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Semester Test Answer Sheet

A Course by Prof. Dr. Bustami Subhan, MS.




1. Explanation about the term Culture
Culture is usually related to human beings advanced creation or
production as the results of long training experience involving
their body, mind and spirit. Hornby (1985:210) as quoted by
Subhan says that it is the advanced development of the body,
mind and spirit by training and experience. When human
practices it for a long time in many aspects of life for a long time,
it will become the identity and characteristics which are sound.
Subhan says, all the arts, belief, social institution characteristics
of a tribe, race or nation.

From these definitions we can conclude that culture is the

product of human being. It means that it cannot belong to
animals, plants, genies, even God. But, not every mans product
can be categorized as culture. Culture only involves an advanced
product which involves the body, mind and spirit and it has been
internalized in the humans life as the results of the prolonged
training and experience.

Relating to Gods creation, culture is always contrasted with

nature which is the latter is attributed to God. Mountain, earth,
sun, water, river and other natural resources are created by God.
They are called nature. Of course, nature is the main resource
of culture. People can build a dam (culture), as they modify river
and water (nature). Men can produce a car (culture) as it utilizes
iron, oil, steel, etc. (nature). Almost all cultures, especially the
visible/tangible ones, rely on the nature.

Culture, however, is not solely associated with the physical ones.

It also involves mind and spirit. That is why we always hear the
terms like corruption culture, discipline culture, punctuality
culture, etc.

Kebudayaan selalu dikaitkan dengan hasil cipta karya manusia

tingkat tinggi sebagai hasil dari pengalaman latihan lama yang
melibatkan badan, pikiran dan jiwa mereka. Hornby (1985:210)
seperti yang dikutip oleh Subhan mengatakan bahwa
perkembangan tingkat tinggi dari badan, pemikiran dan jiwa
melalui latihan dan pengalaman. Ketika manusia
mempraktekan hal tersebut dalam jangka waktu yang lama

dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, itu bisa menjadi identitas dan
karakteristik yang kuat. Subhan mengatakan, kebudayaan
adalah segala bentuk kesenian, kepercayaan dan karakteristik
social dari lembaga suku, ras dan negara.

Dari definisi di atas bisa kita simpulkan bahwa kebudayaan

adalah hasil cipta manusia. Artinya, kebudayaan tidak dimiliki
oleh hewan, tumbuhan, jin, bahkan Tuhan. Akan tetapi, tidak
setiap cipta karya manusia bisa dikategorikan sebagai
kebudayaan. Kebudayaan hanya mencakup cipta karya tinggi
yang melibatkan badan, pikiran, dan siwa dan telah
diinternalisasikan dalam kehidupan manusia sebagai hasil dari
latihan dan pengalaman yang lama.

Sekaitan dengan penciptaan Tuhan, kebudayaan selalu

dibedakan dengan alam yang mana alam hanya diatribusikan
kepada Tuhan saja. Gunung, bumi, matahari, air, sungai dan
sumber daya alam lainnya diciptakan oleh manusia. Mereka
dinamakan alam. Tentunya, alam adalah sumber utama dari
kebudayaan. Manusia bisa membangun dam (kebudayaan),
karena mereka memodifikasi sungai dan air (alam). Hampir
semua produk budaya, terutama yang dapat terlihat, bergantung
pada alam.

Kebudayaan tidak hanya diidentikan dengan hal-hal yang terlihat

secara fisik saja. Akan tetapi mencakup juga pemikiran dan jiwa.
Itulah sebabnya kita selalu mendengar istilah budaya korupsi,
budaya disiplin, budaya tepat waktu, dan lain-lain.
2. Culture can become an identity of a society or tribe
According to my opinion, culture can become an identity of a
society, nation or tribe. As stated in the previous explanation,
culture is the result of training and experience. It means it
requires years, but hundred years, to establish a culture.
However, when it has incorporated in ones society, it will
become an identity that is inseparable.

Lets take an example. In the middle ages, Europeans were left

from any other civilizations in the world. Comparing to Muslims,
for instance, Europeans were primitive and irrational. However,
when renaissance rose in this region, everything changed. It

required hundred years to change the negative culture to the
positive one. Now, were seeing the opposite situation. Most
Europeans are advanced and rational. This culture, then,
becomes the identity of the Europeans. Now, we can say that, in
common, the Europeans are advanced and rational. Abruzzo
(2015) writes, During the Renaissance, a revolution in
philosophy, science and mathematics dramatically changed arts
and culture in Europe.

We can conclude that culture can become an identity of a

society, nation or tribe. It is in line with what Subhan (2015) says
about the definition of culture, all the arts, belief, and social
institution characteristic of a tribe, race or nation.

Menurut saya, kebudayaan bisa menjadi identitas dari

masyarakat, negara ataupun suku. Seperti diungkapkan dalam
penjelasan terdahulu, kebudayaan adalah hasil dari latihan dan
pengalaman. Artinya, proses ini membutuhkan waktu selama
beberapa tahun, bahkan ratusan tahun, untuk membangun
suatu kebudayaan. Akan tetapi, jika hal itu sudah tertanam
dalam kehidupan masyarakat, maka akan serta merta mejadi
identitas yang tidak terpisahkan.

Mari kita ambil contoh. Pada abad pertengahan, orang Eropa

tertinggal dari peradaban lain dunia. Dibandingkan dengan kaum
Muslim, misalnya, orang Eropa itu primitif dan tidak masuk akal.
Akan tetapi, ketika gerakan pencerahan lahir di kawasan
tersebut, semuanya berubah. Butuh ratusan tahun untuk
merubah budaya negatif menjadi positif. Sekarang kita melihat
hal yang sebaliknya. Kebanyakan orang Eropa terdepan dan
rasional. Kemudian, kebudayaan ini menjadi identitas mereka.
Sekarang, kita bisa mengatakan bahwa orang Eropa itu identik
dengan terdepan dan rasional. Abruzzo (2015) menulis, Selama
masa pencerahan, revolusi dalam filsafat, sains dan matematika
telah mengubah drastic seni dan kebudayaan di Eropa.

Kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa kebudayaan bisa menjadi

identitas sebuah komunitas masyarakat, negara dan suku. Hal ini
sesuai dengan apa yang kita oleh Subhan tentang kebudayaan,

semua jenis seni, kepercayaan dan karakteristik lembaga social
sebuah suku, ras ataupun negara.
3. Description and Comment about Video 1
An Introduction to Great Britain
The first video talks about some important information about
Great-Britain such as regions, population, important places and
cities, and some tourism destinations. By watching this video, the
audiences will learn important facts about Great Britain at
glance, so they will get familiar with it.

Great Britain (GB) consists of four regions; England, Scotland,

Welsh and North Ireland. England is the biggest among these
regions, and over 49 million people live there. England is the
leader of these regions.

London is a big city. Over seven million people live here. Some
important offices are located in this city such as the House of
Parliament and Buckingham Palace. The Prime Minster lives in
the Downing Street, London, near the House of Parliament while
Queen Elizabeth lives in the Palace. Many tourists visit London
every year.

Queen Elizabeth is the Head of the State. She has been serving
the people for more than eighty years. She is respected by all
British people. Her face appears in banknote, coin and stamp.

Britain has many other important cities such as Edinburg, the

capital of the Scotland, which is well-known with its old castles;
York with its beautiful cathedral namely York Minster and narrow
streets; Stratford-upon-Avon with the William Shakespeares
legacy; Liverpool with its port and the Beatles, and Cambridge
and Oxford with its qualified universities and bicycles.

Although Britain has many important cities, it also consists of

countryside. Seventy-five percent of the land in Britain is
farmland. However, only two percents of the British are farmers.

Great-Britain also becomes the popular tourism destination. Over

twenty-four million foreign tourists come to Britain every year.
They visit lots of places such as the Giants Causeway in

Northern Ireland, Stonehenge, and Snowdon National Park in

Although Britain consists of hundred islands, it is connected by

sophisticated transportation means. In Waterloo Station in
London, for instance, people can go by trains through Channel
Tunnel to Paris in France and to Brussels in Belgium.
Transportation makes British island and its surrounding countries
always connected.

This video describe some elements of culture in Great-Britain
such as Cathedral (religion); House of Parliament, Prime Minister,
Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham Palace, division of England,
Scotland, Welsh and North Ireland (political and social
institution); Cambridge University and Oxford University
(education), port, banknote, stamps, coins, tourism destinations
(system of economy), Welsh language, William Shakespeare, the
Beatles (art and culture), and transportation means (advanced
products). Here are some comments for these fields.

Video ini menggambarkan beberapa elemen dari kebudayaan

Britania Raya seperti katedral (agama), Gedung Parlement,
Perdana Menteri, Ratu Elizabeth, Istana Buckingham, pembagian
menjadi Inggris, Skotlandia, Wales dan Irlandia Utara (lembaga
social dan politik), Universitas Cambridge dan Universitas Oxford
(pendidikan), pelabuhan, uang, perangko, koin dan tujuan wisata
(sistem ekonomi), bahasa Wales, William Shakespeare, the
Bearths (seni dan budaya), dan moda transportasi (produk
tingkat tinggi). Berikut adalah beberapa komentar tentang
bidang tersebut.

Religion (Christianity) becomes an important part of shaping

British culture. It influences many aspects of British life such as
government, education, architecture, the arts, broadcasting, and
many other areas. Many cathedrals, castles, palaces were built
based on Christian traditions. The establishment of the Church of
England has become the national heritage that cannot be
separated from British culture. Cusick (2002) says,

A peculiarly British phenomenon is the presence of established
churches such as the Church of England. These churches have
an official constitutional status within the legal and political
framework of Britain, and the Christian religion is to some
degree woven into every level of British life; government,
education, architecture, the arts, broadcasting, and many
other areas.

Great-Britain cannot be separated from its regional management.

It is divided into four regions; England, Scotland, Wales and North
Island. These four countries were united over the last five
hundred years: Wales was with England in 1536; an Act of Union
joined the crowns of England and Scotland in 1707; Ireland was
incorporated in a Union lasting from 1801 to 1921 (Childs,
2003:37). However, every region has different culture as the
result of demographic diversity. Welsh, for instance, is influenced
by the mountains and seaside towns of the more militantly anti-
English north, while in England it is the heavily populated
metropolitan areas that have created several of its strongest
regional identities (Childs, 2003:48).

Regarding governing the states, the queen acts as the head of

state and undertakes various official, ceremonial, diplomatic and
representational duties. She doesnt rule the state
( Prime minister is the ruler of the Great-Britain, but
nowadays almost all regions have their own regional assembly. In
1999, Scotland and Wales established Scottish Parliament and
Welsh Assembly. Northern Island has its turn in 2000 by creating
Northern Irish Assembly. This doesnt mean that they have
gained independence, but increased self-government. (Childs,
To empower the people, British government constitutes 16-year
compulsory education. The educational levels include primary
education, secondary education and tertiary education. Not all
students are supposed to enter the university, as there are some
training and vocational schools which will help students work in
the technical fields such as technician, plumber, bricklayer, etc.
This format of education, according to my opinion, will improve
students potencies based on their nature.

Pengenalan terhadap Inggris Raya
Video pertama berbicara tentang informasi penting tentang
Inggris Raya seperti kawasan-kawasan, populasi, tempat dan
kota penting, serta beberapa tujuan pariwisata. Dengan
menonton video ini, para penonton akan mengetahui beberapa
fakta penting tentang Inggris Raya secara sekilas, sehingga
mereka akan lebih familiar dengannya.

Inggris Raya tediri dari empat kawasan: Inggris, Skotlandia,

Wales dan Irlandia Utara. Inggris adalah yang terbesar di antara
kawasan tersebut dan lebih dari 49 juta orang tinggal di sana.
Inggris adalah pemimpin dari kawasan tersebut.

