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16 T}E

Question Booklet Number:
16D,1 E Domain: Electrical Enqineerinq

OMR Answer Sheet number:
Roll Number: 0 7 a olL

I 6 q 2 1 0 + -t

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Page 1 of 16

1. A voltage of 1000 kV is applied to an overhead line What is the frequency at which.the output voltage
with its receiving end open. lf the surge impedance of pulsates in a 3-Phase full converler?
the llne is 500 O, then the total surge power in the line (A) Supply frequency "f'
is: (B) 2f
(A) 2OOO MW (c) 3f
(B) soo MW (D) 6f
(c) 2 MW 7. Creeping in energy meter can be .prevented by
(D) 0.5 MW
(A) Using extra turns on the,voltAge coil I

An integrating type digital voltmeter employing a dual (B) Having two holes on opposite sides of the disc
slope voltage to frequency converter has an R-C time
(C) Using stronger brake magnet
constant of 100 msec. lf the input voltage is 1 V, what
(D) Using steel laminations of high permeability
is the output voltage after 1 second of operation?
It is desirable to eliminate the Stn harmonic voltage
(A) 1v
from the phase voltage of an altemator. The coil
(B) 0.1 V
should be short pitched by an electical angle of:
(c) 100 v (A) 30"
(D) 10 V
(B) 36"
A single phase one pulse controlled circuit has
(c) 72"
resistance and counter emf load and 400 sin 314t as

(D) 18"
the source voltage. For a load counter emf of 200V,
What type of filter is an LC circuit that consists of a
the range of firing angle control is
series capacitor and a shunt inductor?
(A) 300 - 1500
(A) A monotonic high-pass filter
(B) 1600 - 1800
(B) A tuned low-pass filter
(c) 1900 - 2500
(C) A monotonic low -pass filter
(D) 2600 - 2800
i.$ (D) A tuned high-pass fitter
4. The system is described by the difference equation
10. What is the definition of Transfer function?
y(n)-2y(n-1)+y(n-Z;+1n1-",r-1) has y(n)=O and n<O if
(A) Ratio of output to input in Simple algebraic form
x(n)=6(n), then y(2) will be
(B) Ratio of output to input in Fourier transform
(A) 2
(C) Ratio of output to input in Laplace transform
(B) 1
(D) Ratio of output to input in Z-transform
(c) -1

(D) zero

5. What is double integration of a unit step function ?

(A) An impulse
(B) A parabola
(C) A ramp
(D) A doublet

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tttrq -*
L* > + btol:
16 D-E

11. Which of the foHowing option is CORRECT regarding 16. lf the applied voltage to a DC machine is 230 V, then
the fan -out and power dissipation in TTL, CMOS and the back emf for maximum power developed is
ECL logic families? (A) 115 v J, T
(A) CMOS has ihe hi*test fan -out and lowest power (B) 200 v ^\'
dta*paliqr. (c) 230 v
(B) TIL hG lE ti;HIil{il and highest power (D) 460 V
rIsc?*m- 17. Which of the following is essential for a Q- meter to
(Cl Eel tcfEffiEr{ut and lowest power measure Xi/R ?
f,ft.- (A) An AC bridge circuit
Ol nL3ffi bfE Hgfier power dissipation (B) A tank-circuit with a tuning capacitor
qa-tr- (C) A circuit that requires tuning and balancing
?- Elt: {tirarn dtn angbs of the vectors simultaneously
hl n-poles adre b lhe point on any Root (D) A circuit that gives the same reading at all
l-crsSegment? frequencies
(A) taoo
,8. What is the damping ratio when the value of resonant
(B) 1500
peak in second order system is unity?
(C) 1800 or its odd multiple
(A) 1

(D) gOo or its odd multiple

(B) 1t.,12
13. What is the impulse response of an R-L series circuit? (c).J2
(A) Rising exponential function (D) 0

