. Lischer.....~~~~ A.5
Judgment in Orthodontics. E. A. Bogue... 354
Ligature Jack. L. S. Lourie .._.._ .___.~. 20,i
Loop Regulating Appliance. M. Dewey~- ~~~ 4;
Malocclusion and Mouth Breathing. W. F. Taylor... . .~ .~ ~~. 512
Malocrlusion of the Teeth of Children, The Consideration of Constitutional Disorders
as an Etiologic Factor in. J. D. McCoy . .._ ..- . ._ ~.~_~_..... .~ ~. 4:) I
Malrelation of the Jaws, Imtances of Operative Correction of. V. P. Blair 39.5
Models, Duplicating Orthodontia. J. A. C. Hoggan . . .._.. ._____.. ~.. 3 5 i
Modern Orthodontia in Principle and Practice. W. 0. Talbot . ~..~...- .-.~~ ..I 484
Mouth Conditions of Patients Suffering from Stomach and Intestinal Disturbances,
A Study of. B. Truesdell and W. H. Mick . . . . . . . . ._........___ __~_.. 450
Open Bite (Mordex Apertus Carabelli): Its Etiology and Treatment. (;. Lind. 2:;Z
Oral Deformities, The Cause and Effect of. A. C. Gifford .._.. . . ~.. . . bO(r
Oral Deformities, The Surgical Correction of Certain Type-. of. M. N. Fcderspiel.... 595
Oral Prophylaxis in the Practice of Orthodontia. W. H. Bolton ._ ._. .._ 321
Orthodontia as Viewed by A General Practitioner. B. I.. Thorpr 1x
Orthodontia in Smaller Communities. W. A. McCarter ._~. . . ~. 205
Orthodontia, Some Points of Interest on. J. W. Rawlings . .. . . . .$(I
Orthodontic Literature for 1914, Review of. J. R. McCoy..~ ~. .~. 31:;
Positive and Painless Tooth Movement, A System of. R. D. Robinson.....- 437
Practical Orthodontics. B. E. Lischer.... ___....... .__ __ ..____ ._ ._ 1)l
Rachitic Skulls of Monkeys, Review of Some Studies of. F. Hccker.. hii
Regulating*Appliances, Adjustment of. T. G. Duckworth.. ~.. /F
Relation of Orthodontia to Dentistry. F. B. Noyes. _ __ ._ ~_ ~.. ._ ~. ~.. . . 602
Removable Lingual Retaining Wire. A. Fernzld .__. ._ _. ~._ _ . . . . .- . 320
?he internntionai ~ournai of Orthodontia.
Report of Three Orthodontia Cases. W. G. Barr..~. . . . . . . . __.___.___..__._..._....._.._ 22
Rhinologist and the Orthodontist, Some Points of Common Interest to the. Daniel
MKenzie . . . ...___...... . .... . . . . ..~ ~~~. ..~ . ~~~.. . .._. 9
Rhinology and Orthodontia, The Relationship between. D. W. Myers .._.__..__ 86
Rickets, Important of, to the Orthodontist. F. Hecker~.~~ ~. . . ..~ .__..__ 373
Working Retainer. G. B. Steadman . . .. . . . . . . .._......_..... ~~..~.~...~_.~_......... _..~~~... _~.~~~~.~. . . . . . . . . . . . .._ 190


Barr, W. G.: Report -of Three Orthodontic Cases ............................................................. 21

