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Buried Cable Sensor

with Intruder Location

James Cheal, Steven O'Brien & Mike Tutor

Southwest Microwave. Inc.

ABSTRACT the length and perpendicular to the sensor cables show a

detailed map of the multiple frequency surface wave. When
A buried cable sensor has been added to the Intrepid the cables are burled, the uniformity of the field is
family of outdoor perimeter intrusion sensors. The sensor degraded slightly but no deep nulls are observed. Site
with the trademarked name "MICROTRACK" is similar testing has confirmed major benefits of the
to the ''MICROPOINT'' fence sensor with precise MICROTRACK sensor:
detection location, sensitivity leveling, and free format
zoning. Intruder location is accomplished with low-power Uniform Detection Zone
ultra wideband frequency stepped radar driving the sensor
cables. Target range resolution also allows the use of Elimination of Deep Nulls
sensitivity leveling for each individual range bin. This will
compensate for differences in soil conductivity along the Precise Target Location
length of the cable and for metal objects, which may be
located in the near field radiation. Sensitivity Leveling.
The design of the MICROTRACK sensor was presented
at the 2002 Carnahan Conference in Atlantic City. It has
been described as FM-CW radar, however it differs from
the generic form in that the frequency is stepped rather The conceptual design of the MICROTRACK buried cable
than continuously swept and phase code modulation is sensor was first presented at the 2002 Carnahan C onference by
added to discriminate against interference. The wide Dr. Keith Harman. The MICROlRACK sensor can be
bandwidth of the MICROTRACK sensor fills in the nulls described as an Ultrawideband (UWB) stepped frequency
typical of a single frequency radar and provides a more radar with phase code modulation. It is designed to detect and
uniform field profile along the entire length of the sensor locate intruders crossing the reactive near field of a buried
cables. leaky cable. The system has been desi gned for low power and
Tbis describes the testing that bas been performed to makes use of surface wave transmission lines. Two pairs of
cbaracterize the system for different environmental 200 meters each of leaky cable extend out from the
conditions. Southwest Microwave, Inc. has procured an MICROTRACK PROCESSOR to form a perimeter length of
open field site of 31 acres of flat desert land for testing the 400 meters.
buried cable. Another site in Canada is used for testing One cable from each pair is used for transrrtission and the
with an additional set of weather and soil conditions. other for reception. These are posi ti oned parallel and closely
Detection patterns, proximity to stationary objects, and spaced to one another to pr ovide a reactive electromagnetic
various environmental factors wiD be discussed. Extensive field confined to the near vicinity of the transmit c able. The
measurements of both electric and magnetic fields along electromagnetic field remains closely associated with the cable
and is significantly less than 30 IlV/m as required by FCC
The transmitted frequencies are generated by a Direct
Digital Synthesizer (DDS). These al so serve as the LO signal
Author's Current Address: which is rrtixed with the rec ei ved signal to create IF
J. Oleal. S. O'Brien and M. Tutor. Southst Microwave. Inc., 9055 South McKcmy Street,
Tempe. Ariuma, 85384-2946. USA. frequencies proportional to the location of an intruder crossing
Based oP a ptuentation at Camahan 2004. the cable and perturbing the electromagnetic field. A Fast
0885189851051 S17.00 e 2005 rEEE Fourier Transform (FFf) is used to translate IF frequencies to


Loop ant.nna 0.3 meters from cable, O.3'meters above ground

o 60; 80, tOO 120. 1 140. 160, 100.
Position (Parallel to the cable, mtterst

Fig. 1. Measured field strength parallel to buried and unburied leaky cable

range bins corresponding to distance along the cable. The Transverse Vertical Polarized Flek!
salient features of the MICROTRACK system - target cable Burled 9 Inches
location, free format zoning, and individual sub-cell thresholds
- are described in the earlier paper. This paper covers the
extensive field tests required for a buried cable sensor. Data
from these tests w ill be used to establish performance criteria
for installation and operation for various climatic and soil
conditions anticipated throughout the world.


Surface waves are generally defined as non-radiating

transmission from an open guide. Leaky coaxial cable fits this
definition. although power is continuously fed along the entire
length of the cable rather than just at one end. The external
electromagnetic field supported by the cable decreases
exponentially with distance perpendicular to the cable. Open
field measurements of the MICROTRACK system confirm the
existence of the surface wave confined to the near vicinity of Q,
the cable. The field has been mapped extensively, both parallel , 0; 1 :2 3 4 :5 6 7 .8 9 1'0
and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cable. Field
Position (Pcrpendkular 10 the cabk, meters)
strength contours parallel to the cable are relative ly uniform,
less than 3 dB variation. However, when buried, the local 1-5 meters - - 60 meters - - 170
variation increases to approximately 7 dB as seen in Figure 1.
The fluctuation when buried is consistent with recent
literature on the analysis of buried leaky cables [2]. When the Fig. 2. Field strength perpendicular to the cable
external field is lightly coupled to the internal field within the
cable. the phase velocity will be the same as the internal inode. CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS
When buried, the external mode is slowed by the relati v ely
high dielectric constant of soil. It now goes in and out of phase For buried cable systems, one of the major issues is the
creating a standing wave along the cable. but then decays due climate and soil conditions at the location where it is installed.
to the conductivity of the soil. At the end of the cable, the Electromagnetic properties of the soil are strong functions of
pattern becomes more complicated with an additional standing moisture and texture. The electromagnetic characteristic of
wave caused by the imperfect termination. interest is the complex dielectric constant which defines the
This underscores the need for the sensitivity leveling feature attenuation and phase velocity of wave propagation through
of the MICROTRACK signal processing to provide a the soil. The complex dielectric constant of the soil is
predictable detection zone. composed of both real and imaginary components. The real


Table 1. Electrical Characteristics of Son and Water [5]

Media Conductivity Dielectric

Land & Water (0') Constant (E.)