(B) Decaying exponential function
19. What is the maximum sag of an overhead
(C) Step function
transmission line having a span of 240 m between
. (D) Parabolic function level supports, with weight of conductor is727 kgtkm
14. What is the equivalent inductance of the combination and has a breaking strength of 6880 kg? Allow the
of two coils in differential connection has self factor of safety of 2 and neglect the wind and ice "l.!]
inductance of 2 mH and 4 mH and a mutual loading. ,J t a-
inductance of 0.15 mH. (A) 1.52 m
(A) 5.7 mH (B) 0.75 m
(B) 5.85 mH (C) 1.25 m
(C) 6.15 mH (D) 1.6 m
(D) 6 mH 20. A constant current signal across a parallel RLC circuit
Atansistor is used as a switch for developing which gives an output of 1.4Y at the signal frequency of
dltsftlowing? 3.89 kHz and 4.1 kHz. At the frequency of 4 kHz, the
(l! tfrti1$ power inverters output voltage will be i' '"
(B! Hlhand medium power inverters (A)1v
(D) itlefim
per inverters
(c) 1.4 v
L;y *'s
(D) 2.8 V %
dt' o\,
1( I "eY
16 D-E
active element h a
10 26' Which of the following is an
a current of 5 A into a
21. A battery charger can drive
at its output terminals- lf it
O resistance connected
then its (A) Cunent source
2 V battery at 7 A rate'
able to charge an ideal
(B) Resistance
Thevenin's equivalent will
(C) lnductance
(A) 7.5 V in series with 0'5 O
(D) CaPacitance
(B) 12.5 V in series with 1'5 O of an intirb
O 27 ' \Mrat is the temperature coefficiilnt
(C) 7'5 V in Parallel with 0'5
(D) 12.5 V in Parallelwith 1'5
(A) Zero
loop system having
22' What is the nature of the closed
(B) Positive
characteristics equation l2als+l=Q
(C) Negative
(A) Over damPed
(D) Gan be Positive or Negative
(B) CriticallY damPed if system is
28' the nature of the system
(C) Under damPed input and produces an
subjected to a bounded
(D) UndamPed
of unbounded resPonse?
a device to obtain which
23. A true RMS meter requires
(A) Stable SYstem
the following?
(B) Unstable system
voltage waveforms
(A) Square-root of the input
(C) AbsolutelY stable sYstem
voltage waveforms
(B) The average of the input

ofthe (D) MarginallY stable sYstem
(C) Square root ofthe average ofthe squares
parallel plate capacitor' if a
What will happen in a
inPut voltage waveforms
input voltage waveforms dielectric slab is introduced?
(D) The rectitied value of the the plates uil
of a periodic (A) Potential difference between
24. What is the Discrete Time Fourier Series
lmPulse train of Period N?
(B) Electric intensity will decrease'
(A) 1/N
(C) CaPacitance will decrease'
(B) 1
(D) Plate area will increase'
(c) N parameter gm in mho and rn
What are the values of
(D) An imPulse train transistor operatip at
in ohm respectively if iunction
with an input resistor
25. How does an op-amp function kT/q=26 mV ad
room temperature with Ic=2 ntA'
terminal and a diode in the
connected to the inverting
feedback circuit?
(A) O.M and 2500
(A) An exPonential amPlifier
(B) 0.08 and 1250
(B) An ideal full-wave rectifler
(C) 0-5 and 800
(C) A logarithmic amPlifier'
(D) 0.08 and 5000
(D) An ideal half -wave rectifier

Page 4 of 16
7r{ V
Y3r.,n>' ,d\ **/
of frequencY, if the 36. Snubber circuit is.used to limit the rate of
31. What would berthe Phase 4,(v
(A) Rise of current
gain margin is the reJiprocal of frre gain at the %"3
frequencY? fB) Conduction Period
(C) Rise of voltage across SCR
(A) 900 dB/decade
(D) None of the oPtions
lB) 1800dB/decade
if the
(C) 2700 dB /decade
37. For the system shown as U(s)*21s-C(s)'
C(t) for a unit
system is disturbed so that C(0;=1 ' then
(D) 0 dB /decaCa

32. What is the rcsultaddtrp btqcks having respeclive srep inputwiu be UC$ -g

are connected (A) 1+t

transfer funcibns as Gl and- Gz.rlirhich
(B) 1-t
in Serb casca@J
(A) Gr+Ga i @@., (c) 1+2t
(D) 1-2t
GrGz i:
CRT screen
The deflection of an electron beam on a
(C) GrGz/ Gr+Gz
is10 mm. suppose the preaccelerating anode
(D) Gr/Gz
itlirH and the potential between deflecting
When does cycloconverters require forced beam will be
is 4oublgd, the deflection of the electron
(A) 80 mm
(A) Not required
step (B) 40 mm
(i) Forced commutation in both step up and
(C) 20 mm
down CYctc converters
(D) 10 mm
(C) Forced cornnu.[ation in step up Cyclo converters
39. What is the meter resistance of a 1000 OA/ .;l:l
(D) Forced commutation in step down Cyclo
used to measure a resistance on 150
V scale?
in AC to DC (A) 150 ko
34. When is the Peak lnverse voltage highest
(B) 1 ko
(c) 6.67 O
(A) Single phasefull wave midpoint converter
(D) 0.001 o
(B) Single Phase tdl converter
convert 1
(G) 3-Phase bridge converter What is the shunt resistance to be used to
mA arnmeter to 1 A ammeter and it has a resistance
(D) 3-Phase half wane converter
of 100 O?
35. How does the insuldng property of an insulator ui^Ar
(A) 0.001o tB
change with the rise in temperature?
(A) Weakens gl) o.1oo1 o '
(C) 100000 O .r' S so\f r,_
(B) Gains 1-p[:a'
(C) Remains unchanged
(D) 100 O ': o')
(D) lt may-;weaken or gain depending upon insulating