London adalah kota yang besar. Lebih dari 7 juta orang tinggal di
sana. Beberapa kantor penting berlokasi di sini seperti Gedung
parlemen dan Istana Buckingham. Perdana Menteri tinggal di
Jalan Downing, London, dekat dengan Gedung Parlemen,
sedangkan Ratu Elizabeth tinggal di istana (Buckingham).
Banyak turis mengunjungi London tiap tahunnya.

Ratu Elizabeth adalah pemimpin negara. Dia telah melayani

masyarakat selama lebih dari enam puluh tahun. Dia dihormati
oleh seluruh warga Britania. Wajahnya tercetak dalam uang, koin
dan prangko.

Britania memiliki banyak kota penting lainnya seperti Edinburg,

ibu kota Skotlandia, yang terkenal dengan kastil tuanya, York
denga Katedral indahnya yang bernama York Minster dan juga
karena jalan-jalan kecilnya, Startford-Upon-Avon dengan
peninggalan Willian Shakespearenya, Liverpool dengan
pelabuhan dan the Beatles-nya, dan Cambridge dan Oxford
dengan universitasnya yang berkualitas serta sepeda-nya.

Meskipun Britania memiliki banyak kota penting, tapi juga terdiri

dari pedesaan. Lebih dari 75% tanah Britania adalah tanah
pertanian. Akan tetapi, hanya 2 persen dari penduduknya yang
berprofesi sebagai petani.

Britanian Raya juga terkenal dengan tujuan pariwisatanya. Lebih

dari 24 juta turis asing datang ke Britania Raya tiap tahunnya.

Mereka mengunjungi banyak tempat seperti Giants Causeway di
Irlandia Utara, Stonehenge, dan Taman Nasional Snowdon di

Meskipun Britania terdiri dari ratusan pulau, tapi terhubung oleh

alat transportasi yang canggih. Di Stasiun Waterloo, London,
Inggris, misalnya, orang-orang pergi dengan kereta melalui Selat
Tunnel ke Paris di Prancis dan Brussels di Belgia. Transportasi
membuat kepulauan Britania dan negara sekitarnya selalu
4. Description and Comment about Video 2
British Foods
The second video talks about Britishs food. Most people know
the British traditional foods such as roast beef, bacon and eggs,
fish and chips, but dont know what the British people really eat.

Some British people have traditional foods for their breakfast.

The video describes how the Robinson family, one of British
families, has breakfast. There are milk, which is brought by
milkmen every morning, cereal, toast with jam or marmalade,
fruit juice, tea or coffee. Mr. Robinson has bacon, egg, sausage,
tomato and fried bread. However, people dont eat it very often

At lunch, which usually occurs at twelve or one oclock, British

people often have light meals such as sandwich or a snack. It is
due to the short time of the noon break.

Most British people buy their foods from supermarkets. There are
two kinds of food that they could buy there; fresh food and
convenience food. They just need to put the latter in the oven or
microwave, and then it is ready to serve. Nowadays, almost all
kinds of food could be made convenience, even the traditional
roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.

In the evening, the British people have dinner. It is at about six or

seven oclock. In the dinner, they usually have main meal which
contains meat or fish and vegetables. Pizza and pasta are
popular, too. Some people prefer going out than eating in the
house when dinner.

The British people dont always eat British food. They sometimes
go to some foreign restaurants such as Chinese, Indian, Thai and
Italian. In London, there are a lot of foreign restaurants from over
forty-two different countries. The people may choose what suits
their tongue.

The British people also go out for the traditional food such as fish
and chips. They eat three hundred million servings of fish and
chips a year. What a huge number!

The British teenagers have various favorite foods. Some of them

like ice-cream, chips, cheeseburgers, chocolate, bacon,
cauliflower, and vegetables; while some others dont. The
vegetarians dont eat meat or fish, but they eat salad or other

Foods can become the identity of the nations culture. Almost all
countries have traditional foods that indigenous people always
strive to preserve them. Britain has some traditional foods such
as roast beef, bacon and eggs, and fish and chips. Some experts
in British foods complained that British foods are too much
simple than Italian or French. Rhodes as quoted by Panayi
(2003:19) writes,
So what happened to us? Was it that the traditions werent
strong or numerous enough? Or was it that we just didnt have
the passion for food and cooking that we associate with the
French and Italians? Probably, on reflection, a combination of
all these.

To this degree, foods risen ones nationalism sense and move him
or her to do something with his or her national traditional cuisine.

As Britain becomes the destination of international asylum and

migration, British foods evolve as the interaction with foreign
cultures. Nowadays, many British foods are the borrowing from
other cultures. Humble as quoted by Panayi (2003:14) writes, It
is a remarkable fact (and tells us much about the constituents of
national identity in the nineteenth century) that there are roughly

as many recipes in the book from India as from Wales, Scotland
and Ireland put together. It can be inferred that there is a kind of
assimilation between British foods and foreign foods.

Makanan Britania
Video kedua berbicara tentang makanan Britania. Banyak orang
tahu tentang makana tradisional Britania seperti daging sapi
panggang, daging babi dan telur, ikan dan kentang goring, akan
tetapi tidak tahu apa yang benar-benar dimakan oleh orang

Beberapa orang Inggris makan makanan tradisional dalam

sarapan mereka. Dalam video in digambarkan bagaimana
keluarga Robinson, salah satu keluarga di Inggris, sarapan. Ada
susu, yang bisasa diantarkan oleh tukang susu setiap pagi,
sereal, roti panggang dengan selai atau selai jeruk, jus buah, teh
atau kopi. Pak Robinson sendiri makan daging babi, telur, sosis,
tomat dan roti goreng. Akan tetapi, orang tidak banyak
memakannya sekarang.

Saat makan siang, yang jatuh pada pukul 12 atau 1, orang

Inggris biasanya makan makanan ringan seperti sandwich atau
snack. Hal ini dikarenakan mereka hanya memiliki waktu sedikit
untuk istirahat siang.

Kebanyakan orang Inggris membeli makanan di supermarket.