Sea Water SSIm 70

Fresh Water 3mS1m 80

Soil (saturated) 30mSJm 40

SoU (wet) tOmSJm 30

SoD 3mS/m 22
Soil (medium dry) ImS/m 15

Soil (dry) .3mSfm 7

Soil (very dry) .1 mSlm 3

Fresh Water Ice -1 "e .030mS/m 3

Fresh Water Ice -100 C .010mSlm 3

component is co nductivity usually measured as mS/meter .

, The differences between [3] and the Southwest Microwave,
The imaginary co mponent is the ratio of the soil permi ttivity to Inc. data can be explained because the c able d esi gn and
the pennittivity of free space. frequenc y were not the same althoug h the attenuation due to
Table 1 lists typical values for conducti vity and permittivity soil conductivity was similar .

of various soil conditions.

Soil composition, mineral con tent and salinity are factors
that can increase conductivi ty values.
The power loss CPL) is related to soil condu ctivity . Given the variations in the electrical characteristics of the
Attenuation as a functi on of conductivity from the abov e burial medium and the change in field patterns, how does this
equation is plotted in Figure 3. affect the detection performance of the sensor? Detection and
Over typical land where open guide cable sensors would be calibration tests were recorded at the Southwest Microwave,
buried, the attenuation changes by ov er 14 db/m. Soil Inc. test site in Ontario, Canada with saturated wet soil, frozen
conductivity measurements at the Southwest Microwave, Inc. soil, and thawing condition s. Figure 5 is a plot of receiver
test site show a variation of 0.22 to 7 mS/m or approximatel y sen sitivity for a targ et moving paraJlel to the cable from the
5.7 db/m. It should be noted also from the above equation that lead-in input to the termi nated end 200 meters away. This is an
atten uation varies directly with frequency The calculations
. engineering screen without final digital processing which will
shown in Figure 3 employ a frequ ency of 23 MHz. adj ust individual sub-cells thresholds. Each of the curves
With large changes in attenuation due to moisture, freezing, represent a different climate condition. from frozen (-180 F)
and thawing, commensurate effects on the surface wave could with conductivit y as low as 10jJS/m to saturated soil (muddy)
be anticipated. Numerous pa pers have analyzed the external with a conductivity of 20 to 30 mS/m. AGe over an extended
fields supported by leaky coaxiaJ cable [2-4]. In [3], a model dynamic range maintains the sensitivity due to weather
was developed to i nclude the effects of the ground layer above conditions to a 3db window. This will translate to less than 1
the cable as well as other obstacles in close proximity. The foot variation in the width of the detection zone with hot to cold
model accurately predicted the transverse field compared to and w et to dry soil conditions. Figure 6 shows an intruder
the measured data for both wet and dry s oil . The data for dry crossing the buried cable and the verticaJline in Figure 7 is the
soil shows a decrease with distance of approximat e ly 5 db/m detected signal that locates the intru der 24 meters from the start
while the wet soil shows a steeper slope of 10 db/m. Field of the cable radiation.
measurements at Southwest Mic rowave Inc. show the same

slope for both wet and dry soil as illustrated in Figure 5. The CONCLUSION
amplitude is slightly less for the wet soil, but the slope is much
the same. The significance of the unchanging slope with Field tests on the MlCROTRACK buried leaky cable sensor
weather conditions is that the detection zone can remain a have been conducted for various climatic and soil conditions.
constant width with a sim pl e AGC. Extensi ve mapping of the surface wave fields indicate minor


Fig. 3. Attenuation due to conductivity of soU

level shifts with changing soil conditions but the pattern shape
Transverse Vertical Polarized Field shows little change. Long tenn signal level changes are
compensated for by the receivers AGe and system calibration
Cable Buried 9 fuches
will hold over severe weather conditions.
- -- , -----
f l --c- ----T----r- Cyclical level perturbations of the surface wave as a
function of distance along the cable is shown to be caused by
: I !
1 .

the propagation constant of the soil which changes the velocity
of the external mode as compared with the internal mode
within the cable,


[11 Harman, R-K.,

Intrepid MicroTrack. Leaky Cable Sensor,
Proceedings 36" Annual 2002 International
Carnahan Conference, pp. 191 - 197_

{2] B1aunstein. N. Dank., Z. and Silbershtein,

Prediction of Radiation Pattern of a Buried Leaky Coaxial Cable,

SUlface Sensing Technologies and ApplicatiOll.'l,
Vol. I. No_ 1,2000, pp. 79 - 99.

i i j . 4 . S f6"' :.. "{ . 'j: '9; io

[3] Blaunstein, N., Dank, Z. and Silbershtein,
Position (Perpendicular to the cable, meters) Analysis of Radiation Pattern of Radar Systems Based on
Leaky Coaxial Cables.
-- Dry- - - Wet] Surface Sensing Technologies and AppllcatiOll.'l,
Vol. 2, No. l, 2001, pp_ 79 - 99.

[5] ERC Report 69,

Propagation Model and Interference Range Calculation for
Fig. 4. Change in Field Patterns with SoU Conditions Inductive Systems 10KHZ - 30 MHZ,
February 1999, p. 22.


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Fig. 5. Calibration for various climate conditions



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Fig. 6. Crossing the buried cable Fig. 7. Target detection


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