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Anatomy and Physiology

The respiratory system includes tubes that remove particles from incoming air an
d transport air to and from lungs and the air sacs where gases are exchange. Res
piratory is the entire process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and body c
Respiratory is biological system for all organisms that involve gas exchange. Bo
dy tissues received the oxygen by respiratory system and the rate of oxygen is i
ncreased during exercise. Organs of the Respiratory System. The organs of the re
spiratory system can be divided into two groups. The upper respiratory tract inc
ludes the nose, nasal cavity, and pharynx and the lower respiratory tract includ
es the larynx, trachea, bronchial tree and lungs.

Bone and cartilage support nose internally. Its two nostrils are openings throug
h which air can enter and leave the nasal cavity. Many internal hairs guard the
nostril for preventing entry large particles carried in the air.

The nasal cavity is a hollow space behind the nose. The nasal septum, composed
of bone and cartilage, divides the nasal cavity into right and left portions. Na
sal conchae are bones that curl out from the lateral walls of the nasal cavity o
n each side, dividing the cavity into passageways. Nasal conchae also support th
e mucous membrane that line the nasal cavity and help increase its surface.
The mucous membrane filters, warms, and moistens incoming air. Ciliary action ca
rries particles trapped in mucus to the pharynx, where they are swallowed.
The pharynx or throat is behind the oral cavity, the nasal cavity and the larynx
. It is a passageway for food travelling from the oral cavity to the esophagus a
nd for air passing between the nasal cavity and the larynx. It also helps produc
e the sounds of speech.
Pharynx are consists 3 parts. Those are nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngophary
The larynx is an enlargement in the airway at the top of the trachea and below t
he pharynx. It is composed of muscles and cartilages and is lined with mucous me
The larynx contains the vocal cords, which vibrate from side to side and produce
sounds when air passes between them. Inside the larynx, two pairs of horizontal
vocal folds. The upper folds are called false vocal cords and the lower folds a
re called true vocal cords. The glottis and epiglottis help prevent foods and l
iquids from entering the trachea.
The trachea is a flexible cylindrical tube about 2.5 cm in diameter and12.5cm in
length. It extends downward anterior to the esophagus and intothe thoracic cavi
ty, where it splits into right and left bronchi.
A ciliated mucous membrane with many goblet cells lines the trachea sinner wall. T
his membrane filters incoming air and moves entrapped particlesupward into the p
harynx, where the mucus can be swallowed. Thecartilaginous rings prevent the tra
chea from collapsing and blocking the air-way. The soft tissues that complete th
e rings in the back allow the nearby esophagus to expand as food moves through i
t to stomach.
The bronchial tree consists of branched airways leading from the trachea to the
microscopic air sacs in the lungs. Its branches begin with the right and left pr
imary bronchi, which arise from trachea at the level of fifth thoracic vertebra.
Each primary bronchus divides into secondary bronchi, which in turn branch into
tertiary bronchi and then into finer and finer tubes.
Among the smaller tubes are bronchioles that continue to divide, giving rise to
terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles and finally to very thin tubes cal
led alveolar ducts. These ducts lead to thin-walled out pouchings called alveola
r sacs. Alveolar sacs lead to smaller microscopic air sacs called alveoli.
The branches of the bronchial tree air passages whose mucous membranes filter in
coming air and distribute the air to alveoli throughout the lungs. The alveoli p
rovide a large surface area of thin simple squamous epithelial cells through whi
ch gases can easily be exchanged.
The lungs are soft, spongy, and cone-shaped in the thoracic cavity. The mediasti
num separates the right and left lungs medially and diaphragm and thoracic cage
enclose them.
Visceral pleura firmly attach to each lung surface and folds back to become the
parietal pleura.
A major branch of the bronchial tree supplies each lobe. A lobe also has connect
ions to blood and lymphatic vessels and lies within connective tissues. Thus, a
lung includes air passages, alveoli, blood vessels, connective tissues, lymphati
c vessels and nerves.

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