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All organisms are composed of
cells, which arise from preexisting
cells. 58

CELL STRUCTURE A microscope is usually needed to see

a cell because most cells are quite
small. 59

Cell surface-area-to-volume
relationships explain why cells are so
very small. 59

C Prokaryotic cells have neither a membrane-

ells, the fundamental building blocks of organisms, are so tiny they werent discovered
bounded nucleus nor the various
until the development of the microscope. The Dutch shopkeeper Antonie van Leeu- membranous organelles of eukaryotic
cells. 62
wenhoek (16321723) was probably the first person to see cells. After using a magnifying
glass to evaluate cloth, he taught himself to grind more powerful lenses and built a micro- Prokaryotic cells almost always have
a cell wall, a plasma membrane, and a
scope. He looked at everything possible including the teeming life in a drop of pond water. cytoplasm that contains a nucleoid and
Perhaps he even saw the unicellular protist, Stentor, featured in the accompanying micro- many ribosomes. 62

graph. Leeuwenhoeks reports of innumerable microscopic wee beasties and animalcules 4.3 EUKARYOTIC CELLS
were enthusiastically received by the Royal Society of London. Eukaryotic cells always have a plasma
membrane, a membrane-bounded
The English scientist Robert Hooke (16351703) was a microscopist who confirmed nucleus, and a cytoplasm that contains a
Leeuwenhoeks observations and was the first to use the word cell. The tiny chambers he cytoskeleton and membranous organelles,
in addition to ribosomes. 64
observed in the honeycomb structure of cork reminded him of the rooms, or cells, in a
The membrane-bounded nucleus
monastery. Naturally, he referred to the boundaries of these chambers as walls. Today, we contains DNA within strands
know that all tissues from the cork of a tree to the nervous tissue of humans are composed of chromatin, which condense
to chromosomes. The nucleus
of cells. communicates with the
A light micrograph does not reveal much cellular detail; a cells often centrally placed cytoplasm. 6869

nucleus is the only highly visible structure. The other parts of a cell are largely indistinguish-
The endomembrane system consists
of several organelles that communicate
able. Electron microscopy and biochemical analysis of the last century led to the discovery with one another, often resulting in the
secretion of proteins. 70
that plant and animal cells contain a variety of organelles, each specialized to perform a
Chloroplasts and mitochondria
particular function. Even the content of organelles is now known. The nucleus may contain are organelles that process energy.
numerous chromosomes and thousands of genes! Chloroplasts use solar energy
to produce carbohydrates, and
mitochondria break down these
Micrograph of a freshwater protozoan, Stentor. molecules to produce ATP. 7475
The cytoskeleton, a complex system of
laments and tubules, gives the cell its
shape and accounts for the movement
of the cell and its organelles. 7677


250 m

mad64631_cp04.indd 57 9/29/05 3:11:39 PM


4.1 CELLULAR LEVEL organisms reproduce, a single cell divides, and when multi-

cellular organisms grow, many cells divide. Cells are also

OF ORGANIZATION involved in the sexual reproduction of multicellular organ-
The 1830s were exciting times in the history of our knowl- isms. In reality, there is a continuity of cells from generation
edge of the cell. In 1831, the English botanist Robert Brown to generation even back to the very first cell (or cells) in the
described the nucleus of cells. In 1838, the German botanist history of life. Due to countless investigations that began
Matthais Schleiden stated that all plants are composed of with the work of Virchow, it is evident that cells are capable
cells. A year later, the German zoologist Theodor Schwann of self-reproduction.
declared that all animals are composed of cells (Fig. 4.1). As The cell theory is based upon the work of Schleiden,

a result of their work, the field of cytology (study of cells) Schwann, and Virchow. It states that (1) all organisms are

began, and we can conclude that a cell is the smallest unit composed of cells, (2) cells are the basic units of structure
of living matter.
and function in organisms, and (3) cells come only from
In the 1850s, the German physician Rudolph Virchow
preexisting cells because cells are self-reproducing.
viewed the human body as a state in which each cell was a cit-
izen. Today, we know that various illnesses of the body, such

as diabetes and prostate cancer, are due to a malfunctioning All organisms are made up of cells, and a cell is the
of cells rather than the organ itself. It also means that a cell is structural and functional unit of organs and, ultimately, of

the basic unit of function as well as structure in organisms. organisms. Cells are capable of self-reproduction, and cells
Virchow was the first to tell us that cells reproduce and come only from preexisting cells.
every cell comes from a preexisting cell. When unicellular
FIGURE 4.2 The sizes of living things and their components.
It takes a microscope to see most cells and lower levels of biological organization. Cells are visible with the light microscope, but not in much detail.
An electron microscope is necessary to see organelles in detail and to observe viruses and molecules. In the metric system (see Appendix C), each
higher unit is ten times greater than the preceding unit. (1 meter 102 cm 103 mm 106 mm 109 nm.)

Cell Size microscope, and electron microscope, and the discussion of

Cells are quite small. A frogs egg, at about 1 millimeter microscopy in the Science Focus on pages 60 and 61 explains
(mm) in diameter, is large enough to be seen by the human why the electron microscope allows us to see so much more
eye. But most cells are far smaller than 1 mm; some are even detail than the light microscope does.
as small as 1 micrometer (m)one thousandth of a mil- Why are cells so small? To answer this question, consider
limeter. Cell inclusions and macromolecules are smaller that a cell needs a surface area large enough to allow adequate
than a micrometer and are measured in terms of nanometers nutrients to enter and to rid itself of wastes. Small cells, not large
(nm). Figure 4.2 outlines the visual range of the eye, light cells, are likely to have an adequate surface area for exchanging
wastes for nutrients. For example, Figure 4.3 visually demon-
strates that cutting a large cube into smaller cubes provides a
lot more surface area per volume. The calculations show that
a 4-cm cube has a surface-area-to-volume ratio of only 1.5:1,
whereas a 1-cm cube has a surface-area-to-volume ratio of 6:1.
We would expect, then, that actively metabolizing cells
would be small. A chickens egg is several centimeters in
diameter, but the egg is not actively metabolizing. Once the

egg is incubated and metabolic activity begins, the egg di-
vides repeatedly without growth. Cell division restores the

amount of surface area needed for adequate exchange of
materials. Further, cells that specialize in absorption have
modifications that greatly increase the surface area per vol-
ume of the cell. The columnar epithelial cells along the sur-

face of the intestinal wall have surface foldings called mi-
crovilli (sing., microvillus) that increase their surface area.
Nerve cells and some large plant cells are long and thin in
order to keep the cytoplasm near the plasma membrane.

FIGURE 4.1 Organisms and cells. A cell needs a surface area that can adequately exchange
All organisms, including plants and animals, are composed of cells. This is not readily apparent because a microscope is usually needed to see the cells. a. Lilac plant. FIGURE 4.3 Surface-area-to-volume relationships. materials with the environment. Surface-area-to-volume
b. Light micrograph of a cross section of a lilac leaf showing many individual cells. c. Rabbit. d. Light micrograph of a rabbits intestinal lining showing that it, too, is As cell size decreases from 4 cm3 to 1 cm3, the surface-area-to-volume ratio considerations require that cells stay small.
composed of cells. The dark-staining bodies are nuclei. increases.

mad64631_cp04.indd 58-59 9/29/05 3:11:55 PM


science focus
Microscopy Today

C ells were not discovered until the sev-

enteenth century (when the microscope
was invented). Since that time, various types
cus by a set of magnetic lenses, and the resulting
image is projected onto a fluorescent screen or
photographic film. In the scanning electron mi-
Magnification, Resolution, and
trons is much shorter than the wavelength of
light. This difference in wavelength accounts for
the electron microscopes greater magnifying
matrix strengthens the specimen so that it can
be thinly sliced. These sections are often stained
with colored dyes (light microscopy) or with
microscope are directed toward a screen or
a photographic plate that is sensitive to their
presence. Humans can view the image on the
The magnifying capability of a transmission
of microscopes have been developed for the croscope (SEM), a narrow beam of electrons is electron microscope is greater than that of a capability and its greater resolving power. The electron-dense metals (electron microscopy) screen or photograph.
study of cells and their components. scanned over the surface of the specimen, which compound light microscope. A light micro- greater the resolving power, the greater the de- to provide contrast. Another way to increase A major advancement in illumination has
In the compound light microscope, light rays is coated with a thin metal layer. The metal gives scope can magnify objects about a thousand tail eventually seen. Resolution is the minimum contrast is to use optical methods such as phase been the introduction of confocal microscopy,
passing through a specimen are brought into off secondary electrons that are collected by a times, but an electron microscope can magnify distance between two objects at which they contrast and differential interference contrast which uses a laser beam scanned across the
focus by a set of glass lenses, and the resulting detector to produce an image on a television them hundreds of thousands of times. The dif- can still be seen, or resolved, as two separate (Fig. 4B). In addition to optical and electronic specimen to focus on a single shallow plane
image is then viewed by the human eye. In the screen. The SEM permits the development of ference lies in the means of illumination. The objects. If oil is placed between the sample and methods for contrasting transparent cells, a third within the cell. The microscopist can opti-
transmission electron microscope (TEM), electrons three-dimensional images. Figure 4A shows path of light rays and electrons moving through the objective lens of the compound light micro- very prominent research tool is called immuno- cally section the specimen by focusing up and
passing through a specimen are brought into fo- these three types of microscopic images. space is wavelike, but the wavelength of elec- scope, the resolving power is increased, and if fluorescence microscopy, because it uses fluores- down, and a series of optical sections can be
ultraviolet light is used instead of visible light, cent antibodies to reveal the location of a pro- combined in a computer to create a three-
it is also increased. But typically, a light micro- tein in the cell (see Fig. 4.18). The importance of dimensional image, which can be displayed and
scope can resolve down to 0.2 mm, while the this method is that the cellular distribution of a rotated on the computer screen.
transmission electron microscope can resolve single type of protein can be examined. An image from a microscope may be re-
down to 0.0002 mm. If the resolving power of corded by replacing the human eye with a
the average human eye is set at 1.0, then that Illumination, Viewing, and television camera. The television camera con-
of the typical compound light microscope is Recording verts the light image into an electronic image,
about 500, and that of the transmission elec- Light rays can be bent (refracted) and brought which can be entered into a computer. In video-
tron microscope is 100,000. This means that to focus as they pass through glass lenses, but enhanced contrast microscopy, the computer
this type of electron microscope distinguishes electrons do not pass through glass. Electrons makes the darkest areas of the original image
much greater detail (Fig. 4Ab). have a charge that allows them to be brought much darker and the lightest areas of the origi-
Some microscopes view living specimens, into focus by magnetic lenses. The human nal much lighter. The result is a high-contrast
85 m 200 nm 500 m
but often specimens are treated prior to obser- eye uses light to see an object but cannot use image with deep blacks and bright whites. Even
amoeba, light micrograph pseudopod segment, transmission electron amoeba, scanning electron micrograph vation. Cells are killed, fixed so that they do not electrons for the same purpose. Therefore, more contrast can be introduced by the com-
micrograph decompose, and embedded into a matrix. The electrons leaving the specimen in the electron puter if shades of gray are replaced by colors.