Treatment of A Class II, Division 1 Case ............................................................. 572
Blair, V. P.-Instances of Operative Correction of Malrelation of the Jaws. ................... 395
Bogue, E. A.-Judgment in Orthodontics .............................................................................. 354
Coebergh, P. J.-Notes on the Early Treatment of Malocclusion ................................... 180
Chiavaro, A.-Malocclusion of the Temporary Teeth.. ................................... .................. 171
Collier, M.-Deformities of the Face and Upper and Lower Jaws Due to Nasal Ob-
struction ...................................................................................................... 58
Dewey, M.-Classification of Malocclusion.. ................................. .............. ....................... 133
Plain and Clamp Molar Bands .._.._.__._....-...-...........~...~....................................~ ..... 82
The Delayed Eruption of an Upper Central Incisor ............................................ 272
The Etiology and Treatment of Some Types of Deflected Nasal Septum ........ 547
The Loop Regulating Appliance .................................... ........................................ 478
Duckworth, T. G.-The Adjustment of Regulating Appliances ........................................ 28
The Effect of Adenoids on the Dental Arches ........................................................ 247
Federspiel, M. N.-The Importance of Correcting Malocclusion During the Period
of Tooth Eruption ................................................................................... 165
/ The Surgical Correction of Certain Types of Oral Deformities ........................... 595
Fernald, A.-A Removable Lingual Retaining Wire ......................................................... 329
Gifford, A. C.-The Cause and Effect of Oral Deformities .............................................. 604
Hecker, F.-The Development of the Head ........................................................................ 515
The Importance of Rickets to the Orthodontist ................................................... 37.3
Review of Some Studies of Rachitic Skulls of Monkeys ...................................... 612
Hoffman, H. F.-Results of the Premature Losr of Deciduous Teeth.. ........................... 47
Hoggan, J. A. C.-Duplicating Orthodontia Models --....................................~ ................... 357
Howard, C. C.-A Brief Review of Certain Histological and Etiological Factors in the
Treatment of Malocclusions .................................................................... 345
Johnson, A. L.-Habit ............. ___.___ .......................................................................................... 71
Johnson, E. J.-Malocclusion in Young Children ............................................................... 251
Ketcham, A. H.-Report of A Class II, Division 1 Case, Treated with Dr. Edward
H. Angles New Pin and Tube Regulating Appliance ........................ 1
Report of Cases Treated with Dr. Edward H. Angles New Apppliance .......... 422
Lewis, S. J.-The Technique of Accurate Model Construction ........................................... 109
Lind;G.-The Open Bite (Mordex Apertus Carabelli): Its Etiology and Treatment .... 255
Lischer, B. E.-An International Portrait Series.. ................................................................ 45
Practical Orthodontics .............................................................................................. 191
The Classification of Dento-Facial Deformities. ................................................... 291
Lourie, L. S.-The Ligature Jack. ........................................................................................ 263
Mick, W. H., and Truesdell, B.-A Study of Mouth Conditions of Patients Suffering
from Stomach and Intestinal Disturbances ______.____ _____._______________ ________ _. 459
Munroe, G.-Some Early and Hygienic Reasons for Malocclusions .--......_..._.__ ................ 26
Myers, D. W.-The Relationship between Rhinology and Orthodontia .......................... 86
McCarter, W. A.-Orthodontia in Smaller Communities ....... ..__._.__..._.._._._.....~~ ................. 265
McCoy, J. R.-The Consideration of Constitutional Disorders as an Etiologic Factor
of Malocclusion of the Teeth of Children __.____________ ___________._____________ ____._ 431
Review of Orthodontic Literature for 1914 ............................................................ 325
MKenzie, D.-Some Points of Common Interest to the Rhinologist and the Ortho-
dontist .......................................................................................................... 9
Noyes, F. B.--The Relation of Orthodontia to Dentistry .................................................. 602
Index to Volume I.

Pollock, H. C.-Case History ._.__ _..........________.................. ..____..__.._______.......... __._....... .I;0