Ada dua jenis makanan yang bisa dibeli di sana; makanan segar
dan makanan kaleng. Untuk makanan kaleng, mereka tinggal
memanaskannya di dalam oven atau microwave, dan langsung
tersaji. Sekarang, hamper semua makanan bisa dikemas dalam
kalengan, bahkan sapi panggang tradisional dan pudding
Yorkshire pun bisa.

Di sore hari, orang Inggris makan malam, biasanya pukul 6 atau

7. Dalam makan malam, mereka selalu makan makanan utama
yang terdiri dari daging atau ikan dan sayuran. Pizza dan pasta
juga cukup populer. Beberapa orang lebih memilih makan di luar
untuk makan malam.

Orang Inggris tidak selalu makan makanan Inggris. Kadang-
kadang, mereka pergi ke restaurant asing seperti China, India,
Thailand, dan Italia. Di Londong, ada banyak restaurant asing
dari lebih dari 42 negara berbeda. Mereka bisa memilih sesuai
dengan lidah mereka.

Orang Inggris juga pergi ke luar untuk makanan makanan

tradisional seperti ikan dan kentang goreng. Mereka makan lebih
300 juta porsi ikan dan kentang goreng tiap tahunnya. Sungguh
merupakan angka yang fantastis.

Anak muda di Inggris memiliki macam-macam makanan favorit

seperti es krim, kentang goreng, burger keju, coklat, daging
babi, blumkol, dan sayuran lainnya, sedangkan yang lainnya
tidak suka makanan tersebut. Vegetarian tidak makan daging
atau ikan, akan tetapi makan salad dan sayuran.
5. Description and Comment about Video 3
Educations in GB
Third video talks about education in Great Britain. In the UK,
education- or schooling is compulsory for the students between
the ages of five and sixteen. Ninety-three percents of them
receive free education in state schools, while 7% of them attend
private schools which oblige school payment.

There are at least three levels of education available in the UK;

primary school, secondary school and higher education.

Primary School
Primary school is compulsory for the students around the ages of
five to eleven. The classroom usually consists of twenty-five or
twenty-seven children. The aim of this level is to teach children
to read well and master the numbers. Therefore, they usually
learn literacy and numeracy every day. The students also have a
lesson on computer. Each primary school in the UK is facilitated
with computers. These equipments are bought in collaboration
between school and parents through special events and

Secondary School

After they have finished their primary school, children may
continue their study at secondary school. They should be around
eleven years old. In this level, the students are obliged to wear
school uniform. This maybe a shirt and tie or special jacket called
the blazer. Very often, some schools simply oblige the students to
wear shirt and trousers in particular colors.

The class usually starts at a quarter to nine and finishes at

around three oclock. Most students have some sandwiches for
their lunch at school, and some of them have a dinner, too.
Except for Scotland, most state schools in Britain follow national
curriculum which has three core subjects; English, Mathematics
and Science. The students will have the national tests on these
subjects when they are fourteen. After that, they will have
additional lessons such as information and communication
technology, design and technology and a modern foreign

A year before the students finish their secondary school, they
should have GCSE exam. After passing the exam, they will
continue their study by specializing in three or four subjects.
They make take As level exam after a year and at eighteen they
take A or advanced level examination. If they meet qualifications,
they may take any course at any universities. Some students do
not enroll at the university, after they have had a year of
education for work experience, or to travel.

Higher Education
One in three students has the chance to go for higher education.
They may enroll at university or vocational school. Studying at
university costs much money. Each year, parents should pay
tuition fee and provide their children with the living expenses. If
the parents couldnt afford this, they might propose the students
loan to fund their children education.

Some universities in the UK are well-known worldwide such as

Oxford University and Cambridge University. They become the
destinations of the students all-over the world. In the UK, most

large towns and cities have at least one university. The majority
of universities teach by lectures and seminars.

Studying in university is fun. The students will live in a university

dormitory in their first year. In the subsequent years, they have
to find out flat in the town. Despite of the hard academic
demands, there many activities and societies to join during the
study, such as sports and social clubs. The students may choose
based on their interest.

In the end of the courses, the students will graduate if they

passed in the exam. Afterwards, they will be ready for further
education or start finding jobs.

Education is an important element of the culture. Many
educationists, even, see education an effective medium to
preserve nations culture and tradition. In many countries,
education is employed to sustain the governments policy
regarding the culture and heritage preservation.

In addition to this, education has been playing an important role

in helping mankind establish their advanced development many
aspects of life including culture. The sophisticated development
of science and technology, business, manufacture and many
other areas is often the result of qualified education served by
the government. Hence, education can be considered an
effective means to develop the nation in all aspects.

British government has a long history in providing education for

its citizens. The historical documents tell us that the first school
established in British region was Kings School Canterbury (600
AD) which was served for the top echelon of the British people. In
the subsequent era, Oxford University which was founded in
1249 has given a significant impact for the British people life
(Storry, in Storry and Childs, 2003:75).

Nowadays, there are about 33,000 schools in Britain with

10,082,000 pupils and 597,000 teachers. These schools are
separated between states and privates. The formers which

occupy 93% from available schools offer a free education for all
levels of British people (Storry, in Storry and Childs, 2003:75).
This big amount of free school shows the government serious
effort in making education an effective means to reach the
nations goals and preserving its cultural heritage.

Pendidikan di Britania Raya

Video ketiga mernduskusikan pendidikan di Britania Raya. Di
Kerjaaan Inggris, pendidikan atau sistem persekolahan wajib
bagi siswa antara umur 5 sampai 16 tahun. 93 persen dari
mereka mendapatkan pendidikan gratis di sekolah negeri,
sedangkan 7 % di antara mereka belajar di sekolah-sekolah
swasta yang mewajibkan iuran sekolah.

Setidaknya ada tiga jenjang pendidikan di Kerjaaan Inggris;

sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah dan perguruan tinggi.