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16 D.E

47. Thermal runaway is not possiblelnFET because' as

41. What is the greatest number which can be sbred

?s the temperature of FET increases'

computer that has 8 bit word length and uses
(A) The mobilitY decreases
comPliment arithmetic?
(A) -156 (B) The transconductance increases
(B) -625 (C) The drain current increases';
(c) -128
(D) -1056 (D) The mobilitY increases
42. What is the process involved in the DMA confoller Why Dummy coils are used iri'DG generators?
'a microProcessor that works? (A) To get Voltage Balance
(A) Cycle-stealing or burst tansfer (B) To get Current Balance ' t

(B) By-passing the CPU (C) To get Mechanical Balance

(C) Acting on intenupts (D) To get Power develoPed Balance
(D) Diverting data 49. ldentify the characteristics of a shunt-type ohm meter'
43. What is a Triac? (A) Needs a DC Supply and has a zero deflection on
(A) Two thyristors connected in parallel mode the left of the scale
(B) Two thyristors connected in series mode (B) Needs an AC Supply and has a zero deflection on
(C) Two thyristors connected in anti-parallel mode the right end of the scale
(D) Two transistors connected in anti-parallel mode (C) Needs no voltrage supply and has a zero

44. Which test is used to determine'the magnetizing deflection in the middle of the scale

impedance of a transformer? (D) Needs two DC supplies and has a zero deflection

(A) Short-circuit test on the right-end of the scale ,-|

(B) Open- circuit test 50- What is the average on state current for 60"

(C) lmpulse test conduction angle where in the average on state

(D) Load test current for an 20 Afor conduction angle of

An amplifier with midband gain lAl=500 has negative
lf the upper cut off frequency (A) 20 A
feedback lbl=1/100.
without feedback were at 60H2, then with feedback
it (B) 25 A

would become (C) Less than 20 A

(A) 10 kHz (D) 40 A

$r (B) 12 kHz 51. A milli ammeter of resistance 1O0 O is connected in

series with a circuit. lts power consumption is 0'1mW'
.1P) 300 kHz
Suppose this milliammeter is repleced by another
milliammeter of 200 C) resistance, then the power
46. What is the total size of 'the memory system in a
consumPtion will be
memory system which hhs total of 8 memory chips'
each with 12 address l.irres and 4 data lines'
(A) 0.2 mW .-$-
go (B) 0.05 mW
(A) 22 kbYtes
Ub\ i (C) 0.1 mW

(B) 16 kbYtes
(C) 32 kbYtes tr': ..h0. (D) 0.5 mW

(D) 42 kbYtes 4l.o

Page 6 of 16

t rV

n*f *''
,rt' d
F rvx
g\* "q
16 D-E

57. ldentify the CORRECT option with respect to a

52. Which is the most suitable motorfor large
pair' Co'
CC cascaded BJT connected as a Darlington
(A) Both the collectors are connected together; first
(A) SeParatelY excited DC motor
emitters are connected together'
(B) AC serie*.motor
(B) Both the bases are connected together;.first
(C) lnduction mgtor
emitters are connected to the second collector'
(D) SYnchronous motor
+Z (C) Both the collectors are cohnected together;'flrst
53. A plane electromagnetic wave travelling along
emitters are connected to thd second bdse'.
direction,has its electric field given by E'=2 cos(*t)
(D) Both the emitters dre connected together; first
andE;Zcos (*t+90). The wave is
collectors are connected to the second base'
(A) UnearlY Polarized
58. What are the signals required in a phase-sensitive
(B) R[ht circularlY Polarized
(C) Left circul4rlY Polarized
(A) Two reference voltages
(D) ElliPticalty Polarized
(B) A reference and signal voltages
il. ln measurements made using a Q-meter' the high
(C) Two signal voltages
impedance elernents should be preferably connected
(D) Two reference and signal voltages
59. Pot'rer triangle seParates the:
(A) Star
(A) lron losses and copper losses
(B) Delta
(B) Field mmf and armature mmf
(C) Series
(C) Stator voltage and rotor voltage I
(D) Parallel
to .(D) Armature leakage reactance and armature
55. lf transients during switching of power supply are
preferred? reaction mmf
be studied, then which oscilloscope will be
(A) An ordinary oscilloscope with high frequency
60. Under what condition does a medium behave like

