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Answer all questions.

1. (a) Match the type of stimulus and the stimulus activity with the correct picture of
sensory organ.

Sensory organ Stimulus Stimulus activity


Light Smells a soap

Taste Reading books

Taste different
flavoured of food and
Smell drinks

Touch Hold a pencil

[4 marks/ 4 markah]

(b) Why the hearing of old folks group is less sensitive compared to the teenagers?

[1 mark/1 markah]

(c) Diagram below shows few devices that help in sensory defects. Tick () at the
diagram that use to help in hearing defects.

[1 mark/ 1 markah]
1. (a) (i) The diagram below shows the structure of a human eye.

In the table
below, write the
correct letter to show the eye structures involved in:

protect and maintain the eyeball shape.

absorbs and reduces light reflection in the eye

detecting light stimulus and generating nerve


ii) Tick () for the correct statements of part B .

Refracts and focuses light on the retina

Regulate and control the amount of light entering the
Focus light into the eye and maintain the eyeball

Detects light stimulus and generates nerve impulses.

[2 marks]

(b) The picture below shows a group of soldiers trying to determine the
enemy position

() for [3 marks]

suitable device that

can be used in the situation

[1 mark]

11. The diagram below shows the structure of the human ear.

(a) What is the ear structur labelled X? State its functions.


[2 markah]

(b) What will happen if the Eustachian tube does not function?

[2 markah]

(c) The diagram below shows the human hearing mechanism.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan mekanisme pendengaran manusia.

Describe the mechanism of human hearing.





[6 markah]

Rajah 1/ Diagram 1
1. Diagram 1 shows the parts of an ear labelled T, U, V and W.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan bahagian telinga yang berlabel T,U,V dan W.

i) Names all of the labeled parts.

Namakan semua bahagian berlabel tersebut.

Part Name

(4 Markah)
ii) Which part of ear does not play any role in hearing?
Bahagian telinga yang manakah yang tidak berperanan untuk mendengar?

(1 Markah )

iii) What the function of the part in 1(ii)?

Apakah fungsi bahagian telinga dalam 1(ii) ?

iv) Complete the following flowchart to show the pathway of sound waves in the ear.
Lengkapkan carta alir di bawah untuk menunjukkan mekanisme pendengaran gelombang
bunyi dalam telinga.

Ear pinna (i) (ii) Ossicles

Gegendang Osikel

Brain Auditory nerve (iv) (iii)

Otak Saraf Auditory

(4 markah)

(d) Our ears have limitations, we cannot hear sound which is too soft. Suggest two devices that can
be used to overcome this limitation.

Telinga kita mempunyai had pendengaran, di mana kita tidak dapat mendengar bunyi yang
terlalu perlahan. Cadangkan dua alat yang boleh digunakan untuk mengatasi had pendengaran

(1 markah)

3. (a) Plants exhibit a number of other growth responses to environmental stimuli. One of
these is nastic movement.

(i) What happen when the plant is touched?

[1 mark ]
(ii) What is the advantage of this response to the above plant?
[1 mark / 1 markah]

(b) Plants cannot move from one place to another. Plants can only grow towards or avoid
the stimuli.

(i) Name the type of response shown in the above diagram.

Namakan jenis gerak balas yang ditunjukkan di dalam rajah di atas.
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(ii) Explain the importance of this response.
Terangkan kepentingan gerak balas ini.
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(c) The statement below describes two parts of plants.

Identify part X and Y.

(i) Part X : _________________________________

(ii) Part Y : _________________________________
[2 marks / 2 markah]

4. Read the passage. Baca petikan ini.

The nose is the sensory organ of smell. Nostrils are holes in the nose which open into a
hollow space called the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity has a sticky liquid called mucus
that warms and moistens the air that enters the nose.
When a gas enters the nose through the nasal cavity, the gas dissolves in the mucus and
stimulates the sensory cells. The stimulated sensory cells send an impulse along the
nerves to the brain where the smell of the gas is interpreted.

(a) Complete the path of a gas in the mechanism of detection of the smell of the gas.

Gas Nostrils Gas

Gas dissolves in

Nerve Brain
[2 marks / 2 markah]

(b) Suggest with explanation how the nose and the sense of smell can be protected.
[2 marks / 2 markah]

(c) A person who has the flu has a poor sense of smell. Explain with a reason.
[2 marks / 2 markah]

5. A student carries out an investigation to study the response of plant towards a stimulus.
Seorang murid menjalankan suatu penyiasatan untuk mengkaji gerak balas tumbuhan
terhadap rangsangan.

The followings are the procedures of the investigation:

Berikut adalah prosedur bagi penyiasatan itu:
Three pots of plants are prepared.
Tiga buah pasu yang mempunyai tumbuhan disediakan.
Those pots are put into different boxes as shown in the diagram.
Ketiga-tiga pasu tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam kotak yang berbeza seperti yang
ditunjukkan dalam rajah.
The apparatus is left in an open air for a week.
Susunan radas diletakkan di tempat terbuka selama seminggu.
The observations are recorded. Pemerhatian direkodkan.

(a) What is the stimulus studied in this investigation?

Apakah rangsangan yang dikaji dalam penyiasatan ini?

[1 mark / 1 markah]

(b) Predict the observation recorded after a week.


Complete the table below.

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah.

Pot Observation
Pasu Pemerhatian


[3 marks / 3 markah]

(c) Explain your answer for the observation of pot R.

[2 marks / 2 markah]

(d) Imagine that you are a farmer. You want to plant tomato plants commercially in a
controlled environment. Explain what should you do and give reasons for your answers.
Bayangkan anda merupakan seorang petani. Anda ingin menanam pokok tomato secara
komersial dalam persekitaran yang terkawal. Terangkan apa yang perlu anda lakukan
dan berikan sebab bagi jawapan anda.
[4 marks / 4 markah]




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