Sekolah Dasar
Sekolah dasar wajib bagi siswa di antara umur 5 sampai 11
tahun. Kelas biasanya terdiri dari 25 atau 27 anak-anak. Tujuan
pembelajar dari jenjang ini adalah mengajar anak-anak
membaca dengan baik dan menguasai hitungan. Untuk itu, anak-
anak biasanya belajar membaca dan berhitung setiap hari. Anak-
anak juga mendapatkan pelajaran computer. Setiap sekolah
dasar di Inggris difasilitasi komputer yang dibeli berkat
kolaborasi antara sekolah dan orang tua melalui acara-acara
khusus dan sponsor.

Sekolah Menengah
Setelah menyelesaikan sekolah dasar mereka, anak boleh
melanjutkan belajar mereka di sekolah menengah. Mereka harus
sekitar umur 11 tahun. Dalam tingkat ini, anak-anak diwajibkan
untuk memakai pakaian seragam. Biasanya berupa kemeja dan
dasi atau jaket khusus yang dinamakan blazer. Seringkali
beberapa sekolah hanya mewajibkan anak-anak untuk memakai
kemeja dengan celana dengan warna-warna tertentu.

Kelas biasanya dimulai pukul 9 kurang 15 menit, dan selesai

sekitar pukul tiga. Kebanyakan siswa makan sandwich untuk
makan siang mereka di sekolah, dan beberapa dari mereka

makan malam di sekolah juga. Kecuali Skotlandia, sekolah negeri
di Britania mengikuti kurikulum yang memiliki tiga pelajaran
utama; bahasa Inggris, Matematika dan Sains. Anak-anak akan
mengikuti ujian nasional dalam mata pelajaran tersebut ketika
mereka berumur 14 tahun. Setelah itu, mereka akan
mendapatkan pelajaran tambahan seperti Teknologi Informasi
dan Komunikasi, desain dan teknologi, serta bahasa asing

Setahun sebelum anak-anak menyelesaikan sekolah menengah
mereka, mereka harus mengikuti ujian GCSE. Setelah lulus ujian,
mereka akan melanjutkan belajar mereka dengan focus pada 3
atau 4 mata pelajaran. Mereka akan mengikuti ujian tingkat A
setelah satu tahun dan pada umur 18 tahun akan mengkuiti
ujian A atau ujian tingkat tinggi. Apabila mereka memenuhi
kualifikasi, mereka mengambil beberapa mata kuliah di berbagai
universitas. Beberapa siswa memilih untuk tidak mendapatkan di
universitas, akan tetapi menggunakan satu tahun pelajaran
untuk pengalaman kerja atau jalan-jalan.

Perguruan Tinggi
1 dari 3 siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar di perguruan
tinggi. Mereka bisa mendaftar di perguruan tinggi atau sekolah
kejuruan. Belajar di universitas membutuhkan banyak biaya.
Setiap tahun, orang tua harus membayar uang kuliah dan
menyediakan biaya hidup bagi anak-anak mereka. Apabila orang
tua tak mampuri, dapat mengajukan usulan pinjaman mahasiswa
untuk membiaya pendidikan anak-anak mereka.

Beberapa perguruan tinggi di Inggris terkenal di seantro dunia

seperti Universitas Oxford dan Universitas Cambridge. Mereka
menjadi tujuan mahasiswa dari seluruh dunia. Di Inggris, hamper
semua kota besar memiliki minimal 1 universitas. Mayoritas
pengajaran di perguruan tinggi berbentuk perkuliahan dan

Belajar di perguruan tinggi sangatlah menyenangkan. Anak-anak

bisa tinggal di asrama universitas di tahun pertama mereka. Di
tahun-tahun berikutnya, mereka harus mencari apartemen di

kota. Disamping tuntutan akademik yang keras, ada banyak
aktivitas dan komunitas yang bisa diikuti selama belajar, seperti
olahraga dan klun social. Mahasiswa boleh memlih sesuai minat
dan bakat.

Di akhir perkuliahan, mahasiswa harus mengikuti ujian. Apabila

mereka lulus ujian mereka bisa mengikuti wisuda. Setelah itu
mereka akan siap belajar untuk tingkat selanjutnya atau mencari
6. Description and Comment about Video 4
British Schools
The fourth video still talks about schools in Britain, but it talks
mainly about primary and secondary schools. The discussion
about college and university is very few.

Most children in the UK start their primary schools at the age of

five and finish at eleven. Afterwards they will be in secondary
schools till sixteen. At the sixteen they will take GCSE (General
Certificate of Secondary Education). After taking the exam, the
students have some choices. About thirty percents of the
students leave school, while the others will study three subjects
for two years more. Then, they take A levels or advanced level

About twenty percents of students will enroll at universities,

while another twenty will go to vocational colleges and trainings.
The students usually leave their home to go to university in
different city or town.

In British schools students will study from Monday till Friday. The
schools usually start at nine oclock and finish around five
oclock. At twelve, the students will have an hour break, and they
usually have a lunch in the school canteen. After the class, the
students usually have some extra activities such sport and
music. Some popular sports are football, netball, rugby, and

On average there are about twenty-two students in the

secondary school class, and twenty-seven in the primary school

class. Most schools are mixed between boys and girls and in
most secondary schools the students wear uniform.

British students have a wide choice of the subject, e.g. art, food
technology, design and technology, science, foreign languages,
information and technology, geography, English literature and

Ninety-two percents of the British schools are owned by the

government. They are state schools. They are free; the parents
do not need to pay tuition fee for these schools. However, eight
percents of the school are independent and owned by the private
foundations. Few of them are boarding schools. They are not free,
and the parents pay for their children.

In this video we can see that British government plan its
educational system seriously using various perspectives such as
sociology, psychology, culture, politics, international relations
and many others.

Before the first world war, the aim of education is to carry out
nation building. It means that the ideal perspective of education
becomes an important discourse to occupy. There is a little focus
on how to make the students competitive in the global era.