srveeP generator
(A) When displacement current is much greater than
(B) Dual beam mcilloscoPe
conduction current
(C) Dual frace ccilbscoPe
(B) When displacement current is just equal to
(D) Storage oscilloscoPe
. conduction current
56. What is the slip of $Phase, 6 pole, and 50 Hz
(C) When displacement cunent is less than
induction motor with frequency of rotor current at full
conduction current
load is 2 Hz?
(D) When displacement cunent is almost negligible
(A) 3.50%
61. lmpulse response of dn R-L circuit is a
-(B) 3.75%
(c) 4.oo%
(B) Decaying exponential function'
(D) 3.25%
(C) SteP function
(D) Parabolic function

Page 7 of 16
I ?9'+ 9 *$rr

a.e-.=r<.**Q44r-- "tu
16 D.E

be reversed 68' Tte Laplace transform of the tunction i(t) is

62. What connections of a wattmeter should value will be
reading shows l(s)= (10s+4) / s(s+1)(sz+4s+5) , itsfinal
. to upscale, when wattmeter
Zero)? (A) 4/5
negative reading (Pointer reads belofu
(B) 5/4
(A) Pressure coil connections only
(c) 4
(B) Current coil onlY
(C) Both pressure coil and Current coil
(ol s
coil 69' What is the definition of synchronous
(D) Either Pressure coil or current
error (A) Speed at which stator magnetic field rotates
63. Which of the following are measures of
(B) Speed at which rotor rotates on no-load
constants of the sYstem?
(C) Speed at which rotor rotates on full-load
, (A) Relative stabilitY
(D) AnY sPeed above 1000 rPm
(B) Transient state resPonse
feed back of b= -
If an amplifier with gain of -1000 and
i (C) SteadY state resPonse
to temperature'
response 0.1 had a gain change oI 2Oo/o due
(D) Steady state as well as transient state
, then change in gain of the feedback
amplifier would
I u,. A D'Arsonval meter of 200 o coil and
0-1 mA
rating be
is to work as Voltmeter of full scale
10 Volts' The value of multiplier
should be (A) 10%
(B) 5%
(A) 1ko
(B) 10ko (c) 0.20%
(G) e80oo
(D) 0.01%
(D) e00o
is given by
' 65' What is the effect of armature reaction
on DC 71. Time constant of a series R-C circuit

. Generator?
(A) Increase in generated EMF
(B) Decrease in generated EMF
(A) CR sec
(B) C/R sec
(C) CRz sec
(G) Generated EMF becomes Zero (D) C/Rzsec
of size of a
(D) Does not affect the generated EMF What is the main criterion for selection
66" What is hYsieresis in an instrument means? distribution for a radial distribution system?
is first
(A) Change in same reading when input (A) Voltage droP

increased and then reduced (B) Corona loss

of the instrument (C) TemPerature rise
.(B) The reliability
(C) The reputability of the instrument (D) CaPital cost
(D) The inaccuracy due to change in Temperature 73. For a second order system with the closed loop
time for
67 ' Two identical SCRs are placed back to back in series transfer function T(s)=$/(52+4s+9)' the settling
with load' lf each is fired at 90"' a DC 2oloband in seconds is

across the-load will read (A) 1.5

(A) Zero (B) 2

(B) (2/n) X Peak Voltage (c) 3

(C) (1/rr) X Peak Voltage (D) 4

(D) (a/rr) X Peak Voltage

Page 8 of 16
16 D-E
74. What is the efficiency of a auto transformer at full
load 79. semlconoucror power device is
Which of the following semiconductor
NOT current triggered device?
and 0.8 pf lagging, which is converted from a
(A) ThYristor
400/100 V, 5k VA two winding transformer to supply
400 volts from a 500 V voltage source' When tested (B) Gro
as a two winding transformer at rated load and (C) Triac