electron source electron gun

eye electron beam
ocular lens electron beam
light rays
condenser lens


objective lens
objective lens scanning coil

condenser lens
magnetic (objective) electron
projector lens lens detector
observation screen TV
specimen viewing
light source photographic plate screen

a. Compound light microscope b. Transmission electron microscope c. Scanning electron microscope
FIGURE 4B Photomicrographs of cheek cells.
FIGURE 4A Diagram of microscopes with accompanying micrographs of Amoeba proteus. Bright-field microscopy is the most common form used with a compound light microscope. Other types of microscopy include differential interference
The compound light microscope and the transmission electron microscope provide an internal view of an organism. The scanning electron microscope provides an external view contrast, phase contrast, and dark-field.
of an organism.

mad64631_cp04.indd 60-61 9/29/05 3:12:12 PM


4.2 PROKARYOTIC CELLS The plasma membrane can form internal pouches
called mesosomes. Mesosomes most likely increase the in-
Inclusion body:
stored nutrients for
Fundamentally, two different types of cells exist. Prokaryotic later use
ternal surface area for the attachment of enzymes that are
cells [Gk. pro, before, and karyon, kernel, nucleus] are so named carrying on metabolic activities. Mesosome:
because they lack a membrane-bounded nucleus. The other The cell wall maintains the shape of the cell even if the cy- plasma membrane that
type of cell, called a eukaryotic cell, has a nucleus (see Figs. toplasm should happen to take up an abundance of water. You folds into the cytoplasm
4.6 and 4.7). Prokaryotic cells are simpler and much smaller and increases surface area
may recall that the cell wall of a plant cell is strengthened by the
than eukaryotic cells, and they are present in great numbers in Sex pilus:
presence of cellulose, while the cell wall of a bacterium contains elongated, hollow
the air, in bodies of water, in the soil, and they also live in and Ribosome:
peptidoglycan, a complex molecule containing a unique amino appendage used for site of protein synthesis
on other organisms. Prokaryotes are an extremely successful disaccharide and peptide fragments. DNA transfer to other
group of organisms whose evolutionary history dates back to bacterial cells
The glycocalyx is a layer of polysaccharides lying outside Nucleoid:
the first cells on Earth. the cell wall. When the layer is well organized and not easily location of the bacterial
All prokaryotic cells are structurally simple, and they washed off, it is called a capsule. A slime layer, on the other chromosome
can be divided into two groups, largely based on nucleic hand, is not well organized and is easily removed. The glycoca-
and base sequence differences. These two groups are so lyx aids against drying out and helps bacteria resist a hosts im- Plasma membrane:
sheath around cytoplasm
biochemically different that they have been placed in sepa- mune system. It also helps bacteria attach to almost any surface. Fimbriae:
that regulates entrance
rate domains, called domain Bacteria and domain Archaea. hairlike bristles that
and exit of molecules
allow adhesion to
Bacteria are well known because they cause some serious Cytoplasm the surfaces
diseases, such as tuberculosis, anthrax, tetanus, throat in- The cytoplasm is a semifluid solution composed of water and Cell wall:
fections, and gonorrhea. But many species of bacteria are inorganic and organic molecules encased by a plasma mem- covering that supports,
important to the environment because they decompose the shapes, and protects cell
brane. Among the organic molecules are a variety of enzymes,
remains of dead organisms and contribute to ecological which speed the many types of chemical reactions involved Glycocalyx:
cycles. Bacteria also assist humans in another waywe use in metabolism. gel-like coating outside
them to manufacture all sorts of products, from industrial The DNA of a bacterium is in a single chromosome rotating filament present
cell wall; if compact, called
a capsule; if diffuse, called
chemicals to foodstuffs and drugs. that coils up and is located in a region called the nucleoid. in some bacteria that a slime layer
pushes the cell forward
Many bacteria also have an extrachromosomal piece of cir-
The Structure of Bacteria cular DNA called a plasmid. Plasmids are routinely used in
Bacteria are quite small; an average size is 1.11.5 m wide biotechnology laboratories as vectors to transport DNA into FIGURE 4.4 Prokaryotic cell.
and 2.06.0 m long. These different shapes are common. a bacteriumeven human DNA can be put into a bacterium Prokaryotic cells lack membrane-bounded organelles, as well as a nucleus, but
by using a plasmid as a vector. This technology is important they possess a nucleoid region that houses DNA.
spirillum in the production of new medicines.
The many proteins specified for by bacterial DNA are flagella (usually 20 nm in diameter and 170 nm long). The The base sequences of DNA and RNA in archaea match
spirochete bacillus synthesized on tiny particles called ribosomes. A bacterial bacterial flagellum has a filament, a hook, and a basal body. that of eukaryotes better than that of bacteria! Therefore, it is
cell contains thousands of ribosomes that are smaller than The basal body is a series of rings anchored in the cell wall and thought that archaea may be more closely related to eukary-
eukaryotic ribosomes. However, bacterial ribosomes still membrane. The hook rotates 360 within the basal body, and otes than to bacteria.
coccus contain RNA and protein in two subunits, as do eukaryotic this motion propels bacteriathe bacterial flagellum does not The archaea are well known for living in extreme habi-
ribosomes. The inclusion bodies found in the cytoplasm are move back and forth like a whip. Sometimes flagella occur only tats. They abound in extremely salty and/or hot, aqueous
stored granules of various substances. Some are nutrients at the two ends of a cell, and sometimes they are dispersed ran- environments. These conditions are thought to resemble the
A rod-shaped bacterium is called a bacillus, while a spherical- that can be broken down when needed. domly over the surface. The number and location of flagella are earliest environments on Earth, and archaea may have been
shaped bacterium is a coccus. Both of these can occur as pairs The cyanobacteria are bacteria that photosynthesize in important in distinguishing different types of bacteria. the first type of cell to evolve. They are able to adapt to vari-
or chains, and in addition, cocci can occur as clusters. Some the same manner as plants. These organisms live in water, Fimbriae are small, bristlelike fibers that sprout from ous environments, however and they are even prevalent in
long rods are twisted into spirals, in which case they are spi- in ditches, on buildings, and on the bark of trees. Their cyto- the cell surface. They are not involved in locomotion; instead, the waters off the coast of Antarctica.
rilla if they are rigid or spirochetes if they are flexible. plasm contains extensive internal membranes called thyla- fimbriae attach bacteria to a surface. Sex pili are rigid tubu-
Figure 4.4 shows the generalized structure of a bacterium. koids [Gk. thylakon, and eidos, form] where chlorophyll and lar structures used by bacteria to pass DNA from cell to cell.
This example is a bacillus because of its rod shape. For the sake other pigments absorb solar energy for the production of Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission, but they can Bacteria and archaea are prokaryotic cells. Bacterial cells
of discussion, we will divide the organization of bacteria into carbohydrates. Cyanobacteria are called the blue-green bac- exchange DNA by way of the sex pili. They can also take up have these features:
the cell envelope, the cytoplasm, and the appendages. teria because some have a pigment that adds a shade of blue DNA from the external medium or by way of viruses.
to the cell, in addition to the green color of chlorophyll. The Cell envelope Glycocalyx
Cell wall
Cell Envelope cyanobacteria release oxygen as a side product of photosyn- The Structure of Archaea Plasma membrane
The cell envelope includes the plasma membrane, the cell thesis, and perhaps ancestral cyanobacteria were the first
Like bacteria, archaea are prokaryotes. Archaea are more
wall, and the glycocalyx. The plasma membrane of a bac- types of organisms on Earth to do so. The addition of oxygen Cytoplasm Nucleoid
diverse in shape than bacteria because, in addition to the
terial cell has the same composition as that of a eukaryotic changed the composition of the Earths atmosphere. Ribosomes
shapes illustrated on page 62, they can be lobed, platelike,
cellit is a phospholipid bilayer with both embedded and or irregular in shape. Thylakoids (cyanobacteria)
peripheral proteins. The plasma membrane has the important Appendages The cell wall of archaea does not contain peptidoglycan; Appendages Flagella
function of regulating the entrance and exit of substances into The appendages of a bacterium, namely the flagella, fimbriae, it contains polysaccharides and proteins arranged in different Sex pili
and out of the cytoplasm. After all, the cytoplasm has a nor- and sex pili, are made of protein. Motile bacteria can pro- ways in various archaea. The membrane lipids are composed Fimbriae
mal composition that needs to be maintained. pel themselves in water by the means of appendages called of glycerol bonded to hydrocarbons, not fatty acids.