However, after the world has been globalized, international

situation influences the aim of education. British education,
especially after joining OECD, sees skills to be incorporated in
schools. We can see, after sixteen-year education, the students
are supposed to continue or leave school. They may choose
between university or vocational schools. Vocational schools are
expected to serve the manpower in the more technical field, like
machinery, plumber, technician, etc. Jones in Higgins writes,
Over the past twenty years, however, another agenda has
taken shape, whose drivers and reference points are more
global than national and whose impact on the purposes
ascribed by governments to schooling has become increasing
clear. The agenda has been shaped by international
organizations especially the Paris-based Organization for

Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which have
provided both a widely circulated discourse and much-utilized
set of policy tools.

Education in Britain still has an important influence in British

culture, especially after the more globalized world.

Sekolah di Britania
Video keempat berbicara tentang sekolah di Britania, terutama
tentang sekolah dasar dan menengah. Penjelasan tentang
sekolah tinggi dan universitas sangat sedikit.

Mayoritas anak di Inggris memulai sekolah dasar mereka pada

umur 5 tahun dan menyelesaikannya pada umur 11 tahun.
Setelah itu, mereka melanjutkan ke sekolah menengah sampai
usia 16 tahun. Pada usia 16 tahun, mereka akan mengambil
ujian GCSE (Sertifikat Ujian Sekolah Menengah). Setelah
mengikuti ujian, mereka memiliki beberapa pilihan. Sekitar 30%
dari siswa meninggalkan sekolah, sedangkan yang lainnya
mengikuti tiga mata pelajaran untuk dua tahun berikutnya.
Setelah itu mereka mengikuti ujian A atau ujian tingkat atas.

Sekira 20 persen dari siswa mendaftarkan diri ke universitas,

sedangkan yang lainnya mengikuti sekolah keujuruan atau
pelatihan. Mahasiswa biasanya meninggalkan rumah mereka
untuk belajar di universitas di kota yang berbeda.

Di Inggris, siswa akan belajar dari Senin sampai Jumat. Sekolah

biasanya mulai pukul 9 dan berakhir sekitar pukul 4. Pada pukul
12, amak-anak memiliki kesempatan untuk istirahat 1 jam,
biasanya mereka makan siang di kantin sekolah. Setelah
pelajaran, anak-anak biasanya memiliki beberapa kegiatan
ekstra kurikuler seperti olahraga dan music. Beberapa olahraga
yang populer adalah sepakbola, bola net, rugby dan badminton.

Rata-rata ada 22 siswa tiap di kelas di sekolah menengah,

sedangkan di sekolah dasar ada sekitar 27 siswa. Mayoritas
sekolah dicampur antara laki-laki dan perempuan, dan
kebanyakan sekolah menengah mewajibkan memakai seragam.

Siswa Britania memiliki pilihan luas dalam hal pelajaran seperti
seni, teknologi makanan, desain dan teknologi, sains, bahasa
asing, teknologi dan informasi, geografi, sastra Inggris dan

92 persen dari sekolah di Inggris dimiliki oleh pemerintah.

Sekolah tersebut dinamakan sekolah negeri. Sekolah tersebut
gratis, dimana orang tua tidak perlu untuk membayar uang
sekolah. Akan tetapi, ada juga sekitar 8% sekolah yang
independen dan dimiliki oleh yayasan swasta. Beberapa dari
mereka adalah sekolah berasrama. Mereka tidak gratis; orang
tua harus membayar untuk pendiidikan anak-anak mereka.
7. Description and Comment about Video 5
Work in Britain
The population of Great Britain is almost fifty-nine million, and
about twenty-seven million of them work. Both men and women
go for work; fifteen million for men, and twelve million for
women. They can start work at the age of sixteen. Among them,
there are 1.5 million people which are unemployed. They have
not got job. Very often, job centers help them to find work.

Most people work full-time, while others work part-time. On

average, men in Britain work forty-four hours a week. Most men
retire at the age of sixty-five. Women work about thirty-one hours
a week, and usually retire at the age of sixty. Many women work

What do the British people work? Some of them work in building

industry, while others in the car factory. Some people work in the
offices, and spend a lot of the day working with computers. One
of the big businesses in British is Finance. It is about money.
London is the first number of the financial center in the Europe,
and the third in the world behind New York and Tokyo.

Some other important work in the UK is retailing. It is selling

goods to people. Eight of the top ten retail companies in Europe
are British, and four of the top ten food retailers. Some important
big retailers are: Virgin Megastore, The Body Shop, Tesco, and
Marks and Spencer.

In the past, Britain was the world leading industrial nation,
especially during Industry Revolution. In the nineteenth century,
factories and shipyards in Scotland, Wales and North of England
produce cotton, machine, and ships. It employed many labors.

In the twenty-first century the high-tech factory is very

important. In the UK, there are some factories specializing
making computers and software.

Many British people get twenty working day holiday every year.
There also eight public holidays. During these days, the banks
are closed, therefore they are called bank holiday.

Nowadays, people get much more connected each other using

the internet than many years ago. This pushes a new trend in the
business field. It is estimated that a half million people work in
their home running online businesses.

Work is an important element of culture. Since the ancient age,
human beings use their properties to survive in the world. When
technology had not been developed, they relied on the nature.
They utilized everything in the nature for their benefits.
After thousand years passing, they made continuous
improvement. They invented many tools that made them more
independent steam machine, electricity, etc. Nowadays, people
can cultivate the nature more maximally using the sophisticated
technology as the results of long observation and experiment.

The advancement of technology then bears many kinds of works.

The invention of the computer, for instance, bears many jobs in
the industrial life from clerks, IT specialists, web administrators,
e-commerce, stock investor, cashier, etc. This makes the human
being wealthier than many years ago.

Britain has a long history in the development of industry. The

industrial revolution in the nineteenth century changed the way
the people work. Before this revolution, industry relies on the
manpower. However, it utilized the machine after the revolution

which made the factory more effective and gave much more

Pekerjaan di Britania Raya

Jumlah penduduk Britania Raya mencapai 59 juta orang dan
sekitar 27 juta dari mereka bekerja. Baik laki-laki maupun
perempuan pergi bekerja; 15 juta laki-laki dan 12 juta
perempuan. Mereka bisa mulai bekerja pada umur 16 tahun. Di
antara mereka, ada sekitar 1.5 juta orang yang tidak bekerja.
Mereka belum mendapatkan pekerjaan. Seringkali, pusat kerja
menolong mereka untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan.