Pullen, H. A.-Diagnosis and Treatment of Malocclusions Caused by Supernumerary
Teeth . ..__________ ______..____._.................................................. ~...~.. ~. _.. 227
Rawlings, J. W.-Some Points of Interest on Orthodontia. _._..._____ ..~_._ ~... ._... ._~ __ 30
Robinson, R. D.-A System of Positive and Painless Tooth Movement. ~__ __ c4o7
Skinner, E. H.-Dental Roentgen Reports.. _______.........___...... .._...__ . . . . . . ~... _. __, :iOl
Steadman, G. B.-Working Retainer. ..._______________.......... ___..._... . . . . _. ._ 100
Suggett, A. H.-Some Uses of the Inclined Plane _______......_...__.... _.._... _.._.._.... ..~. _. Z!.i.,
Talbot, W. O.-Modern Orthodontia in Principle and Practice .._ .._.... .., 4P4
Tanzey, H. G.-A Case History from Practice __._ _~___........__.___ _~~ .~ 577
Taylor, W. F.-Malocclusion and Mouth-breathing . . ... . . .._.__.___. .._ ~._ .512
Thorpe, B. L.-Orthodontia as Viewed by a General Practitioner _____ _...... _....._. __ . 1%
Truesdell, B., and Mick, W. H.-A Study of Mouth Conditions of Patients Suffering from
Stomach and Intestinal Disturbances . .._._. .._._ ._.......... ~~~ 15)
Wallace, J. S.--A Short Note on Classification ._.. ._ ~~. ._ _._ ___.__ . . .._ _.. ! 26
Willett, R. C.-Case Report ..__. _...____.._._...._.... ~.~~...~ ~. _ {1))
Woods, F. R.-A Word About Failures . .. ..__..._...... .._ .._... .._..... ..~~.. . . _... ~.__ 51tr
Weinbrrgcr, R. W.-History of Orthodontia.. .._ ...~~.._.... ..447, 527, 561, o !3


A Communication from France.. .................................................. ._ .... _ ._ ._ ,$03

Bostons Opportunity _.__..._...........................~ .......................................... ......... l(fo
Classification of Malocclusion . .._......__..............~~ ............................ ... ._ .. ........ ... 161
Dental and Medical Newspaper and Magazine Advertising. ....................... ._ .<I3
Dr. Charles H. Mayos Opinion . .._..._ ...................... .._ ........................................ 41
Dr. Edward H. Angle and Orthodontia _..... _..._...._ ........................... __ ........... ... 41
Dr. Stantons Instrument for Surveying the Dental Atch.. ...... .~_ ................. .~ _ .<01
Emetine and Pyorrhea. ..... .._..___.___._._..........._ ................................................... ~._ ... _~.... 12
Making Appointments with School Children.. ................................ _ ~_~ 1.49
Malocclusion in Young Children. .._.............._ ........................................... .... 2x9
Mechanical Forces in the Development of Bone ._._ ._~................... _ .............. n4o
Noise vs. Silence in the Dentists Operating Room. ....................................... ...... 4.3
Nomenclature ....... .._......____. ____._.._.__. .. . ......... .._ .................... ._._~__.~.......... ...... ......... ............. 102
Oral Hygiene and Orthodontia ._..._.........................~. ......................... .__ ........... _ .. .., _ 342
Panama-Pacific Dental Congress.. ................... .._ ............................ ._ ........................... 44~
Poise .--- .. _______.__...._..._._. ..- __.._....-.-. _........................... ..- ....... _...... ._.~.~. ............ ....... ............... ... ... 463
Precedents __.._ __________.______ _....._._-.-_ .. __.___......._..__...._......- ..... _........... . ..... ...................... ..... __ 412
Pyorrhea-Rheumatism-Endocarditis .-.. ..._. _._..__.___._._........ ___.____ ............... ~._ ...... ____ _ 42
Recognition of the Dentist by the Clinical Congress of Surgeoms..~ ................. ..... 5&j
Selective Orthodontia ._.............._ ... ..- _......... .._ ................. .._......._ .......................................... __ ;it>i
Shall a Medical Practitioner Extract Teeth?. .._ ...... ._.._.._.._._._._ ....... _.... .._............_ ... _. ......... 10i
Should the General Practitioner Receive Information on Orthodontia?. ............... ....... 2x3
Some Disputed Points in Orthodontic Treatment ........................ ~_~._.......__...._ ... ___ __._____ .icia
The Case History. ..~...._._..__.....~.~.....~ ................................................................................ 213
The Dental Horizon .. _._____......_._._ .......................................................................... ._ ...... 4rd.5
The Eastman Dental Infirmary. ................... ~___.................................................................. .&oE
The Editorial Policy of the Journal ........................................................................ .___ .__ _ .3q
The Imitator. _..........__..........-...-.- ..................... ............................... ................. .._............... .?-@l
The Inclined Plane ..__ ........................................... .._ ......................... ~~~_............. .._. ...... _____ Zt(I(
The Journals Endeavor .. ..__..._ ............................................... _ .......... .......... ............. 44
The Peridental Membrane and Alveolar Process.. .............................. .._ ................... _________ $13
The Pin and Tube Appliance.. ............ .._ .................................................................. ........ ___ 4-13
The Question of Commissions or Fee Splitting.. ..... ..- ................. _............ _................. .._.....~ .. o.l7
What Shall the Harvest Be? _......_.._._........_ .......................... _..................... ..- ............ ....... .... __ S-C5
Who is an Orthodontist?. ........ .._.................~...............~~ ......................... ._._ _....._..._. ............ 224
The Internationd Jownd of Orthodontia.