mad64631_cp04.indd 62-63 9/29/05 3:12:24 PM



prokaryotic cell
Organisms with eukaryotic cells, namely protists, fungi,
plants, and animals, are members of domain Eukarya, the DNA science focus
third domain of living things. Unlike prokaryotic cells, eu-
karyotic cells do have a membrane-bounded nucleus [L. Cell Fractionation and Differential Centrifugation
nucleus, kernel], which houses their DNA. It has been sug- 1. Cell gains a nucleus by the
plasma membrane invaginating
gested by some scientists that the nucleus evolved as the re- and surrounding the DNA

sult of the invagination of the plasma membrane (Fig. 4.5). with a double membrane. odern microscopic techniques can be an organism or cell culture and place them in Figure 4C shows that the slowest spin cycle
Eukaryotic cells are much larger than prokaryotic counted on to reveal the structure and a sugar or salt solution. Then they fraction- separates out the nuclei, and then progressively
cells, and therefore they have less surface area per volume distribution of organelles in a cell. But how ate (break open) the cells in a homogenizer. faster cycles separate out ever smaller compo-
than prokaryotic cells (see Fig. 4.2). This difference in sur- do researchers isolate the different types of A process called differential centrifugation nents. In between spins, the fluid portion of the
face-area-to-volume ratio is not detrimental to the cells organelles from a cell so that they can deter- allows researchers to separate the parts of a previous cycle must be poured into a clean tube.
existence because, unlike prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic 2. Cell gains an endomembrane mine their function? Suppose, for example, cell by size and density. A centrifuge works Why? If you didnt start with a fresh tube, all the
system by proliferation you wanted to study the function of ribo- like the spin cycle of a washing machine. Only different cell parts would pile up in one tube.
cells are compartmentalized. They have small structures of membrane. somes. How would you acquire some ribo- when the centrifuge spins do cell components By using different salt solutions and differ-
called organelles that are specialized to perform specific ent centrifuge speeds, researchers can obtain
somes? First, researchers remove cells from come out of suspension and form a sediment.
functions. essentially pure preparations of almost any cell
The faster the centrifuge spins, the smaller
Eukaryotic cells, like prokaryotic cells, have a plasma the components that settle out. component. Biochemical analysis and manipu-
membrane that separates the contents of the cell from the lation then allow them to determine the func-
environment and regulates the passage of molecules into tion of that component.
and out of the cytoplasm. The plasma membrane is a phos- 3. Cell gains mitochondria.
pholipid bilayer with embedded proteins: FIGURE 4C Cell fractionation and differential
Cells are broken open mechanically by the action of
protein pestle the pestle against the side of a homogenizer. Then a
mitochondrion centrifuge spins the tubes, and this action separates
out the contents of the cell. The notations above the
4. Cell gains chloroplasts. arrows indicate the force of gravity (g) and length of
time necessary to separate out the structures listed.
With ever-increasing speed, first the larger and then
phospholipid the smaller components of the cell are in the sediment.
bilayer Under the proper conditions, an organelle will continue to
chloroplast homogenizer centrifuge work in isolation so that its functions can be determined.
Animal cell
has mitochondria,
Some eukaryotic cells, notably plant cells, also have but not chloroplasts.
an outer boundary called a cell wall. A plant cell wall con-
tains cellulose fibrils and therefore has a different composi- 600 g 10 min 15,000 g 5 min 100,000 g 60 min
tion than the cell wall of bacteria. A cell wall supports and Plant cell
has both mitochondria
protects the cell but does not interfere with the movement and chloroplasts.
of molecules across the plasma membrane. The plasmo-
desmata are channels in a cell wall that allow cytoplasmic FIGURE 4.5 Origin of organelles.
strands to extend between adjacent cells. Invagination of the plasma membrane could have created the nuclear envelope nuclei mitochondria and lysosomes ribosomes and endoplasmic soluble portion
and an endomembrane system. The endosymbiotic hypothesis suggests that in sediment in sediment reticulum in sediment of cytoplasm
mitochondria and chloroplasts could have been independent prokaryotes that
The Structure of Eukaryotic Cells took up residence in a eukaryotic cell.
Figures 4.6 and 4.7 illustrate cellular anatomy and types of
structures and organelles found in animal and plant cells.
In this chapter, our discussion of the structures found in eu- and keep them separate from the cytoplasm. In contrast,
karyotic cells will be divided into these categories: the nu- the energy-related organellesthe mitochondria in plant The cytoskeleton is a lattice of protein fibers that main- Each structure in an animal or plant cell (Figs. 4.6 and
cleus and ribosomes; the organelles of the endomembrane and animal cells, and the chloroplasts in plant cellsdo tains the shape of the cell and assists in the movement of 4.7) has been given a particular color that will be used for
system; the peroxisomes and vacuoles; the energy-related not communicate with the other organelles of the cell. Ex- organelles. The protein fibers serve as tracks for the trans- this structure throughout the text.
organelles; and the cytoskeleton. cept for importing certain proteins, these organelles are port vesicles that are taking molecules from one organelle
The nucleus communicates with ribosomes in the cy- self-sufficient. They even have their own genetic material, to another. In other words, the tracks direct and speed them Compartmentalization is seen in eukaryotic cells, and
toplasm, and the organelles of the endomembrane system and their ribosomes resemble those of prokaryotic cells. on their way. The manner in which vesicles and other types they are larger than prokaryotic cells. We will discuss
communicate with one another. Each organelle has its own This and other evidence suggest that the mitochondria and of organelles move along these tracks will be discussed in the nucleus and ribosomes; the organelles of the
particular set of enzymes and produces its own products, chloroplasts are derived from prokaryotes that took up res- more detail later in the chapter. Without a cytoskeleton, a endomembrane system; the energy-related organelles;
and the products move from one organelle to the other. idence in an early eukaryotic cell (see Fig. 4.5). Notice that eukaryotic cell would not have an efficient means of moving and the cytoskeleton. Each of these has a specific
The products are carried between organelles by little trans- an animal cell has only mitochondria, while a plant cell has organelles and their products within the cell and possibly structure and function.
port vesicles, membranous sacs that enclose the molecules both mitochondria and chloroplasts. could not exist.

mad64631_cp04.indd 64-65 9/29/05 3:13:09 PM



Animal cell anatomy. Plant cell anatomy.
Micrograph of liver cell and False-colored micrograph
drawing of a generalized mitochondrion of a young plant cell and
animal cell. plasma drawing of a generalized
membrane plant cell.


central vacuole

endoplasmic plasma membrane

reticulum cell wall

Plasma membrane:
outer surface that
regulates entrance and
exit of molecules

50 nm 1 m
NUCLEUS: NUCLEUS: Central vacuole*: large, fluid-filled
Nuclear envelope: double Nuclear envelope: double membrane with sac that stores metabolites and
CYTOSKELETON: maintains membrane with nuclear pores nuclear pores that encloses nucleus helps maintain turgor pressure
cell shape and assists movement that encloses nucleus Nucleolus: produces subunits of ribosomes Cell wall of adjacent cell
of cell parts: Chromatin: diffuse threads Chromatin: diffuse threads containing
Microtubules: cylinders of containing DNA and protein DNA and protein
protein molecules present Nucleolus: region that produces Nuclear pore: permits passage of Middle lamella:
in cytoplasm, centrioles, subunits of ribosomes proteins into nucleus and ribosomal cements together the
cilia, and flagella subunits out of nucleus primary cell walls of
adjacent plant cells
Intermediate filaments:
protein fibers that
Rough ER: studded with out protein synthesis Chloroplast*: carries
provide support
ribosomes out photosynthesis,
and strength Centrosome:
producing sugars
Smooth ER: lacks microtubule organizing
Actin filaments: protein center (lacks centrioles)
ribosomes, synthesizes
fibers that play a role in
lipid molecules
movement of cell Mitochondrion: organelle
and organelles that carries out cellular
Ribosomes: RETICULUM:
Centrioles*: short particles that carry Rough ER: studded respiration, producing
cylinders of microtubules out protein synthesis with ribosomes ATP molecules
of unknown function Smooth ER: lacks
Peroxisome: vesicle Microtubules: cylinders of protein
Centrosome: microtubule ribosomes, synthesizes molecules present in cytoplasm
that has various functions;
organizing center that lipid molecules
breaks down fatty acids
contains a pair of centrioles and converts resulting Actin filaments: protein fibers
Peroxisome: vesicle that
hydrogen peroxide that play a role in movement of
Lysosome*: vesicle that has various functions;
to water cell and organelles
digests macromolecules breaks down fatty acids and
and even cell parts converts resulting hydrogen
Plasma membrane: surrounds
Polyribosome: string of peroxide to water
Vesicle: membrane-bounded cytoplasm, and regulates entrance
ribosomes simultaneously
sac that stores and transports and exit of molecules
synthesizing same protein Golgi apparatus: processes,
substances packages, and secretes
Granum*: a stack of chlorophyll-containing
Mitochondrion: organelle modified cell products
Cytoplasm: semifluid thylakoids in a chloroplast
that carries out cellular respiration,
matrix outside nucleus producing ATP molecules
that contains organelles Cytoplasm: semifluid matrix outside Cell wall*: outer surface that shapes,
nucleus that contains organelles supports, and protects cell
Golgi apparatus: processes, packages,
and secretes modified cell products *not in animal cells
*not in plant cells