0.85 Pf lagging' efficiencY is 95%' (D) MOSFET

(A) e6.37% 80. lf a 3-phase induction motor is operating at slip'S"

then what will be the slip at the instant when the two
(B) e8.35% (
(c) s6.02% suPPlY leads are interchanged? .(
(A) (2 - s)
(D) e8.e5%

75. Which of the following device supplies DC power to (B) (2 + S)

the rotor of a sYnchronous machine? (c) (1 + S)

(A) Rectifier (D) (1 - s)

(B) Exciter

-%il') 6
(C) Converter
(D) lnverter
76. give an
How are 500 O resistors connected s-o as to
efiective resistance ot zSO fi)Z
(A) Three resistors of 500 O each, in p?rql!$
tgt-tti tzO) E=--\ \,
trl ,nr"" r6sistors of SOb O eacn, in

(C) Two resistors of 50O O each, in parallel

(D) Two'resistors of 500 O each, in parallel and- the
combination in series viith another 500 O resistor
77. How many nimber of cdmparators ar!
present in a roi , \/to4' '
par#l corwersion type 8-bit A to D converter?
(B) 55
(c) 266
4t 2 *IOOO '
(D) 244
A unity feedback contol system has a forward
transfer function equal lo 42.251s2(s+6'5)' The unit ' -l
step response of this system starting from rest will tloo
have its maximum value at a time equal to
(A) 0 sec
$" >.
j?qs t1
(B) 0.56 sec
(C) 5.6 sec
t t,u
(D) - 6r+- r-\(
,r4 jY
Page 9 of 16 u2-?-c t+t orl
6,rr c
s-1r+<5 ) fr

Section - 2 ,,

81. What does EntomologY studY?

Who is tteAuttor of Bhramar G@t?
(A) tGbir
(A) Ancient objects
(B) Tulsith
(B) Mammals
(C) Guru i,lanak
(C) Coins , .

(D) Sunlas
(D) lnsects
82. Who was the founder of Mauryan etnpie? 91. lllho has been named as All lndia Fooball Federation
Phyer of 2013?
(A) Chandragupta :,jr:,:
(A) Subhas Munda
(B) SamudraguPta
(B) Gagan Baichung
(C)SkandguPta l (C) SurajSharma
(D) SakYa : .:
(D) SunilChhetri
83.' When was Sahitya Academy establislled?.
s2- Which soil is also called the regur soil?
(A) 1e53
(A) Red soil
(B) 1e54
(B) Laterite soil
(c) 1e55
(C) Black soil
(D) 1es6
(D) Alhrvial soil
84. Santosh Trophy is associated with which of the
93. l(ohima b the caPitalof?
following games?
(A) Manipur
(A) Badminton
'i (B) l&ryam
(B) Cricket
(C) ltagamo
(C) Football -. :
(D) Volleyball: ^, . , 'iitrot'featordGodan?
85. Which of the following fllm wa-s arriarded as the Best
Film award in the 58th Filmfare Awards, 2013?
(A) Barfi (B)_$a+rThru
(B) VickY Donor SardChahfia@nYay
(C) RowdY Rathor (Dlf*aridtRiffitzt
(D) Talaash 95_ Who was tre CtnLrnzr dtteDra$ng Cqrtmittee of
86. "Wheii'was lndian National Congress formed? theconstituentffiibti/?
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prcad
(A) 1885
(B) Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel
(B) 1887
(C) B RAmbedkar
(c) 1884 (D) D S Sarkar
(D) 1882 96. Baba Budan Hills is famous for which of the following
87. What can be the maximum strength of Rajya Sabha? crop?
. " (A) 2s7 (A) Paddy
(B) zse (B) Tea
(c) zso (C) Cotree
(D) Mahua
(D) gos
97- Wtere is Manas Tiger Reserve situated?
88. Who laid the fqundation of the lndian National (A) Rajasthan
Movement along with thd formation of lndian
Association at Calcutta in 1876? @) Assam
(G) Nagpur
(A) Badr-uddin-fyabii
(B) Suredranath Banerjee
(C) Womesh Chandra Banerjee. YYhzre Yrre Winter Olympic 2014 held?
(D) Aurobindo Ghosh (A) eermany
89. Who was the founder of Khilji dynasty? G) irascow
"' (AlJallaluddin Khilji , '.,' (q) Parb
(B) Alauddin Khilji
(G) Badsah Khan
(D) Balban