Angles New Appliance .._.........._ ........................ __ .. ._.~ ...................... _ ..... _ ........... ...... . 2 17
Care of Teeth of Boys in Girard College ........................ ......................... ~,............. 201
Case of Normal Development ................... _.................................................................... ~._ 336
Case Against the Tonsils ..___ ......................................................... _~...................................... 282
Cast Regulating Appliances ._.._........._....................,...............~....~........~ ................................... 34
Childs Health and Beauty as Influenced by the Occlusion of theTeeth .___.................... 332
Chronic Infection of the Tonsils . .._. _ .._ ....... _._........._ ................................................................ 438
Deformity of Teeth Due to Syphilis.. ................................... .._ ............................................. 279
Dental Alopecia ..... .._ ..... _..................................................................................................... 34
Habit and Malocclusion .. .._ ... _................................................ .................. .._ ....................... 636
Mastication ...... .._ .. _. ... .._............................................ ................................................................ 536
Mechanics of Some of the Bones of the Face . .._ .................................................................. . 218
Medical Aspects of the Second Dentition ._.............................. ................. ....................... .. 211
Mendelism and Its Meaning ...................................................................... .._ ....................... 148
More about Emetine .__._...__....._ ................................................................................ ~._ _ ........ 100
Mouth Infection as a Source of Systemic Disease ._._........_............~ ..................................... 3.5
New Method in Dento-facial Orthopedia .._...____............, ..................................................... 488
Normal Occlusion the Basis of the Practice of Dentistry .... ._......... ._ _............................. 437
Oral Sepsis of Dental Origin.. ..................... ..-.........................................- .................................. 33
Pituitary _..._......__ ............................................................. ....................... .................................. 101
Plea for the Phagocyte ............................... ..~ ............. .... .._....................- ............ ~.~.:. ................ 100
Prevention of Malocclusion ....................................................... ..~ ............................... ._~.~..... 338
Problem in Anchorage . .._......_......__.........~ ... ______._........_._..._..~....~ .............................................. 284
Relationship between the Size of the Teeth and the Size of the Jaws..., ......... _............. 280
Resection of Bone for Protrusion of the Mandible ...... .._._. _.._..__._ ....... __................. .._ .......... _ 386
Social Status of the Denti,t .____._......_ ......... .._ ........................ ..-..........................-- .................. 102
Some Infections of the Head and their Causes.. .. ..__......_............._...................._ ................... 583
Taking the Occlusion and Registration of the Condyle Path. _..._...._.................- .. _............. 537
Teeth of Primitive Man _.._......_.._.._.._...~....~ .... __....................................................... .._. ........... 379
The Jaws, the Teeth and the General Practitioner of Medicine ..__._._.............................. 441
Tungsten and Molybdenum Experiments for IJse in Orthodontia Appliances ............ 213

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