mad64631_cp04.indd 66-67 9/29/05 3:13:44 PM


The Nucleus and Ribosomes number. This alone suggested to early investigators that the mit the passage of ribosomal subunits and mRNA out of the sequence of amino acids in a protein. Proteins synthesized by
chromosomes are the carriers of genetic information. nucleus into the cytoplasm and the passage of proteins from cytoplasmic ribosomes are used in the cytoplasm, and those
The nucleus is essential to the life of a cell. It contains the
Chromatin, and therefore chromosomes, contains DNA, the cytoplasm into the nucleus. High-power electron micro- synthesized by attached ribosomes end up in the ER.
genetic information that is passed on from cell to cell and
protein, and some RNA (ribonucleic acid). Genes, composed graphs show that nonmembranous components associated What causes a ribosome to bind to the endoplasmic
from generation to generation. The ribosomes use this infor-
of DNA, are units of heredity located on the chromosomes. with the pores form a nuclear pore complex. reticulum? Binding occurs only if the protein being synthe-
mation to carry out protein synthesis.
RNA, of which there are several forms, is produced in sized by a ribosome begins with a signal peptide. The signal
the nucleus. A nucleolus is a dark region of chromatin where Ribosomes peptide binds to a signal recognition particle (SRP), which
The Nucleus a type of RNA, called ribosomal RNA (rRNA), is produced Ribosomes are non-membrane-bounded particles where pro- then binds to an SRP receptor on the endoplasmic reticulum.
The nucleus, which has a diameter of about 5 mm, is a promi- and where rRNA joins with proteins to form the subunits tein synthesis occurs. In eukaryotes, ribosomes are 20 nm by Once the protein enters the ER, a peptidase cleaves off the
nent structure in the eukaryotic cell (Fig. 4.8). It generally ap- of ribosomes. Ribosomes are small bodies in the cytoplasm 30 nm, and in prokaryotes they are slightly smaller. In both signal peptide, and the protein ends up within the lumen
pears as an oval structure located near the center of most cells. where protein synthesis occurs. Another type of RNA, called types of cells, ribosomes are composed of two subunits, one (interior) of the ER (Fig. 4.9).
A cell can have more than one nucleus. The nucleus contains messenger RNA (mRNA), acts as an intermediary for DNA large and one small. Each subunit has its own mix of proteins
chromatin [Gk. chroma, color, and teino, stretch] in a semifluid and specifies the sequence of amino acids during protein syn- and rRNA. The number of ribosomes in a cell varies depend- The nucleus is in constant communication with the
matrix called the nucleoplasm. Chromatin looks grainy, but thesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is used in the assembly of amino ing on its functions. For example, pancreatic cells and those cytoplasm. The nucleus is the command center of the
actually it is a network of strands that condenses and under- acids during protein synthesis. The proteins of a cell deter- of other glands have many ribosomes because they produce cell because it contains DNA, the genetic material.
goes coiling into rodlike structures called chromosomes [Gk. mine its structure and functions; therefore, the nucleus is the secretions that contain proteins. DNA, which is located in the chromosomes, specifies
chroma, color, and soma, body], just before the cell divides. command center for a cell. In eukaryotic cells, some ribosomes occur freely within the sequence of amino acids in a protein through an
All of the cells of an individual contain the same number of The nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a the cytoplasm, either singly or in groups called polyribo- intermediary called mRNA. Protein synthesis occurs in the
chromosomes, and the mechanics of nuclear division ensure double membrane known as the nuclear envelope. Even so, somes, and others are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum cytoplasm, at the ribosomes, whose subunits are made in
that each daughter cell receives the normal number of chro- the nucleus communicates with the cytoplasm. The nuclear (ER), a membranous system of flattened saccules (small sacs) the nucleolus. Ribosomes occur singly and in groups (i.e.,
mosomes, except for the egg and sperm, which have half this envelope has nuclear pores of sufficient size (100 nm) to per- and tubules, which is discussed more fully on the next page. polyribosomes). Numerous ribosomes become attached
Ribosomes receive mRNA from the nucleus, and this nucleic to the endoplasmic reticulum.
acid carries a coded message from DNA indicating the correct

nuclear reticulum (ER)
ER membrane
protein 4. A signal peptidase
nucleolus removes the signal
peptide. Lumen of ER

5. Ribosomal subunits and

mRNA break away. The
Nuclear envelope: nuclear protein remains in the ER signal peptidase
pore and folds into its final shape.
inner membrane
outer membrane chromatin SRP receptor
nucleoplasm mRNA
nuclear pore
signal recognition
particle (SRP)

3. SRP attaches to receptor;

translocation channel opens;
polypeptide enters ER.
2. Signal recognition
particle (SRP) binds
SRP to signal peptide.

signal peptide
subunits nuclear pore
FIGURE 4.9 Function of ribosomes.
Ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis. At a
FIGURE 4.8 Anatomy of the nucleus. ribosome, mRNA from the nucleus specifies
phospholipid The nucleus contains chromatin. The nucleolus is a region of chromatin where rRNA is the order of amino acids in a protein. When
produced, and ribosomal subunits are assembled. The nuclear envelope contains pores, as a protein begins with a signal peptide and it
shown in the larger micrograph of a freeze-fractured nuclear envelope. Each pore is lined by combines with a signal recognition particle,
a complex of eight proteins, as shown in the smaller micrograph and drawing. Nuclear pores 1. mRNA is leaving the
the protein enters the lumen of the ER. mRNA DNA
nucleus and is attached
serve as passageways for substances to pass into and out of the nucleus. The signal peptide is removed and the to the ribosome; protein
protein folds into its final shape. synthesis is occurring.

mad64631_cp04.indd 68-69 9/29/05 3:14:23 PM


increases in quantity when a person consumes alcohol or takes

The Endomembrane System barbiturates on a regular basis. Regardless of any specialized
The endomembrane system consists of the nuclear enve- function, rough and smooth ER also form vesicles that transport
lope, the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, the molecules to other parts of the cell, notably the Golgi apparatus. secretion
Golgi apparatus, and several types of vesicles. This system
compartmentalizes the cell so that particular enzymatic re-
actions are restricted to specific regions. The vesicles trans- The Golgi Apparatus
port molecules from one part of the system to another. The Golgi apparatus is named for Camillo Golgi, who dis-
covered its presence in cells in 1898. The Golgi apparatus typi-
Endoplasmic Reticulum cally consists of a stack of three to twenty slightly curved, flat- lysosome

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) [Gk. endon, within; plasma, tened saccules whose appearance can be compared to a stack mitochondrion peroxisome fragment
something molded; L. reticulum, net], consisting of a compli- of pancakes (Fig. 4.11). In animal cells, one side of the stack transport saccules
cated system of membranous channels and saccules (flattened (the cis or inner face) is directed toward the ER, and the other vesicle
vesicles), is physically continuous with the outer membrane side of the stack (the trans or outer face) is directed toward vesicles
of the nuclear envelope (Fig. 4.10). Rough ER is studded with the plasma membrane. Vesicles can frequently be seen at the
ribosomes on the side of the membrane that faces the cyto- edges of the saccules.
plasm; therefore, it is correct to say that rough ER synthesizes Protein-filled vesicles that bud from the rough ER and trans face
proteins. It also modifies proteins after they have entered the lipid-filled vesicles that bud from the smooth ER are received
ER lumen (see Fig. 4.9). Certain ER enzymes add carbohy- by the Golgi apparatus at its inner face. Thereafter, the ap- cis face
drate (sugar) chains to proteins, and then these proteins are paratus alters these substances as they move through its sac-
called glycoproteins. Other proteins assist the folding process cules. For example, the Golgi apparatus contains enzymes that
that results in the final shape of the protein. The rough ER modify the carbohydrate chains first attached to proteins in the a. Mitochondrion and a peroxisome in a lysosome
forms vesicles in which large molecules are transported to rough ER. It can change one sugar for another sugar. In some
other parts of the cell. Often these vesicles are on their way to cases, the modified carbohydrate chain serves as a signal mol-
the plasma membrane or the Golgi apparatus. ecule that determines the proteins final destination in the cell.
Golgi apparatus
Smooth ER, which is continuous with rough ER, does The Golgi apparatus sorts and packages proteins and
not have attached ribosomes. It is more abundant in gland cells, lipids in vesicles that depart from the outer face. In animal
which synthesize lipids, such as phospholipids and steroids. cells, some of these vesicles are lysosomes, which are dis-
The specific function of smooth ER is dependent on the cussed next. Other vesicles proceed to the plasma mem-
particular cell. In the testes, it produces tes- brane, where they become part of the membrane as they dis- Nucleus
tosterone, and in the liver, it helps charge their contents during secretion. Secretion is termed
detoxify drugs. Smooth ER exocytosis because the substance exits the cytoplasm.

b. Storage bodies in a cell with defective lysosomes

0.1 m
FIGURE 4.11 Golgi apparatus. FIGURE 4.12 Lysosomes.
ribosomes The Golgi apparatus is a stack of flattened, curved saccules. It modifies proteins a. Lysosomes, which bud off the Golgi apparatus in cells, are filled with hydrolytic
nuclear envelope
and lipids and packages them in vesicles that distribute these molecules to enzymes that digest molecules and parts of the cell. Here a lysosome digests a
various locations. worn mitochondrion and a peroxisome. b. The nerve cells of a person with Tay-
rough Sachs disease are filled with membranous cytoplasmic bodies storing a fat that
endoplasmic lysosomes are unable to digest.

