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Whatsapp Messenger is a freeware, cross- platform and end-to end encrypted

instant messaging application for smartphones. Features includes Voice calls,
one to one video calls, send text messages, images, GIF, videos documents, user
location, audio files, phone contacts and voice notes. Established in January
2009, the developers are very active in implementing updates to ensure the best
in its class.

Whatsapp being the subsidiary of Facebook Inc., is the largest and most popular
instant messaging application with the user base of more than 1 billion. So, the
developers never want its users to lack in any updated features that their instant
messenger competitors provide. Whatsapp recently came up with the feature of
updating status using Image, Video, Gif etc.
Though earlier this feature was limited to have only text with the limit of
139 characters. In transformation phase, Text status feature was then introduced
with status of Image, Videos ,etc. This update is probably the most disturbing
update for their users, making it the complex application to handle.

Research Background
The Research revolves around the WhatsApps modified status feature. The
quantitative aspect deals

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