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16 D-E

99. Which of the following state is the largest in respect of

108. Where is Balaghat Mines situated?
area in lndia? (A) Jharkhand
(A) TamilNadu (B) HaraYana
(B) Rajasthan (C) MadhYa Pradesh
(C) Bihar (D)Odisha
(D) Uttar Pradesh 109. ln which year was C V Raman conferred the Nobel
100. For which of the following production Ankaleshwar is Prize?
famous? (A) 1e40
(A) Gold (B) 1e67
(B) lron Ore (c) 1e45
(C) Bauxite (D) 1e30
(D) Petroleum 110. Who is the author of Devdas?
101. Who has been Awarded the Sahitya Academy Yuva (A) Sarat Ghandra ChaftoPadhYaY
Puraskar 2013 in Konkani? (B) Mohan LalMathur
(A) Ms. Yogani Borkar (G) Hazari Prasad Dwivedi
(B) Sri Ravi Korde (D) Makhanlal Chaturvedi
(C) Sri Rajesh Karmkar 111. Which of the following god was worshipped by the
(D) SonaliSoha lndus valleY PeoPle?
'102. Which of the following is related to Sarda/Sharda Act (A) Varuna
1929? (B) lndra
(A) SatiPratha (C) PashuPati
(B) Child Marriage (D) Krishna
(C) Widow Remarriage 112. Who lnvented X-RaYs?
(D) Child Labour (A) Simon Russell
103. ln which field the Mertin Award is given? (B) Madam Cury
(A) Magic (C) J J Thonison
(B) Music (D) Wilhelm Roentgen
(C) Literature 113. When was Vijayanagar Kingdom established?
(D) Dance (A) 1336
104. Which one is the first atomic plant established in (B) 1434
lndia? (c) 1345
(A) Kaiga
(D) 1il5
(B) TaraPur
1'14. What is unit of power?
(C) Narora
(D) Kota
(B) Newton
105. Who is the chairman of NABARD as on April 2014? (C) ohm
(A) Sunai Chouhan
(D) Lux
(B) U K Sinha
115. ln which century the Chola Kingdom declined?
(C) UiiwalMsrras
(A) 16th
(D) Harsh Kumar Bhanwala
(B) 10th
106. Who among the folfrcwing elects the Speaker of Lok
(c) 12th
(D) 13th
(A) President
116. Which of the following is the hardest part of normal
(B) Prime Minister
human bodY?
(C) Members of Lok Sabha
(A) Enamel of teeth :
107. Who
lr,temoers of Parliament
is the winner of Macau Open Badminton 2013
(B) Jaw ' !:" ,
(C) Hair
(D) Knee
(A) G.S.Sodhi
(B) P.V.Sindhu
117. ln which of the following place Munshi Premchand
was born?
(C) SunilKhatri
(A) Simaria, Bihar
(D) Harsh Nandan
(B) Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
(C) Lamhi, Uttar Pradesh
(D) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Page 11 of 16
immunitv and not fall sick ?ff'91'll
118. who amons thero,owinsi:
'#i$Y,Xt""'iil[*::t'g; "::i:"lJTJ::['"'rll:
" Xlffiffilfljll"ii):?l!3ililiiili;
rd zu'rr rrr:t1);]]ffi;,;;;,i-{{1;* rtyou boosts vour
will then
(A) Mridura Garg ,6t"ooriJr=?o-yori "n"rgy_r.e;e[ help you in your
guin *#'"ti*-ini-*O tn" i!-1ure
(c) rukaram p,"prrui'in].*il";ielil'9 I' Y.".y^'ffi"$n*,::,lilii

,,, Hiill1;}*,'It["*,
the dav' but not
(B) Ampere rrx" p3ui", ,il'f. in-n"t*",9n, ourins
work out a plan ano
(C) Meter t", t*'i"""g.'ilLke a timetable, healthv habits' Very
(D) Joule . r^^ r^Aia2
lndia? "r""rt"'it'''iti""Lrvr to-Jistractions! Be focused!
120. when was Bengal partitioned
from i'po't*ti'oi'"IInilo
(A) tgtt
(C) tszs (A) Some advantage
(D) tsOS (B) something in excess --..,
1211o 125:
;";ti;; for questionspassase and answer
Readins the ro*owins
the ir}:in:llniffi:ffi{::::*
a'iatanceo diet help with?
the Competitive Exam
rzz' wnatloes
(A) tncreases metabolism
to your dream college?""'Do ig) sustains energy
"Do you want to make it
vou want to
**:-"::Y$.t''jl3 (l tllr*o vgur 1t-e1
torors?", "oo vou"tir-ni-to
mar"..vo'l 1'fl5 ?#
pt:i9j,-::j, "!2 io)enn'n""tstamina in the
teachers, .J"t #'rrr,-yoro"rt,- .rr. iilJ;;; ,eaning of the word 'assiduous'
vou want "no
to tivelhe future vou !"Y" 'i1?9'll::""i:"' passage?
ffi;;;';;"stionsthat rakhs. or. Sty1"}ts"":ff:"1fi1 iR) tnoitterent