Lysosomes [Gk. lyo, loose, and soma, body] are membrane- missing enzyme digests a fatty substance that helps insulate
bounded vesicles produced by the Golgi apparatus. They nerve cells and increases their efficiency. Because the enzyme
have a very low pH and contain powerful hydrolytic digestive is missing, the fatty substance accumulates, literally smother-
enzymes. Lysosomes are important in recycling cellular ma- ing nerve cells. Affected individuals appear normal at birth
terial, and destroying nonfunctional organelles and portions but begin to develop neurological problems at four to six
smooth of cytoplasm (Fig. 4.12). months of age. Eventually, the child suffers cerebral degen-
endoplasmic Sometimes macromolecules are brought into a cell by eration, slow paralysis, blindness, and loss of motor function.
vesicle formation at the plasma membrane. When a lyso- Children with Tay-Sachs disease live only about three to four
some fuses with such a vesicle, its contents are digested by years. In the future, it may be possible to provide the missing
lysosomal enzymes into simpler subunits that then enter the enzyme and in that way prevent lysosomal storage diseases.
cytoplasm. Some white blood cells defend the body by en- Lysosomes also participate in apoptosis, or programmed
0.08m gulfing bacteria that are then enclosed within vesicles. When cell death, which is a normal part of development. When a tad-
FIGURE 4.10 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER). lysosomes fuse with these vesicles, the bacteria are digested. pole becomes a frog, lysosomes digest away the cells of the tail.
Ribosomes are present on rough ER, which consists of flattened saccules, but not on smooth ER, which is more tubular. Proteins are synthesized A number of human lysosomal storage diseases are The fingers of a human embryo are at first webbed, but they are
and modified by rough ER, whereas smooth ER is involved in lipid synthesis, detoxification reactions, and several other possible functions. due to a missing lysosomal enzyme. In Tay-Sachs disease, the freed from one another as a result of lysosomal action.

mad64631_cp04.indd 70-71 9/29/05 3:14:44 PM


Endomembrane System Summary In animal cells, the Golgi apparatus also produces spe- Peroxisomes and Vacuoles leaves, peroxisomes can carry out a reaction that is opposite
We have seen that the endomembrane system is a series of cialized vesicles called lysosomes that contain hydrolytic to photosynthesisthe reaction uses up oxygen and releases
Peroxisomes and the vacuoles of cells do not communicate
membranous organelles that work together and communi- enzymes. Lysosomes fuse with incoming vesicles from the carbon dioxide.
with the organelles of the endomembrane system and there-
cate by means of transport vesicles. The endoplasmic reticu- plasma membrane and digest macromolecules and/or even
fore are not part of it. Vacuoles
lum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus are essentially flattened debris brought into a certain cell. White blood cells are well
saccules, and lysosomes are specialized vesicles. known for engulfing pathogens (e.g., disease-causing viruses Peroxisomes Like vesicles, vacuoles are membranous sacs, but vacuoles are
Figure 4.13 shows how the components of the endomem- and bacteria) that are then broken down in lysosomes. larger than vesicles. The vacuoles of some protists are quite spe-
Peroxisomes, similar to lysosomes, are membrane-bounded
brane system work together. Proteins produced in rough ER and cialized; they include contractile vacuoles for ridding the cell of
vesicles that enclose enzymes. However, the enzymes in per-
lipids produced in smooth ER are carried in transport vesicles The organelles of the endomembrane system are as excess water and digestive vacuoles for breaking down nutri-
oxisomes are synthesized by free ribosomes and transported
to the Golgi apparatus, where they are further modified before follows: ents. Vacuoles usually store substances. Plant vacuoles contain
into a peroxisome from the cytoplasm. All peroxisomes contain
being packaged in vesicles that leave the Golgi. Using signal- not only water, sugars, and salts but also water-soluble pigments
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER): series of tubules enzymes whose action results in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
ing sequences, the Golgi apparatus sorts proteins and packages and toxic molecules. The pigments are responsible for many of
and saccules
them into vesicles that transport them to various cellular desti- RH2 O2 R H2O2 the red, blue, or purple colors of flowers and some leaves. The
Rough ER: ribosomes are present
nations. Secretory vesicles take the proteins to the plasma mem- toxic substances help protect a plant from herbivorous animals.
Smooth ER: ribosomes are not present Hydrogen peroxide, a toxic molecule, is immediately broken
brane, where they exit the cell when the vesicles fuse with the Golgi apparatus: stack of curved saccules down to water and oxygen by another peroxisomal enzyme Plant Cell Central Vacuole. Typically, plant cells have a
membrane. This is called secretion by exocytosis. For example, Lysosomes: specialized vesicles called catalase. When hydrogen peroxide is applied to a wound, large central vacuole that may take up to 90% of the volume
secretion into ducts occurs when the mammary glands produce Vesicles: membranous sacs bubbling occurs as peroxisomal enzymes break it down. of the cell. The vacuole is filled with a watery fluid called cell
milk or the pancreas produces digestive enzymes. The enzymes in a peroxisome depend on the function of sap that gives added support to the cell (Fig. 4.15). Animals
a particular cell. However, peroxisomes are especially prevalent must produce more cytoplasm, including organelles, in order
in cells that are synthesizing and breaking down lipids. In the to grow, but a plant cell can rapidly increase in size by enlarg-
liver, some peroxisomes produce bile salts from cholesterol, and ing its vacuole. Eventually, a plant cell also produces more cy-
FIGURE 4.13 Endomembrane system.
The organelles in the endomembrane system work others break down fats. In a 1992 movie Lorenzos Oil, the peroxi- toplasm. The central vacuole maintains hydrostatic pressure or
together to carry out the functions noted. somes in a boys cells lack a membrane protein needed to import turgor pressure in plant cells.
Plant cells do not have lysosomes.
a specific enzyme from the cytoplasm. As a result, long chain The central vacuole functions in storage of both nutrients
fatty acids accumulate in his brain, and he suffers neurological and waste products. A system to excrete wastes never evolved
damage. This disorder is known as adrenoleukodystrophy. in plants; instead, metabolic waste products are pumped across
Plant cells also have peroxisomes (Fig. 4.14). In ger- the vacuole membrane and stored permanently in the central
minating seeds, they oxidize fatty acids into molecules that vacuole. As organelles age and become nonfunctional, they fuse
can be converted to sugars needed by the growing plant. In with the vacuole, where digestive enzymes break them down.
incoming vesicle secretory vesicle
brings substances into the This is a function carried out by lysosomes in animal cells.
fuses with the plasma
cell that are digested when membrane as secretion
the vesicle fuses with a occurs


Golgi apparatus
modifies lipids and proteins
lysosome from the ER; sorts them
contains digestive enzymes and packages them in
that break down worn-out vesicles
cell parts or substances
entering the cell at the
plasma membrane protein

transport vesicle
shuttles proteins to
transport vesicle various locations such as
shuttles lipids to various the Golgi apparatus
locations such as the
Golgi apparatus

rough endoplasmic
smooth endoplasmic reticulum 100 nm
reticulum synthesizes proteins and FIGURE 4.14 Peroxisomes. 100 nm
synthesizes lipids and packages them in vesicles; Peroxisomes contain one or more enzymes that can oxidize various organic FIGURE 4.15 Plant cell central vacuole.
also performs various vesicles commonly go to substances. Peroxisomes also contain the enzyme catalase, which breaks down The large central vacuole of plant cells has numerous functions, from storing
other functions the Golgi apparatus hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which builds up after organic substances are oxidized. molecules to helping the cell increase in size.

