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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Outcome Measurements
Whats Important? Whats Useful?
Nicholas J. Gross

Stritch-Loyola School of Medicine, Hines VA Hospital, Chicago, Illinois

The severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bidity and mortality (7). Weight loss, muscle weakness, and os-
patients response to therapy are difficult to assess. The traditional teoporosis are among a variety of common features of advanced
measure, spirometry, correlates poorly with important clinical fea- COPD, each of which contributes to the symptoms, morbidity,
tures of the disease, such as survival and quality of life (QOL). and probably the mortality of COPD. The mechanisms of these
Moreover, COPD has recently been recognized as a systemic dis- systemic effects are poorly understood but may be related to
ease, and its systemic manifestations, such as weight loss and muscle persistent airways inflammation (8) and elevated levels of circu-
weakness, are only poorly related to lung function. Therefore, al- lating inflammatory mediators, such as tumor necrosis factor-
though lung function remains an important outcome, other out-
(TNF-) (9). Spirometry alone provides little or no information
comes must be included in any overall assessment of disease severity
about the extrapulmonary effects of COPD.
or response to interventions. Examples include refinements of spirome-
This review summarizes the utility of a variety of outcome
try, such as measurement of FEV6 and inspiratory capacity; functional
outcomes, such as dyspnea indexes and exercise tests; and global-
measurements in the assessment of therapeutic interventions for
clinical outcomes, such as QOL questionnaires and assessment of COPD. As in a previous review (10), these outcomes are grouped
frequency and severity of acute exacerbations. For scoring disease into categories or dimension: physiologic, functional, global-clin-
severity, making a prognosis, or determining the outcome of novel ical, and miscellaneous. Where possible, the minimal clinically
interventions, composite measures need to be developed that take important difference (MCID) in an outcome is mentioned. Be-
into account as many aspects of COPD as practicable. cause almost any outcome in COPD is a matter of degree (e.g.,
improvement in FEV1 or exercise capacity after an intervention),
Keywords: composite outcomes; dyspnea indexes; exacerbations; exer- MCIDs have been proposed for several comes (59). These
cise capacity; quality of life MCID, which are often based on soft data, represent a general
consensus among authors of the minimal change in an outcome
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is now extremely that seems to result in a clinically meaningful improvement.
common (1). Its incidence and associated mortality are increas-
ing rapidly, not only in the United States but also in developing PHYSIOLOGIC OUTCOMES
countries (2). Almost all our current therapy is symptomatic and
does not alter the progression of the disease or the survival of Where the intervention may be expected to have an effect on
its victims. To address this crisis, several new therapies are being lung function, it is appropriate to measure it. The most useful,
developed, and existing therapies are being modified. A major discriminatory, and reproducible measurements are those ob-
question that emerges from these efforts is how we may best tained by spirometry: FEV1, FVC, and their ratio (11, 12). Where
evaluate the efficacy of these novel therapeutic interventions. the intervention is a bronchodilator, serial spirometry is per-
Spirometric measures of pulmonary function (typically FEV1 formed before and for an appropriate time span after administra-
and FEV1/FVC) have been used to determine the efficacy of a tion of the agent. The results can be evaluated in many ways
treatment. However, it has become clear in the last decade that (e.g. peak FEV1 and area under the FEV1 curve). Other results
spirometry neither predicts survival well (3, 4) nor correlates can be measured from the same data, usually as secondary out-
well with clinical status measures, such as quality of life (QOL) comes (e.g., time to onset and duration of bronchodilation action,
(5). Nor has it been shown that an improvement in pulmonary both typically being arbitrarily taken to be an increase in FEV1
function achieved by any intervention other than smoking cessa- of 15% increase over its baseline value). How much must the
tion is associated with an improvement in survival; this includes FEV1 improve to be considered clinically significant (i.e., the
surgery (6). A lack of improvement in spirometry may be associ- MCID)? The within-subject variability of FEV1 has been esti-
ated with other clinically important improvements in symptom- mated to be 160 ml (16). A change in FEV1 of this amount can
atology; therefore, spirometry may provide a less-than-complete thus be taken as evidence of physiologic efficacy, but a threshold
measure of the efficacy of an intervention. for clinical efficacy has not been definitively established. The
A further consideration is the recent realization that COPD American Thoracic Society and Global Initiative for Chronic
is not just a pulmonary disorder but is a systemic disease that Obstructive Lung Disease guidelines considered an absolute in-
has systemic effects that can contribute substantially to its mor- crease in FEV1 of 200 ml plus a relative increase of 12% above
baseline to be the threshold of clinical significance.
The technical performance of spirometry is important, and
standards have been published (13). Because these standards
are rarely met in clinical practice, retrospective data from routine
(Received in original form April 13, 2005; accepted in final form July 14, 2005)
clinic data are usually inadequate for research purposes. Fortu-
Research for this report has been provided by Veterans Affairs Research
nately, most, if not all, contemporary spirometers have built-in
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Nicholas J. quality control software that alerts the operator to unacceptable
Gross, M.D., PO Box 1485, Hines Hospital, Bldg 1, Room E438 Roosevelt & 5th
data. One of the common technical problems of spirometry re-
Avenues, Hines, IL 60141. E-mail:
lates to the duration of expiration. Due to the prolonged and
Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 2. pp 267271, 2005
DOI: 10.1513/pats.200504-036SR low expiratory flow rate in COPD, the FVC is dependent on
Internet address: the motivation and breath-holding capacity of the subject. To