towards luture
ot the
choice or (D) !:t''dqr
i'dr Diligent
,:"5:,.:l,t:iflil:iff ;:'::l"f*eir ,,, $l;',';;; iie'oecioers' described
in the passase?

battle and sweat it out

in (A) Late nights
Every year' faXns of students exam se-ason is full of (B) Dreams
the competitivt *""' ine brush-ups (c)Lastminutebrushups
frenzy and rut" ifriii'-.tuJ.res,
.,,. frH"'I,H'[:""ilH'the phrase'frvins corours'?
uriin-"1""' round' compelXH":#$fr
ror the exams
deciders' The ranks
y:1-"'::"u ltlHl#;'"'"
*i*:;;x*x: i:*t46":*npi!"'1"1
*no ,,ru.
3 wlm"l;"""1i:::l
with appropriate preposition:
Besides, ;'";J;""" ,ulin tn"
"ul"""trt. u*" "no oiun-xt
" e w'rk
::$::Ii"r":,Tt"*[i]ffi"']:#!d"?:[Tdi; [i'Uf*b "
The world is Yt
(B) with
you that extra
be (C) Around
at school T3y not always
Self-study and coacning
,,,, l?l&lr^,*:,v. orthe underrined word in
to fo[ow-a.different method b"tow sentence:
Board exams:i'";;;";
inst ,#ffp,rffi.::r$i"'*"vwasqu'1euseru
Attend the clt

h,: ii:':"""1?1^ffiTil:i!':i:::l.H'il
:i=t' r*n
" "
chaos! Do not compromn: "ly^".','-1':ti":li^:J:iB l8l:::"-"j::
81 Re se a rch ed

ffi["##'nffi:ift"iil:'Vou wirr
arso improve vour

Page 12 of 16
16 D-E

128. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition: 133. ldentify the figure that completes the pattern?
I have a problem
have a solution for it
mY mind and I also
my mind.
5rE 6= :s ?
(A) On, in ,'A
(B) ln, on F Esr
(C) ln, no prgposition required.
(D) On, no preposition required.
129. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles:
fog wds So thick that we couldn't
other side of house (B)
while entering it. --------
(A) The, the, the

(B) A, an, the
(C) The, an, the
(D) The, the, a
130. Fill in tre blanks with appropriate verbs:
. (q) IE--;rl
Normally she
(A) Lives, has been living
(B) Has been lMng, is living
in lndia but at present
in lreland. \ :

Study the following information to answer the given
(C) ls living, lives questions:
(D) lives, is living (i) A+B meang A is the brother of B
131. Find the odd one out. (ii) A-B mear/s A is the father of B

t (iii) AxB means A is the husband of B
(iv) A+B means A is the sister of B.
Which of the following means P is the paternal aunt of
+ (A) P+Q+RXS

t (B) P+Q+R-S
(C) P+Q-R+S
(D) PxQ+R+S I
+ 135. Follow the directions given below to answer the
questions that follow.
132. You are the Manager in a showroom of a prestigious Your answer for each question below would be
car company that has to deliver a car to a customer A, if ALL THREE items given in the question are
within 24 hours of its arrival from go down. But there exactly ALIKE.
- is a tecfinical defect in the car which makes it B, if only the FIRST and SECOND items are exactly
ineligible to be delivered within 24 hours. You being
C, if only the FIRST and THIRD items are exactly
the Manager must wisely choose one of the following ALIKE.
decisions to protect your companfs rePdation as well D, if None of the above.
as satisfy the customer. \
(A) Tell the fact to the customer and convince him to t- 61321623312616 (\'
wait until its replacement. | - 61321Q233126.16
(B) Deliver the car hiding the fact and replace when it
|t- 61321626313616
(A) A
comes to his knowledge and he demands for (B) B
replacement or repair.
(C) Offer the customer in a convincing manner statiqg
(c)c .'.
(D) D
that there would be a special discount of 5olo in the 136, ln a certain language,ENTRANCE is wrifuen as
next week. .VMGIZMXV, then howwill EMERGENCY be written
(D) Lie to the customer that the registration of the car in that code? ,l t3 f rn frlJ r
has been delayed. -(A) VNWMTXB
(c) VNVTTVMXB '... :