Mayoritas masyarakat pekerja penuh waktu, sementara sedikit

dari mereka bekerja paruh waktu. Rata-rata, laki-laki di Inggris
bekerja 44 jam per pekan dan pensiun pada umur 65 tahun.
Perempuan rata-rata bekerja 31 jam per-pekan dan pensiun pada
umur 60 tahun. Banyak perempuan bekerja paruh waktu.

Apa pekerjaan orang Britania? Sebagian dari mereka bekerja di

industry bangunan, sementara yang lain di pabrik mobil.
Beberapa yang lain bekerja di kantor, dan menghabiskan banyak
hari-hari mereka di depan computer. Satu dari bisnis besar di
Britania adalah keuangan. Ini tentang uang. London adalah pusat
keuangan nomor satu di Eropa dan nomor 3 di dunia setelah
New York dan Tokyo.

Pekerjaan yang penting lainnya di Britania adalah grosiran. Ini

tentang menjual barang ke orang-orang. 8 dari 10 perusahan
retail besar di Eropa adalah milik orang Britania, dan 4 dari 10
perusahaan retail makanan adalah dari Inggris. Beberapa
grosiran Inggris yang terkenal adalah; Virgin Megastore, The
Body Shop, Tesco dan marks and Spencer.

Dahulu, Britania adalah negara yang terdepan dalam bidang

industry terutama setelah revolusi industry. Di abad 19, pabrik
dan galangan kapal di Skotlandia, Wales dan Inggris Utara
memproduksi kapas, mesin dan kapal. Ini memperkajakan ribuan

Di abad 21 pabrik teknologi sangat penting. Di Inggris ada
beberapa perusahaan yang berfokus pada pembuatan computer
dan software.

Banyak orang Inggris memiliki hari libur selama 20 hari setiap

tahunnya. Ada juga 8 hari umum. Selama liburan ini, bank tutup,
sehingga dinamakan hari libur bank.

Sekarang, orang-orang terhubung melalui jaringan internet. Ini

mendorong era baru dalam bidang bisnis. Diperkarikarakn
setengah juta orang di Inggris bekerja di rumah untuk
menjalankan bisnis online.
8. Festivals in Britain
The sixth video talks about festivals in Britain. Festivals are
important elements of the nations culture. They not only reflect
its identity and historical heritage, but also show the richness of
its culture. They also have some functions such as social,
religious and national purposes.

In Britain, festivals catch peoples attention every year. They

attract many British people to take part enthusiastically. Some
festivals are very big and successfully make the people celebrate
them amazingly such as Christmas, Guy Fawkes, and Easter.

In Britain, there are two types of Festival; religious ones and

secular ones. However, many of the former transformed to the
latter in meanings and practices. Cusick in Storry and Childs
(2010:255) says, some of which still have religious meaning,
but many of which are now largely secular festivals. It means
that several festivals, which rooted from Christian traditions, had
evolved and transformed to be secular ones. An example of this
is Mothers Day which is celebrated in 25 March is inspired by the
celebration of the annunciation to Mary that she was pregnant
with Christ, who was to be born nine months later on 25
December. Other examples are Easter and Guy Fawkes.

Some British festivals play their role in shaping British patriotism.

An example of this is what we so-called Poppy Day. In this day,
the people remember those who have died fighting for the
country, especially those who were killed in the First World War in

battle in the wheat fields of Flanders, which had poppies growing
in them. Relating to this festival Cusick in Storry and Childs
(2010:257) writes, even many young people, who feel
uncomfortable about the solemnity and emphasis on the past of
Poppy Day, also feel that some of their sense as British subjects
is defined by this day. It means that this builds their patriotism
towards the nation.

Video keenam berbicara tentang festival di Britania. Festival

merupakan elemen yang penting dalam kebudayaan suatu
negara. Festival tidak hanya merefleksikan kebudayaan suatu
bangsa dan warisan sejarahnya, akan tetapi juga menunjukan
kekayaan budayanya. Festival juga memiliki beberapa fungsi
seperti tujuan sosial, keagamaan dan nasional.

Di Inggris, festival menyedot perhatian banyak orang setiap

tahunnya. Festival menarik banyak warga Inggris untuk ikut
serta dengan antusias. Beberapa festival sangat besar dan
berhasil membuat banyak orang merayakannya dengan luar
biasa seperti perayaan natal, Guy Fawkes dan Paskah.

Di Inggris, ada dua jenis festival; festival keagamaan dan sekuler.

Akan tetapi, banyak dari festival keagamaan berubah menjadi
sekuler secara makna dan praktek. Cusick in Storry and Childs
(2010:255) mengatakan, beberapa dari festival memiliki
makna keagamaan, tetapi banyak dari mereka sekarang berubah
menjadi sekuler. Artinya, beberapa festival yang berakar dari
tradisi Kristen, berevolusi dan berubah menjadi bersifat sekuler.
Contohnya adalah perayaan hari ibu yang diperingati setiap
tanggal 25 Maret yang terinspirasi dari perayaan pengumuman
Maria yang mengandung Kristus, yang lahir 9 bulan kemudian
pada tanggal 25 Desember. Contoh festival yang sejenis adalah
Paskah dan Guy Fawkes.