sponds to his perception of dyspnea. A change of 1 cm is believed

to be the MCID. The MRC dyspnea scale is a set of five state-
ments about dyspnea. The subject is asked to select the statement
that most closely applies. Both scales are easy to use and quick
to perform and are capable of detecting long- and short-term
changes. The MRC scale is one of the components of the BODE
index described below (3). Because the MRC scale has only five
grades, it lacks sensitivity and does not take account of the effort
expended to perform the task in each grade. More complete
subjective estimates of dyspnea that avoid this drawback are
provided by questionnaires such as Mahlers Baseline- and Tran-
sition-Dyspnea Indexes (23). Both questionnaires are validated,
take longer to perform, and require more from the subjects and
are thus better suited to research than to routine clinical practice.
An MCID of 1 unit is suggested by the authors.
Figure 1. Flow-volume loops before and after bronchodilator in a pa-
Objective estimates of functional capacity are provided by
tient with COPD. The smaller loops are the tidal loops; the larger ones
are maximal loops. Both are positioned at absolute lung volumes to
exercise tests, of which a considerable number are available
show the shift toward lower lung volumes after bronchodilator. The (2426). Among a variety of field tests, the most widely used is
FEV1 values (vertical arrows at 1 s) increased by only 10% of baseline the 6-minute Walk Test (6-MWT) (27, 28), a supervised measure-
(not significant). However, IC increased by 23% ( 0.5 L). Thus, even ment of the distance the patient can walk on the level in 6
if absolute volumes had not been measured, the increase in IC could minutes. Reference values are 576 m for healthy male subjects
be taken as evidence that a significant bronchodilator response had and 494 m for healthy female subjects (29). The distances for
occurred. Reprinted with permission from Reference 10. patients with COPD are generally less but are variable (30).
The threshold of clinically significant change as a result of an
intervention (MCID) (e.g., a rehabilitation program) has been
avoid the uncertainty this creates, the FEV6 (the volume expired reported to be about 55 m for groups (30, 31) and 86 m for
in the first 6 s of a forced expiration) has been advocated as a individuals (60). Guidelines for its performance have been pro-
surrogate for FVC (14). vided (32). A similar but more exhaustive test is the Incremental
One other refinement of routine spirometry, the inspiratory Shuttle Walk Test (33). The patient walks around a 10-m circuit
capacity (IC), should be considered. FEV1 and the FEV1/FVC at a pace set by an audible signal. The pace and signal are ramped
ratio may not detect significant changes in lung physiology after up each minute. The end-point is the distance that the patient
bronchodilation because the spirogram is performed at lower has walked when they can no longer keep pace with the signal.
lung volumes where flow rates are decreased (Figure 1). Thus, The relative advantages of each have been discussed (10). All
lung hyperinflation and its reduction in response to a broncho- such tests are easy to perform and require a minimum of appara-
dilator are often not apparent on routine spirometry. IC is a tus but impose some demands on the subjects and the investiga-