ribosome Nucleus

mad64631_cp04.indd 72-73 9/29/05 3:15:17 PM


Energy-Related Organelles and carry on photosynthesis, while the other types of plastids Mitochondria energy that permits a chain of proteins on the inner membrane
have a storage function. Even though mitochondria are smaller than chloroplasts, they to create the conditions that allow ATP synthesis to take place.
Life is possible only because a constant input of energy main-
Some algal cells have only one chloroplast, while some can be seen in some cells by using a light microscope. The num- The entire process, which also involves the cytoplasm, is called
tains the structure of cells. Chloroplasts and mitochondria are
plant cells have as many as a hundred. Chloroplasts can be ber of mitochondria can vary in cells depending on their activ- cellular respiration because oxygen is used and carbon dioxide
the two eukaryotic membranous organelles that specialize
quite large, being twice as wide and as much as five times the ity. Some cells such as liver cells may have as many as 1,000 is given off, as shown on the previous page.
in converting energy to a form that can be used by the cell.
length of a mitochondrion. Their structure is shown in Fig- mitochondria. We think of mitochondria as having a shape like
Chloroplasts use solar energy to synthesize carbohydrates, Mitochondrial Diseases. So far, more than 40 different mi-
ure 4.16. The double membrane encloses a large space called that shown in Figure 4.17, but actually they often change shape
and carbohydrate-derived products are broken down in tochondrial diseases that affect the brain, muscles, kidneys,
the stroma, which contains thylakoids, disklike sacs formed to be longer and thinner or shorter and broader. Mitochondria
mitochondria (sing., mitochondrion) to produce ATP molecules. heart, liver, eyes, ears, or pancreas have been identified.
from a third chloroplast membrane. A stack of thylakoids is a can form long, moving chains, or they can remain fixed in one
Photosynthesis, which usually occurs in chloroplasts [Gk. chloros, The common factor among these genetic diseases is that the
granum. The lumens of the thylakoids are believed to form a locationoften where energy is most needed. For example,
green, and plastos, formed, molded], is the process by which patients mitochondria are unable to completely metabolize
large internal compartment called the thylakoid space. Chlo- they are packed between the contractile elements of cardiac
solar energy is converted to chemical energy within carbohy- organic molecules to produce ATP. As a result, toxins ac-
rophyll and the other pigments that capture solar energy are cells and wrapped around the interior of a sperms flagellum.
drates. Photosynthesis can be represented by this equation: cumulate inside the mitochondria and the body. The tox-
located in the thylakoid membrane, and the enzymes that Mitochondria have two membranes, the outer mem-
solar energy carbon dioxide water carbohydrate oxygen synthesize carbohydrates are located outside the thylakoid in ins can be free radicals (sustances that readily form harm-
brane and the inner membrane. The inner membrane is highly ful compounds when they react with other molecules), and
Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria are capable of carry- the fluid of the stroma. convoluted into cristae that project into the matrix. These cris-
The structure of chloroplasts and the discovery that chlo- they damage mitochondria over time. In the United States,
ing on photosynthesis in this manner, but only plants and tae increase the surface area of the inner membrane so much between 1,000 and 4,000 children per year are born with a
algae have chloroplasts. roplasts also have their own DNA and ribosomes support the that in a liver cell they account for about one-third the total
endosymbiotic hypothesis that chloroplasts are derived from mitochondrial disease. In addition, it is possible that many
Cellular respiration is the process by which the chemical membrane in the cell. The inner membrane encloses a ma- diseases of aging are due to malfunctioning mitochondria.
energy of carbohydrates is converted to that of ATP (adenos- cyanobacteria that entered a eukaryotic cell. It cannot be said trix, which contains mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes. The
ine triphosphate). Cellular respiration can be represented by too often that, as shown in Figure 4.5, plant and algal cells presence of a double membrane and mitochondrial genes is
this equation: contain both mitochondria and chloroplasts. consistent with the endosymbiotic hypothesis regarding the Chloroplasts and mitochondria are organelles that
Other Types of Plastids. Other plastids are different from chlo- origin of mitochondria, which was illustrated in Fig. 4.5. This transform energy. Chloroplasts capture solar energy and
carbohydrate oxygen carbon dioxide water energy
roplasts in color, form, and function. Chromoplasts contain pig- figure suggests that mitochondria are derived from bacteria produce carbohydrates. Mitochondria convert the energy
Here the word energy stands for ATP molecules. When a cell ments that result in a yellow, orange, or red color. Chromoplasts that took up residence in an early eukaryotic cell. within carbohydrates to that of ATP molecules.
needs energy, ATP supplies it. The energy of ATP is used for are responsible for the color of autumn leaves, fruits, carrots, and Mitochondria are often called the power-
synthetic reactions, active transport, and all energy-requiring some flowers. Leucoplasts are generally colorless plastids that houses of the cell because they produce most of
processes in cells. In eukaryotes, mitochondria are necessary to synthesize and store starches and oils. A microscopic examina- the ATP used by the cell through cellular respira-
the process of cellular respiration, which produces ATP. tion of potato tissue yields a number of leucoplasts. tion. Cell fractionation and centrifugation, which
is described in the Science Focus on page 65, al-
Chloroplasts lowed investigators to separate the inner mem-
Chloroplasts are a type of plastid, plant and brane, the outer membrane, and the matrix from
algal organelles that are bounded by a double each other. Then they discovered that the matrix
membrane and contain a series of internal is a highly concentrated mixture of enzymes that
membranes and/or vesicles. Plastids have break down carbohydrates and other nutrient
DNA and are produced by division of exist- molecules. These reactions supply the chemical
ing plastids. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll

a. 200 nm

a. 500 nm outer
membrane cristae matrix
outer thylakoid double
membrane grana space stroma thylakoid membrane inner
double membrane

FIGURE 4.16 Chloroplast structure.

Chloroplasts carry out photosynthesis. a. Electron micrograph
of a longitudinal section of a chloroplast. b. Generalized drawing FIGURE 4.17 Mitochondrion structure.
of a chloroplast in which the outer and inner membranes have Mitochondria are involved in cellular respiration. a. Electron micrograph
been cut away to reveal the grana, each of which is a stack of of a longitudinal section of a mitochondrion. b. Generalized drawing in
membranous sacs called thylakoids. In some grana, but not all, it which the outer membrane and portions of the inner membrane have
is obvious that thylakoid spaces are interconnected. been cut away to reveal the cristae. b.

mad64631_cp04.indd 74-75 9/29/05 3:15:49 PM


The Cytoskeleton During animal cell division, the two new cells form when
actin, in conjunction with myosin, pinches off the cells from
The protein components of the cytoskeleton [Gk. kytos, cell,
one another. actin
and skeleton, dried body] interconnect and extend from the subunit
nucleus to the plasma membrane in eukaryotic cells. Prior to
the 1970s, it was believed that the cytoplasm was an unorga- Intermediate Filaments
nized mixture of organic molecules. Then, high-voltage elec- Intermediate filaments (811 nm in diameter) are inter-
tron microscopes, which can penetrate thicker specimens, mediate in size between actin filaments and microtubules.
showed instead that the cytoplasm was instead highly or- They are a ropelike assembly of fibrous polypeptides, but
ganized. The technique of immunofluorescence microscopy the specific type varies according to the tissue. Some inter-
identified the makeup of the protein components within the mediate filaments support the nuclear envelope, whereas
cytoskeletal network (Fig. 4.18). others support the plasma membrane and take part in the
The cytoskeleton contains actin filaments, intermedi- formation of cell-to-cell junctions. In the skin, intermediate a. Actin filaments
ate filaments, and microtubules, which maintain cell shape filaments, made of the protein keratin, give great mechani-
and allow the cell and its organelles to move. Therefore, the cal strength to skin cells. We now know that intermediate
cytoskeleton is often compared to the bones and muscles filaments are also highly dynamic and will disassemble fibrous
of an animal. However, the cytoskeleton is dynamic, espe- when phosphate is added by a kinase. subunits
cially because its protein components can assemble and dis-
assemble as appropriate. Apparently a number of different
mechanisms regulate this process, including protein kinases Microtubules
that phosphorylate proteins. Phosphorylation leads to disas- Microtubules [Gk. mikros, small, little; L. tubus, pipe] are
sembly, and dephosphorylation causes assembly. small, hollow cylinders about 25 nm in diameter and from
0.225 m in length.
Actin Filaments Microtubules are made of a globular protein called
Actin filaments (formerly called microfilaments) are long, tubulin, which is of two types called and . There is a peacock
extremely thin, flexible fibers (about 7 nm in diameter) that slightly different amino acid sequence in tubulin com-
occur in bundles or meshlike networks. Each actin filament pared to b tubulin. When assembly occurs, and tubulin b. Intermediate filaments
contains two chains of globular actin monomers twisted molecules come together as dimers, and the dimers arrange
about one another in a helical manner. themselves in rows. Microtubules have 13 rows of tubulin
Actin filaments play a structural role when they form dimers, surrounding what appears in electron micrographs
a dense, complex web just under the plasma membrane, to to be an empty central core. tubulin
which they are anchored by special proteins. They are also The regulation of microtubule assembly is under subunit
seen in the microvilli that project from intestinal cells, and the control of a microtubule organizing center (MTOC).
their presence most likely accounts for the ability of micro- In most eukaryotic cells, the main MTOC is in the cen-
villi to alternately shorten and extend into the intestine. In trosome [Gk. centrum, center, and soma, body], which lies
plant cells, actin filaments apparently form the tracks along near the nucleus. Microtubules radiate from the centro-
which chloroplasts circulate in a particular direction; doing so some, helping to maintain the shape of the cell and acting
is called cytoplasmic streaming. Also, the presence of a net- as tracks along which organelles can move. Whereas the
work of actin filaments lying beneath the plasma membrane motor molecule myosin is associated with actin filaments, chameleon
accounts for the formation of pseudopods (false feet), exten- the motor molecules kinesin and dynein are associated c. Microtubules
sions that allow certain cells to move in an amoeboid fashion. with microtubules:
How are actin filaments involved in the movement of FIGURE 4.18 The cytoskeleton.
the cell and its organelles? They interact with motor mol- The cytoskeleton maintains the shape of the cell and allows its parts to move. Three types of protein components make up the cytoskeleton. They can be detected in
cells by using a special fluorescent technique that detects only one type of component at a time. a. Left to right: Fibroblasts in animal tissue have been treated so that
ecules, which are proteins that can attach, detach, and reat- vesicle actin filaments can be microscopically detected; the drawing shows that actin filaments are composed of a twisted double chain of actin subunits. The giant cells of the
tach farther along an actin filament. In the presence of ATP, green alga Chara rely on actin filaments to move organelles from one end of the cell to another. b. Left to right: Fibroblasts in an animal tissue have been treated so that
the motor molecule myosin pulls actin filaments along in kinesin
intermediate filaments can be microscopically detected; the drawing shows that fibrous proteins account for the ropelike structure of intermediate filaments. A peacocks
kinesin receptor
this way. Myosin has both a head and a tail. In muscle cells, colorful feathers are strengthened by the presence of intermediate filaments. c. Left to right: Fibroblasts in an animal tissue have been treated so that microtubules can be
the tails of several muscle myosin molecules are joined to microscopically detected; the drawing shows that microtubules are hollow tubes composed of tubulin subunits. The skin cells of a chameleon rely on microtubules to move
pigment granules around so that they can take on the color of their environment.
form a thick filament. In nonmuscle cells, cytoplasmic myo-
sin tails are bound to membranes, but the heads still interact
with actin: Before a cell divides, microtubules disassemble and eaten. Colchicine is a plant poison that binds tubulin and
vesicle moves, not microtubule
actin filament then reassemble into a structure called a spindle that dis- blocks the assembly of microtubules.
There are different types of kinesin proteins, each specialized tributes chromosomes in an orderly manner. At the end of
to move one kind of vesicle or cellular organelle. Kinesin cell division, the spindle disassembles, and microtubules The cytoskeleton is an internal skeleton composed of actin
ATP ADP+ P myosin
molecules moves vesicles or organelles in an opposite direction from reassemble once again into their former array. In the arms filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules that
dynein. Cytoplasmic dynein is closely related to the mol- race between plants and herbivores, plants have evolved maintain the shape of the cell and assist movement of its parts.
tail head membrane ecule dynein found in flagella. various types of poisons that prevent them from being

