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APPENDIX 1B: Text for focus group

Australian Children's Television Foundation and Education Services

Australia. (2011). The Encounter Episode 23 | 1788 : Waruwi [Video file].
Retrieved from
APPENDIX 1C: Before Viewing
1. Create a KWL chart on interactive whiteboard and complete first two
columns to activate prior knowledge and reflect on what we know of
Indigenous culture and peoples.

- Educator will explain to students that we will only complete the what we know and what we want to learn components of chart
- Educator then explains final component of chart (what we have learnt) will be completed at completion of lesson.

2. Educator explicitly states to students the literacy learning intention and success criteria to students.

APPENDIX 1D: Explaining to students the purpose of instructional and reading comprehension strategies

1. Educator explains the purpose of shared viewing instructional strategy.

- Educator will clarify to students that by viewing the text together, they will be enabled to more confidently observe
key elements and happenings of the clip in order to make connections to similar occurrences/ideas they can
connect to their personal experiences. This will involve the process of perceiving visual and gestural semiotic
systems and therefore interpreting, analysing and evaluating the multimodal text. This should enable students to
enhance their reading comprehension skills and feel engaged and supported to fulfil the success criteria.

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