surrogate for lung hyperinflation that is easily derived from spi- tor (a training effect over the first few tests a subject performs
rometry (15). IC should be included in all COPD outcomes, is one of the caveats in their interpretation).
particularly where changes in lung physiology are expected. More formal tests of exercise capacity are laboratory based,
As an outcome of long-term studies, spirometry has been using treadmills or stationary bicycles. These tests fall into two
used to study the effects of age (17) and several therapeutic categories: those that use a steady state of work output and
interventions (18, 19). The age-related decline in FEV1 of never- those that use an incremental increase in work output. The
smokers (25 5 ml/yr) is well known (20). The effect of an endpoint is typically the maximal workload (in Watts) that the
intervention can be gauged against this historic value or, better, subject can achieve. In the National Emphysema Treatment Trial
a control group. For current studies of this effect, the postbron- (NETT) (6), a change of 10 Watts was taken as the threshold of
chodilator FEV1 (rather than prebronchodilator FEV1) is the clinically significant improvement. Such tests of exercise capacity
preferred parameter because of its greater reproducibility (11). require a dedicated facility and trained staff and are relatively
Other physiologic outcomes include tests of static lung vol- expensive. They are thus generally less practical for routine
umes, airway resistance, compliance, diffusion (gas transfer) capac- studies than the field tests.
ity, and arterial blood gases. Arterial blood gases are a relevant
outcome in studies of interventions that might affect respiratory GLOBAL-CLINICAL OUTCOMES
drive or impair ventilation-perfusion relationships in the lungs. QOL
The other physiologic outcomes may be of value in special cir-
Health status measurements are indispensable in formal studies
cumstances (e.g., in lung volume reduction surgery) but are other-
of interventions, although they are not in clinical practice. The
wise rarely useful.
American Thoracic Society website provides an index to several
of these that are more or less specific to subjects with pulmonary
disorders ( Two QOL indexes have
Functional outcomes fall into subjective and objective categories. been validated and are widely used in COPD: the Saint Georges
There are validated and reproducible methods to measure each. Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) (34) and the Chronic Respi-
The most common and distressing symptoms of COPD include ratory Questionnaire (CRQ) (35). Both indexes have been vali-
dyspnea on effort, wheeze, cough, and sputum production. Dys- dated and are sensitive to changes resulting from interventions
pnea can be assessed by a variety of instruments, the simplest and from natural events, such as acute exacerbations of COPD.
of which are the Borg scale (21) and the Medical Research The SGRQ has three components: Symptoms, Activity, and Im-
Council (MRC) dyspnea scale (22). The Borg scale is a 10 point pacts. Its total score ranges from 0 (perfect health) to 100 (most
scale representing the entire range of severity of dyspnea; the severe status). A change in four units is the minimal clinically
subject is requested to select a point on this scale that corre- significant change (61). The CRQ has four components: Dys-
Gross: Outcome Measures in COPD 269