mad64631_cp04.indd 76-77 9/29/05 3:16:03 PM


Centrioles mentioned previously, is the major microtubule-organizing outer

Centrioles [Gk. centrum, center] are short cylinders with a center for the cell. Therefore, it is possible that centrioles Flagellum
9 0 pattern of microtubule tripletsthat is, a ring hav- are also involved in the process by which microtubules as-
semble and disassemble. radial
ing nine sets of triplets with none in the middle. In animal spoke
cells and most protists, a centrosome contains two centri- Before an animal cell divides, the centrioles replicate,
oles lying at right angles to each other. A centrosome, as and the members of each pair are at right angles to one an- central
shaft The shaft of the microtubules
other (Fig. 4.19). Then each pair becomes part of a separate flagellum has a ring
centrosome. During cell division, the centrosomes move of nine microtubule
apart and most likely function to organize the mitotic spin- doublets anchored dynein
to a central pair of
dle. In any case, each new cell has its own centrosome and microtubules.
side arm
pair of centrioles. Plant and fungal cells have the equivalent
of a centrosome, but this structure does not contain centri- 25 nm
Flagellum cross section
oles, suggesting that centrioles are not necessary to the as-
sembly of cytoplasmic microtubules.
In cells with cilia and flagella, centrioles are believed
to give rise to basal bodies that direct the organization of
microtubules within these structures. In other words, a basal The side arms
body may do for a cilium or flagellum what the centrosome Sperm of each doublet dynein
plasma are composed side arms
does for the cell. membrane of dynein, a
triplets motor molecule.

one microtubule Centrioles, which are short cylinders with a 9 0 pattern

triplet of microtubule triplets, may give rise to the basal bodies of
cilia and flagella. Basal body

Cilia and Flagella

Cilia [L. cilium, eyelash, hair] and flagella [L. flagello, In the presence of
whip] are hairlike projections that can move either in an ATP, the dynein side
arms reach out to
undulating fashion, like a whip, or stiffly, like an oar. Cells their neighbors,
that have these organelles are capable of movement. For The basal body of a flagellum has and bending occurs.
example, unicellular paramecia move by means of cilia, a ring of nine microtubule triplets
100 nm
whereas sperm cells move by means of flagella. The cells Basal body cross section with no central microtubules.
that line our upper respiratory tract have cilia that sweep FIGURE 4.20 Structure of a flagellum.
debris trapped within mucus back up into the throat, A flagellum has a basal body with a 9 0 pattern of microtubule triplets. (Notice the ring of nine triplets, with no central microtubules.) The shaft of the flagellum has a
where it can be swallowed. This action helps keep the 9 2 pattern (a ring of nine microtubule doublets surrounds a central pair of microtubules). Compare the cross section of the basal body to the cross section of the
lungs clean. flagellum shaft, and note that in place of the third microtubule, a flagellums outer doublets have side arms of dynein, a motor molecule. In the presence of ATP, the dynein
In eukaryotic cells, cilia are much shorter than side arms reach out and attempt to move along their neighboring doublet. Because of the radial spokes connecting the doublets to the central microtubules, bending occurs.
flagella, but they have a similar construction. Both are
one pair of centrioles
membrane-bounded cylinders enclosing a matrix area.
In the matrix are nine microtubule doublets arranged in
a circle around two central microtubules; this is called
the 9 2 pattern of microtubules (Fig. 4.20). Cilia and
flagella move when the microtubule doublets slide past Cell biology is fundamental to the other fields of DNA (and RNA) base sequences resulted in Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology
one another. biology studied in this text. Many of the organ- recognition of these three domains and that of organisms is based on understanding the
As mentioned, each cilium and flagellum has a basal elles of a cell are involved in producing, modify- classification based on DNA base sequences structure and function of the cells making up
body lying in the cytoplasm at its base. Basal bodies have ing, and transporting proteins. Each type of cell is are increasingly influencing classification, even different organs. This is never more apparent
characterized by the presence of particular pro- down to the species level. than in the field of medicine. Almost any hu-
the same circular arrangement of microtubule triplets as
teins, which are specified by active genes in that The evolution of life began with the first man illness can be traced back to malfunction-
centrioles and are believed to be derived from them. It is
cell. The process of protein synthesis makes cell cell or cells, and we will study how the evolu- ing cells and metabolic processes that involve
possible that basal bodies organize the microtubules within biology directly applicable to the field of genetics, tion of the eukaryotic cell led to multicellular- cellular enzymes.
cilia and flagella, but this is not supported by the observa- which is the topic of the next part in this text. ity and the forms of life with which we are This text concludes with ecology, and you
two pairs of centrioles 200 nm
tion that cilia and flagella grow by the addition of tubulin Next, we will study the classification of the most familiar. Without genetic and, conse- might think that cell biology is not pertinent to
FIGURE 4.19 Centrioles. dimers to their tips. living things, which is dependent on cell type. quently, cellular protein changes, adaptations ecology. However, preservation of organisms
In a nondividing animal cell, there is a single pair of centrioles in the centrosome The organisms in two domainsdomain Ar- to the environment that resulted in the diver- within an ecosystem is dependent in part on
located just outside the nucleus. Just before a cell divides, the centrioles chaea and domain Bacteriahave prokaryotic sity of life on our planet would never have our knowledge of how the cells of organisms
replicate, producing two pairs of centrioles. During cell division, centrioles in Cilia and flagella, which have a 9 2 pattern of cells. The organisms in domain Eukaryathe occurred. In addition to structural differences, are affected by environmental pollutants. This
their respective centrosomes separate so that each new cell has one centrosome microtubules, are involved in the movement of cells. protists, fungi, plants, and animalshave eu- DNA sequence data are now helping us trace leads us back to the necessity of understand-
containing one pair of centrioles.
karyotic cells. We will learn that differences in the relatedness of organisms through time. ing the structure and function of cells.