Beberapa festival di Britania memainkan peran dalam

membangun partotiasme orang Britania. Salah satunya adalah
apa yang dinamakan aPoppy Day (Hari Opium). Pada hari ini,
orang-orang mengingat mereka yang meninggal karena
berjuang demi negara, terutama mereka yang terbunuh dalam
Perang Dunia Pertama dalam peperangan di lahan gandum di

Flanders, yang mana opium tumbuh di sana. Mengenai festival
ini, Cusick in Storry and Childs (2010:257) menulis, bahkan
banyak anak muda, yang merasa tidak nyaman akan
kekhidmatan dan penekanan dalam Hari Opium waktu dulu,
mereka juga merasakan bahwa sebagian dari perasaan mereka
sebagai orang Inggris didefinisikan dari perayaan hari ini.
Artinya, perayaan ini membangun rasa patriotism mereka
terhadap negara.
9. The Spread Islam of Islam in the United Kingdom
The last video talks about news informing the increase of Muslim
population in the UK in last decades, and, on the contratory, the
descrease of Christian who attend religious activities such as
going to the church on Sundays. It is reported from the news that
Muslims in Britain are generally happy and proud to embrace a
new identity as British Muslims, instead of exposing their
descendents identity from the origin country.

Originally, Christianity is the official religion in Great-Britain, and

it is incorporated in some political, constitutional, and social
realities. Cusick in Storry and Childs (2010:255) says,
A peculiarly British phenomenon is the presence of established
churches such as the Church of England. These churches have
an official constitutional status within the legal and political
framework of Britain, and the Christian religion is to some
degree woven into every level of British life: government,
education, architecture, the arts, broadcasting, and many
other areas.

Christianity has a long history in Britain; therefore, it influences

some aspects of life, from political system to monarch system. In
the political system, the churches have an official status and
legal before the constitution.The Church of England becomes the
official institution that has a high position in British constitutional
system. Furthermore, the Queen, as the the leader of the
kingdom, should refer to Christianity values in their daily lives
and royal ceremonies.

This situation, however, faces great challenges year-by-year.

There are some threats that haunt the domination of Christianity
in the UK. There are at least three factors that are considered

dangerous for this domination; 1) decreasing number of
Christians who get involved in the church activities, 2) the
decrease commitment of young people to the values of
Christianity, 3) the increasing numbers of new faiths in British
such as Islam and Hinduism. Regarding this phenomenon, Cusick
in Storry and Childs (2010:255) says,

The fact that Britain is commonly assumed to be a Christian

country (and a majority of people feel themselves to be
Christian in terms of their general principles) is undermined
by a number of factors: the rapidly declining levels of peoples
involvement with the churches to which they nominally belong;
the sharp decline in the value which young people attach to
Christianity; the growth of a range of New Age religious
practices; and the presence of large Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim
communities as a result of postwar immigration. All of these
changes result in considerable differences between the
religious identity of the segments of society and of different

This fact is in line with the trend in the UK, as told by the news in
the video, which informs that Muslim population grows rapidly, in
constrast to the Christians who decline both quantitatively and
qualitatively in these last few years.

Video terakhir berbicara tentang berita yang menginformasikan

peningkatan populasi umat Islam di Kerjaan Inggris dalam
decade terakhir ini, dan, sebaliknya, penurunan umat Kristen
yang menghadiri kegiatan keagamaan seperti pergi ke gerja
setiap hari Ahad. Dilaporkan dalam berita tersebut bahwa Muslim
di Inggris pada umumnya gembira dan bangga memeluk
identitas baru mereka sebagai Muslim Britania, daripada
mengekspos identitas turunan mereka di negara asal.

Kristen memiliki sejarah panjang di Britania; oleh karena itu, ia

mempengaruhi beberapa aspek kehidupan, dari sistem
perpolitikan sampai sistem monarki. Dalam sistem perpolitikan,
gereja-gereja memiliki status resmi dan sah dalam konstitusi.
Gereja Inggris menjadi lembaga resmi yang memiliki posisi tinggi
dalam sistem konstitusi Britania. Lebih jauh lagi, ratu, yang

menjadi pemimpin kerajaan, harus merujuk pada nilai-nilai
Kristen dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka dan upacara-
upacara kenegaraan.

Akan tetapi, situasi ini menghadapi tantangan yang besar dari

tahun ke tahun. Ada beberapa tantangan yang menghantui
dominisi Kristen di Kerajaan Inggris. Setidaknya, ada tiga faktor
yang dianggap berbahaya terhadap dominasi ini; 1) menurunnya
angka orang Kristen yang terlibat dalam kegiatan gereja, 2)
komitmen yang menurun dari kaum muda terhadap nilai-nilai
kekristenan, 3) angka yang meningkat dari kepercayaan baru di
Britania seperti Islam dan Hindu. Terhadap fenomena ini, Cusick
in Storry and Childs (2010:255) mengatakan,

Fakta bahwa Britania umumnya selalu diasumsikan sebagai

negara Kristen (dan mayoritas orang menganggap diri mereka
sebagai Kristen dalam hal prinsip-prinsip umum) dirusak oleh
beberapa faktor; drastisnya penurunan tingkat keikutsertaan
orang-orang terhadap gereja yang secara normatif mereka
memiliki; penurunan tajam dalam nilai kekristenan di kalangan
kaum muda; tingkat pertumbuhan praktek-praktek
keagamaan di era baru; dan hadirnya komunitas-komunitas
Hindu, Sikh, dan Muslim sebagai hasil dari migirasi pasca
perang. Semua peribahan ini menghasilkan beberapa
perbedaan antara identitas keagamaan dan segmen
masyarakat dari generasi yang berbeda.

Fakta yang disebutkan di atas ini selaras dengan tren di Kerajaan

Inggris, seperti yang diceritakan dalam video, yang
menginformasikan bahwa populasi umat Islam di Inggris tumbuh
dengan cepat, berbanding terbalik dengan kaum Nasrani yang
turun baik secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif dalam beberapa
tahun belakangan ini.

Childs, Peter. (2002). Places and Peoples: Nation and Region. In
Storry, Mike and Peter Childs. British Cultural Identities.
London: Routledge

Cusick, Edmund (2002). Religion and Heritage, Religious
Festivals. In Storry, Michael and Peter Childs (ed.). British
Cultural Identities. London: Routledge.
Panayi, Panikos. (2008). Spicing Up Britain: The Multicultural
History of British Food. London: Reaktikon Books.
Subhan, Bustami. (2015). Theory of Culture: Lecture Handout.
Yogyakarta: Unpublished.


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