pnea, Fatigue, Emotional Function, and Mastery. The current MISCELLANEOUS OUTCOMES
version of this instrument is scored on a seven-point scale; higher
scores signify better health status, and a difference of 0.5 units
or more is considered to be the MICD (36). For each instrument, Traditional radiologic examination of the lungs is insensitive to the
the total score is probably the most reliable end-point; however, presence and severity of COPD. However, computed tomography
one or more components can be presented to indicate a field in (CT) is able to detect and objectively quantify the density of lung
which the event or intervention seems to be particularly benefi- regions, and the measurements correlate reasonably well with
cial or harmful. subsequently obtained lung histology (45, 46). In addition to
QOL outcomes such as these are regarded as important in lung parenchymal density measurements, progress is being made
all aspects of COPD because they are felt to represent changes toward measurement of airway dimensions and wall thickness
that are clinically most relevant to patients and that may not be by high-resolution CT scans (47, 48). Radiologic outcome has
measurable by other more conventional parameters. not been widely applied in clinical studies, although it has been
appropriately use in as an outcome of lung volume reduction
Acute Exacerbations of COPD
surgery (49).
Acute exacerbations can be measured in many ways (e.g., time
to first exacerbation, number of exacerbations, number of un- Markers of Airway Inflammation
scheduled and emergency department visits for COPD, number These are receiving increased attention, with the realization that
of hospitalizations for COPD, and number of ICU admissions the pathogenesis and cellular pathology of inflammation is dis-
for COPD). Each of these outcomes should be captured, and, tinctive in COPD (50). A variety of studies have used biopsies
for confidence in the effect of the intervention, the results of of airways (e.g., scoring interleukin [IL]-8 and numbers of CD-8
these outcome measures should be in the same direction and lymphocytes [51]), bronchoalveolar lavage (52), exhaled breath
statistically significant. condensates (e.g., 8-isoprostane and leukotriene B4 [53, 54]), and
Mortality circulating inflammatory markers (e.g., TNF- and its soluble
receptors and IL-6) (56, 56). Although these markers have been
Mortality can be recorded as all-cause and disease related. Al- used as outcomes of interventions (57), their role in clinical
though mortality is probably the most robust and definitive out- research is only beginning to reach its potential. With better
come, it has rarely been measured as a primary outcome in understanding of the COPD inflammatory process, one hopes
COPD; the two long-term oxygen therapy trials (43, 44) and the
that the most relevant markers of inflammation will emerge and
NETT (6) are notable exceptions. Studies in which mortality is
that reliable, simple assays will become widely included in clinical
the primary outcome are likely to require relatively large num-
bers of subjects and long observation times and are consequently
expensive. Soft Outcomes
It is conventional in clinical studies to include, as secondary
outcomes, data that one regards as soft. Soft data include diary
cards, the use of rescue mediations, and global evaluations by
subjects or physicians. These data can be misleading (58) and
add little value to the study, except possibly to corroborate the
primary outcome.

Composite Outcomes
COPD is a protean condition; each of the outcomes discussed
previously focuses on a different dimension of the disease, and
none by itself gives a reliable account of the disease state or a
complete result of an intervention. It is appropriate, therefore,
that attempts are made to devise a method to score disease sever-
ity, make a prognosis, or determine the outcome of an intervention
that takes account of as many aspects of the disease as is practica-
ble. All or most clinical studies should include not only a physio-
logic outcome (e.g., based on spirometry) but also subjective
and objective functional scores (e.g., a dyspnea index and a
6-MWT) and a QOL index (e.g., SGRQ or CRQ); these should
be co-primary outcomes (10). More specific outcomes (e.g., lung
density by CT scan or inflammatory markers) should be included
where appropriate.
Celli and colleagues (3) have devised, prospectively tested,
and validated a composite index that they call the BODE index
from its four components: Body mass index, degree of airflow
Obstruction, the modified MRC Dyspnea scale, and Exercise
capacity based on the 6-MWT. The sum of components provides
a score from 010. The prospective, validation phase of the
study examined two robust outcomes, all-cause mortality, and
mortality due to respiratory failure. For both outcomes, the
Figure 2. Survival of patients with COPD based on the BODE index (A ) BODE index was a better predictor of mortality than FEV1
or stages of COPD as defined by American Thoracic Society standards (Figure 2). Major advantages of the index are that it is widely
(B ). Reprinted with permission from Reference 3. applicable, simple, and requires no special equipment.

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