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Daniel Calkins:

From 11/10/16 Evaluation:

Page 2: an intervention put into place is a paraprofessional working with Daniel

1:1.acting safely and appropriately in the hallway, during transitions, and
unstructured times and also not left vulnerable to the actions/words of others.
paraprofessional who helps him. He needs more one-to-one attention.

Inattentiveness and impulsiveness; gives up easy, difficulty waiting his turn; oral
expression, basic writing skills, and written expression rated very limited

Page 3: distractible and impulsive, needs more 1:1, uncoordinated, talks loudly and
excessively, concerned about interactions with peers, swats at others, seeks
interactions inappropriately

Full scale IQ: 67 VC 68 VS 69 FlRe76 WM 82 PrSp 66 WJ: BR:79 BM:72

BWL: 75

Page 11: ..needs in the area of writing fluency.

Page 12: ..needs in the area of math calculation fluency.

Page 13:-14 Psychological Processes Inventory identified concerns with: linking

new info to previously learned info, staying on task, using planning skills,
sequencing meaningful information, following 2-3 step task, expressing ideas in
writing, copying form the board, taking notes, handwriting.

Teachers currently provide extra time to complete, quiet setting for work and
tests and some assignment modifications, required multiple reviews of teaching
to learn new skill, para in classroom to complete tasks on time and stay organized.

Severe Underachievement: math, reading, listening, written and

oral expression

Page 18: teachers report of stereotyped behaviors

Page 19: Daniels reports of being teased at school.

Page 20: discipline referrals: 75% during unstructured times

Page 21: suggested behavior interventions/strategies: (dont see them

incorporated on the IEP): opportunities to gain
positive attention from others, assign important job in classroom, opportunities to
help others, provide extra praise/encouragement, avoid public criticism, punishment
and embarrassment, need to understand how his behavior may alienate others.
Page 22: from observation: needs extra time, required prompting and guided
questions, individual directive to write answers, para support, personal boundary
issues; ? alternative passing times between classes

Page 23: difficulty focusing, copies inappropriate behavior of others, would benefit
from continued para support for frequent comprehension checks and appropriate
classroom behavior

Page 26: adaptive skills : doesnt consistently control his temper or feelings when
not getting his way, does not work on task for at least 15 minutes w/o reminders.
Does not always have a good relationship with adults, show respect for authority
figures, following rules and directions, doesnt keep a stable group of friends or
show good judgment in selecting friends. Doesnt display safe behaviors in gym or
on the playground.

ASD criteria: A 1. Gross impairment in ability to make and keep friends;

significant vulnerability and safety issues due to social naivet, and misinterprets
others behaviors and social cues

Page 37-38: All listed as Current Educational Needs:

Improve social skills and recognize how his behavior impacts those around
Better understand about friendships
Improve his ability to identify emotions in others
Be able to identify how feelings/emotions
Learn about his nonverbal communication and how appropriately use
Appropriate ways to obtain attention from peers
Keep hand to himself, respect the physical space of others, and follow adult
redirection appropriately
Would benefit from breaks incorporating movement

Page 38: academic achievement:

Requires more 1:1 support

Struggles to remember what hes learned
Listening comprehension is limited; oral expression and writing skills are very
Gives up quickly
Not meet MCA standards
Needs individual prompts to complete routines, make progress and maintain
classroom pace
Weakness in spelling and grammar
May benefit from a calculator
Poor impulse control
Page 39: consider the following:

Work to develop skills of: social skills, personal boundaries, study sills,
responding appropriately to authority figures and redirection
One skill to learn at a time
Multiple steps direction one step at a time
Repeated practice and repetion when learning new skills
Quiet non-distracting enviornment for task completion
Freqeunt check ins for comprehension and if making progress on work
Frequent remindes to follow classroom expections
System to reward appropriate behaviors
Present work at his independent level
Modified tests/assisgnmetns
Extra time for task and test completion
Supplemental notes when lengthy writing is required
Tests read aloud
Prefertnial seating
Oral responses
Social stories
Predictable transition with advance warning
Sensory/movement breaks
Use of fidgets

IEP addresses:

Goal 1: increase math skills (multiplication and division w/decimals, calculate

surface are of prism, use table and graphs)
Goal 2: increase study skills (complete advance organizers, starting task w/2
or fewer prompts, identify 3 study strategies he prefers)
Goal 3: increase his social skills (hands/feet to himself, follow adult directives
w/3 or fewer prompts, how to start a conversation, personal boundaries,
refrain from interrupting)
Section 4 addresses para support : throughout the eval they identify 1:1 para
but this states NO
ESY: states NO but I think he would based on his skill level and regression if
not worked on over the summer
Section 5: accommodations: need clarification on the one about note taking.
What is considered a lot of? Also does not address all of the ones listed in

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