mad64631_cp04.indd 78-79 9/29/05 3:16:22 PM


Ribosomes are organelles that function in protein synthesis. When 5. Vesicles from the ER most likely are on their way to
Summary protein synthesis occurs, mRNA leaves the nucleus with a coded Reviewing the Chapter a. the rough ER.
4.1 CELLULAR LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION message from DNA that specifies the sequence of amino acids in that 1. What are the three basic principles of the cell theory? 58 b. the lysosomes.
protein. After mRNA attaches to a ribosome, it binds to the ER if it has a 2. Why is it advantageous for cells to be small? 59 c. the Golgi apparatus.
All organisms are composed of cells, the smallest units of living matter. signal peptide. The signal peptide attaches to a signal recognition particle d. the plant cell vacuole only.
Cells are capable of self-reproduction, and existing cells come only from 3. Roughly sketch a bacterial (prokaryotic) cell, label its parts, and
that, in turn, binds to an SRP receptor on the ER. When completed, the state a function for each of these. 63 e. the location suitable to their size.
preexisting cells. Cells are very small and are measured in micrometers. protein enters the lumen of the ER.
The plasma membrane regulates exchange of materials between the cell 4. How do eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells differ? 64 6. Lysosomes function in
The endomembrane system includes the ER (both rough and 5. Describe how the nucleus, the chloroplast, and the mitochondrion a. protein synthesis.
and the external environment. Cells must remain small in order to have smooth), the Golgi apparatus, the lysosomes (in animal cells), and
an adequate amount of surface area to volume. may have become a part of the eukaryotic cell. 64 b. processing and packaging.
transport vesicles. Newly produced proteins are modified in the ER 6. What does it mean to say that the eukaryotic cell is c. intracellular digestion.
4.2 PROKARYOTIC CELLS before they are packaged in transport vesicles, many of which go to compartmentalized? 6465 d. lipid synthesis.
the Golgi apparatus. The smooth ER has various metabolic functions, 7. Describe the structure and the function of the nuclear envelope e. production of hydrogen peroxide.
There are two major groups of prokaryotic cells: the bacteria and the
depending on the cell type, but it also forms vesicles that carry lipids and the nuclear pores. 68
archaea. Prokaryotic cells lack the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. The cell 7. Mitochondria
to different locations, particularly to the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi 8. Distinguish between the nucleolus, rRNA, and ribosomes. 6869
envelope of bacteria includes a plasma membrane, a cell wall, and an a. are involved in cellular respiration.
apparatus modifies, sorts, and repackages proteins. Some proteins are 9. Name organelles that are a part of the endomembrane system and
outer glycocalyx. The cytoplasm contains ribosomes, inclusion bodies, b. break down ATP to release energy for cells.
packaged into lysosomes, which carry out intracellular digestion, or explain the term. 70
and a nucleoid that is not bounded by a nuclear envelope. The cytoplasm c. contain grana and cristae.
into vesicles that fuse with the plasma membrane. Following fusion, 10. Trace the path of a protein from rough ER to the plasma
of cyanobacteria also includes thylakoids. The appendages of a bacterium d. are present in animal cells but not plant cells.
secretion occurs. membrane. 72
are the flagella, the fimbriae, and the sex pili. e. All of these are correct.
Cells require a constant input of energy to maintain their structure. 11. Give the overall equations for photosynthesis and cellular
4.3 EUKARYOTIC CELLS Chloroplasts capture the energy of the sun and carry on photosynthesis, 8. Which organelle releases oxygen?
respiration, contrast the two, and tell how they are related. 74
which produces carbohydrates. Carbohydrate-derived products are a. ribosome
Eukaryotic cells are much larger than prokaryotic cells, but they are 12. Describe the structure and function of chloroplasts and mitochondria.
broken down in mitochondria as ATP is produced. This is an oxygen- b. Golgi apparatus
compartmentalized by the presence of organelles, each with a specific How are these two organelles related to one another? 7475
requiring process called cellular respiration. c. mitochondrion
structure and function (Table 4.1). The nuclear envelope most likely evolved 13. What are the three components of the cytoskeleton? What are
The cytoskeleton contains actin filaments, intermediate filaments, d. chloroplast
through invagination of the plasma membrane, but mitochondria and their structures and functions? 7677
and microtubules. These maintain cell shape and allow it and the e. smooth ER
chloroplasts may have arisen when a eukaryotic cell took up bacteria and 14. Relate the structure of flagella (and cilia) to centrioles, and discuss
algae in separate events. Perhaps this accounts for why the mitochondria organelles to move. Actin filaments, the thinnest filaments, interact the function of both. 7879 9. Label these parts of the cell that are involved in protein synthesis
and chloroplasts function independently. Other membranous organelles are with the motor molecule myosin in muscle cells to bring about and modification. Give a function for each structure.
in constant communication by way of transport vesicles. contraction; in other cells, they pinch off daughter cells and have
other dynamic functions. Intermediate filaments support the nuclear a. b. c. d.
The nucleus of eukaryotic cells is bounded by a nuclear envelope
containing pores. These pores serve as passageways between the envelope and the plasma membrane and probably participate in cell- Testing Yourself
cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm. Within the nucleus, chromatin, which to-cell junctions. Microtubules radiate out from the centrosome and
are present in centrioles, cilia, and flagella. They serve as tracks along
Choose the best answer for each question.
contains DNA, undergoes coiling into chromosomes at the time of cell
which vesicles and other organelles move, due to the action of specific 1. The small size of cells best correlates with
division. The nucleolus is a special region of the chromatin where rRNA
motor molecules. a. the fact that they are self-reproducing.
is produced and ribosomal subunits are formed.
b. their prokaryotic versus eukaryotic nature.
c. an adequate surface area for exchange of materials.
d. the fact that they come in multiple sizes.
e. All of these are correct.
TABLE 4 . 1 2. Which of these is not a true comparison of the compound light
Comparison of Prokaryotic Cells and Eukaryotic Cells microscope and the transmission electron microscope?
Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells LIGHT ELECTRON
Animal Plant a. Uses light to view object Uses electrons to view object
b. Uses glass lenses for focusing Uses magnetic lenses for focusing e.
Smaller Larger
Size (120 mm in diameter) (10100 mm in diameter) c. Specimen must be Specimen may be
killed and stained alive and nonstained 10. Which of these is not true?
Cell wall Usually (peptidoglycan) No Yes (cellulose) d. Magnification is not as great Magnification is greater a. Actin filaments are found in muscle cells.
Plasma membrane Yes Yes Yes e. Resolution is not as great Resolution is greater b. Microtubules radiate out from the ER.
Nucleus No Yes Yes 3. Which of these best distinguishes a prokaryotic cell from a c. Intermediate filaments sometimes contain keratin.
Nucleolus No Yes Yes eukaryotic cell? d. Motor molecules use microtubules as tracks.
Ribosomes Yes (smaller) Yes Yes a. Prokaryotic cells have a cell wall, but eukaryotic cells never do. 11. Cilia and flagella
Endoplasmic reticulum No Yes Yes b. Prokaryotic cells are much larger than eukaryotic cells. a. have a 9 0 pattern of microtubules.
c. Prokaryotic cells have flagella, but eukaryotic cells do not. b. contain myosin that pulls on actin filaments.
Golgi apparatus No Yes Yes
d. Prokaryotic cells do not have a membrane-bounded nucleus, c. are organized by basal bodies derived from centrioles.
Lysosomes No Yes No but eukaryotic cells do have such a nucleus. d. are constructed similarly in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Mitochondria No Yes Yes e. Prokaryotic cells have ribosomes, but eukaryotic cells do not e. Both a and c are correct.
Chloroplasts No No Yes have ribosomes.
12. Which of the following organelles contains its (their) own DNA,
Peroxisomes No Usually Usually 4. Which of these is not found in the nucleus? which suggests they were once independent prokaryotes?
Cytoskeleton No Yes Yes a. functioning ribosomes a. Golgi apparatus
Centrioles No Yes No b. chromatin that condenses to chromosomes b. mitochondria
c. nucleolus that produces rRNA c. chloroplasts
9 2 cilia or flagella No Often No (in flowering plants)
d. nucleoplasm instead of cytoplasm d. ribosomes
Yes (sperm of bryophytes, ferns, and cycads)
e. all forms of RNA e. Both b and c are correct.

mad64631_cp04.indd 80-81 9/29/05 3:16:48 PM

82 4-26 PA RT I T HE C ELL

13. Which organelle most likely originated by invagination of the plasma

membrane? Understanding the Terms
a. mitochondria actin filament 76 leucoplast 74
b. flagella apoptosis 71 lysosome 71
c. nucleus bacillus 62 matrix 75
d. chloroplasts basal body 78 mesosome 62
e. All of these are correct. capsule 62 microtubule 76
14. Which structures are found in a prokaryotic cell? cell 58 mitochondrion 74
a. cell wall, ribosomes, thylakoids, chromosome cell envelope motor molecule 76
b. cell wall, plasma membrane, nucleus, flagellum (of prokaryotes) 62 nuclear envelope 68
c. nucleoid, ribosomes, chloroplasts, capsule cell theory 58 nuclear pore 68
d. plasmid, ribosomes, enzymes, DNA, mitochondria cell wall 62 nucleoid 62
e. chlorophyll, enzymes, Golgi apparatus, plasmids central vacuole nucleolus 68
15. Study the example given in (a) below. Then for each other organelle (of plant cell) 73 nucleoplasm 68
listed, state another that is structurally and functionally related. Tell centriole 78 nucleus 64
why you paired these two organelles. centrosome 76 organelle 64
a. The nucleus can be paired with nucleoli because nucleoli chloroplast 74 peroxisome 73
are found in the nucleus. Nucleoli occur where chromatin is chromatin 68 plasma membrane 62
producing rRNA. chromoplast 74 plasmid 62
b. mitochondria chromosome 68 plastid 74
c. centrioles cilium 78 polyribosome 69
d. ER coccus 62 prokaryotic cell 62
cristae 75 pseudopod 76
cyanobacteria 62 ribosome 62, 69
cytoplasm 62 rough ER 70
Thinking Scientically cytoskeleton 76 secretion 70
1. Protists of the phylum Apicomplexa cause malaria and contribute endomembrane system 70 sex pili 63
to infections associated with AIDS. These parasites are unusual endoplasmic reticulum smooth ER 70
because they contain plastids. (Chloroplasts are a type of (ER) 70 spirillum 62
plastid.) Scientists have discovered that an antibiotic that inhibits eukaryotic cell 62 spirochete 62
prokaryotic enzymes will kill the parasite because it is effective fimbriae 63 stroma 74
against the plastids contained in the cell. What can be concluded flagellum (pl., flagella) 62, 78 surface-area-to-volume
about the plastids? glycocalyx 62 ratio 59
2. In a cell biology laboratory, students are examining sections of Golgi apparatus 70 thylakoid 62, 74
plant cells. Some students report seeing the nucleus; others do granum 74 vacuole 73
not. Some students see a large vacuole; others see a small vacuole. inclusion body 62 vesicle 70
Some see evidence of an extensive endoplasmic reticulum; others intermediate filament 76
see almost none. How can these observations be explained if the
Match the terms to these definitions:
students are looking at the same cells?
a. Organelle, consisting of saccules and vesicles, that
processes, packages, and distributes molecules
about or from the cell.
Bioethical Issue: Stem Cells b. Especially active in lipid metabolism; always
produces H2O2.
Embryonic stem cells are cells from young embryos that divide indefi-
c. Dark-staining, spherical body in the cell nucleus
nitely. They are of interest to researchers because they are undifferenti-
that produces ribosomal subunits.
ated and have the ability to develop into a variety of cell types, including
d. Internal framework of the cell, consisting of
brain, heart, bone, muscle, and skin cells. They can help researchers to
microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate
understand how cells change as they mature. In addition, they offer the
hope of curing cell-based diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson disease,
e. Allows prokaryotic cells to attach to other cells.
and heart disease. Embryonic stem cell research involves the destruc-
tion of human embryos. Opponents of this research argue that embryos
should not be destroyed because they have the same rights as all human
beings. Proponents counter that the embryos used for research are
ARIS, the Biology Website
excess embryos from in vitro fertilization procedures, and they would ARIS, the website for Biology, provides a wealth of information
be destroyed anyway. Therefore, they should be used to alleviate organized and integrated by chapter. You will find practice quizzes,
human suffering. Do you think that human embryos should be used for interactive activities, labeling exercises, flashcards, and much more that
stem cell research? will complement your learning and understanding of general biology.

mad64631_cp04.indd 82 9/29/05 3:16:49 PM

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