Page 13.oJ 16
{- A NI =
Do\cr t"\ at l-
"{ r3,
q.-L- Lj
\r hJ
G t
-t- rf\ r
r O f t al
x 5r-l
16 D-E

- 142- Firdtheratiooftheexportdcoqeejn1994-95to
137. lnacodelanguage,if NIGHTiswritten-a - 97?
SMART as 67895, then how will sefn ot#tti
that in 1996 :
(A) 69:85
(A) 68521 (B) 23:30
(B) 68512 (c) 85:6e
(c) 65821
(D) 68251
iD) 3o:23
138. choose the analosy rhat best matches tfe exanple ras' I'n *t''t n-#ffiE g:ffi;f ,[:,',flf*ffirr"
Ex: INVEST:SAVING (A) 1:A -: iin:,,.
(B) 3:r
1.rc) ieinCiiNc'wRTNKLES
'N (c) 23
(D) 32
0.6 rgg. ir,+,means +','-,lT::1,",;l x'means--d':
nnd the varue or _2_ r"
". :*'EHm"i3.?1i1ff:isequartolhese,ins
' {xu*r-r- 813ff"
q+Sx q +g Eryryj-'.,w'
tr.'.*.(r- (8)-6% t>+(-r- ,ic\t+zlw
(c) 18 7.0 -> =B- [i r+n
(*P (D)6% ,^.-, ,6-a l,ar I;.canshrandedshirtseachatRs 1134after
Ox1, 4x3, 18x5, 48x7, 1/+5. Aperson
sells brande.
-t"'- ,OO. i".,ii,i" nth term in the series the marked price' Had he
aifi"o Oi"*unt of 19% on
would have earned l profit
f,j;"#ih; discount, hewhatishisprorit%an er the
(C) (n^3+n^2
.,n) 13%
(D) (n^3+n^2 )(2n+1) ie1 rs.SOlt
Direction for questions 141 and 142'. iq lg.+0"/"

Study the following bar. graph carefullv and

answer ber 744'r24yis divisible by 72 find the
the questions given below' ,*.
'* [t']:t"i,
;;G ; y - y given tnat xry?
. Ejj
(c) 0
(D) 7
147. A person coveni a certain distance at a certain speed
Oecreases his speed by 2Oo/o then he takes
ii[e Find the
minutes more to cover the same distance'
tir" t t"n by him to cover the distance at original
(A) 60 minutes
(B) 58 minutes
(C) 72 minutes

ffi ter nq
(D) 64 minutes
ff4 r+4. in a certa,LT:"r?[i,fff$fff|.J,:5;,or,,"r1l n"o
,*,, 40* of the first 30 matches they played' lf the
find the
teuttt *a,teO an overall success rate of 80%
\ inci"""ed from 1996 - 97 to 1997 - 98? acfiievelhetarget?
(A) 1eo% (A) 40
( 6' ie) zoov" (B) 60
<k ici zos"u"
(c) 50
'Xr ioi rssv" (D) 70

"fu.h z\
Page 14 of 16
- arvu

t' ? t1' '4f; )o'"


16 D-E

149. Simolifv 3l(3'ffi)3 + 3 (3'66) (1'34)

(1'34) + 3(3'66) \
te.obl (1.dal + (1.34)31 zrv'
+Jot'/ 250?
(A) 1.5 .\'/,
iei rrs t
(c) 5.1 s 'q-x
u 0 "'{.
tSO. iwo pipes Aand -
B aan rirr a
can fill 2
a tank in 10 and 20

minutesrespectively'lfbothpipes.areopen-ed 1 \'4L tt-/

simultaneouslv, ho* many minutgs should \ ) ./
;ilH;;;6;a "ttii
soinattne tanx is fult in 8 minutes?

(B)4minutes '---/t O l^
(C)2minutes \ ^^
(D) 5 minutes,'

o0otr* ot(
q-w-J J*'
+ 5r-t\01-
L s
+ l4?l 6{'1Lt
'{LI to'5'x ,
] rcl(
rel( j:"tt4

Y ) nrr I -,^
-n t46-
( \\,\
-----7q ( &

ofL"\r' ^\1,*'
*lru\j' #/

W,6)-ry ".*;l"tt.i{.
- or:-l- q


Page 15 of 16

w-.?'q En-1itr

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